صفحه 1:
ON ate ee |i ‎Pa‏ ص۱۹ ‎ ‎Deb Progranvwinry DOSE ‎Acknowledgement : this presentation uses examples from the w3c website; available at - http://www.w3schqals,com... «. ‎

صفحه 2:
Outlicre © Outbese iotoduction OD ptivreticst istry ‏ماو‎ ‎9 GQD iatodurtion Orb ‏سم موس‎ Orer DOS

صفحه 3:
Sh Ortiy oP Databases ® Oar kwe vole indepeadedt oP use © Onnnized opprowk to dota woongewedt (e.y., data ‏كمه‎ ‎- ‏نورد‎ ‎© Chopiccte necuercay tc dott Gkare dota 4 @rckive dott — Geoonty oP dott 1 ate <prity oP chat Orb ‏سم موس‎ Orer DOS

صفحه 4:
(Pite Dused Gpstews OGE101T100 © 0 ohevton oP ‏وم ما حور موه‎ pErvives to eu users. ® ‏موم لو وتو مرس رو(‎ its DLT dara. Orb ‏سم موس‎ Orer DOS

صفحه 5:
=> Se ‏ل‎ # Sales Files File ‏آم‎ ata Entry 8 a Reports handling ‏لب‎ | Routines | ile Definition physical structure and storage of the data files are defined in the program code A ES Reports 5 Lease Files Orb ‏سم موس‎ Orer DOS ۲ > ع

صفحه 6:
۲ ۳۲۲۲۲۲ 0 Livitatioas oP ite Bused Gustews ® Oot Oepecteuse ® Duptcatiod oP Data ‏"ا‎ opowputbhe Ate Porat How can these problems be resolved? Orb ‏سم موس‎ Orer DOS

صفحه 7:
a Phe Dutabuse (Bpprouck relied data desiqued to weet the Orb ‏سم موس‎ Orer DOS

صفحه 8:
Outabuse ۱6 ۲ ata Entry ss reports ‏محر‎ ١ Sales Application Programs DBMS ata Entry 3 Database 1 = reports Leases App. Programs Orb ‏سم موس‎ Orer DOS

صفحه 9:
اس ‎(Dutabuse QOueageweut (Spstew‏ ‎(D®MG)‏ 00۵ 20 ‏مجورو وناب‎ thot eoubles were tv dehice, create ved woiotaic the database urd Which provides voutrolled users to the ‏حول‎ 000 سم موس ‎Orb‏

صفحه 10:
ل ‎I‏ ‎Puvilites vP ۰ 5‏ ‎Silentserckactnios (TEDL)‏ مرح ص ‎{Ohba‏ . ‎a ۲ at ۳ ۵‏ ‎a‏ ین ‎rer “databases mean‏ ‎Provides could ues‏ ® ‎Oe peony 5|517‏ ‎Choe inte qriiy syste‏ ویو ای رصح هو و فا و۵ 000 سم موس ‎Orb‏

صفحه 11:
a Cowpourus peu DOOG 2 Wodwoe " GoPiwoae # Ota جع لحم رت " ‎People‏ © Orb ‏سم موس‎ Orer DOS

صفحه 12:
2 00 (Bdventages 1" OD icicod! dota recuerdo ® Ovwsisteuy ‏۲اه‎ ‏لا‎ tegration oP dota ‏"ا‎ wproved intecrity ® Oousisteut sevunity ® Grocchards a4 5 000 سم موس ‎Orb‏

صفحه 13:
eee ‏لا‎ ‎* Cowpleniy © Oddiivod Wardware Custis " Cie ‏عمو )سا‎ " ‏عبس()‎ -Opevintsed Persvucel © Qotectdl orxpcisctioca Coa tot Higher ‏سل له )ات هب‎ source Puihure) Orb ‏سم موس‎ Orer DOS

صفحه 14:
ها ‎SS‏ ‏جعد” هه ‎Outabuse‏ SQL command interface dedicated application web browser Orb ‏سم موس‎ Orer DOS

صفحه 15:
Se oteruntiod und (Peedback © ‏رازم‎ uni oP data ‏نمی‎ ‎O remple? purchusiog wa oiice ticket pice ‏فح سبلا‎ urd Post Por coewercid ‏اوه‎ ‎xy be bray ued uobed in pagceerioy applications © Rolbok: Poy pot of 0 trexsantivs Pals, oft oocpleted parts we “hed back” ‏ی مه‎ 7 ‏بن ع سيد‎ haved provided pour oredi cord cucber, ‏حيلف‎ ticket ‏علب مس سین مایم‎ ‏اه روا وه اسلا‎ database 7 ‏رجا حل ربك تس فى‎ 05 000 سم موس ‎Orb‏

صفحه 16:
Se (Relatiood Dutabuse Dodet ® Ouber 2 Dutcbuse ty « oolevtiva oP tables (rekitas) Octo ore stoned ic tables " Vobes © Gack table kos a one (ack table has a set oP ookras (Piekds) oad rows oP data (records) 1 Ol operaions process ‏و‎ ible tw produce a cew tbe © ark ‏اه هه له سا سل‎ 7 ‏اه واه وی مه با سا باس(‎ rows Why? © @used va set theory = CQL (Ginetred Query Loceucce) ۲7 060۵ ‏مها سل‎ 000 سم موس ‎Orb‏

صفحه 17:
Orcher Guople Tuble Cy Grete ick koe ‏سس‎ dOS Puscoa ‏مسب‎ aod ‏مسب ی‎ 99 Gao Diexw ‏ادن‎ PP Obuquerqur | Dew Oexiow 60 000 سم موس ‎Orb‏

صفحه 18:
۹۹۰۰۰۰ ۱ ‏مان‎ ‎| Gack ‏عم ه عدا ماه‎ ‏وحم برط لصو و ماوق لأ‎ [ ‏اوه لول موه و(‎ prdertay ° Opes ot woke seuse to sop “the third ooluca” fike it does ico “paper” table or spreadsheet 1 Dota fo coho ‏وولو‎ too porticutar dowoit ۱ ‏اون‎ ore the “otiibutes” oP the dataset ® Gack vdlue too ovhue is Pro the sace dowie ® Gack volue foo ooh is oP the sco dota ype Orb ‏سم موس‎ Orer DOS

صفحه 19:
a " Qows ‏لأ‎ Cuck row eotry is ether a sieople volue or expt ("cul") ) Rows oe sets oP votues Por the ovhies (utribute values) @rivery key: 9 set oP oohiwes thot uoiquely ideatPies rack row O ‏لوق‎ now west be usique given the pricvany key (a duplicies) Qows ae rePereaved by the privary key Row order coco be deterwiced by the user (Oves wit woke spose ty sup “ihe Pourth row" the it does ino “paper” table or sprectshert) Orb ‏سم موس‎ Orer DOS

صفحه 20:
Se (Duta Pppes © Gok rw uche is un festoue oF uo priviive dota pee etecer ‏مه امه وم مه‎ 4 Okoranter (e.y., text, hypertich, pes/a) 9/۲ ‏جو‎ ‎© Op vowplex per in stertard DODG (watrix, drawicr)) Obert viewed databases wuy dow objects ond structures © Ovo existent vohue is “oll” Orb ‏سم موس‎ Orer DOS

صفحه 21:
(Downie {pes char(n): fixed length char string varchar(n): variable-length char string int or integer smallint numeric(p,d): fixed-point number of given precision real, double precision float(n): floats with a given precision date: containing year,month, and date time: in hours, minutes, and seconds Null value is part of each domain

صفحه 22:
2 GQL 8 Gteuctured Query Lupe حول ار ‎Cowwwunivute‏ ® © Osed to oreoted ocd echt databases. © Obs wed tp pred queries, Porws, und reports Orb ‏سم موس‎ Orer DOS

صفحه 23:
OOD un DOL ® GQ cossists oP two types oP stotewects GGL Oxta DePiatica Loagquege (DOL) perwits ‏وونل‎ tables to be oreuted or deleted iaserts ‏نيجه‎ ‎date foto dotobuse table OREOTE TOOLE - credies 0 cew database toble | @LPECR TOSLE - utters (chocges) u database table ORO TRBLE - deletes a database table GQ@D Outre Ouniputaiog Loaguage (DOL) GEVECT - extracts dota Proc a database table OPOOSTGE - updates data ita database table OBLOTC - deletes cata Pow u database table ADGERT WTO - teserts ew dota toto database table Orb ‏سم موس‎ Orer DOS

صفحه 24:
۹۹۰۰۰۰ Oehive ver dowdies ocd tables CREATE DOMAIN personDom CHAR(20); CREATE TABLE emp (ename personDom, dno int default 0, sal real ) Orb ‏سم موس‎ Orer DOS

صفحه 25:
A “Getevt” couse (1 = Specify attributes to project onto SELECT co/umns FROM table WHERE condition ; SELECT * use “’ to denote all attributes: FROM Emp WHERE Emp.Sal < 60K; Emp (ename, dno,

صفحه 26:
0۸۱/٩۹٩۰٩۰٩۰ “Geter!” chase O “SELECT” does not automatically eliminate duplicates. Select Use keyword distinct to explicitly remove duplicates dno From Select distinct ae dno mp (ename-qdno, ane ‏جوا(‎ = From Jak 1 BOK Emp; Alice |[ 11 90K Lisa 8 222 ‘80K ‘Tom 333 70K ۳ 7 GOK. Orb ‏سم موس‎ Orer DOS

صفحه 27:
A “FROO” couse SELECT co/umns FROM table WHERE condition ; = Specify relations Renaming relations: Use “as” to define “tuple varia bles,” to disambiguate multiple references to the same SELECT E1l.ename FROM Emp as E1, Dept, as E2 WHERE = E1.dno = Dept.d: Dept.mgr = E2.ename AND ET> E1: Emp (ename, d?oE2-Sal; pept(dno, dname, 5 ‎Sabb 2‏ سس ‎me‏ لب 3 بل نز ‎IT 3 = =‏ تلا ‎Tiss [ar 3 -‏ ‎Te 5 ۳3 ‎‘May [5 cus ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Orb ‏سم موس‎ Orer DOS ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 28:
“OWERE” ‏له‎ = Specify optional conditions “Employees who work for Sally and have a salary < 90K” SELECT ename FROM Emp, Dept WHERE Emp.dno=Dept.dno AND Li D.mgr = ‘Lisa’ AND sal isa < 90000; Emp (ename, dno, sal) Dept(dno, dname, - I 5 ‏حت مز 36 تب بل‎ Ste oa ps a = ‏اس لبیل متس‎ ‏سول - ا جع‎ 55-1 2 000 سم موس ‎Orb‏

صفحه 29:
۹۹۰۰۰۰ ‏دون‎ Osed Ia Okere Chuse = equ ححكاا ون > < less thor >= yeeuter thod or equal tz <= less thoc or equal i <> uot equal t7 Orb ‏سم موس‎ Orer DOS

صفحه 30:
a bike Osed to woke vowplex seurcchiey eusy. IP pou را انار ‎to Pied of people's cves‏ مارم صن ‎wits (& Por exacople:‏ GELEOT Pirstrave PROD ‏ور‎ ‎OWGERE Pirstanve LIKG 'C%'; Orb ‏سم موس‎ Orer DOS

صفحه 31:
ا يي ‎Ordering vutput tuples‏ Order the tuples by dno. Within each dept, order salaries from highest to lowest. For salary ties, use alphabetical order on the name. SELECT * FROMEmp order by dno, sal, ename; ‏سب‎ od ۳-۹ Aleks 69 0۵۵۵۲ Roser 169 «ooo | ov oy 90 ۵۵66 ‏مسا[‎ ‎o ‎Caw 98 16500 | ‏سا‎ ‎۹ 6 ‏هه‎ | eon © Ok preparers, Ore ©0006

صفحه 32:
= Union: ‏.نا‎ (select mgr from D where “Find names of people dname=“toy’) who are managers of either the a toy or the sales department.” ‎where dname‏ تحت دوز( ‎‘se.‏ = ‎(select mgr from D where dname=‘téjtd names of people intersect who are managers of both the (select mgr from D where dnarigy and the sales departments.” ‎= Esaept: - ‎(select mgr from D where dname='té¥tkd names of people ‎except who are managers of the (select mgr from D where dnazify but of the sales department. ‘sells’); ‎Orb ‏سم موس‎ Orer DOS

صفحه 33:
= The UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT operators use the set semantics, not bag semantics. = To keep duplicates, use “ALL” after the operators: UNION ALL, INTERSECT ALL, EXCEPT ALL (SELECT ssno FROM studentALL UNION (SELECT ssno FROM ta); Student (ssno, name) TA (ssno, name) Result ‏معط‎ Name ‘Sao ‘Name 111 1:13 Tit Tom 111 Tom. 222 111 222 Jack 22 Jak 24 222 3 ‘Mary, 55 ۳3 555, 222 AAA 555 000 سم موس ‎Orb‏

صفحه 34:
۲ ۳۳۲۲۲۲۲۲۲۲۲۲ ‏تا‎ ‎(Byqreyetioa ‏صصخ‎ ‎= MIN, MAX, SUM, COUNT, AVG ‘input: collection of numbers/strings (depending on operation) “ output: relation with a single attribute with a single row “What is the minimum, maximum, average salary of employees in the toy department” SELECT MIN(sal), MAX(sal), AVG(sal) FROM Emp, Dept WHERE Emp.dno = Dept,dno,,.and..D.dname = err F

صفحه 35:
2 00ل = Sometimes we have to select data from two or more tables to make our result complete. We have to perform a join "Tables in a database can be related to each other with keys. A primary key is a column with a unique value for each row. The purpose is to bind data together, across tables, without repeating all of the data in every table. Orb ‏سم موس‎ Orer DOS

صفحه 36:
2 IDOER JO1W © Dre IDDER JO10 returcs ol rows Prov boik tubles where ON Employees.Employee_ID=Orders.Employe: Product Printer Table Chair there is a wich. | If there are rows in Employees that do not have matches in Orders, those rows will not be listed Employees? Employee ID [Name or Hansen, Ola = EEE ‘T Employees.Name, Orders.Product Nee Employees INNER JOIN Svendson, 03 ‘Stephen Orde: 64 Pettersen, Kari Result ] Name Product | Employee 1D Prod. Hansen, Ola 2 printer’ 9 Svendson, Stephen 557 10 5 Svendson, Stephen 565 ‏سنت‎ 5 Deb 5 20001

صفحه 37:
a LeP\Right Uoic © DPke LEP LOI returcs dl ke rows Proce tke Pirst tobe (Bopbyers), even P kere oe se watches ta he sevped table (Orders). © Dhe RCW JO rete ol ke ‏اجره سا مت من‎ ble (Orders), eves Pere ore ww wnuckes i he Prot thle (Bopbyers). LECT Employees.Name, Orders.Product ‏مس‎ Product OM Employees LEFT JOIN Orders Tae OE aE | Employees.Employee_ID=Orders.Employee_I— ‏عي‎ ‎Svendson, Stephen Table Svendson, Stephen Chair Pettersen, Kari SELECT Employees.Name, Orders.Produci FROM Employees RIGHT JOIN Orders | “2™* Predict oN Hansen, Ola Printer Employees.Employee_ID=Orders.Employe | $¥2ndsen. Stephen Table eID ‘Svendson, Stephen Chair 000 سم موس ‎Orb‏

صفحه 38:
A INSERT INTO = The INSERT INTO statement is used to insert new rows into a NSERT OAS table_name VALUES (value1, value2.....) ‘ specify the columns for which you want to insert « INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2,...) VALUES (value1, value2.,....) Orb ‏سم موس‎ Orer DOS

صفحه 39:
a ۱6 عدا" مويو |“ LastName | FirstName | Address | City Pettersen _| Kari Sto20 | Stav INSERT INTO Persons VALUES (‘Hetland’, ‘Camilla’, 'Hagabakka 24', 'Sandnes') FirstNam ۳ issewawe |e Address | City Pettersen _| Kari 56020 | Stav Hetland [Camilla Haga 24 | Sandnes Orb ‏سم موس‎ Orer DOS

صفحه 40:
Sh UPDATE ‎OPOONE statewerdt is used to‏ دحك لا ‎wodity the data ict a table.‏ ‎UPDATE table_name SET column_name = new_value WHERE column_name = some_value ‎Orb ‏سم موس‎ Orer DOS

صفحه 41:
city Stav Address Kirk 56 Sto 67 Person: FirstNam LastName e Nilsen Fred Rasmussen UPDATE Person SET FirstName = ‘Nina’ WHERE LastName = ‘Rasmussen’ LastName | FirstName | Address city Nilsen Fred Kirk56 Stav Rasmussen _| Nina Sto 67 PDATE Person ET Address = 'Stien 12', City = 'Stav' HERE LastName = ‘Rasmussen’ LastName | FirstName | Address city Nilsen Fred Kirk56 Stav Rasmussen | Nina Stien 12 Stav Orb ‏سم موس‎ Orer DOS

صفحه 42:
2h DELETE = Dhe OGLEVE statewedt is used to delete rows faa table. DELETE FROM table_name WHERE column_name = some _ value LastName | FirstName | Address city Nilsen Fred Kirk56 Stav Rasmussen | Nina Stien 12 | stav DELETE FROM Person WHERE LastName = ‘Rasmussen’ LastName | FirstName | Address | city Nilsen Fred Kirk 56 Stav Orb ‏سم موس‎ Orer DOS

صفحه 43:
a Guwwarp ® Okv wes dotubuses insted oP Pile systews, wht ure the pro-pous, whe to use Buck © Okot is o relics database? Wow ooo pou ® Okat ip GQL? Oka ae OOL ud OOL? Okat stiteweuts une retoted ty ruck GGL nue Orb ‏سم موس‎ Orer DOS

صفحه 44:
000 سم موس ‎Orb‏

جهت مطالعه ادامه متن، فایل را دریافت نمایید.
29,000 تومان