کسب و کاربرنامه‌ریزی

Impact assessment framework

صفحه 1:
kopwt wsesswedt Proweworls QOuteske ‏امه‎ Gecor Poboy Oduser ‏سرا‎ ‎un 6۳ OL®

صفحه 2:
®ucky ound Wow tbrones support learatcay مه دا ‎Stony‏ © * Expertise io worbiey i potoership with a roe DP other puters © Criicd role with digital ‏هت‎ © Guppon the wider beoeP its oP ‏نمیا‎ © Provide choice und Flexibility ۰ Stray aks to Oyeiogy Goviety

صفحه 3:
Okt does the Prexvework do? Lets throes desoribe the impart oF their ‏موی وه مره مر شوت موه‎ ۱۱ cowed bone to tok te ‏وه را‎ und Pusders ubvut the role oP tbrories in supporticey ‎Dupo WES‏ مها ‎wetkodolow ty suppon tbrones to pk,‏ 80 ‎euotute ood develop bearciegy activity‏

صفحه 4:
0 وبا BD iis Prowewwork is based va Tespirtey bearatcry pounnissived by OL uc trucked i CODD ‎dospirtey eorciay is based va 0 brood ood‏ آلا ها ‎dePicitioa oP‏ عرص( ‎yeurric leurcidg pup wes‏ © ترا ‎MO wore revedt yeurriv suid votes‏ ‎LAW 3 ‏کی‎

صفحه 5:
(everic learcay vuoowes> ‎vod urderstacrdicgy‏ زر ‎Mares in shits‏ ‎BO titudes wed volves ‎۲ ‏ره ره شوه مرن‎ ‏شرت(‎ bekaviowr ced ‏موه‎ ‎vowbicatiod oF the uboue

صفحه 6:
Behaviour and Progression Attitudes and Values Enjoyment Inspiration Creativity

صفحه 7:

صفحه 8:
Qevelop pour story uotivity cord wv it is Por? IDPOTG GOO COTIOITM1EG wka resvurves ued uniiviies do pou weed to develbp 1 deliver this service OOTPOTGE BOD OOTCODEGS wha pou expect pou vil achieve

صفحه 9:
Getevicry GD@ORT ۱ Mi odicators ore used to weusure, siopiPpy ood ‏ور هلح‎ story عه و رتسول وا یل 1 لحم رت اه ‎should be GOORT —‏ یی لس رن( ‎skople to koplewed, weesurdble, wirorPoosed,‏

صفحه 10:
COMPLE ‏نی‎ ۱ P pevple who kuve punivipoted ict Dube ol library uniiviies desiqued to ioprove their ICT P pevple who kuve punivipoted ict ohils library uniiviies desiqued to oreuse their interest ‏عو الحه موم نز‎ eprove their ‏اد ره‎

صفحه 11:
جعطادصال؟ جر ‎COMPLE‏ 1 ‏ره با و مر اون‎ bekwiours, kaonwledye, shils cod rapped oF ers us U result oP library services BECOME kos creed that the hey yeueric putoowes retatiegy ‏ربممطنا ما‎ ICT ۱ ‏چاه برش‎ keouwledye ued ‏اه یلو وی‎ wed ‏حصلی‌طلاه‎

صفحه 12:
Wow to oolevt pour dota Review the doe pou dread) oolent to ser to OD kis wil kelp pow to decide oo Wwhetker t7 adopt a data oolecicn wethod pou ‏ماه‎ ‎wee or develop a ce wethod oP dota collection

صفحه 13:
اعصلامت رلتحا روت بو ۳3) Oves it que evideuve ve 5522 ‘Yes Dube 3 Dube اون براه اجب (Post project اه Outa source امس( بصصطا اسحه ةا كمس ]امس 5 سرون ‎Letters Prow‏

صفحه 14:
موه ورشنومی6 BiRequres uv fange ‏رای‎ of ‏لو‎ ‏صا‎ posure oop suvple pou take is ierviewus wih u series DP closed or

صفحه 15:
Quultaive research BQ sePu Por vaderstondky sreethieg ia depth Biqwoles toiog of qreuter feagh too scaler ۰۲ oP pevphe Bi Quottatve iPorcvutiva is qabered by Pace to Pace or telephour titerviews, Porous your dsnessiw, vo ‏و‎ or bovks, ppeu puded queso ‏جع مادو تحص من‎

صفحه 16:
Cts 4 is icpportat that brary stePP ‏وی‎ ethical bows vary Prow pouty to pouty but there ure shared priwiples va Cowen ‎chided‏ للا ‏ا ‏) للا

صفحه 17:
‎pour resus‏ عجبد) ‎Bl Qadpsis oP the data pou ovlent wil reved iP the ‘story’ pou soupped out of the beqicrotey actully koppeved. MRof wees pou oo test pour ‏صتوعكاصوروا‎ ‎۸ ‏صا عو السصحده بصع ات وروت با ات‎ the type oP tool pou used aed the (ype oP ‏ول‎ pou vohevted — whether it is quoctitaive pr qualitative

صفحه 18:
Titers to thay about whe 3 نت 1 ‏تیه ما له بر ان بت‎ OP % is a high pr low result BV ke weuciay ood siqaiPiccave oP the results — pou wap weed to yvup the dota toto ‏موی‎ ‎depeudiag oo Who the proucounwe is toryeted ut 8 Dewphte © powiles exawples oP how to tok puiputs ced putpowwes to oo indicator, dota ‏این شام‎ ood results

صفحه 19:
resect ued we pour Pracdiccges MM Lightqht pour key wessuyes ta ‏شوه وه‎ PRU Sl Oesorbe the purpose DP the fears ‏ىر‎ UDtiVity thot pou keve evotvoted Bl Qesorbe pour choseu wetkodolop BD Wok obout how pou coud ePReivel presect ‏رم سر‎ BlOvuclusives — relate to pour prigtcdl story

صفحه 20:
@otery Purther 1015 ‏عو طايه عجرا‎ semen rele ia? * Exoniciog the lrogetercy isppact oP the utivity by re-surveviey pevple to check iP there kas beeo ‏روت‎ Purtker prowess راما نا اه ارب لها ‎Skee pour‏ ۰ وج و ‎ed cotigcdlly to establish‏ ٠ Cowpue the results Por users und we-users ed ideuihy Poop siqeiPiccd dPPereuves

صفحه 21:
ملد Ovke the woot of the evidews pou volect B@diocwy is spechiey cul to wie Phere, «sic SUppon, revoynitiva, partoers und Pucca Bi Cowbice pour vutoowes, reseurch, policy used stutisticd evideure ty peeute u powered argued Por the ole pour tbrary plays ia supporicny ‏رما‎ ۰

صفحه 22:
اه أن ای ‎Cor‏ QOuteska Teaver Geeaior Poligy OP Rice: Dearcingy cord hills MLO Council كان نصن. كاد ©) امعدصهجا. مكاعداكه

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