صفحه 1:
Country Report ran) Prepared for Regional Workshop on Information Society ‏ل ع ا‎ In Asia Paci Bangkok, 26-28 July | Hamidreza Pouyanfar Senior Expert of Communications and Storage| Statistical Center of Iran 16 July 2006

صفحه 2:
اف دم 20۱2 ۱۵ ره ی لي تا كلك ولو سس سرا تسوت لس — ١-0 700 رو رس مسج وس و او رو

صفحه 3:
Chet of the Gtatsticdl ‏و۲ خام ون‎ ) 601 ( 5 1 Head of igh Connell Statistical Statistical 9 ‏فد‎ Centrejof Iran Research Center [Bureau of Technical Supervision and] fice of the Head and Bureau o Sbcretariat of High Council of Statistic Intdrnational affairs and Public Relations ‏ا‎ | Deputy of Data Deputy of Ppputy of Administratize | processing and INational Ac Affairs and Logistics) Information and Studies Dissemination Bureau of Bureau of System Designing) ___Burpau of ‏مسد‎ Statistics Pures Economic Accounts of Training [Bureau of Household Spd Managemeng urenrof Net Affairs) [Bureau of Statisticatp— Poot conomic Statist Services) |and Computer Services D¢finitions and Standatd§iypau of Industrial, Minc and Environmental Stati Bureau of Map Affairs Bureau of Bureau Zid Statistical Documerts Registered Statistics Bureau of of 7 Financial Actatrs [Bureau of Publications) _fureau of Preparatioy and Ce 3 Information Dissemination pnd Statistical Frame} ۲ — ‏سح‎ ‎Bureau of Trade and Semvises Statistics Bureau of Price Indices=

صفحه 4:
۱6۳ ‏را‎ oP the GC1 One Re ae pots BR aa Rn ace hana aa ha aad act BU ‏و‎ em ee Ree rc e ۱۳ ced direvitoy stoisicd uciviies © Crepanoy standard dePratives oP terws wed to statsticd surveys; BIR ‏ا اا‎ vod ت۱0 ° Number of staff : Around 600

صفحه 5:
کر 2۱ ۱4۱/۳ Study and recognition of statistical requirements of ‏ده 22560 واه نهر ,تخطستامه فط‎ pressing needs for managerial staff for planning on national and sub-national levels; ©» Updating statistics on Population, Manpower, Household Expenditure And Income, Agriculture, Manufacturing, Mine and Energy, Construction, Communication,Trade and Services.

صفحه 6:
CON a ‏را‎ ea ca a od Ne ee ©» Investigating statistical needs in the field of construction, transportation and communication; ©» Preparing subject-matter statistical designs ( including determination of objectives and preparation of final tables, definitions and concepts,

صفحه 7:
questionnaires, editing and data manuals on how to complete the forms and processing instructions ) in related fields on national and sub- national level; Cooperating with the bureau of Preparation of Technical Designs and Statistical Frames in preparation of required standards a) eet 00- 3 a ee

صفحه 8:
e Preparing and formulating training ‏لهممناوناهاه ۲61۸160 ۲0۲ ولهتتهامظ‎ surveys and implementing training programs with the cooperation of the training and management services department; © Directing the execution of related statistical surveys from technical point of view and cooperating in the 5 a ae

صفحه 9:
©» Studying the results of related statistical surveys and preparing necessary reports and publications; © Introducing and publicizing statistical plans of the bureau through preparation of reports, papers and publications;

صفحه 10:
® Rendering statistical services demanded by public and private agencies after confirmation of the SCI authorities; ® Cooperating with other departments and bureaus of the SCI in carrying out the above-mentioned duties. ° Other related activities. Number of staff : 15

صفحه 11:
)( Duties ©» Head of group responsible of producing Transportation, Communications and Storage statistics; © Conducting and helping ( consultant ) experts who work on the field of transportation, communications and storage statistics; © Preparing,conducting and supervising statistical designs related to transportation, communications and storage ; © Preparing final reports and data analysis.

صفحه 12:
‎el meee‏ 1۵ ان سو() لاسرا ‎a‏ 2003 = 2002 اناك لل ار فلگ ای ات رقاب ‎BSUS Oe‏ == ©.6© ه6.هم هوم ‎Coote KUM KM‏ 259 ‎oo = ak a 006‏ 00.6 96.6 08.0 0.6©© رت رت مون ع ۱ ‎Coby TO oR MA Re Ma Ro MC Ro CRO MCI Roo). < eC oke‏ ‎eC fe 08 868 OS 006 AF 08.8 8‏ 8 6م هه م.م هه هو وه وه 51-8 8 66.85 1.6© 60م 90.0 76.6 66.6 6.0 مرباع اهدده 8 مه . - - ۰ = اه ‎Statistical Center of Iran: Survey of Household Expenditure and 10

صفحه 13:
Oe WE ye ras raed 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 5 لحت لت حت نت نت كت و هو 6 ه هه م + عم وم ۳۵60 00 ‎Oe‏ رت ۱ ار ۱ ‎OMNES My‏ ۱ © وم ‎CO SM REN I‏ “20 ريم ا ‎Ce‏ ‏وه وه جه وه اكيت 6007© 58 8© 88 058 ‎aye)‏ re Eee ow) Cac) ‏مك‎ aa) (سساتة)(ت) جص وا لوحاديج و ‎oe AO)‏ الي سم و 4 ۱ لل جوم مك 6 سلادن ا ‎COR‏ (9) سم 000 جوم عص ما ۳0 ل متا ‎AU ee Ac)‏ را 1ه 2ه 062162 8181618631 ‎0 TN ed Ministry of ICT 3 ‎

صفحه 14:
otercst Oruters (2005) ‎Pork, cumber tower 2‏ رت ‎۱۱۱۸ ‏زیت ما‎ doe ‎CO i es a od na ad (1C@) 19 ‎9 ‏موادت مت ام ره‎ (OO1@) oe dOO ‎Ministry of ICT 1

صفحه 15:

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