تعداد اسلایدهای پاورپوينت: 19 اسلاید این پاورپوینت data replication به زبان انگلیسی می باشد و دوستانی که درس پایگاه داده پیشرفته را در دوره کارشناسی ارشد مهندسی نرم افزار میگذرانند مبحث مهمی است که ارایه مناسب آن میتواند به شما کمک شایانی کند. در این پاور سرفصل های مهم آمده و ارایه شده است.


صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
me Une ‏ی‎ a Or ۱ Deer ۱ ی Data Replication 12/30/2024

صفحه 3:
replication * Availability ** Remove single point of failure * Trade-off between performance and 001251511107 12/30/2024 Data Replication 3

صفحه 4:
Replication Protocol Eager centralized ‏ول ۲عودع۴‎ het) Lazy centralized Lev Aves egal 12/30/2024 Peet oa 3

صفحه 5:
EAGER Protocols * Update apply within the context of transaction * Guarantees consistency * Prohibitive cost 12/30/2024 ‏اوه‎ eae

صفحه 6:
25392۲ ۲6۳۲۳۵1260 ۳۳۵۵015 Single master, limited Distribution of master transparency Single master, full Level of transparency ‏هن سر‎ Primary copy, full transparency ممناقعنامعم قله 12/30/2024

صفحه 7:
Single Master with Limited Replication Transparency Update ۱۵ Read-Only Transaction Op(x) ... Commit Read(x) ... ۳ ممتاقعنامعم قله 12/30/2024

صفحه 8:
Single Master with Full Replication Transparency Single master eager centralized protocols require each user application to know the master site, and they put significant load on the master that has to deal with (at least) the Read operations within update transactions as well as acting as the coordinator for these transactions during 2PC execution. These issues can be addressed, to some extent, by involving, in the execution of the update transactions, the TM at the site where the application runs. Thus, the update transactions are not submitted to the master but to the TM at the site where the application runs (since they don’t need to know the master). This TM can act as the coordinating TM for both update and read-only transactions. Applications can simply submit their transactions to their local TM, providing full transparency.

صفحه 9:
Primary Copy with Full Replication Transparency 800 Op(x) ... Op(y) ..- ‏كت‎ 12/30/2024 ‏اوه‎ eae

صفحه 10:
Eager Distributed Protocols Transaction 1 Transaction 2 Write(x) ... Commit Write(x) ... Commit 12/30/2024 Data Replication 10

صفحه 11:
@- Centralized Protocols Lazy Centralized Protocit==™™%ger Centralized Protocols 100016 LF Commit 12/30/2024 Data Replication 11

صفحه 12:
12 Single Master with Limited Transparency 4 Tenor Vigo 18) Write(x) ... Commit Read(x) ... 12/30/2024 ۱

صفحه 13:
Single Master or Primary Copy with Full Replication Transparency ۷ Write(x) Write(y) Commit Site M Data Replication 1 Read(x) Write(x) Commit Site B 12/30/2024

صفحه 14:
Site M Oe ROR ۳ و ‎Cel‏ ا لما ليت ‎Refresh(T,)‏ ‏۷ اك 12/30/2024

صفحه 15:
jazy Distributed Protocols Transaction ۷۵۵ ‏تفت‎ ‎Write(x) ... Commit Write(x) ... Commit 1 4 12/30/2024 Data Replication 15

صفحه 16:
Distrib © No centralized coordination Shortest »sponse times Inconsistencies Updates can be lost (reconciliation) 16 COMPAIR © No coordination @ecessary Short response times Local 2pies are not up to date Inconsistencies Data Replication 9/9 6 No inconsistencies © Elegant (symmetrical solution) Long response times Updates need to be coordinated eas 2 Updates do not need to be coordinated No inconsistencies _ Longest response time Only useful with few dates Local copies are can only be read 12/30/2024

صفحه 17:
Is there Any QUESTIONS?

صفحه 18:
referenc Database Replication: a Tale of Research e across Communities Database Replication Techniques: a Three Parameter Classification Comparison of Database Replication Techniques Based on Total Order Broadcast M. Tamer Ozsu ° Patrick Valduriez, Principles of Distributed Database Systems, Third Edition, Elsevier

صفحه 19:

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