صفحه 1:
Gaver Gi surg Gorin یی زین
Presa Van
Oppied OR Ordetery Onurse
4estruntor: Dr. bbus Get
Prepares by: Osan Barck
صفحه 2:
2 ۵00۵ توالت
© Dreceportaiva Problew
© ew warket (Dorp)
© poral oa sul
* OrPramc
* Or yarer oP the reat كحت كلابب without the ovatract — 2 ways
8 higher Pretght ooste Por the suller plat — OG ways to dePioe
اس سح
۶ )۳وجلصم ۲ subsequed pears:
+ seh Prakres (PF we have koe)
8 @has sttecet
© barge tables
* Phebe, Por, ced while states
presectaton ts beased rt
DDS 1D Recah ناهوس carl fe ی همص مود ادهصاه ها سسوم معا فالتا
exnd GOOG Over's Burke
صفحه 3:
صفحه 4:
wis existoc wodels ood wodPy theo ما موه نو
Ourngewed Griewe oct
Ore Covwwies
QRevreutiocad Dodets
Over Covwxwies
Oolertioa oP prograns
Opricuhurd Coowwies
Opptied Ceveral Cquiibrivey
Coowwic Oevelopwet
Coen Coowwirs
صفحه 5:
© Crt GOOG
© Open wew proient, suve it he desktop (cay unre)
© Open Proasportatica Problew Prow the Dude Library
© ype 'D 7
© Gave the Pie to the deshiop (“Progra!”, use “Gave oe"
in “Pie” wen)
* Oka chogges should we woke to odd 0 cew worket io
صفحه 6:
۰ سس () - عالمو) = 8.9 thousands wiles
* Gao Diew — Oorqeatowa = 6.0 thousueds wes
© Orie صا اصوصن هن pour progeny usicKy
© "SOctext ... 90۳۳ — culiple-haes cowed
© Gave the Pie, Rua
صفحه 7:
© Oket is the wodel status?
© Okt phrst supphes © Dorman? Wow ona oases?
* Oko a the wit عمج موس
° Okt story do the wargedt voles Por equines tell?
© Now wal he costs choage Pe “Porce” Geutle pratt supply
dO cases to Oorxpriows?
صفحه 8:
° poatrant va delivery oP WO cases موه مس 0
xPx(“Geutle”, “Ovrgctewa”) = 10;
° Dura oP evko prict
$OPPistiey — Rter ناس ceeded tite, startiagy a the Pirst position ۰
the hoe
با ماه له موی اه ی
OD, leoool = 0: ۶ سا مرن
° bow do the wicked troasportaiiva وه سوه
صفحه 9:
& Cowper the costs ued shipwed poteras wit ood
صفحه 10:
سو © - وا لجع ۱ عره©)
ad f=)
وه وس عم( وه مت Gave pour &°
اطلت با مت تال او با او
۶ )9۳9 علا Gole stewed, declare wew Poraweters
RECU4)) 364 BAT ced cssica thew the voles xL(i,j) ord
© Oefice the مدصت
© Give wwher Gober stctewedt
°° Oevhre ww Poruweters RECO(1j) ad at, ord
este thew the value oP ناد لجه (ز) راع
© Cowper oot, tO, RECT an REGCE (Diepky
صفحه 11:
save the results in new parameters
Parameters costl "minimal transportation costs w/o contract’
RES1(i,j) "shipment w/o contract";
costl = z.L;
RESL(i,j) = x-L(i,3):
enforse the contract
¢.fx('seattle', 'morgantownWv') = 10;
solve the model for the new settings
solve transport using 1p minimizing 2:
save the results in new parameters
Marameters cost2 minimal transportation costs with contract
RES2 (i,j) shipment given the contract;
cost2 = 2.1;
RES2 (i,j) = x-L(i,j)i
صفحه 12:
Loop(Courvitay Get Dawe, Coward);
°° Loop. reped the set oP coweends Por ol eleweats oP ie
اعد اور
© Gave pour proynny os Progen, write cores
°° ODetete the eed oP pour proenne startiog with the Pirst Goble
۱ slide)
صفحه 13:
ther bore صا نت
Model transport /all/ ; +
* declare a set with elements solvel and solve2
Set SOL solutions /solvel, solve2/;
+ declare parameters to save solution results
Parameters mincost (SOL) transportation costs for 2 models
RES (SOL, i,j) shipment pattern for 2 models;
Loop (SOL,
Solve transport using lp minimizing 2;
RES (SOL, i, 4) یت در +
mincost (SOL) = 2.1:
prepare for second solve
x.fx('seattle', 'morgantownmv') = 10;
Display nincost, RES:
صفحه 14:
9B producer ts sual, Freight posts ane kicker
© $-perar: BOOS’ way ty say ‘oop PF
dolar va the right - :((0(<2000) 9083 - زد
PW)S(al)>COD) = OD; — - dolar va the teh
PQ) wll be OO ody BP plants tprodwes wore tar GOO
صفحه 15:
© Dole va the eR P(W)$(a(i>COO) = BO;
- Pi), awk tha of)>SOO, rants OO”
-weniny # (aj) > SOO), thea Pi) = OO
=o essipevedt is wade unless he bnyicd ovation is suishied
© Optar va the right! راع - 9030-2000 (,
- “Pi = 80 F of>SOO"
+ weeny F (afi) > GOO), thes P(i) = OO, eb Pi) = O
> assiqaed is chaps wade.
” w vertubles vod be used do dePioe عروثا ججشتلجمت أمصوها
COG teckucd reuvds.
صفحه 16:
& Gave pour اس ار ,وت و مت
& Dreasportaiiva costs are higher Por a swuler producer
© Covered cul و ناویل Grote F
© Odd Ai) to the set oP Poraweters
۶ Duke Preight costs higher by $G/rase Phe phot produces
fess thot GOO vases
۶ riot the vdlues oP poraeter P (Display stitecet)
صفحه 17:
Parameters f (i) freight in dollars per case per thousand miles
c(i, j) transport cost in thousands of dollars per case;
+ 5${a(i) < S00);
(i) * dij) / 1000 ۶
Display f;
صفحه 18:
Ove con deRue subsets cvatutiy port of the eleweuts oP waver
و روص اعد Get stotewedt
i canning plants / seattle, san-diego /
smalli(i) subset of set i - small plants /seattle/
j markets / new-york, chicago,
topeka, morgantown / ;
صفحه 19:
۳ weobers of sual,
ud “(Puse” viherwise
Parameter f(i) freight cost
c(i,j) transport cost in thousands of dollars per case +
۶)1( 2 90 1 ۶
e(i,j) = £(4) * (زژیذاه / 1000 :
صفحه 20:
& beg! netaiceship betwee tee periods T ond D-C
bead: relticaship betwers toe periods 1١ D+
صفحه 21:
+ program illustrating Lead operator
Set T /1975*2004/;
Parameter Population(T) population at time T;
Population("1975") = 3;
* calculate population for ali years in T
Loop(T, Population(T+1) = Population(T)* 1.1);
Display Population;
‘Dp! Open ace Ble, save oe prounne’?, wrte لمجت و
صفحه 22:
... ,© 4 ۱2 رکه ع Poputaiva(!) ©
© ORO: ques the relaive posiiog of a wewber ao set
© Cxevple:
ORO(ORS’) = 4
۵606۵ -(«۵م 9
© CORO: the total cuceber of eleweuts iat the set
© Cxervple:
CORO(T) = 90
صفحه 23:
* program illustrating the use of ORD operator: x(t) = a**t
Set T time periods ۶
Parameter Population(T) population at time T;
Sealar a /3/;
* calculate population for all years in T
Loop(T, Population(T) = a ** ORD(T));
Display Population;
Nip: Opew a cew Ale, save he pron, write cower
صفحه 24:
° gue ای ue ty تما پا و vet
lies (1,17);
© Open caw Pie, save thas Progr, wie ovaries
set i /il*i3/;
alias (i,j); 5
parameters a(i,j), b(i,i);
2 )1,(
۶ (0,1) هن
uniform (0,1);
display a, b;
صفحه 25:
‘able ka(m,i) initial capital of productive unit
inchon ulsan
lacmos-dist 3702 12910
lsteam-car 537 _use the plus sign
__ و move some of
yosu the columns to the
latmos-dist 9875 next lines
lsteam-car 1207
صفحه 26:
Opes cew Pie, seve its Progra, vorite دملا صا لمجخخصصص ه ۴
* example of ron statement
paraneter =:
مه و 0.3 by 1.4,
صفحه 27:
Open caw Ae, save tas Proyrowkl, write cori
parameter s; oe
S$ = -3.4; aa
while(s le 0.3,
display s;
صفحه 28:
strictly less than
less than-or-equal to
equal to
not equal to
greater than or equal to
strictly greater than
صفحه 29:
1۳-0۵۵ 0
© Open caw Fle, seve ۱ اه و 6و6 و
*program illustrating if-else statement
parameter index;
index = uniform(0,1);
if((index le 0.5),
display index, "index is less than 0.5";
display index, "index is greater than 0.5";