صفحه 1:
Joe M. Regenstein
Professor of Food Science
Head: Cornell Kosher Food
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-7201
Food Science
July 26, 2007
صفحه 2:
An American Professor of Food Science
Have spent about 30 years working on
religious foods issues: Writing,
Speaking, Doing
Member of the FMI/NCCR Animal Welfare
Technical Committee
Technical advisor to IFANCA
Colleague of Dr. Temple Grandin
Teach Kosher and Halal Food Regulations
at: Cornell, Kansas State (DL) and
University of Wisconsin-Madison (DL)
صفحه 3:
It is not our
differences that
divide us. It is our
inability to
recognize, accept,
and celebrate
those differences.
Audre Lorde
صفحه 4:
We need to recognize that we can disagree
about ethics, I.e., we cannot always
agree on what is right and what is
wrong, even if we are all ETHICAL
از لكا
We must remember that we each bring our
own ideas and background to ethics and
to slaughter. We need to think more
broadly to incorporate new ideas and
educate ourselves.
صفحه 5:
Those who cannot change their minds
مصنطوهه موصقطه امصصعه
George Bernard Shaw
صفحه 6:
The responsibility to treat animals
properly is an ethical responsibility for
all of us involved in animal agriculture.
We need to address the issues using
rational arguments and reasoning.
Religious slaughter needs to be fairly
evaluated. The null hypothesis should
be the starting point, i.e., that un-
stunned slaughter and slaughter with
ehinning are equally himane
صفحه 7:
ی ت۱۹
community as to how to slaughter. Some will
permit light tree will not. Some
will permit upright ughter others will not.
l ethically define my task as working with each
of these communities to evaluate and then
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to work with us 0 reach that goal. 00
Rant after that level is achieved, can we
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صفحه 8:
Philosophy, like morality itself, is the
first and last an exercise in reason -
the ideas that should come out on top
are the ones that have the best
reasons on their sides.
Rachels, The Elements of Moral Philosophy, 1999.
p. Xii
صفحه 9:
If something specific is wrong with animal
agriculture, like slaughter, specifically
religious slaughter, what does that mean?
1. We should work hard to correct the
specific problem? Yes
2. It is proof that slaughter should not exist
and, therefore, we should promote
veganism? Traditional stunning? No
There certainly are things wrong with
animal agriculture, including with
religious slaughter, so let us work on
correcting them.
صفحه 10:
Believe Nothing That You
[ اعاصظ
صفحه 11:
Allows one to isolate the various factors that
are involved in affecting a process
Can critically evaluate the scientific
contribution of each factor to the net
Can then focus on correcting the most critical
factors, which would also would need to
reflect policy considerations
In my opinion this has been poorly done for
religious slaughter! (And also for regular
slaughter). Which effects reflect the
slaughter, which reflect the animal handling,
and which reflect the equipment?
صفحه 12:
A critical look
process of slaughtering and animal
handling that helps to identify the
factors that need to be considered
The earlier steps are identical to those
used in non-Religious slaughter -
and the same problems may occur
صفحه 13:
Absence of injury
Appropriate provisions of feed and water
Proper consideration of the impact of
ambient temperature, humidity, wind
conditions and in-transit conditions
faced by animals during transport
Compatibility of the animals within a
Goal: Presenting an acceptable animal to
the slaughter facility
صفحه 14:
Appropriate provisions of feed and
Proper temperature
Absence of mud
Again a need to look at the impact of
temperature, humidity, wind, noise,
lighting, group dynamics, breed,
animal age etc.
Goal: Maintain healthy calm animals
صفحه 15:
Proper animal handling practices
Absence or minimal use of electric prods
Proper design and maintenance of
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Avoidance of distractions
Goal: Animals should proceed to slaughter
calmly without hesitation
صفحه 16:
Not used for religious slaughter
Current suggested U.S. expectations
(FMI/NCCR and AMI) require 95% of
the animals to be stunned on the first
Need to study the state of animals that
are missed on the first try - both
animals that are calm and those that
may not be so calm because they were,
for example, electrically prodded
صفحه 17:
Animals should continue to be handled well
Pens should be constructed to help calm
the animal
Facilities need to be designed and
maintained properly with attention to
Personnel should be properly trained in
their tasks
Goal: Optimize the potential of the
slaughter method
صفحه 18:
The slaughterman should be properly trained
The knife used should be of the proper size
and shape
The knife used should be properly sharpened
The slaughterman should cut the animal in
the proper place
The animals neck should be extended
properly- not too taunt or too lose
The cut should be done aggressively so that
the animal bleeds profusely and drops
quickly, avoiding aneurisms
صفحه 19:
Any subsequent cut for further bleed-
out shall be done quickly and
The animal shall not otherwise be
handled until it is insensible
صفحه 20:
“Everyone is entitled to their
own opinion, but not their
own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Former U.S. senator
صفحه 21:
If all the steps are done properly, the animal
should be expected to be insensible: we
might want to suggest that is less than 20
If the animal is NOT insensible by the
suggested 20 seconds then a post-slaughter
stun should be used, even if this requires
that the animal no longer meets religious
Meat plants doing religious slaughter must be
prepared to sell meat that does not meet the
religious requirements into other markets.
صفحه 22:
“Recently, I participated in a ritual
kosher slaughter -- in this ritual, the
way it was meant to be done, I must
CENA MOM CM Lari Eelam ل ae)
management really understood the
importance and significance of what
they were doing, and communicated
this to their employees -- and to the
animals as well, I believe. As each
steer entered the kosher restraining
box, I manipulated the controls to
gently position the animal.
صفحه 23:
After some practice, I learned that the
animals would stand quietly and not resist
being restrained if I eased the chin-lift up
under the animal’s chin. Jerking the
controls or causing the apparatus to make
sudden movements made the cattle
jump... Some cattle were held so loosely
by the head-holder and the rear pusher
gate that they could easily have pulled
away from the rabbi’s knife. I was relieved
and surprised to discover that the animals
don’t even feel the super-sharp blade as it
touches their skin. They made no attempt:
to pull away. I felt peaceful and calm.”
(Regenstein and Grandin 1992)
صفحه 24:
7 علطن 15 نأقطاتالا
Is the agenda really to do good science
and trying to improve the slaughter
consistent with people’s religious
My agenda: to get a fair and objective
scientific evaluation of both religious and
non-religious slaughter. For those items
that are un-satisfactory, we need to work
with the plants to fix the problems.
صفحه 25:
the continued total ban on religious
slaughter in Sweden:
They observed the worst upside down pen
(Weinberg) - N=1; never considered banning
the pen?
. They Nettie out that much of the kosher
slaughtered meat in Sweden is sold to
entiles (non-Jews); never considered
abeling such meat?
تاوباز 10
Therefore, for these two reasons alone, Sweden
is justified in continuing to ban religious
Is this science or an agenda? I do not think this
is science but rather an embarrassment and
an anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim agenda at
صفحه 26:
Need to study a Temple Grandin compliant
plant with really good religious slaughter
and see what the status of that plant is
(and I do believe that even these plants
can be improved.) And then: Certain
practices (not religious slaughter itself)
may need to be banned, e.g., shackling
and hoisting and the Weinberg pen (see
the Royal Veterinary Society of Sweden
statement on slaughter discussed
صفحه 27:
What do animals feel with each of the
different slaughter methods when done
right? When not done right? How do we
deal with these two different situations of
right and wrong? In each case when is
the animal “dead” or insensible”? (I
prefer to think in terms of insensible - as
a measurable expectation.) How does the
possibility that an animal is unconscious
but not insensible get dealt with?
صفحه 28:
What aspects of the religious
slaughter process are due to the
inherent nature of a particular
religious slaughter (or standard
slaughter) and what is subject to
improvement through good
management, training of religious
personnel, proper use of technology,
and technology improvement?
صفحه 29:
What is reasonable?
This is policy not science
15 to 20 seconds seems to be on most
peoples’ list as a satisfactory expectation and
reflects an animal that becomes unconscious
even sooner and bleeds out properly
This criteria CAN regularly be met by
religious slaughter with proper equipment,
proper training, and proper handling of the
صفحه 30:
If the policy is not met - it
should be required that a post-
slaughter stunning be done after, for
example, 30 sec even if it makes the
product unacceptable religiously
(again the actual time is a policy
صفحه 31:
With normal stunning procedures - if the
animal is not stunned on the first try, it is
extremely stressful. Sometimes it takes
as many as 6 tries to eventually stun the
animal. The new AMI (American Meat
Institute) expectation, as also accepted
by the FMI (Food Marketing Institute,
supermarkets)/NCCR (National Council
of Chain Restaurants) Animal Welfare
Technical Committee that I will discuss
shortly still permit 5% of the animals to
be “missed” on the first try!
صفحه 32:
Can one really determine how the religious
slaughter was done reading the literature?
Can one really determine how the time to
insensibility and death is affected by
improper handling and poor handling
equipment from that which is inherent in
well done religious and standard slaughter?
I would suggest that the literature does not
meet the standard of sufficient information
so the experiment can be repeated or the
data cleanly interpreted, which is surprising
for such important questions - if objective
scientific answers were really desired?
صفحه 33:
There are many currently operating religious
slaughter systems that do NOT meet the
modern expectation of animal welfare, but
there are also some that we believe do. Those
that do not should not be accepted if the
measurements reported suggest that these
are out of control - but the extrapolation to all
religious slaughter is inappropriate until good
measurements are made and reproduced on
the best available systems. A proper test of
the null hypothesis is needed, i.e., religious
slaughter is as humane as any other modern
approved slaughter system.
صفحه 34:
An understanding of the process by which
“endorphins” (opiates) function in animals at
the time of slaughter
The role of the sharp cut in optimizing
endorphin release and of the animals
“stress” state
Objective criteria for measuring/evaluating the
quality of religious slaughter and of other
slaughter - can we develop a set of criteria
for humane slaughter, and when in each
process is the animal dead or insensible.
صفحه 35:
Detailed animal physiology, biochemical,
and behavioral measurements on a
system where during religious
slaughter animals are becoming
insensible in 15 seconds or less.
More information about animals from
stunning (or missed-stunning) to bleed-
out with conventional systems.
In ALL cases the details of the system
studied need to be reported.
صفحه 36:
A discussion to begin to define the set of
criteria that need to be reported about
the animals, the plant, the equipment,
the animal handling, and the actual
slaughter so as to be able to evaluate
the actual slaughter observed. (We
have started on such a document.)
A discussion to begin to define which
measurements are “meaningful” for
looking at slaughter and how those
measurements should be carried out.
صفحه 37:
This country [or any country?] will
not be a good place for any of us
to live in unless we make it a
ols ses a to live
2-2 Roosevelt
صفحه 38:
The FMI/NCCR (Food Marketing
Institute/National Council of Chain
Restaurants) has undertaken to create
kosher and halal slaughter guidelines,
based on AMI (American Meat Institute)
expectations. The current AMI guidelines
were recently changed to permit a well
done upside-down religious slaughter to
qualify as it is required by some groups
in the religious community.
صفحه 39:
As part of Cornell’s Northeast Sheep and
Goat Program, we have tested a
commercially available Muslim
slaughter knife and subsequently
developed a new knife, have developed
a restraining pen that should cost less
than $1000, and developed a multi-
lingual instruction poster that will
permit individual Muslims to do halal
slaughter consistent with modern
animal welfare expectations. (Currently
available in English, Arabic, Persian,
TIrdi Somali Malay Turkich and
صفحه 40:
Acceptable Knife That is
Commercially Available
صفحه 41:
صفحه 42:
صفحه 43:
صفحه 44:
صفحه 45:
یو( و
صفحه 46:
صفحه 47:
اسر نار دک رو از مرک گنر سر و سنا تس سره رگد از
زور یکی وقوار مزر رت زر تدر ياوا
Bag an هر له وق رز
امنهار دنه هرب ٠0090000 دس
يمع كرظن
صفحه 48:
صفحه 49:
It is my personal belief that in the future
the most humane slaughter may well be
religious slaughter. All research on the
issue of religious slaughter (as opposed
to evaluating a particular situation)
needs to be done on a system that is
operating properly and provides the
best possible condition for slaughter -
only then can the potential of religious
slaughter be properly evaluated.
Hopefully then we can have a open-
minded scientifically-based discussion.
صفحه 50:
These references attempt to present an
overview of the science of un-stunned
slaughter from a pro-religious slaughter point
of view
Levinger, Levinger and Monk: Shechitah
Rosen: Article in the Vet Record
A book discussing of some of the issues of halal
slaughter although not focused on the
technical issues being discussed in this
The Islamic Method of Slaughter
صفحه 51:
For further information, please contact Joe M.
Regenstein at jmr9@cornell.edu: Copies of this
PowerPoint talk, the Spirit of Humane brochure, and
the Humane (Halal) poster are available from him
with no charge.
Also there is a comprehensive paper on kosher and
halal at www.ift.org; go to publications; go to on-line
journals; go to Comprehensive Reviews in Food.
Science and Food Safety; volume 2 issue 3.
For either a kosher/halal talk or an animal welfare talk,
go to www.cybertower.cornell.edu and log in.
For a 2 credit distance learning course on kosher and
halal food regulations go to the Kansas State
University (www.ksu.edu) distance learning program
in food science.