صفحه 1:
Robert Brown ‏ل ا‎ pplications

صفحه 2:
0۵ Overview This presentation will present the techniques and procedures used,to create DVD’s containing interac multimedia material for college ~ presentations, as well as for home Software and hardware consideratio: for creating such DVD’s will also be explored.

صفحه 3:
ری ۹ ° Introduction © Definition of DVD Technology ° Advantages/Disadvantages of DVD Technology ® Description of DVD Projects Produced NVCC ° Hardware Utilized © Software Utilized 8 يا ‎Questions/Comments‏ ©

صفحه 4:
(0 ۳ 5 كت ال هر 10 ين ‎is referred to as Digital Video Disc because‏ ‎of its use as delivery system for high-quality‏ ‎digital video.‏ » While a DVD disc is about same physical sizé as CD disc, storage capacity of DVD disc can be 6 to 7 times greater than CD. © Because DVD disc can store relatively large amount of data, its use as a medium to store and deliver multimedia and digital video material is becoming more widespread and as ‏واطعه 10 ور‎ advantages over CD- iH 3 12,24

صفحه 5:
1 SSNS te © Large Storage Capacity - Depending on the type of DVD disc, th storage capacity can be between 4.7 © Playback Versatility - Materials stored on a DVD disc can be pla’ on a computer, as well as a standard DVD player. ° Easy to Produce DVD - Using current software and hardware components, DVD projects are easy to create.

صفحه 6:
۹ (( ANS NNNS ied ° Multiple Formats - DVD’s come in variety of different For example, there is DVD-R, DVD+ RW, DVD-ROM, and DVD-RAM. One understand the differences in order to produce a DVD for a specific need. © Playback Incompatibility - Creating a DVD on an Apple computer system may cause some difficulty for that DVD to play on a Windows-Based system depending on the type of DVD drive in the computer.

صفحه 7:
© SACS Project - Was created to provide compreh overview of college to SACS com: 2210115. - Because college wanted flexibility in delivery of information, three media formats were used to do so. * Videotape * CD-ROM ۰

صفحه 8:
© SACS Project ‘x - The DVD was mainly created so 1 material could be viewed via the c ie and/or a home DVD player.

صفحه 9:
© SACS Project - Example of DVD interface

صفحه 10:

صفحه 11:
© SPD 250 - The Art of Film Course - Students in the course form produc groups to create final project videos. ~ The videos are created using digital vi technology and are relatively large in fil - The videos are then stored on DVD’s beca of the disc’s storage capacity and the ease i! which videos can be accessed. - DVD discs were made not only for the instructor, but for students as well.

صفحه 12:
© SPD 250 - The Art of Film Course - Example of DVD interface

صفحه 13:

صفحه 14:
OD ec Dae ral Od Pan ea ieee Pas oa ٠» ‏وروی 0012011161 ع1رزمة‎ - Macintosh G4 Computer ۹ - 867 MHz Processor - 133 MHz Bus 768 MB RAM 72 GB Hard Drive Super Drive DVD-R/CD-RW Burner - Firewire (IEEE 1394) Inputs

صفحه 15:
OD ec Dae ral Od Pan ea ieee Pas oa ® Windows-Based Computer ale - Recommend Dell - 1 - 2 GHz Processor - Minimum 512 MB RAM - Minimum 72 GB Hard Drive - Internal/External DVD-R/CD-RW Burner - IEEE 1394 Capture Card

صفحه 16:
۱0۵/۲ ‏و‎ es ea Paci © Apple Computer System - IDVD 0 e UPN tito) aT ct Ua! ‏نامه‎ - Adobe Premiere ممفزه لمنتونه ۶ه وصتانقه مطا عم عمملله همتاهه‌نامو۸ * 05320000 - Media Cleaner Pro SPO 0 3 footage. - Peak DV Se ‏ا‎

صفحه 17:
۱0۵/۲ ‏و‎ es ea Paci © Windows-Based Computer ‏سجاه‎ ‎- DVD Authoring Software ° Some of the better DVD authoring 0 Ulead, DVDit, and ReelDVD. - Adobe Premiere * Application allows for the editing of digital vid footage. - Media Cleaner Pro * Application allows for the transcoding of digital video footage. - Sonic Foundry Sound Forge * Application allows for the editing of audio material.

صفحه 18:
۱0۵/۲ ‏و‎ es ea Paci ® Other Applications - For Macintosh Computers ۰ DVD Studio Pro (advanced DVD prod software) * Final Cut Pro (digital video editing softwe * Groove Maker (original music producer) * Storm (sophisticated music/sound producer) - For Windows-Based Computer * Acid (original music producer)

صفحه 19:
Guowary ® DVD is extremely versatile delivery system that can surpass a CD-ROM due to its larger storage capacity. ® NVCC has found creating DVD's is an ‏الت عت 15 تا‎ 115601 2 3 731167 01 7. ® DVD’s can be created either using an Apple computer system or Windows- Based system. ° Hardware and software considerations for creating DVD’s is relatively modest. © 12/27/24

صفحه 20:
۹ ‏مر‎ Deb Gites va DOOM ‎a aay‏ لي ‎http://www.dvdirect.com/TSS)‏ © ‎charts/dvdformats.htm‏ ‎© http://www.disctronics.co.uk/ technology/dvdintro/ dvd_formats.htm ‎

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