صفحه 1:
Data Mining: oncepts and Techniques — Slides for Textbook — — Chapter 1 — ©Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber Intelligent Database Systems Research Lab School of Computing Science Simon Fraser University, Canada http://www.cs.sfu.ca December 24, 2024 Peete see nett

صفحه 2:
Acknowledgements = This work on this set of slides started with my (Han’s) tutorial for UCLA Extension course in February 1998 Dr. Hongjun Lu from Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology taught jointly with me a Data Mining Summer Course in Shanghai, China in July 1998. He has contributed many excellent slides to it Some graduate students have contributed many new slides in the following years. Notable contributors include Eugene Belchev, Jian Pei, and Osmar R. Zaiane (now teaching in Univ. of Alberta). December 24, 2024 Peete see nett

صفحه 3:
CMPT-459-00.3 Course Schedule ع يي ‎eats ace‏ رت ا ا ‎eur ee eerie ia Ree nage‏ 0 ‎eee ence eee Ae ea)‏ 00 ۱ الاك عع ‎ee Oe a ee oe ara‏ ع ۰ ‎u‏ ‎Peon e se tM eee eT‏ ‎Ree es eR‏ اي ‎ee Mec: ee‏ 0 ‎eeeg‏ ل ا ‎ee Sere Sen Reco‏ 0 ييف رت ۱ ۱ ۱ عذال #2 6ارونيعممون! 13 ۳۹ ل ل ل 0 ‎aa‏ ا 00 ‎ess‏ ۱ ۷24 ل 02 3, WS: December 24, 2024 Peete see nett

صفحه 4:
Where to Find the Set of 1 Slides? = Tutorial sections (MS PowerPoint files): = http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~han/dmbook = Other conference presentation slides (.ppt): "= http://db.cs.sfu.ca/ or http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~han = Research papers, DBMiner system, and other related information: = http://db.cs.sfu.ca/ or http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~han December 24, 2024 Peete see nett

صفحه 5:
Chapter 1. Introduction د = Motivation: Why data mining? = What is data mining? = Data Mining: On what kind of data? = Data mining functionality = Are all the patterns interesting? = Classification of data mining systems = Major issues in data mining December 24, 2024 Peete see nett

صفحه 6:
Motivation: “Necessity is the Mother of Invention” = Data explosion problem = Automated data collection tools and mature database technology lead to tremendous amounts of data stored in databases, data warehouses and other information repositories = We are drowning in data, but starving for knowledge! = Solution: Data warehousing and data mining * Data warehousing and on-line analytical processing = Extraction of interesting knowledge (rules, regularities, patterns, constraints) from data in large databases December 24, 2024 Peete see nett

صفحه 7:
Evolution of Database Technology (See Fig. 1.1) = 1960s: " Data collection, database creation, IMS and network DBMS = 1970s: = Relational data model, relational DBMS implementation = 1980s: = RDBMS, advanced data models (extended-relational, OO, deductive, etc.) and application-oriented DBMS (spatial, scientific, engineering, etc.) = 1990s—2000s: = Data mining and data warehousing, multimedia databases, and Web databases December 24, 2024 Peete see nett

صفحه 8:
What Is Data Mining? = Data mining (knowledge discovery in databases): = Extraction of interesting (non-trivial, implicit, previously unknown and potentially useful) information or patterns from data in large databases » ‏رورت رو را ریات عبالأهممعغام‎ = Data mining: a misnomer? = Knowledge discovery(mining) in databases (KDD), knowledge extraction, data/pattern analysis, data archeology, data dredging, information harvesting, business intelligence, etc. = What is not data mining? = (Deductive) query processing. = Expert systems or small ML/statistical programs December 24, 2024 Peete see nett 8

صفحه 9:
Why Data Mining? — Potential Applications = Database analysis and decision support 1۱ Rene naa = target marketing, customer relation management, market basket analysis, cross selling, market segmentation ۱ 8 = Forecasting, customer retention, improved underwriting, quality control, competitive analysis 0 ce eRe etait Rue eye aia = Other Applications * Text mining (news group, email, documents) and Web analysis. Saale uae sae nt) December 24, 2024 Peete see nett

صفحه 10:
Market Analysis and Management (1) 57أكلااة36 106 5عع]ناه5 03638 عط مخ عمعطلالا " = Credit card transactions, loyalty cards, discount coupons, customer complaint calls, plus (public) lifestyle studies = Target marketing = Find clusters of “model” customers who share the same characteristics: interest, income level, spending habits, etc. = Determine customer purchasing patterns over time = Conversion of single to a joint bank account: marriage, etc. = Cross-market analysis = Associations/co-relations between product sales = Prediction based on the association information December 24, 2024 Peete see nett 10

صفحه 11:
11 Market Analysis and Management (2) = Customer profiling = data mining can tell you what types of customers buy what products (clustering or classification) = Identifying customer requirements = identifying the best products for different customers = use prediction to find what factors will attract new customers ‏ات ریات ات مرها‎ = various multidimensional summary reports = statistical summary information (data central tendency and ‏تیان‎ December 24, 2024 Peete see nett

صفحه 12:
Corporate Analysis and Risk Management = Finance planning and asset evaluation = cash flow analysis and prediction = contingent claim analysis to evaluate assets = cross-sectional and time series analysis (financial-ratio, trend analysis, etc.) = Resource planning: = summarize and compare the resources and spending = Competition: = monitor competitors and market directions = group customers into classes and a class-based pricing procedure = set pricing strategy in a highly competitive market December 24, 2024 Peete see nett 12

صفحه 13:
Fraud Detection and Management (1) pplications = widely used in health care, retail, credit card services, telecommunications (phone card fraud), etc. = Approach = use historical data to build models of fraudulent behavior and use data mining to help identify similar instances = Examples = auto insurance: detect a group of people who stage accidents to collect on insurance = money laundering: detect suspicious money transactions (US Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network) = medical insurance: detect professional patients and ring of doctors and ring of references December 24, 2024 Peete see nett 13

صفحه 14:
Fraud Detection and Management (2) etecting inappropriate medical treatment قط روت رن یتیگ ریا تا و۱۱ ‎in many cases blanket screening tests were requested‏ ‎(save Australian $1m/yr).‏ = Detecting telephone fraud = Telephone call model: destination of the call, duration, time of day or week. Analyze patterns that deviate from an expected norm. = British Telecom identified discrete groups of callers with frequent intra-group calls, especially mobile phones, and broke a multimillion dollar fraud. ‏الت بن‎ = Analysts estimate that 38% of retail shrink is due to dishonest employees. December 24, 2024 Peete see nett 14

صفحه 15:
Other Applications ports = IBM Advanced Scout analyzed NBA game statistics (shots blocked, assists, and fouls) to gain competitive advantage for New York Knicks and Miami Heat = Astronomy = JPL and the Palomar Observatory discovered 22 quasars with the help of data mining وت روت زو = IBM Surf-Aid applies data mining algorithms to Web access logs for market-related pages to discover customer preference and behavior pages, analyzing effectiveness of Web marketing, improving Web site organization, etc. December 24, 2024 Peete see nett 15

صفحه 16:
Data Mining: A KDD Process نی ۱ 16 PVCu UT sl = Data mining: the core or (۵ 58 iscovery process. Data ‏ين‎ BE ‏نت تا‎ ۳ 22 an ات نا الي ا للا دونو م قل preter ty December 24, 2924 Peete see nett

صفحه 17:
Steps of a KDD Process = Learning the application domain: «relevant prior knowledge and goals of application = Creating a target data set: data selection = Data cleaning and preprocessing: (may take 60% of effort!) = Data reduction and transformation: Se Ree tM a sae ‏ی‎ CS ‏لورت‎ = Choosing functions of data mining Se eye ‏ا ا ا‎ elec len = Choosing the mining algorithm(s) = Data mining: search for patterns of interest = Pattern evaluation and knowledge presentation Se EE ester UC le Res Ue ec a = Use of discovered knowledge December 24, 2024 Peete see nett 17

صفحه 18:
Data Mining and Business و :۱ ‎etc‏ ان ‎aking ‎000 ‎Data Presentatio ‏تا‎ ‎72 2 = PUT ] Te AU ‏هد نا ‏عونمم | ‏ماد ‎Bee UME CRED‏ اکتا ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎w meee Cla‏ ا ‎OLAP, MDA 9‏ ‎Data Sources PAper, Files, Information Providers, Database Systems, OLTP ‎Peete nett ‎December 24, 2024 ‎ ‎

صفحه 19:
Architecture of a Typical Data Mining System Seen user interface 1 1 ۵ ۲6۲۱ا۵ظ ! + Data mining engine-——— 1 Database or data warehouse Data clea: es ۵ Filteri peters ۱ Knowledge- 0 December 24, 2024 Peete hee tt 19

صفحه 20:
Data Mining: On What Kind of Data? = Relational databases = Data warehouses = Transactional databases = Advanced DB and information repositories = Object-oriented and object-relational databases = Spatial databases = Time-series data and temporal data = Text databases and multimedia databases = Heterogeneous and legacy databases = WWW December 24, 2024 Peete see nett 20

صفحه 21:
Data Mining Functionalities (1) = Concept description: Characterization and discrimination = Generalize, summarize, and contrast data characteristics, e.g., dry vs. wet regions = Association (correlation and causality) = Multi-dimensional vs. single-dimensional association = age(X, “20..29”) * income(X, “20..29K”) > buys(X, “PC”) [support = 2%, confidence = 60%] = contains(T, “computer”) > contains(x, “software”) ]196, 75961 December 24, 2024 Peete see nett 21

صفحه 22:
22 Data Mining Functionalities (2) lassification and Prediction = Finding models (functions) that describe and distinguish classes or concepts for future prediction = E.g., classify countries based on climate, or classify cars based on gas mileage = Presentation: decision-tree, classification rule, neural network = Prediction: Predict some unknown or missing numerical Nelle} = Cluster analysis = Class label is unknown: Group data to form new classes, e.g., cluster houses to find distribution patterns = Clustering based on the principle: maximizing the intra-class similarity and minimizing the interclass similarity December 24, 2024 Peete see nett

صفحه 23:
Data Mining Functionalities (3) = Outlier analysis = Outlier: a data object that does not comply with the general ‏عط كه ءمأناق عط‎ 33 It can be considered as noise or exception but is quite useful in fraud detection, rare events analysis = Trend and evolution analysis = Trend and deviation: regression analysis = Sequential pattern mining, periodicity analysis = Similarity-based analysis = Other pattern-directed or statistical analyses December 24, 2024 Peete ee ert 23

صفحه 24:
Are All the “Discovered” Patterns Interesting? data mining system/query may generate thousands of patterns, not all of them are interesting. Beech tee aimee cement NAS Ete M ‏ا‎ = Interestingness measures: A pattern is interesting if it is easily understood by humans, valid on new or test data with some degree of certainty, potentially useful, novel, or validates some hypothesis that a user seeks to confirm = Objective vs. subjective interestingness measures: Same Tsetse eC Rett: Ree Coe ese ect aa 010100 ee ee See tetera ee Renee aR Coa teeta 00000 December 24, 2024 Peete see nett 24

صفحه 25:
Can We Find All and Only Interesting Patterns? * Find all the interesting patterns: Completeness = Can a data mining system find all the interesting patterns? = Association vs. classification vs. clustering = Search for only interesting patterns: Optimization = Can a data mining system find only the interesting ۱01۶ ‏فتووت‎ ‎= Approaches * First general all the patterns and then filter out the ۱1 ‏ی رات توت زوا زر‎ = Generate only the interesting patterns—mining query optimization ee ey eles) eee entry 25

صفحه 26:
Data Mining: Confluence of ۳ Multiple Disciplines 9 December 24, 2024 Peete see nett

صفحه 27:
27 Data Mining: Classification ۳ Schemes = General functionality = Descriptive data mining = Predictive data mining = Different views, different classifications = Kinds of databases to be mined = Kinds of knowledge to be discovered = Kinds of techniques utilized = Kinds of applications adapted December 24, 2024 Peete see nett

صفحه 28:
۱۰۹ ۱0۱۱۹۵ ‏و0۱‎ ۱ Data Mining Classification ۲۳۱۰۰۱۰۰۰ ‏ایا‎ ‎= Relational, transactional, object-oriented, object-relational, active, spatial, time-series, text, multi-media, heterogeneous, legacy, WWW, etc. = Knowledge to be mined = Characterization, discrimination, association, classification, clustering, trend, deviation and outlier analysis, etc. = Multiple/integrated functions and mining at multiple levels =" Techniques utilized = Database-oriented, data warehouse (OLAP), machine learning, statistics, visualization, neural network, etc. = Applications adapted * Retail, telecommunication, banking, fraud analysis, DNA mining, ‏.ععة ,وتنزاهمة وهامع للا ,ومتمتد طعلالا ,كتدزاهم3 غع6/مهمم عاء0غد‎ December 24, 2024 Peete see nett 28

صفحه 29:
OLAP Mining: An Integration of Data Mining and Data Warehousing =" Data mining systems, DBMS, Data warehouse systems coupling = No coupling, loose-coupling, semi-tight-coupling, tight-coupling = On-line analytical mining data = integration of mining and OLAP technologies = Interactive mining multi-level knowledge = Necessity of mining knowledge and patterns at different levels of abstraction by drilling/rolling, pivoting, slicing/dicing, etc. = Integration of multiple mining functions = Characterized classification, first clustering and then association December 24, 2024 Peete see nett 29

صفحه 30:
Data Repository, An OLAM Architecture lining qu OLAM Engine Wareho use

صفحه 31:
Major Issues in Data Mining (1) = Mining methodology and user interaction Mining different kinds of knowledge in databases Interactive mining of knowledge at multiple levels of abstraction Incorporation of background knowledge Data mining query languages and ad-hoc data mining Expression and visualization of data mining results Handling noise and incomplete data Pattern evaluation: the interestingness problem = Performance and scalability Efficiency and scalability of data mining algorithms Parallel, distributed and incremental mining methods December 24, 2024 Peete ‏ا‎ 31

صفحه 32:
32 Major Issues in Data Mining (2) = Issues relating to the diversity of data types = Handling relational and complex types of data = Mining information from heterogeneous databases and global information systems (WWW) = Issues related to applications and social impacts = Application of discovered knowledge " Domain-specific data mining tools = Intelligent query answering = Process control and decision making = Integration of the discovered knowledge with existing ۱ ‏وتات‎ ‎= Protection of data security, integrity, and privacy December 24, 2024 Peete see nett

صفحه 33:
Summary = Data mining: discovering interesting patterns from large amounts 06 = Anatural evolution of database technology, in great demand, with wide applications » AKDD process includes data cleaning, data integration, data selection, transformation, data mining, pattern evaluation, and knowledge presentation = Mining can be performed in a variety of information repositories = Data mining functionalities: characterization, discrimination, association, classification, clustering, outlier and trend analysis, etc. ™ Classification of data mining systems = Major issues in data mining December 24, 2024 Peete see nett 33

صفحه 34:
A Brief History of Data Mining Society = 1989 IJCAI Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Databases Piatetsky-Shapiro * Knowledge Discovery in Databases (G. Piatetsky-Shapiro and W. Frawley, 1991( = 1991-1994 Workshops on Knowledge Discovery in Databases * Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (U. Fayyad, G. Piatetsky- Seu meu Miata) = 1995-1998 International Conferences on Knowledge Discovery in Databases and Data Mining (KDD'95-98 ۱ = 1998 ACM SIGKDD, SIGKDD'1999-2001 conferences, and SIGKDD Explorations = More conferences on data mining SOP MU a ‏ل‎ ‎December 24, 2024 Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques 34

صفحه 35:
Where to Find References? = Data mining and KDD (SIGKDD member CDROM): = Conference proceedings: KDD, and others, such as PKDD, PAKDD, etc. Sas Pe MarR R title apere niin = Database field (SIGMOD member CD ROM): = Conference proceedings: ACM-SIGMOD, ACM-PODS, VLDB, ICDE, EDBT, DASFAA = Journals: ACM-TODS, J. ACM, IEEE-TKDE, JIS, etc. = Aland Machine Learning: = Conference proceedings: Machine learning, AAAI, IJCAI, etc. ۱ ۰۱۱ = Conference proceedings: Joint Stat. Meeting, etc. Se Or eee Gut ‏ا‎ ‎= Visualization: * Conference proceedings: CHI, etc. ۱ ‏یر‎ Rectal ieciae cc] al ecmecic December 24, 2024 Peete see nett 35

صفحه 36:
References SOM ‏ا‎ Cee FONE ee GC ea RR CCU er eC See CCU eC ec CR eee Se Ra ome ۱ Se CeCe eee cat Rn tele ۱ EL Tne SECM Ac Sec RNC RU en RC RR Pere ee eae cn URN ROR NC cree ree ee ‏تا‎ SRM AEC eo RNs a ‏ا‎ Soe EN ago December 24, 2024 Peete see nett 36

صفحه 37:
http://www.cs.sfu.ca/ 93 ~han

صفحه 38:
CMPT-843 Course Arrangement Para ee Be ercetece Catia SP BCR ‏ا‎ ‎۱۳۳ ear ets alee cee ce Cem og Ue Tela ا 0 00 runt Smee cece Re ee cc Ya See ene ELLs Seno gee et eee ee ES 00 Hetil Deadline for the selection of your work in the semester: ۱ ect ea Ree aes Sees ‏ا‎ est aca ce Reco Sees et eee oe Rema gto 0 0 ‏ل‎ ‎۱ ‎0 Rem aaah December 24, 2024 Peete see nett 38

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