صفحه 1:
Data Warehousing:
Changing Campus Culture
Ors Psk, Oota Oarehouse Prowaw Oaaner
Reusseher Pol techair Ieestivite
0 من هه سوت
صفحه 2:
Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute (RPI)
Pounded ts (GCF by Gephon Our Rewerker
O “We are the first degree granting technological
university in the English-speaking world”
O Research University with programs in Architecture,
Arts, Engineering, Humanities, Science, and
Social Sciences Rensselaer enrolls over 7,500
undergraduates, graduate, and working
Over 450 Rensselaer faculty members include
National Science Foundation Presidential Faculty
Fellows, members of the National Academy of
Engineering, the National Academy of Sciences, and
other eminent professional organizations.
اه بسن همست
صفحه 3:
Fundamental Problem
Operational systems are not designed
for information retrieval and
analytical processing
صفحه 4:
History of DW at Rensselaer
Fall 1998- Summer 2001: Looking for solution
Fall 2001: Budgets are approved
Fall 2001 - Jan 2002: Building infrastructure
Jan 2002 - today: Delivering Enterprise Wide Warehouse
with the following areas:
Human Resources
Student Enrollment
Graduate Financial Aid
Undergraduate Financial Aid
Research (pre award, post award)
Institute Advancement (in progress)
Onradt ODDO Ora Poh RO
صفحه 5:
Data Warehouse group
O Part of the Administrative Computing within
the Division of Chief Information Office
O Total of eight employees
O Responsible for addressing campus
reporting and analytical needs
O http://www.rpi.edu/datawarehouse
Ona attt CODO Ors Prk RO
صفحه 6:
Our constituency
Administrative leadership: President, VP of Finance, VP of
Student Life, Provost, Dean for Graduate Admissions, Controller,
Registrar, Dean of Enrollment, VP of Research, AVP of Budgets, etc.
Academic leadership: Deans and Department Chairpersons,
Research Center Directors
Core Administration: /nstitutional Researcher, Director of Budgets,
Director of Enrollment, Registrar, Director of Research Administration,
Core Administration Personal: responsible for carrying out
centralized functions such as registration, admissions, payroll, etc.
Campus Administrative Personal - Graduate Coordinator's
Assistant, Business managers across campus, Coaches, etc.
Ona attt CODO Ors Prk RO
صفحه 7:
Regardless of how well designed our star
schemas are or how well the dimensions
are conformed, to be effective in
addressing campus decision support and
analytical needs the Data Warehouse
should be viewed as a service
addressing information quality and
campus culture
Onradt ODDO Ora Poh RO
صفحه 8:
The true benefits can be achieved only
when the new technology is adapted
and becomes part of our business
O Penetration takes time
O Brings transformational changes to
Processes and Culture
Onradt ODDO Ora Poh RO
صفحه 9:
Successful Data Warehouse
O Clear set of Goals and Objectives
O Sponsorship
O Budgeted
O Dedicated staff
O Strong alliance between IT and Business
O Implemented as a Service
O Proved implementation methodology
O Addresses Information Quality
O Serve as a catalyst for change
ODS Ora Poh RO
صفحه 10:
The Fundamental Goal
The fundamental goal of the Rensselaer
Data Warehouse Initiative is to
integrate administrative data into a
consistent information resource
that supports planning,
forecasting, and decision-making
processes at Rensselaer.
RM من همست
صفحه 11:
Data Warehouse Objectives
Serve as an information hub for Administration
as well as the Academic Schools
Transform Data into Information with
embedded business definitions
Informative - Meta Data
Intuitive for end user to perform ad-hoc
queries and analysis
Adequate response time - Retrieved within
Ee) | LY YA
Ona attt CODO Ors Prk RO
صفحه 12:
Business Sponsorship
Lack of Business Sponsorship
™@ Shop around and identify area where it ‘hurts’
™ Build a prototype and invite vendors to participate
™ Market to the business side
Engage and build awareness
™ Facilitate a visit to the peer institution
™ Invite peer institution to your campus
Be aware of offering temporary solutions
™ Costly in a long run
1" Will have dissatisfied customers
Wait for leadership to change
Onradt ODDO Ora Poh RO
صفحه 13:
Lack of IT Sponsorship
Typical reasons are: Lacking knowledge and/or
expertise, Do not have necessary resources;
Not enough demand or pressure from the top
Possible steps:
Secure funding
Bring in outside help with knowledge transfer
Build Prototype as a joint venture
Engage and Build awareness
Emphasize partnership
Engage Leadership (Business Sponsor) in
setting IT priorities
Onradt ODDO Ora Poh RO
صفحه 14:
Budget is the true indication of sponsorship support and
Hardware and software for Production, Test, and Training
Data base servers
Data base licenses
Education and travel
Consulting services
| | تا نا نا
صفحه 15:
Dedicated Staff
Need dedicated personnel to carry out the
following functions
۲ Project Manager/Champion
ETL developers
Front end developers
Software administration and installation
Desktop support
Customer support
Campus training
Business staff and Power user
Onradt ODDO Ora Poh RO
صفحه 16:
Alignment between the IT and the
Business in DW implementation
Campus_ |
| Architecture
صفحه 17:
Information Quality
Accurate, Reliable, Consistent,
O Re-enforce common definitions
O Set up processes to identify and clean
erroneous data
O Set up processes to gather relevant data
O Define policies on who will have access
to what information
صفحه 18:
The goal is to build analytical
culture that values and
promotes usage of information
in decision making
صفحه 19:
O Promotes fact based decisions where
value is placed on decisions made
through usage of information vs. supply
of data
O Lowers the walls across organizational
boundaries and promotes understanding
of the business enterprise across
different functional areas
O Analytical culture requires different set
of skills
Onradt ODDO Ora Poh RO
صفحه 20:
Our Approach
The approach to addressing campus informational
needs can not be:
O A Project
O A Product
ST Serve
Ona attt CODO Ors Prk RO
صفحه 21:
Implementing Data Warehouse
O Build Technical Architecture
O Establish Services in support of campus
O Build Processes ensuring Data Quality
O Work with campus Leadership on
addressing campus analytical culture
صفحه 22:
Addresses long term solution
Enterprise wide integrated data warehouse vs.
Departmental data mart
Use methodology with proven success i.e. learn from
Overall long term planning with short time to delivery
Has to include all aspects of DW implementation
™ Architecture addressing transformations, meta data,
security, delivery
Campus rollout and training
Information Quality
۵ a
Ona attt CODO Ors Prk RO
صفحه 23:
Implementation Methodology
Rebwr Our Det سه
وله ون ع؟ ( تسه Oud DO I)
ae Onta Dore Oxta vieworde
صفحه 24:
Technical Architecture
* operational + extraction “central repository “user-facing * business
systems + transformatior + subject-based data ma pplications intelligence
* transactional * modeling *Conformed dimensions * decision-
systems * loading + metadata support
4 + OLAP
* querying
* reporting
Web Client
Dra Poh PA
صفحه 25:
Building DW Foundation -
Technical_Architect ۱ 1
O ERP - Banner from SCT 95
O ETL - Power Center from Informatica
O Data Base - Oracle 9i
O Models - Star schemas with conformed
O Web Front end tools - Hyperion
Performance Management (Brio), Dash
Ona attt CODO Ors Prk RO
صفحه 26:
Building DW Foundation -
Data Security, Privacy and Access Policy
& Pry یت
ع- 8
O Can be defined as striking the “right” balance between
data security/privacy and data access
O Value of data is increased through widespread access
and appropriate use, however, value is severely
compromised by misinterpretation, misuse, or abuse
Key oversight principle: لآ
Cabinet members, as individuals, are responsible for
overseeing establishment of data management policies,
procedures, and accountability for data governed within
their portfolio(s), subject to cabinet review and CIO
Ona attt CODO Ors Prk RO
صفحه 27:
Building Subject Oriented Data Marts
ی 7 5 و
Determining Constituency 0
Identify information gaps
۲ |dentify erroneous data
۲ Reinforce common definitions
™ Establish processes to identify
and clean erroneous data
™ Establish processes to capture
missing data
Develop and approve Data
Security Policy
Record Meta Data - stored in
Informatica repository and
accessed with Brio
Forming Implementation
Conducting interviews
Defining Scope and
Extracting, Transforming,
and Loading Data
Develop Security system
Ona attt CODO Ors Prk RO
صفحه 28:
Catalyst of Change
O Requires marketing and PR
O Communications
O Cheerleading
O Support at the Executive levels
O Lead by individual respected by all
O Offering campus training programs
O “Carrots and sticks”
O Re-examine existing processes: (month-
end reporting)
ODS Ora Poh RO
صفحه 29:
صفحه 30:
Recognizing Barriers
O People’s resistance to a new tool
O Expectations on information availability
and usability for decision making are low
O Habit of relying on Central Administration
to provide information, or on their own
sources (many versions of the ‘truth’)
O People will need to acquire new job skills
O Job expectations will need to change
Ona attt CODO Ors Prk RO
صفحه 31:
Developing Common Vision
O One version of the truth -
Warehoused Information was recognized
as the only official source of data
O Data Experts across campus and Xs
across organizational boundaries
O Partnering with Human Resources -
The DW training was included in Performance
Evaluations and Job Descriptions
O Training is mandatory at all levels
Onradt ODDO Ora Poh RO
صفحه 32:
Communication and Buy-i
O Executive briefings:
™ Emphasized changes in analytical culture
۲ Recognized Barriers
™ Emphasized that top down approach is needed and ask
for commitment
™ Demonstrated new capabilities via Dash Boards
™ Demonstrated ad-hoc capabilities people within their
organization have
O Campus orientations
™ Demonstrated analytical capabilities
™ Introduced training programs and the rollout strategy
™ Communicated Data Policies
O Wed site
Ona attt CODO Ors Prk RO
صفحه 33:
Data Warehouse Cascaded Rollout Strategy
Ona attt CODO Ors Prk RO
صفحه 34:
Data Mart Release to the Core
O Utilizing Data Mart for internal operations
O More changes to the Data Mart are expected
= در روا
O Establishing data cleanups queries and procedures
O Preparing for Campus release: Ss
۲ Developing campus training program:
Developing and publishing Dash Boards, and Brio
dynamic documents
® Developing operational training
Ona attt CODO Ors Prk RO
صفحه 35:
Initial Tiered Access - Who
will have access to what
Ona aatt ODDO Ora Pek ROL
صفحه 36:
Po ROA من تن نت
صفحه 37:
Common Usage
Owk Ooads
(eens park stern sees مس وی یا
topics Por undoes
Ona attt CODO Ors Prk RO
صفحه 38:
Training Mix
O Brio 101 O Study Halls
. Basie navigation and ® |nformal, open agenda
mechanics 5
O Brio 201 Best Practices
™ Advanced analytics and ™ Demonstration of best
reports practices, delivered by
0 Data Training business owners
™ Data mart basics, BQYs, and 4 One-on-Ones
0 ™ Used to address
O Operational Training specific
™ Focuses on practical reporting/analytical
applications , delivered by
ِ needs
business owners
صفحه 39:
rect ۳۳۳۲۰۳۲۳ ۵
ae [Brio 201 | = | > |
Track 2 و
3 Sea
Ona aatt ODDO Ora Pek ROL
صفحه 40:
Training Philosophy
O The goal of the training program goes
beyond teaching the mechanics:
™ Need to se// the Brio tool and the project
™ Need to educate on the benefits of the DW
19 Need to emphasize that Banner and the DW
are complementary systems, i.e.,
Need to continue and inspire!
We are changing our analytical
Ona attt CODO Ors Prk RO
صفحه 41:
Addressing Information Quality
O Establishing processes to capture erroneous and
inconsistent data
™ ETL process to identify errors
™ Rejecting data
13 Load data and clearly label errors
O Data Audit processes
™ Ensuring that the loaded data reconciles back to
the operational systems
Ona attt CODO Ors Prk RO
صفحه 42:
Addressing Information Quality
Establishing Data Stewards roles and
O The overall data integrity and conformity by instilling business
practices and procedures to identify and correct erroneous and
inconsistent data recorded in ERP systems
Ensuring that Meta-data is up-to-date
Operational Training in information applicability and usage
Establishing processes to capture and maintain data necessary
to support decisions
O Enforcing Common Definitions by facilitating agreement across
organizational boundaries
Ona attt CODO Ors Prk RO
صفحه 43:
Establishing services and
O Assessments of information needs
O Expansion and enhancement of Warehoused
Expansion and enhancement of Information
Delivery solutions
O Process re-engineering
O Monitoring data quality
O Support Assessment, Planning, and Analysis
Offering full spectrum of campus training
Onradt ODDO Ora Poh RO
صفحه 44:
Establishing services and support
Transitioning from Development to Operations
O Front-End (Hyperion Performance Suite)
ETL (Power Center) Administration
Desktop Support and Administration
Data Base Administration
Dash Board maintenance
Brio documents development, support, and
Customer Support
|) |)
Ona attt CODO Ors Prk RO
صفحه 45:
Catalyst of Change
Processes and Culture
سس همست
صفحه 46:
Changes in our Processes
Some examples on utilization of the warehoused information
in our operations:
Assessment and Planning
O Enrollment Planning Committee meeting utilizes the
enrollment and the admission data insetting the __
enrollment targets and financial aid goals as they discuss
the incoming class (how we did, quality, numbers,
diversity, etc)
O Retention analysis - analyzing the admissions data to
better understand how well the incoming class may be
retained next year
Ol Assessment of Employee retention
O Assessment of Faculty renewal program
Ona attt CODO Ors Prk RO
صفحه 47:
Changes in our Processes
Forecast current year sponsor research expenditures
Forecast graduate financial aid commitments
Utilize past enrollment, retention, and financial aid information to forecast current and
future year financial aid commitments to determine the affordability of various discount
More accurately forecast research awards
Utilizing historical research ‘success rates’ in projecting cost sharing commitments
اه ۵ 5
Monitoring and compliance:
© Daily monitoring of budgets and expenditures from higher levels down to the specifics
Monitor and review project to date budgets
C Monitoring positions budgets vs. actuals and in conjunction with estimated future earnings
are accurately projecting balances
1 Monitoring the allocation of graduate financial aid
O Financial information is used in preparing and analyzing the financial statements,
reconciling between the sub-ledger and general ledger, reviewing payroll allocations
© Credit card reconciliation
Ona attt CODO Ors Prk RO
صفحه 48:
Cultural Changes
Empowers decision-makers: Getting
accustomed to information availability
Promotes the “no walls” culture: Performing
analysis that could never been done before
From ‘MY Data’ to ‘Our Information’
Data Stewards role in improving data quality,
integrity, and conformity
Fact based decision making
How do we now redirect these costly
personnel hours
Enhanced institutional effectiveness
en EM) EY
Ona attt CODO Ors Prk RO
صفحه 49:
Assessing Data Warehouse
Penetration and Adoption
Number of users trained and their role in
Number of distinct users connected monthly
Number of monthly connection
Requests for changes and enhancements
Satisfaction surveys
Shifting IT resources from reporting to other value
added activities
Productivity savings on the business side
Savings realized by better more informed access to
Onradt ODDO Ora Poh RO
صفحه 50:
The Dreaded Return on Investment
Calculating ROI
O Savings in personnel and processing
O More Effective Financial Aid packaging
O Effective recruitment strategies
O Identification of retention issues to
O More fiscal responsiveness
Onradt ODDO Ora Poh RO
صفحه 51:
Fosters data integrity and conformity
O One version of the truth
O Helps to identify erroneous and
inconsistent data
O Establishing ‘data cleanup’ procedures
Value shifts from data supplier to
صفحه 52:
What’s Next
Cultural shifts: Are we Higher
Education and non for profit or
Performance planning processes and
O Cultural shifts towards developing Goals,
Objectives, measuring outcomes
O KPI, Scorecards, Metrics
ODS Ora Poh RO
صفحه 53:
Pre build
Meta Topics
Pre populated
Specific Dash
Pre populated
Campus Wide
Dash Boards
Planning and
صفحه 54:
Informational Resources
O The data warehouse toolkit (Ralph
O The data warehouse lifecycle toolkit
(Ralph Kimball)
O Data warehouse design solutions
(Christopher Adamson & Michael
صفحه 55:
Informational Resources
O Become a member of the data
warehouse institute
O Visit http://www.datawarehousing.com
maintained by DataMirror
O Subscribe to listserv from EDUCAUSE
O visit other schools web sites via
Onradt ODDO Ora Poh RO
صفحه 56:
Questions ???
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