فیزیکعلوم پایه

Energy Resources: Production and Consumption

صفحه 1:
Energy Resources: Production and Consumption Environmental Sustainability Educational Resources prepared by Gregory A. Keoleian Associate Research Scientist, School of Natural Resources and Environment Co-Director, Center for Sustainable Systems University of Michigan ل 2۸ ١

صفحه 2:
Contents + Non-Renewable Energy Resources [slide 3] + Renewable Energy Sources [slide 4] * Peak Production of Petroleum in US [slide 5] * Projected World Peak Production of Petroleum [slide 6] * Projected World Peak Production of Petroleum [slide 7] * Regional Shares of Crude Oil [slide 8] * World Oil Production [slide 9] * World Total Primary Energy Supply [slide 10] + World Total Energy Consumption Projections [slide 11] * World Total Energy Consumption Projections (by fuel type) [slide 12] * World Total Energy Consumption 1990 -2020 (by region) [slide 13] + U.S. Energy Flow [slide 14] + U.S. Energy Consumption and Renewable Supply [slide 15] + Additional Resources [slide 16] aA

صفحه 3:
Non-Renewable Energy Sources * Conventional - Petroleum - Natural Gas - Coal - Nuclear * Unconventional (examples) - Oil Shale - Natural gas hydrates in marine sediment aA

صفحه 4:
Renewable Energy Sources ¢ Solar photovoltaics * Solar thermal power ¢ Passive solar air and water heating ° Wind ¢ Hydropower * Biomass * Ocean energy * Geothermal * Waste to Energy aA

صفحه 5:
Peak Production of an TTC جح هد دج [ یلح ( ۲ Lower 48 Crude Oil Reserves & Production, 1945-2000 4.0 35 Crude Oil Annual Production, Billion Barrels oo 1995 2000 Lower 43 Reserves > = Lower 48 Production 1985 1990 — Peak oo‘ PProcuction 1910 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 ۵ 40 Peak Reserves 19 و3 36 26 20 15 10 5 3 19145 1950 Crude Od Reserves, Billion Barrels

صفحه 6:
Projected World Peak Production of Petroleum 2 او ات بای 0 2050 2040 2030 2020 2010 2000 1990 1980 1970 1960 1950 1940 1930 ANNUAL OIL PRODUCTION (BILLIONS OF BARRELS)

صفحه 7:
12 EIA World Conventional Oil Production Scenarios 90 1 1 . USGS Eslimates of Ultimate Recovery Peak Range ‏یه‎ et ve oe: =| Ultimate Recovery 224 ۳ 2112 Probabilt 885 7011 ۷ 2 Low (95 %) 2,248 900 Billion Bis > 60 (Mean (expected value) 3 Moves Peak 10 8 High (5 9%) 3,896 Years 2 oy LI From 2037 - 2047 250 3 540 2 s 30 5 History 20 ‘Mean —Low (95%) 10 | High 6 %) 0 1900 1925 ۰ 1950 ۰ 1975 ۰ 2000 ۰۰ 2025 2050 2075 2100 5 Hote: U.S. volues were added to the USGS foreign volurresto obtain world totals.

صفحه 8:
0999© ‏ام‎ Gkares oP Cnide Oil Non- Asia® Latin OECD Ching 5:!% America ۱ Europe 47% 10.0% Africa 0.3% ۱ 10.1% Former USSR 10.7% © . aA Middle East 30.6%

صفحه 9:
World Incremental Oil Production 1997-2010 1997-2010 2010-2020 2010-2020 HW OPEC Middle East [J Other OPEC Ml Non OPEC mb /d

صفحه 10:
(OFS Owe) Combustble Hydro Renewables ‏رین‎ ‎& Waste 2.3% ‏یود(‎ 0.4% @Other includes geothermal, solar, wind, heat, etc.

صفحه 11:
World Energy Consumntioan 00 Quadrillion Btu Projections 612 555 د ص قم کي کي کي کي هي کی کی کي ای

صفحه 12:
World Energy Dannrzimntian Quadrillion Btu 250 - Projections 100 - Coal 50- Renewables Nuclear 1 1 2000 2010 2020 1 1 1970 1980 1990

صفحه 13:
1209 78.4 25.4 97.3 57.3 607.7 World Total Energy Consumption 1990 -2020 (Quadrillion Btu) 1997 94.2 640 21.3 36.7 40.8 379.9 Region/Country 0 United States 84.0 Westem Europe 59.9 Japan 18.1 China 27.0 Former Soviet Union 61.0 Total World 346.7 aA

صفحه 14:
U.S. Energy Flow, 1999 Transporation

صفحه 15:
U.S. Energy Consumption by Source, 1998 Renewable Energy Sources All Energy Sources (7.0 Quadrillion Btu) (94.2 Quadrillion Btu) Solar 1% Geothermal 5% Natural Gas Biomass 43% 23% Petroleum 39% Wind < 0.5% Renewable Hydroelectric 50% Nuclear Electric 8% aA Totals may nat equal sum of components due to independent rounding 15

صفحه 16:
Additional Resources * US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration - web site: www.eia.doe.gov

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