کسب و کار

Data Warehousing / Business Intelligence

صفحه 1:
۱1: 7 ۱۵2۵ Business Intelligence IT Solutions. Guaranteed.” www.eforceglobal.com

صفحه 2:
Outline ‏شلال‎ ‏جوصونص 8) ا"‎ Toteliqeuse — Business Ieperaive, Gtrateqic Drivers = OO/@1 - Provess 2 OO/B1 - ‏)اوه‎ Cxperise ® Ouse Grdy ® Ophodobow/Oevebpwedt Process

صفحه 3:
Business Case for Bl 0۱۳ Competitive Advantage Predictive Metrics “What will happen?” Descriptive Metrics “Why has it happened?” Complexity of Analysis Higher Baseline Metrics “What has happened?” Higher Business Value Recommended ‘Actions

صفحه 4:
Data Warehousing 0۱۳ #۱ | oa ۷ لمسیره

صفحه 5:
A subject oriented approach ۱۳۹۳ Operational Systems Data Warehouse Ores a. ۵۰۳۰۳۰ Owtewer Googly و ‎Product‏ Organized by processes Organized by subject or tasks

صفحه 6:
Data Warehouse Process 0۱۳ 0 9 Gece 0 ]1990 این ‎Dexter,‏ قاس 9 سس ‎[Bdge‏

صفحه 7:
BI Reference Architecture 0۱۳ تس ‎CR RCE la)‏ لل ‎of Business Intelligence ‎ ‎

صفحه 8:
BI Reference Architecture 0۱۳

صفحه 9:
BI Trends 0۱۳ 8 dooreuse ‏امه ع ۲ ول ۲ وتا مود و‎ ico OO BED ‏بلج‎ )2٩ ‏امه‎ ‎۲ ‏رررشهظ) عویمنی()‎ )(0۰۲۲ ‎ooreuse urderstantiog oF Oetadata ood Ispportcace i (B1‏ ا" ۳۲۳۳ ‎™ Deb Genvices ‎® Data Quatiy “Pirewls” ‎

صفحه 10:
Skill Sets ۳ 6 شمه LOLOP Tooke | ‎mene eevee‏ ا ‎Cees es eh eek eed‏ ‎

صفحه 11:
DW driven - Customer Value Management ۱۰ Apply the customer insight, at the moment and point of Accumulate customer and customer contact, using the transaction data from multiple latest available information, to GATHER: sources 9 personalize the interactions 6۶ 3 APPLY ‏و‎ g ANALYZE \ x Use incight to etine’a campaign ۹ Analyze data (data mining) to according to a marketer's develop a fact based and objectives, either in real time for statistically sound ‘online channels or in batch for understanding of customers offline channels and prediction of their needs and behavior

صفحه 12:
1۱1۱: Customer Value Management Context Unified Customer View (Joe's Real-Time Data and Context-Defined Profile| 3 3 8 ع 2 ‘Account (IRA) ولمع عبااه/ا 27 ‎Ag Income‏ وغ عبادلا ‎rs As Cust ‘Amount x 12‏ لامدممروعء ‎Probability‏ 4% و عبادلا ‎Creston of Response‏ ‎۹ eo Recommendation NG ‎. ‎8 ‎۴ ‎9 ‎a ‏ع‎ ‎2 ‎2 ‎8 ‎8 ‎2 ‎Gg ‏هه‎ ‎6 ‎Real-Tim ‎Recommendation ‎to Xsell Credit Card ‎

صفحه 13:
Case Study - Real Time Business Intelligence

صفحه 14:
Case Study - Real Time Business Intelligence - ۱۰ اه ‎٩‏ مره مرو ‎Por‏ ای اواج و وم عصو ول 1 ]0 ‏مرن امه سوت 003 يعنص لوا‎ KG] (PerPors the racks oP brody updated dota Prow pxieronl syoieore, ore aggre ond derived vdeo moxk ke OR, od oreutey dra exports Por ver ‏مسد‎ ] ‏سس‎ ( (Prous fe primary wank nto the dra. (Deed Por reporters ‏,ماد ,سای تسا لی‎ ] acre ver they crest set oF took: (6DG, (BPR axRo Dede, et) Por exploratory samo, wen oreaiva or ‏رای جات‎ propos deci Prow ie (BUR cha store. Denne te proxkctva versie oP exniic woodeks thot rcripks ces waka he (BAR by ‏له وه مره عه تسه مان افو اوه مططلی:‎ predeave purchase sours. ‘Nhe cubkious ue perPorwed by profile avout ‏امه رفسمه مج‎ Grace Dvexess Doubse (rou. Dik he profle cyputs wocaced ia a couse Packs, ‏تا طاط سا بت سای‎ reuse post cords raher koa ore GPU OWES. [Chern developed vor COG barter] “Dhe core dara store oF the (B10 taker rerercrtva level dha ‏لجيج جنب جا دجت لحت‎ Bosdrae roped corres Por 1 vere. Dhewr arate are cxngrected by axkdioand sorts tt exten a vaey oP aepreqaied, puDarted, out derived vole ceeded Por caayical pecans Components ved Loader | Derr ane OT) Phforw عمط وه Bede Toot Support PrP Bayer Ons Gore

صفحه 15:
Case Study - Real Time Business ۱۰ Intelligence - Benefits ‎wak Ord pay COG took: wo prove Blexble compar‏ موی ‎bur O11 eek‏ يحاص مومس ‎,] oom be everced whether we ue our ODO or te chests! ‎(Reduced heey oP nPoreraioa updater by cove beyoed bark proceroka| 1 wear red ioe [red ‏سيد لت سلجن مي‎ ‎lhoproved ieveteese oF abst ced rewara kre Keadhog io Roproved ‏مه اس مها | مهو‎ ‎CP roPe expe represeuten 9 “sioraxp box” oP corde (Proprietary statcard wodehy | predietve smpoeciaioa cupdltior ho ts PE ‎i code‏ سول ‎creche i prove‏ مه بو یه تا ما ‎(01 cata pushed frocks wale chases erkudiog wal, eco, web, ‎touch ports, oe (Buen detects creas Por highhto hi ‏مخ‎ oan Por igri toa. ‏ا حوطس سوام ممم ایا ماه با وم‎ ‏ای ,و جوا ‎share key‏ 1 قدت افك ايف ‎pron ave ord‏ ‎ress, Pe‏ ون هو ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎eter tteqrutza wis oie sews ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 16:
Development Methodology 0۹

صفحه 17:
Data Warehouse Life Cycle Model ‏شلال‎ ‎a=) ‎- ‏مسج لا‎ ‏سوه‎ ‎Ad [ 4 > Oevebp Ores ۱ oom se ‏سین باه‎ اي

صفحه 18:

صفحه 19:
Execution Methodology 1۱۰

صفحه 20:
Maintenance Approach ۱: 0:

صفحه 21:
سرت High-Level Project Plan 8 ‏علد يسما يسع‎ ete 7

صفحه 22:
۱1: Summary ۷ ‏و6‎ OO, ©1 experiewe Proves OO/O1 Cbd Oebery Dodel Cxperter to best to ches eaublay techoby panes ۷ Guperer یت ‏مم مرت هت‎

صفحه 23:
7 Force IT Solutions. Guaranteed.” صمءع www.eforcegloba

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