صفحه 1:
31 oli ay, Cakes he ۴

صفحه 2:
Applications of Electrostatics

صفحه 3:
Electric Charge * Oras in COOLODGG 0” 40 ASN al ‏دمص‎ ‎hers ‏یر‎ Om

صفحه 4:
Electric Potential Energy

صفحه 5:
Electric Potential Energy ‎Piss aS BSNS‏ ب ‎wore GPE whea‏ ‎itis powpressed‏ ‎

صفحه 6:
Electric Potential Energy -----6 0 ‎atic‏ ات ‎0 ca ‎ecard‏ ا ‎ ‏عم اس بو ‎9 ime De Tat a ae Na ‎117 ‏لك ‎ ‎5 ‏امسر ۷

صفحه 7:
Electric Potential Energy ا ل ا ل 9 .عجعج أادمه صا عصوام جوج ‎TDS a Ea De ACPA‏

صفحه 8:
Diagram B B= 5 The + test charge will naturally move in the direction of the E field; ‘work isnot required. The potential energy of the charge will decrease. Diagram A B A ۵: ‏ف‎ ‘Moving the + test charge from location A to location B will require work and increase the potential energy of the charge.

صفحه 9:
Electric Potential Energy 5 4 Kave the forger electric poteotial Esa ae

صفحه 10:
Electric Potential Energy مر ا ا ا ا 5

صفحه 11:
Electric Potential (volts) "۹ ۱

صفحه 12:
Electric Potential (volts) " Example: (OOO joules oP work is doar to ‏عملا جمدم‎ CAS fm ANS De ACT ‏جملا صا ررورره عونا‎ OAS acd Deas ac en (DROME De Nice eee eae ea eres asl ‏7سا رت اب‎

صفحه 13:
Electric Potential (volts) ۶ ‏ورن ان انم 1000 :عامموییی)‎ bel cans eas ce ed wove the charge yg Proow Por away to the ‏ام‎ ا ا 0 4411 ا دك مهما هه هاا أن bi OY ene Ra ‏سحاد‎ ‎۱ " 0 - 0000000 1/00 < 000 0

صفحه 14:
Electric Potential (volts) 2 Okat iP the charge io the previous problew Dace PAO ON aici CDA OD) Ds woud Kappes to the BR?

صفحه 15:
Electric Potential (volts) 2 Okat iP the charge io the previous problew Dace PAO ON aici CDA OD) Ds woud Kappes to the BR? = 11. DOOLO BE MLE GOME! ol OO a PUN ING ca aca cacd

صفحه 16:
Electric Potential (volts) « (63 iva eal iv eae ne fee NaS ACROSS Oe NAO OA EON

صفحه 17:
Electric Potential vs Potential Energy (ON ans a ee nerd Ohkick kas wore ۱ an iG

صفحه 18:
Is 5000 Volts Dangerous? 5000 volts?) za

صفحه 19:
Is 5000 Volts Dangerous? "DOPE! و( ۷ عمد ۱ و رل ۱۳ ‎eh‏ مر عاس 6000

صفحه 20:
Potential Difference (voltage) ل ا 4 2 17271015

صفحه 21:
Potential Difference (voltage) bd (Vem cac caine a Pale cael cio cn Dies ۰ ۷ ‏کت ی مد ان را‎ x x J

صفحه 22:
Potential Difference (voltage) bd (Vem cac caine a Pale cael cio cn Dies ۰ be ‏ماه‎ SS aad 6 ۳ x J x J

صفحه 23:
Potential Difference ” 4 ‏ل‎ ‎۳ ‏جوج‎ A Simple Electric Cirouit ae

صفحه 24:
Potential Difference ” 4 ‏ل‎ ‏اد اب‎ aes bsivuees wae ‘A Simple Electric Cirouit TESS cL bea cae AUS cd 7 7 Mg ‏صا كاوها ممممخا رررولة عويسوجار)‎ UUM Es oi a Paes ea)

صفحه 25:
Potential Difference (voltage) 2 (Si ‏مم لا اه‎ eee ceca LN

صفحه 26:
Potential Difference (voltage) Okv 0 cact ۱ te

صفحه 27:
Current (I) Om VRE ee acs

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