صفحه 1:
صفحه 2:
لحعجصمح() عا با Vopios
"3 ووو جوو0) PrePerewesr
® Bucket Cousiraicts
"3 Couwer Choice
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke S
صفحه 3:
لحعجصمح() عا با Vopios
© Dargie tity ond Conmuiver Okvives
a Cost-vP-Livicry dodexes
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke SD
صفحه 4:
Oowsurver Oekwior
© Pwo upplicatioes thot thusteote the inmportcae
DP the evouwir thepry oP poosuver belkavirr
© @ppte-Ciseenood Okrerivs
© The Pood Gtawp Progra.
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke
صفحه 5:
Oowsurver Oekwior
® Gecerd ils hed to detercoiae how high o
Prive to charge Por @pple-Ciccracpoa
Cheerivs bePore it weet to the warket.
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke S
صفحه 6:
Oowsurver Oekwior
® Qkeu the Pood stp prope wos
potublished to the pady (Q0Os, the desiquers
hed to detercotag to what exteat the Pood
ed unt just sisoply subsidize the Pood they
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke Oo
صفحه 7:
Oowsurver Oekwior
6 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 8:
Oowsurver Oekwior
® OD here we thee steps volved in the sty oP
powanver behwior.
0) Ov wil study cousuver preferewes.
Do describe how ued why people prePer vor
youd to cother.
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke O
صفحه 9:
Oowsurver Oekwior
® OD here we thee steps volved in the sty oP
powanver behwior.
5) reo we vill ture to budget
* People kave hevited ome.
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke SO
صفحه 10:
Oowsurver Oekwior
® OD here we thee steps volved in the sty oP
* Okat cowbicativd oP yoods wil posers buy
شوه وا نموه و
0 ۵ 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 11:
۱0۳ PrePereuwes
Onrket Ooshets
۱ ) اون boshet is u oollevtiva oP vue or
wore powwodilies.
® Oe worket bushet wap be prePered per
بو اون busket pootaiciagy a diPR erect
0۳ 9: و0 2 Olde 0
صفحه 12:
۱0۳ PrePereuwes
| Ossucvpives
0) rePerewes ure ام
wood to less. نوه
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke IC
صفحه 13:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes
eke Outsoh Pood Outs of Chtkcy وا(
2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 14:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes
Ouves: هبو(
8 odiPPereuwe curves represect ull
the suve level oP sutisPuntivg to 0 persvu.
»۵ 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 15:
صفحه 16:
2 و0 :9 0۳
۰0 & preferred O,
Weld the متسد سود
Ovwhrnts 8,0, & D
‘Ope prePerredic L & 8
صفحه 17:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes
© 4odiPPerewe Curves
© dadPRereure curves slope doweward to the right.
OP it stoped upward it would vickate the
ussuwpiiod that wore oP دا نل جومت روي
prePerred to fess.
ع0 عبت 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 18:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes
4dodPPerewe Ouves ا"
Oa worket busket voy above ed ty the right oF و
tuo fodiPPereure purve is prePened to coy warket
curve. لین basket that lies va the
0 »۵۷ 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 19:
۱0۳ PrePereuwes
۶() مهو(
" ال اه او ها وت الب جب8)
purves thut describes u persvu's
prePereuves Por موی اه oP two
© Gock indPPereue curve io the wap shows the
wurket buskets aoa whick the persva i=
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke 1S
صفحه 20:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes
© dodPRereause Ouves
© Piodly, indPPereuwse vores ont poss.
یت نا موجه با اش لور با is
preferred to less.
60 ۵ 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 21:
Orbs bust @
we prefered @.
Oaths butt Oe
prePered ts O.
Oke Od
2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 22:
60-66 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 23:
صفحه 24:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes
QDargcrd Rae oF Gubsttutiod
® Dke worqied rote oP substiuican (DRG)
quodiPies the onoud oP oe yood uo poasuner
vil give up لوص ای خن و تیان ما
۱ iotP Renee
0۳ 9: و0 2 Obde OF
صفحه 25:
صفحه 26:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes
QDargcrd Rae oF Gubsttutiod
a Ov wil cow odd o Pourk ossucoptiod
رو زر pousuwer prePereuce!
© loo oa tod Rereuse curve there is a
+ رو( the DRG Por @@ was O, while that
Por DE wes 2
ی 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 27:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes
QDargcrd Rae oF Gubsttutiod
© Qvuesiod
© kat we the Pirst three ussucvpiives?
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke OP
صفحه 28:
۱0۳ PrePereuwes
QOarqed Que oP Gubstrutoa
8 dodPPereuwe curves ure cowex bevousr us
wore oP poe youd is cousnved, كك 705179
would prePer to que up Rewer wits oP o
با لوب مود yet odditiccal ucts oP the Pirst
® Oowsanvers prefer u bolrosed warket basket
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke CO
صفحه 29:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes
QDargcrd Rae oF Gubsttutiod
# Perfent Gubstiutes ond PerPevt
qoods we perPent substitutes whea the رز و
warqicd rote oP substituiod oP mae youd Por the
0۳ 9: و0 2 Obte SS
صفحه 30:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes
QDargcrd Rae oF Gubsttutiod
# Perfent Gubstiutes ond PerPevt
Pwo woods we perPent cowplewedts whea the و
iodPPereuce curves Por the woods ure skhuped us
0 »۵ 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 31:
(chores) هج
صفحه 32:
Obte SE
ares i
9 ae
9 0 68 9 ] ری Choe
2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 33:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes
٩ 0005
® Cxanples
© ir ای
© ) وصوص راد
9 ی 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 34:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes
™ Oka Ov You Thick?
ow on we woot Por Buds io the خام جور اهمه
7 + وه اس (
0۳ 9: و0 2 Obde OE
صفحه 35:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes
QDestaitcay Dew @uoxovbles (1)
© Qupwoble exevuiives wust recudy decide
whe to foicoduce ce wodels ued kow work
woury ty vest it nestplicey.
ی 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 36:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes
QDestaitcay Dew @uoxovbles (1)
۴ )(۰ تردن oP power prePereuves would
kelp to detercvice Whe ced iP por powpodies
should chooge the sipliog oP their mars.
0۳ 9: ی 2 و0 SO
صفحه 37:
لعج 09 سره
hese rowers re
سب ها متس 7
۱ Sas
0۳ 9: و0 2 Ore 0
صفحه 38:
۱ =
0۳ 9: و0 2 Ore SO
صفحه 39:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes
QDestaitcay Dew @uoxovbles (1)
™ Oka Ov You Thick?
© وراك oon we deterring he poo ers
9 ی 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 40:
۱0۳ PrePereuwes
QDestaitcay Dew @uoxovbles (1)
#0 revedt study oP مجح موی ict the
Onvited Gtotes shows thot over the post tuo
اوه ولمم poosuvers hue prePerred
0۳ 9: و0 2 ۵ FO
صفحه 41:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes
QDestaitcay Dew @uoxovbles (1)
® Growt oP daporese
* (97 O's un 09© ج00
*1S% oP dowesiic rors werdernwedt صابك ه
chooge pack peor
¢ Dhis cowpures ty CO% Por ixoporis
9 0
2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 42:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes
© Ditty
© Oily: Ouwercd score represeutocgy the
soisPuctivg that poosuver yets Poo a yivedt
worket basket.
لب 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 43:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes
© Ditty
OP buyin O copies oP جعاد وده جد ددموز(1) wokes
pou khuppier thea bupiegy var shin, thea we say thot
the books qive pou wore uly thao the shirt.
0۳ 9: و0 2 Obde PS
صفحه 44:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes
© Ost» Pucctivas
۰ مس رواب 2 مسق Por Pood (P) ued واه
(C) @c)=e+eC0
Ourket Baskets! P waits OC units O(P,C) =P +OC
۳72-۳0۳ ۳ 6 ۳
كت ۳ 0 6
8 e م« 6 + )6( - 48 The
Dhe oowanver 0 0 در مه ۰ موه
prefers 0 & Ot O
© ی 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 45:
IedPPerewe Ourves & ی( ربلا(
zane: 0 = PO رس
Ourket Basket 0 < 0 \
as \ 0 99 <
8S) \
eS =S(S) © ۷
- هه هال 0
(ي0 ط لمحتس ”ا) 000- و0
Og =80 (Preferred 0(
0,26 0 1
ond 1
(waite per week)
Obde PS
صفحه 46:
۱0۳ PrePereuwes
۴ لسن Orrsus Curcdicral ety
® Ordicd Otlity Pucctica: places warket baskets ia
the order oP ost prePerred ty leust prePerred,
but it does ant iodicate یمن تیم oe aarket
bushet is prePenced to wovther.
® Cardi Oily uccion! utility تسیل مت
the exteat to Wwhiok poe warhket busket is prePerred
ty covtker.
0۳ 9: و0 2 Obde FO
صفحه 47:
۱0۳ PrePereuwes
® Orde Orr Cardi Ruch
© Phe ucted uct oP weasurewent Por uly i ut
صا تیه ها بو ام و ری و
ع دی 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 48:
جاده 02 اصل:9)
وی و و او امه صل دصرم رص جرت ا"
حا ره مه Qudget pocstroiats ubsy beri ©
ubiliy to poosucve to light oP the prices they
0۳ 9: و0 2 Ore FO
صفحه 49:
جاده 02 اصل:9)
9 ۱۱ Bucket Lice
© Phe budget hoe iodicates ofl powbicaives oP iow
powwodiies Por whick tot ocey spect equals
total ioe.
0۳ 9: و0 2 Obde FO
صفحه 50:
جاده 02 اصل:9)
9 ۱۱ Bucket Lice
bet P equdl the oud oP Pood purchused, ocd
C is the awoud oP ای
© Price oP Pood =P, ocd price oF نام =
© Phea P, Pig the aooudt of wou sped oo
Pood, and PO is the caoudt اه رو اه ©
0 »۵ 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 51:
جاده 02 اصل:9)
© De bucket fee theo coo be vores
PrP + 6 < [
2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 52:
جاده 02 اصل:9)
م6 ۵( (6) میات Pood (P) سایق یلو
21 0 ,۳ )$2(=@ )$0(= ,@
6 0600 0
66 9050 0
6 ۵9060 0
0 6000© 0
6 600 60
وس رم سح ٩9:
صفحه 53:
جاده 02 اصل:9)
2 0,280 89عیم
00 عدا على
Co هم
Oow wer Behar Obte SO :9 بان
صفحه 54:
جاده 02 اصل:9)
9 ۱۱ Bucket Lice
© )95 رواد ورس بمادرجسكجمون a budeet fice ما
the iutercept, the poosuver speuds less vo vor
Phe slope of the foe weusures the رشاو ost
oF Pood ord clothicry.
oP the tuvy «yoods.
ی 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 55:
جاده 02 اصل:9)
9 ۱۱ Bucket Lice
© بای وموك جو" the rote of whick the two
qoods coc be substituted without choagiccy the
avo oF wouey sped.
0۳ 9: و0 2 Obte SS
صفحه 56:
جاده 02 اصل:9)
9 Bucket Lice
© Phe veriiod intercept (WP), tistrotes the
i aout bP O that coo be purckosed
wis ore ‘1.
© Phe horizvcte ictervept (VP q), thistrates the
wurtwud aout oP CP that cod be purchased
wis ove ‘1.
0۳ 9: و0 2 Obte SO
صفحه 57:
جاده 02 اصل:9)
® Dke @RRects له وا و م6 هن
© hooowe Charnes
* Oo reuse in مج و the budget tice to
sh cutuvard, parcel to the vrigicral fice (koldicry
0۳ 9: و0 2 Ore SP
صفحه 58:
جاده 02 اصل:9)
® Dke @RRects له وا و م6 هن
© hooowe Charnes
90 depreuse in wows vouses the budket fee t7
sh iad, parcel to the vrigictal fae (holder
0۳ 9: و0 2 Ore SO
صفحه 59:
O roreer ۰
eoowe shPe
صفحه 60:
جاده 02 اصل:9)
® Dke @RRects له وا و م6 هن
° Prive Changes:
۰/۱ با prive oP cae yood immreuses, the budget
foe shits icpvard, بستنم Prov the vier
xpos intercept.
0 »۵ 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 61:
جاده 02 اصل:9)
® Dke @RRects له وا و م6 هن
° Prive Changes:
» OP the price oP var yood decreuses, the budget
۱ Prov the other
xpos intercept.
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke Od
صفحه 62:
9 اه سبط
مساج oP Boxed Ge
$.90 chomer
وراد صا oP ie
bucket hoe ord
متفه ۱ سیر
(vcs per week)
صفحه 63:
جاده 02 اصل:9)
8 بب۱/ GPPevts اجه جوا و 0 خان
° Prive Changes:
°1P the tlw yoods inoreuse iu price, but the rofiz
DFP the tio prices is vackoaged, the slope will
.سعد ات
ی 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 64:
جاده 02 اصل:9)
له وا و م6 هن Dke @RRects ®
© Price Charnes
* Wowever, the budget foe will shi inward to a
ارم porcbel to the vrigicral bucket fice.
0۳ 9: و0 2 Obde OF
صفحه 65:
جاده 02 اصل:9)
® Dke @RRects له وا و م6 هن
° Prive Changes:
۰/۱۳ رم و حول ون مر با but the
rofiz oF the tivo prices is vockoaged, the slope
0۳ 9: لب 2 و0 OS
صفحه 66:
جاده 02 اصل:9)
له وا و م6 هن Dke @RRects ®
© Price Charnes
هط توش تاه ان وتا ایلیا سا رورا
porcbel to the vrigicral bucket fice. ارم
ی 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 67:
Couwnuwer Ohvive
® Oocsunvers choose اجه موس و
thot wil worxieize the sutisPuctivg they mort
uhieve, qive the lievited budget avaiable tz
عه ل 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 68:
Couwnuwer Ohvive
woarket busket wust sotishy موب Phe "ا
جک با
be located va the budget lice. ۹(
bP yoods oad نامر prePerred
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke OO
صفحه 69:
۱0 Choice
Reval, the slope وس( جه خام pure is:
Obte OS
MRS=- —
م29 و0 :9 بان
صفحه 70:
Couwnuwer Ohvive
9 Therefore, See eet Cee rea Se
0 9: م2 موه Ode TO
صفحه 71:
Couwnuwer Ohvive
94 coc be suid thot sufsPantiva is لو
O) 6 equal to the rota oP the prices (oP Pood
0 »۷ 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 72:
o eo 0 60 Pood (ctr per werk)
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke TO
صفحه 73:
۱0 Choice
P,=$0 1= 89عوم ae
30 عند
0 ساسا بو 0
eon he veredt
ی لیا
رای( سر
رس ری ۳ OOM 0 60 ©
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oe TS
صفحه 74:
صفحه 75:
Oowsurver Choire
© Covsider two yours oP اوه ,موه
wiskiay t7 sped $10, DOO vu the stpliccy cord
وم هم oF pars.
® Gack your kes dP Perec prePereuces.
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oe 7S
صفحه 76:
Oowsurver Choire
® Op Proctor the potot oP toogeuppy ده حون
ی له من ced the budget
powstroat نت powpodies coo designe a
0۳ 9: و0 2 Ore TO
صفحه 77:
Ori Durables (41) ت00
2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 78:
Ori Durables (41) ت00
و۳۶۲ 800,000 $9,000
۵ TO
2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 79:
Oowsurver Choire
QDevision Dubie & Publis Poioy
® Choosing betweed له سوه وه
wwutchiey yc to Puerd police expestdituces
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke TS
صفحه 80:
0۳ 9: و0 2 Ore OO
صفحه 81:
صفحه 82:
صفحه 83:
صفحه 84:
20 ون 6
© porcer ooltiog exists Po جح buys
io extrenves, werd buys ull oP coe voteyory oP
qpood ced aoe pe covther.
و VD his exists where the indPPereore purves ure
foogeut to the korizvotal cod vertical unde.
© DRGs مت وا مج سب
عبت Brlvasor و0 :09
صفحه 85:
0۳ 9: و0 2 Ore OS
صفحه 86:
Couwnuwer Ohvive
2 Concer Golation
© Bt poict , the ORG oP ive crea Por Prozeo
powurt is qreuter thao the slope oP the budget fae.
© This suqqests that iP the poosuwer could give up
swore Prozeo pos Por ioe موه ke would do
© Wowever, there is uw wore Prozes pox صا vive
0۳ 9: و0 2 Ore OO
صفحه 87:
Couwnuwer Ohvive
2 Concer Golation
© Okeo u porcer svluicd wises, he جود وس
ORG des wt cevessoriy equdl the price raiv.
84a this موز tt ooo be suid that!
MRS Foe عم ۳
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke OF
صفحه 88:
Couwnuwer Ohvive
9 ) Corcer Gohativa
OAR the ORG ws, in Pont, sigqnPicadty yreuter tho
the price roc, thea o soul depreuse in the price
ام Prozes posurt wil aot dter he poosuer’s
warket basket.
0۳ 9: و0 2 Okt 66
صفحه 89:
Couwnuwer Ohvive
® Ovleye Trist Pucd
® Suppose dace Ove’s pareets set up trust
9 رازب the woury weet be used Por
0۳ 9: و0 2 Ore 9
صفحه 90:
Couwnuwer Ohvive
® Ovleye Trist Pucd
BP pont of the wouery could be used Por the
purchase oP other yoods, ker poususpptios
0۳ 9: و0 2 ۵» OD
صفحه 91:
Oowsurver Choire
Trist Puc باون ظ)
@: Cousucoption bePore the trust Pucrd
he trust Pued shits the budget foe
00: مس0 fret fee cet raced
1 operand
C2 1P tke trust could be spect oo
حي جه
صفحه 92:
BP we و ون وا زر power hus
۱ What her
prePereuves ure iP we hove icPorevotiod
bout موی تایه وه oF choices that ane
woude wheo prives und owes voy.
0۳ 9: و0 2 Obte SS
صفحه 93:
Qeveded PrePerewes--
Two Oudcet bices
Pood (uate per wouk)
و ی 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 94:
Qeveded PrePerewes--
Pwo Budcet Lices
Pood (uate per wouk)
0۳ 9: و0 2 Obde OF
صفحه 95:
صفحه 96:
Qeveded PrePerewss Por Qeoreuioa
“The rete و وا 90 + 360/2۷
*Orw bucket ee 1, 3 ماه 0
*Reved prePerewe of Ow ®
Ohb’s حا لدج(
سس ۳
موه «سمو
(ere) هم
و ی
*Roberta'» لعج < 9100
۰۳ oP exoroee = $Pikofwook
با ,0 صف 0 ف شا 0( *Crercere
صفحه 97:
Darqycra له ربا(
Cowsnnver Chvive
© Qarged! utliy weasures the odditiocral
sulisPuction obtoiced Proow poosusviey oo
uddiiocal weit oP a youd.
0۳ 9: و0 2 Ore O?
صفحه 98:
Darqycra له ربا(
Cowsnnver Chvive
Darqd Oily
© Exavple
© Phe مومت uty رو مت مرب Pro
0 ۲ ) ی oP Pood wight be O
متسب و Prow (to © wight be م4
© dooreusiagy Prow © ty OD wight be ©
© Observation: Dargical utliiy is diovicishicry
0۳ 9: و0 2 Ore SO
صفحه 99:
Darqycra له ربا(
Cowsnnver Chvive
Oroivishtay Darcy Daly
5 DP ke privwiple oP ارو منم tity
stites that us sore ord wore oP a youd is
powsuved, pousviegy uddiiccal cous Will
vied swdler ond sxodler additions to utility.
0۳ 9: و0 2 Obte SO
صفحه 100:
Darqycra له ربا(
Cowsnnver Chvive
© Dargie (Ditty ocd the TediPRereure Curve
°41P Woornopiivd woves doy oo iodiP Perouse
pore, the oddiigod uthiy derived Pro جه
هو fo he powsuvpiiv vor yoo, Pood (P),
io the poosuvptivg io the vier ypood, clothes (C).
0 »9 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 101:
0۳ 9: و0 2 Obl 100
صفحه 102:
- (AC/AF) = MU,/ MU,
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oe IOC
صفحه 103:
DOuarcjcrt Othiy cord
Cowsanver Ohvice
- (AC/AF) =MU,/ MU,
© Oeownse:
۱۳5-2 ۶
»2 م29 و0 :9 بان
صفحه 104:
Darqycra له ربا(
Cowsnnver Chvive
:سكأ مت اه نموه Okeu coe #
© Giove the ORG is ds equal ty the rotig oP the
waryical uities DP ooosucicgy Pood O, it Polos teat:
\ MU/MU = P/Pe
»2 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 105:
Darqycra له ربا(
Cowsnnver Chvive
® kick ques the equetiod Por ult
:كلاد دلوج
MU,/P, =MU,/P,
»2 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 106:
Darqycra له ربا(
Cowsnnver Chvive
© Dordt tlliy ts woxtized Whe the bucket is
pexpeudture is the sawe Por eack بل
8 OD his tp rePerved to us the equ worded
»2 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 107:
Darqycra له ربا(
Cowsnnver Chvive
Gusvice Ruiz
BW d9TE und ugic it JOO, the
DV his resulted io shortages ood yusvlice Wor ا"
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke IO?
صفحه 108:
Darqycra له ربا(
Cowsnnver Chvive
Gusvice Ruiz
® Ovaprice roivoiery is wo ohercative ام و
® Qader vor Porw evervour kes oo equ
vhowe to purchase u roivced youd.
k= § Gusvliue is roficced by brag fines ut the yas
0۳ 9: و0 2 Ob 100
صفحه 109:
Darqycra له ربا(
Cowsnnver Chvive
® Rativoiey hurts sowe by licviiog the out oP
© DP kis coo be seed in the Polowiey wodet.
#4 upples to wowed wits co cod owe
vf $60,000.
»2 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 110:
Darqycra له ربا(
Cowsnnver Chvive
Phe horizvntd unis shows ker ooo "ا
DP yasvlce ot $0 /caloa. موجه
# OD ke vertiodl unis shows ker newvuiniacy
0 »9 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 111:
صفحه 112:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes
® Dke CP is calouhated rack pear us the صقم
DP the vost oF a typical موی خن من
رت und servives today is powporisv to the
vost durieg 0 base period.
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke 006
صفحه 113:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes
# Oke Ov You Thick?
® Opes the CP wouwrately rePlent the vost oP liviery
Por retirees?
045 11 appropricie to use the CP us a posto -tvicry
Prvdte usivg peosivas, ud Por other privete wage
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke 009
صفحه 114:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes
© Gxcnople
© Pwo sisters, Ruckel ond Gurck, hove idectical
© Garck beyon college in (OO wik 00
الا روصم
° 1099, Rackel stated oolleye ond ker
poreuts prowised her uo budget thot wos equivdect
io purchusiag power.
10 »9 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 115:
حعطب|» رن حاوسبوو)
099 (Gack) (OO?
Crice Poke (RAD Ook — $UDO/owk
oP books as 9 ای(
Prive oP Pood 9 ۰ 9.00۲
Pours oP Pood doo 900
ع لم2 99000 50,660
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke 006
صفحه 116:
حعطب|» رن حاوسبوو)
لصو وق)
1S books x $20 /bork + 00/۲۰. 86« لس نع 400 < 9600
QRackel’ Expecctiuce Por Equal tly
90,990 < 9000 bbs. oF Pood x $2.EOIb. + O books <> 500000 bork
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke 0
صفحه 117:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes
8 OD ke ded costo diviay odustieed Por Ruckel is
© OD ke ded بور /دودوصم todex is
$4,C00/$6O0O 2 9.88 7 ۰
§ This itoples u IGC% تحت it the vost oP
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke 00
صفحه 118:
Pood 6 دا
0 90 10090 189 090669809 00096900
(oe ae ۲ 0
صفحه 119:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes
DV he idedl ost oP liviey iodex represeuts the vost "ا
DP uttaiciosy a qived fevel oF utility ot mune
بات prives reltive to the vost oF )?199°(
the sue utlliy ut base (JOOP) prives.
»۳ج 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 120:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes
D0 do this من من Poo wide bosis would
© Price indexes, the the CP, we u Pied
pousuvptiod bude io the base period.
ut Luspepres prive fedex لاو و
0۳ 9: و0 2 Obl JOO
صفحه 121:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes
Lespepres Tedex |
© Dke Luspepres index tels us:
© Phe امن oP رو ot pune peur prices that
wo iodividual requires to purchase the buede oF
qoods ued services thot wos chose ia the bose
peur divided by the vost رهطم اه the suwe
من of base yeur prives.
0۳ 9: و0 2 Ob 40
صفحه 122:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes
a Culoutaticry Ruvkel’s Luspepres vost ve
كدارها iercdens
© Gotiog the quoctiies oP لس ia IQOP equal to
what were bought by ker sister, but seticrey thei-
prives ut ther (90°? levels result ict oo
اه وه $d,PCO (IDO x C.CO +
49 x $400)
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke IOC
صفحه 123:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes
a Wer vost oP livieg adustoed would uw be
" ۳! Luspepres iudex is!
$d,PCO/$GOO = OFF.
8 OD iis puerstites the true vost-vP =i [1۳۳۳
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke IOS
صفحه 124:
روما ها موق
backer her hiro
wow Ip To:
~~ Pood
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oe IOP
صفحه 125:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes
® Oka Oo You Thick?
© ves the buspepres index dhuvapys overstate the tro
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke IOS:
صفحه 126:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes
© Dke buspepres index ussuves thot poosvers do
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke IO
صفحه 127:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes
8 Ves!
© Op جود حدم صصص oP those itesos thot kove
purchases oP the neloively wore expeusive itews
وج سا رنه مور محر bevel oP utility
without Kovieg لا موه تا sce bude oP yoods.
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke 16?
صفحه 128:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes
# Dke Pausche له
© )0 دجون دان the aouct oP wooey of عوجر لومصسج
prices thot oc iodividual nequings to purchase 0
vost oF purchoasioy the suze bude io the bose peur.
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke 160
صفحه 129:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes
Coxwpartay the Tivo Tedexes
a Quik todexes iuolve ratios thot ual today’s
pure yeur prves, Po, sd (Po
© Wowever, the buspepres inex relies va buse
1/۳۲ ۲۲7۳ F,, ard 6
© Okereus, the Pocasvhe index relies vo today’s
pure pous upon, 2 لحم 6:
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke IOS
صفحه 130:
حعطب|» رن حاوسبوو)
له رورا اجه ون و میب( ا«
qives the Pol vier equetives: وله علموونظ)
کی + گس رص |
20 + ور
لافيت 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 131:
حعطب|» رن حاوسبوو)
Tedexes مس عا و0
© Suppose:
© Die woods: Povd (@) aad Clrkicy (C)
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke 40
صفحه 132:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes
Coxwpartay the Tivo Tedexes
9 & P., اه peur prives
© Py, & Po, be bose peur prives
© P& O be ore peor quotes
© ,& O, be bose peur quotes
0 »۳ 2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 133:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes
Coxwpartay the Tivo Tedexes
® Ouch (O90)
P bose-peur bude ot munca prices equals
© Cost ol
$4,°CO ((OO bs x $2.CO0/b + IS bovks x
P soe boode of base pear prices is $SOO
bs x $28.00/b + 1S bovks x $20/bovk)
© 025 ان
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke 199
صفحه 134:
حعطب|» رن حاوسبوو)
Coxwpartay the Tivo Tedexes
® Gack (O90)
۱ $500
2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 135:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes
Coxwpartay the Tivo Tedexes
® Gack (O90)
© Cost oP bupiegy الما ور ام of mune peur
prives is $0,800 (8OO bs x $8.80/b + 8
bovks x $000 /bovk)
© Oost of the sexe bude of base peur prices is
9290 )9000 ۲ « 50/۳0 + 9 bovks x
0۳ 9: و0 2 Obbe 19S
صفحه 136:
Oke 190
حعطب|» رن حاوسبوو)
Tedexes مس عا و0
Gack (O90) ®
_ $1260
2 و0 :9 0۳
صفحه 137:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes
ke Paasche ۶
BD he Pausvhe index wil voderstate the most oP
fvies berouse it ussusves that the icivicdual will
buy the poured peur buckle ia the base peur.
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke 19?
صفحه 138:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes
81000906, the qovernnvedt udopted the churd-
wweiIqkted prive index to dePhote its weusure ve
red GOP.
® Developed to وس problews thot uner wheo
oP BOP were wade usicgy وم وا
الم وب نم له له عنم لو
aa ۱
0۳ 9: و0 2 Oke 190
صفحه 139:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes
The Oras oF tke OP 1
® Oka Oo You Thick?
® Okt is the inppont vo the Pederd budget oP ustey the
تك سن 2 1 Ser ay
ond other progres Por chooyes fa the cost oP
0۳ 9: و0 2 Obl 0
صفحه 140:
® people bekuve rotivody to oo uttecpt t7
wuxiwize suisPactiod Pow عه ادصفعوم ه
® Oowsuver chive kes tuo related parts: the
poanver’s prePereures ced the budyet toe.
0۳ 9: و0 2 Ob IFO
صفحه 141:
® Oowuwers woke را حون vowpuricy
worket baskets or buades oP coswodities.
ure doweward slopicy حور اا
un poco idersent oor cavtker.
® Cocusuwer pretereuwes oo be vowwpletely
0۳ 9: و0 2 Obey 060
صفحه 142:
substituiicd oP PPor C ان rote آممزون بب۱/ نا
is the woxitousy avout oF C that 0 perso is
up to obtaia poe oddiiosral weit oP طرش طبار
جه وا لاه موس وا ارلی() ظ
اه اوه مهو qoods Por whick
0۳ 9: و0 2 Obl IFS
صفحه 143:
۲ Oocsunvers weondwize sutsPaction subject 7
اه اوه الط
© Dhe theory oP reveded prePerewe shows
how the choices that idividuas wake wheo
رو و لت ار oo be used tv
0۳ 9: و0 2 Obl IFS
صفحه 144:
Gud oP Ckupter 9