صفحه 1:
Owtket Dexvunt

صفحه 2:
لحعجصمح() عا با ‎Vopios‏ " ‏لمموه() ادلی‎ © ocowe und Gubstituiod GPPevts ® Dake Oeweudd | 0 ‏لوو‎ Guth 0 6١56

صفحه 3:
لحعجصمح() عا با ‎Vopios‏ )اریز 9 © Gwpiicd Esiccatiod oP Dewecrd ۱ 0 6١56

صفحه 4:
Iedividudt Dewar ® Price Ckeaxnpes © Osicy the Piqures developed iu the previous vhupter, the isppact oP oo chooge io the price oP Pood coo be thostrated usicg iodPPereune DIED. 0 Oke

صفحه 5:
ae Kemp wack bucket be Pood (car pov cov) Oe S

صفحه 6:

صفحه 7:
GPPect oP a Price Okan

صفحه 8:
Iedividudt Dewar Dhe Teduidudt Oecvond Ourve © D0 Ieoportadt Properties oP Dewar Cures Q) Whe level oP lity: thot ‏حدس‎ be doy the pure. 0 Oke O

صفحه 9:
Iedividudt Dewar Dhe Teduidudt Oecvond Ourve ۱ Die koportact Properties oP Orawernd Daves Se RCD teeters ‏ری‎ ‎the‏ ر هی بط ‎utility‏ روموت و مور ‎ORG oP Pood Por clotkicgy equate‏ لا ما موجه .ب روت ‎the rotiy oP the prices oP Pood ocr‏ ‎0 6١56 ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 10:
GPPect oP a Price Okan Oheu te price Pals: P,P, & DRE dev Pl ۰6: ۳/۳, 26/6 < ٩2 6 ۰۵: 0/۳, 200 «9 2 0 ۰1۳/۳, < SIO = C9 = DRO ‎(vate‏ یج ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎0 Oke 1D ‎

صفحه 11:
Iedividudt Dewar © ocowe Chanyes © ‏سا ومد‎ Figures developed io the previous Dhupter, the isppact oP oo chooge io the iaoowe 0 Olde 1d

صفحه 12:
20 ,۵ یه 239 0 ,860 ,2900 1

صفحه 13:

صفحه 14:
Iedividudt Dewar © ocowe Chanyes ۰ ۱ ‏نج ها هت‎ pot ‏ی‎ cb bord orci diothicy associated with every iacowe level. لح 0

صفحه 15:
Iedividudt Dewar جعجا0) یب " ‎wows shits the budget hee t7‏ جز جكمص صم ول و ‎he‏ راد مرج توارط ‎the‏ ‎Giotoceruly, the inoreuse in iwowe shits‏ و ‎the dewoe>d purve to the right.‏ ‎0 Oke 1S ‎

صفحه 16:
Iedividudt Dewar Qoreed Good vs. TePerior Bood ® dapowe Okunyes © Okes the ‏اوح‎ curve kes a positive slope: ‏نوم با‎ dewourded iuoreuses Wilk از ‎oP dewued is positive.‏ نوماه موس ب/ ۰ ‎Phe yood is 0 wrwdl youd.‏ * 0 Oke 10

صفحه 17:
Iedividudt Dewar Qoreed Good vs. TePerior Bood ‏ا"‎ ocowe Chanyes © kes the ‏ساموت‎ curve kas a ‏موه مره‎ ٠ DT Re quoniiy deworded demreuses wilt owe. ۰/۱ ‏رومام موم‎ oP dewoed is ceyive. © The yood is ua inferior wood. ع0 لب 0

صفحه 18:

صفحه 19:
Iedividudt Dewar # Gage Curves © Gael coves rele the quontipy oP «ood ‏صا‎ ١ 04 the yood is ‏هس‎ wrwd wod, the 2 ‏عمصج اعبج‎ is upward slopiccy. 041 the ypood is oo iePerior yood, the Gaget لح 0

صفحه 20:
Gugel Cuves یو ‎(Sper‏ ‎wok) OD‏ واه ‎cnet curves‏ ‎wpward Por‏ عدي لس ‎eo‏ ‏10 ‏ضس) لس أ 19 19 © ©« 0 0 ۵ 60

صفحه 21:
Gugel Cuves (Spr wok) OO cnpl owes shy oD Por ‏ی وی‎ ood (uct © & 9 9 9 ‏ملس‎

صفحه 22:
0 ‏عحسلمحعو س2‎ to the Ovited Grates ‘eos Brow (1G? $) Oxpendire Less inn 0,©2000- OO,000-GO,000-FO,ODO-GO,O0O- ?0,000- 4 x ۳ 3 : ‎OF? CeTE 00 6066 6666© 0‏ 200 سينا ‎Ouxned Ourlkxe 4089 0۴89 6666 9666 ©6666 99 6666©‏ ‎(OST CIPO 970 699 8097 860 9‏ اس ‎Rected‏ ‏69 908 099 4690 4969 4990 4694 عون لصا ‎ood 6090 999 009 6909 9689 600 6666 ‏باون‎ 999 9۶9 999 7۶9 ۶۶9 918 OFFS ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 23:
Iedividudt Dewar Gubstiues dad Opwplewedts 0) Dw woods ure powdered substitutes Poa oreuse (decrease) fa the prive oP vue leads to wo fmreuse (decree) io the ‎dewonded pF the viker.‏ منت ‎ey. wovie fickets ocd video nectaks‏ * ‏وه ی 0 ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 24:

صفحه 25:
Iedividudt Dewar Gubstiues dad Opwplewedts و ‎chooge it the price oP oo yood kus‏ ‎w ef Pent oo the quoctiy dewodded oP the‏ ‎vier‏ 0 Obte OS

صفحه 26:
Iedividudt Dewar ® Gubsitutes oad Oowpleweuts ‏اه‎ price vous nepiivd curve is dowoward- slopicn, the tuo yoods ure pousidered substitutes. ‏اه‎ price poo nopivd cove is upyvord- slopicg, the tuo «woods are pousidercd powpleweuts. # Dkev could be bots! ی 0

صفحه 27:
wows ud Gubsituiod CPPRevts © Palin the prive oP a qpood hos tw ePPevts: Gubstitutioa & Taoowe © Gubstiuica GPRevt * Ooesuvers will tex to buy wore oP the ood that has beoowe relatively cheaper, 0 Oke ‏عه‎

صفحه 28:
wows ud Gubsituiod CPPRevts © Palin the prive oP a qpood hos tw ePPevts: Gubstitutioa & Taoowe )یی و سجر مر ‎eres praperteere sears‏ را حون ‎purchusiagy power whe the price oP‏ ‎youd Pals.‏ 0 Oke SO

صفحه 29:
wows ud Gubsituiod CPPRevts © Gubstituioa GPPevt © Phe subsiituica ePRevt is the chooge in ot ‏د مدا‎ coos ucppicd ussocicted wits a choo it the price oP the itew, with the fevel of uth: Ket! 75/01 © Dkeu the prive ‏,یل مجلا جه خام‎ the substituiog ‏تام‎ always leads to ‏وحم من‎ ‏بكسي دكا دز‎ oP the iteoy deworded. 0 Obte SS

صفحه 30:
wows ud Gubsituiod CPPRevts ۱ ‏ورین‎ PP evt ‏ه‎ ۱ fooowe ePPevt is the chooge ۲ ‏جوا مه‎ pousuvpiicg brought about by the iaareuse ia purchasioy power, with the price of the iteor Kekd costed. © Okeu uv person's owe ‏مهس‎ the fooreuse pr devreuse. 0 ۵» 0

صفحه 31:
wows ud Gubsituiod CPPRevts ۱ ‏ورین‎ PP evt © Gved wi ‏واوا‎ «woods, the taoowe ‏دا ولاك‎ roel) barge euough to vuteigh the substituiod ‏.ایا‎

صفحه 32:
,۳ ,اج موف یط ‎‘The‏ ‏ین Dke roowe een, CP, (Brow Ow ©) keeps rekae ۲ ‏وات‎ te prive oP Pood Poly, Ne Peg poenpion korewes by P{Po or te wok) RQ ‏محر‎ woes Prow Ob @. مدا مه مسر ‎Par.‏ با ‎eee‏ ری ~ ‎ie ee 8‏ ‎٠‏ ,© © 1 چ و ه 0 ‎hv 80‏ سب

صفحه 33:

صفحه 34:
wows ud Gubsituiod CPPRevts = Gpevidl Cuse--The GiPeu Good © Dhe inoowe ePPevt wap theoreticaly be hare ‏نوج‎ to couse the dewoed purve Por a yood t7 slope upward. © Dhis rarely voours ud is oF ithe protic terest. 0 Obde OE

صفحه 35:
GPPect oF a Gasoline Nox Dik o Reboe a Ossuwe ۰ ۱-9 © Naame = $9,000 © Price of cuevine = $0 ی 0

صفحه 36:
GPPect oF a Gosvlice Tux Ok o Rebate

صفحه 37:
Ourket Oewenrd Crow Tedvidud to Darket Oeweerd © Darket Dewar Cures ® 0 ane that relates the quaaity oP a youd that al io worket buy to the prive oP that wood. 0 Oke O7

صفحه 38:
QOetercotatcry the Quarket Oeweard Ouve Price ‘Irth @ ‏سل ۰ 6 یه‎ O ‏ه272‎ (crite) (vets) 99 99 qe 00 9 Okt SO (ucts) aoae 99 Odo er er (vets) 9 e 9 oO 0 8 0 9 9 0 9

صفحه 39:
Gureoetagy ta Obtar a Ourket Oewurd Ouve

صفحه 40:
Ourket Oewenrd = Dw epportact Points ‎Che worket deworrd wil shiPt to‏ الك ‎wore poUSsUeErs Bue‏ ود لب ‎the‏ ‏سا ‎©) (Pavtors that icPhueure the ‏مرول‎ oP way cownvers will sv PP ect the warket deweed. ‎0 ۵ FO ‎

صفحه 41:
Ourket Oewenrd ® Ghosticity oP Dewar Reval: Price elasticity oP deword weusures the perceutage choogye io the quoctiy decwcdaded ‏بلج‎ Poo o C-percedt choc it prive. 7 -AQ/Q_AQIAP \ ۸۴/۴ 2

صفحه 42:
Price ‏رس‎ acd لو حون ‎P Pree berowes, PPrev‏ تسس ‎Ororeers,‏ ‎ere alii Dereon‏ (0,>0) سس 0 لا وه )4=,@( ‎Out Chow‏ سیب تسه )(> ,@( ‎Chetc‏ لب 0

صفحه 43:
Ourket Oewenrd ® ot Chosticity oP Dewerrd © Por hare prive chor (F.y. CO%), the udtue oP elasticity wil depeod upoo where the 0 Obde PS

صفحه 44:
Ourket Oewenrd ® ot Chosticity oP Dewerrd ۱ of 0 poidt oo \ Fr=(P/Q)(1/alpe. © ی 0

صفحه 45:
Ourket Oewenrd ® Prblews Osicry (Pict Chasticity ® De ww weed ty collate prive elasticity pve portiva oP the decmoed curve ‏ما اه‎ ‏اج‎ © Phe prive ond quently used us the base will 0 Obde PS

صفحه 46:
Ourket Oewenrd Potct Chasticty oP Orwerd (Ba Crepe) " Ossuwve © Prive terrors Prow O§$ to $0 query deworded Pals Prow © ‏6م‎ ‎change ic price equ:‏ مین و 0 - 59/500 7 9590 < 90/809 ‎equa: -0/0‏ نمی دا من و 9 60 - 6/8 7 910 ‎ ‎0 Obde FO ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 47:
Ourket Oewenrd " Chosticity equa: -99.99/.8S = -1.99 or -.SO/.CO = - 990 ی ها سوه ‎Ohh‏ © عن ولا سوه

صفحه 48:
Ourket Oewenrd با جع وروا د ان 1 ‎DP prices‏ © ts Poveda ts: Ep=(AQAP)(P/Q) \ P=the averegprice Q=the averegquanti 0 Oke FO

صفحه 49:
Ourket Oewenrd ‎oP Dewar (Da Cxcxvpl)‏ رانا ‎Oro‏ "ا ‎Fr=(AQAP)(P/Q)‏ ‎P, =8, P:=10Q=6Q=4‏ ‎P=189/2=9&Q =10/2=5‏ ‎E =(- 2/$2)($9/5) =- 1.8‏ ‎0 Obde FO ‎

صفحه 50:
00 ) ۰ظ) Tre ®ygreqaie Dewar Cor Okeut # Dke dewoed Por 0.6. wheat is vowprised oP dowestio dewodd und export ‏.لووول‎ ‏سلب0‎ © Ohl SO

صفحه 51:
Dee Oyyrevyate Dewar Por ‏و‎ ‎OD ke dowestio dewoed Por whet is yvec‏ "ا ‎by the equetivd:‏ ‎Qoo = VP OO - dO? P‏ © ‎00 ‎5 ۱۱ ‏یسیو‎ Por whet is ‏برط وديف‎ the equetivs: ‏,رن ه‎ = (EFF - 0 ‎00 ‎

صفحه 52:
Dee Oyyrevyate Dewar Por ‏و‎ ® Qowestic dewern is rehtively price toehstic (-O.8), while export dewuerd is wore price elastic (-D.P). 0 Obte SO

صفحه 53:

صفحه 54:
‎Gurphs‏ وونل ‎® Conver Gurphus ‎© Dhe dPPerewe between the wort ‏اون‎ is wiley to poy Por o ‎ ‏ی 0 ‎

صفحه 55:

صفحه 56:
‎Gurphs‏ وونل ‎9 ۱۱۱ ‏یواست‎ gue oo be ‏رصح لححمجل جونا-كالصاك + صلما لجامجمووص‎ by svubicry the cits ‏.ءسادصك لوي هوا خاص‎ ‎0 Obte SO ‎

صفحه 57:

صفحه 58:
‎Gurphs‏ وونل ‎® ‏مج مایب‎ surphes with the poo evolve: ‎() Costs ved becePits oP ‏محمد نالك‎ worket structures ‎eS) Cubic policies that uler the bekavior oP ‏ومصن"ا له موس‎ ‎0 Oke SO ‎

صفحه 59:
سادركه :2 ه09 Tre Ode oP Oleua @ir © ir is Pree in the seuse that we doo’t pop to breathe ۰ ‎The Olews Oir Ort wos oveuded ict‏ ا" ‎adoro.‏ ‎® Qvesivd: Oere the bevePits oP ‏مان‎ up ‎0 Obte SO ‎

صفحه 60:
Tre Ouke oP Clea ir ® people poy wore to buy houses where the ur is reo. ® Dats Por hows prives wooo ۱ @osiod und bos Ouyetes were vowpured wih the ‏عضو‎ i 0 ۵» 0

صفحه 61:
) ان عون أن 0 One (S per poke

صفحه 62:
QOework Cxtercoliies ® Opto ths port we ‏اما یجوم عم‎ people's desvods Por a yood ure indepecded oP ‏اه عون‎ BP Poot, 0 person's deweed wap be 0 605-68

صفحه 63:
QOework Cxtercoliies BP this is the oes, ‏هعمج رباع هن‎ Exists. © Detuork extercoiiies coo be positive or Ue ive. ی 0

صفحه 64:
QOework Cxtercoliies © 0 postive cetwork extercolip exists P the querctiy oP a yood dewoaded by a ۲۳۲۲۲۵۹۲7 117171205125 1 1525721701512 17 ‏كل‎ ‏اه بط وت و موز‎ DOUANDETS. a Orvaive veto extercoliies ane just the Dppusite. 0 Obde OF

صفحه 65:
QOework Cxtercoliies # Dke Oucrdhwagoa GPP evt © Dhis ip the desire to be in sive, to hove ‏لوص ه‎ bevouse ukvost evervour else kus it, or ۲ ‏انز‎ it a Pod. © Dhis is the wuior vbjeviive oF woarketiog ord ‏مه وله‎ (e-y. tov, clic). 0 ‏لب‎ OS

صفحه 66:
Positive Deiwork ‏:رل‎ Cardo GPRect

صفحه 67:
@uncdkuapd GPPRevt Positive Deiwork Gxtercraliy’

صفحه 68:
@uncdkuapd GPPRevt Positive Deiwork Gxtercraliy’

صفحه 69:
@uncdkuapd GPPRevt Positive Deiwork Gxtercraliy’

صفحه 70:
QOework Cxtercoliies ® Dke Guoob CPPent ‎extercoliy is ceyoive, o sub‏ ری باه ‎© Dhe sovb ef Peo rePers to the desire to ‎© Dke quoctiy dewodded bP a “sab” yood is higher the Rewer the people who pw it. ‎0 Ob TO ‎

صفحه 71:

صفحه 72:
من اه یماح لوط ۲۶ بای & ‎ty ihe‏ موب ‎woo swh‏ $49,000

صفحه 73:
QOetwork @xterculiies wed the Dewaeds Por Cowwputers and Pux Quokices ® Gxanples vf Positive eedbauck Oxtercraliies ‏و‎ OucPranve vowputers: (OSE - (Q8S © Oise Diets PC vperaiioy systew امس له من و 0 Oke TS

صفحه 74:
Cwpricd Csicvaiod cP Dewar ® OD ke wost treet wup to obtae ePorvotiod bout dewued is thovugh isterviews Where powanvers ure ‏ه خأت اج تیا تفه‎ produnt they would be willie to buy oto ‏وطامام] رش‎ عع ی 0

صفحه 75:
Gwopiricd Csicvatiod oP Oewecrd ® Probew ‎way hack inPor<vative pr interest,‏ رز وه ‎or be wistead by the interviewer.‏ ‎0 Oke TS ‎

صفحه 76:
Cwpricd Csicvaiod cP Dewar Bt drect warketay experiveds, uct soles veers ure posed to pote pustowers und the espouses ve pustowers ure observed. 0 Oke TO

صفحه 77:
Cwpricd Csicvaiod cP Dewar BD ke Statistical @pprouklk to Dewuerd Cstrcrctica ® Property upped, the stoisizal upproack to ‏ارم موه موی‎ var to sort ‏نص‎ ‎the ePPevts oP vartubles va the questi dewernded oP o procuct. 0 Deustsquares” neqressiva is ‏ا‎ عم ولاق 0

صفحه 78:
QOewerd Duta Por (۵ Year Queaty (Q) Price (P) ‘keowe(1) 999 6 cor 00 999 7 co dO 990 9 ae dO 4990 09 ae ar 499 06 do ar 4999 06 as ae 0666 (ao de co 4999 0 9 co 499 8 6 co

صفحه 79:
Gwopiricd Csicvatiod oP Oewecrd 9 ‏اوه رممیجء()‎ price deterwices dewerrd: ®Q=u-bP 06 06.6 - و »© 0 Oke TS

صفحه 80:
0 ‏او دحوم‎ Pod @ deerokes deword ond hea Prow the data? G=89.8-.00P Otte OO

صفحه 81:
Uy Uy Uo ‏لجمط سا موه‎ Por rack ‎Dexa‏ شزو ‎Pre Odhustiog Por chooges ict ipo‏ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎fewows level. Teckidterg terre ta the deco ‏عن لس + 0 - ۰ < 6 :جر‎ 06 - .89 + 7 ‎ ‎ ‎0 ۵» 0 ‎

صفحه 82:
‎Csicvaiod oP Oewacrt‏ مق ‎ ‎ ‏حطاساست!) ب2ظ) ‎the dewuedd equatiod: Q=ua-bP‏ ) ظ ‎"Choir: Ep =(AQ/AP)(P/Q =- HP/Q ‎۱ ‎0 Oke OO ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 83:
‎Csicvatiod pP Oewead‏ م6 ‎ ‎ ‎Estate Closticties ‎" 85 Price & ioowe ehostivity are powstaat ‎© Dhe isvehestic dewerrd = logQ =a- blog@)+ clog) \ © The slope, -b = prive closticiy oP deco ‎® Constant, & = owe elusticiy ‎0 Oke OS ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 84:
‎Csicvaiod oP Oewacrt‏ مق ‎ ‎ ‎Estate Closticties a Osicg the Ruspbery data: logQ =- 0.81- 2.4log®@) +1.4dog@ ‎-O.CF (Iaetesiir)‏ ع رواد ‎Prive‏ و ‏9 2 اه سیب ه ۱ ‎P‏ سجن ‎Oe OF ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 85:
0 Cstroatey Oowplespecis und Gubsitues logQ =a- blog® +b, logP, + clog) § Gubstiutes: b, is posiive ® Oowpleweuts: bts ‏عمج‎ 0 Oke OS

صفحه 86:
Phe Dewar Por ‏ون رل‎ # Oka Ov You Thick? © Ore Grape Outs & ‏موه‎ Size Shredded Okeut «ood substitues? 0 Oke OO

صفحه 87:
Phe Dewar Por ‏ون رل‎ ® @oswer ® Cotwated dower Por rape Due (BO) )" 9801710: + ‏0:وج0(801)‎ + "860890: -866:]- (“OSor ۰ ‏واه‎ - -6 .0 ‏,واه میم‎ 2 * Cross ‏تساه‎ 2 06 عه ولا 0

صفحه 88:
060 8 dodvidudl poasuwers’ dewoed pues Por ‏موی لو هن‎ be derived Prow iePorvatiod ubvut their tustes Por ull yoods and servives ud Prow their budget ® Goel paves desoribe the relaioaship betwee the quoctiy oP a yood poured 0 0 Olde 66

صفحه 89:
060 5 ‏و رن زر‎ substitutes iP oa toreuse ‏جز‎ the price oP poe youd feeds 0 fuoeeuse i the quoctiy dewurded oP the viker. Dkev une voswpleweuts iF the ‏بكسي‎ dewoaded oP the viher devlues. 0 Oke OS

صفحه 90:
060 © Pw ‏و من ۳ تیانج و رن‎ in the Prive oP poe youd feads to ‏ع و وحم و‎ ‏رن‎ decwe>nded oP the other. Mey ore powpleweus iP the quoctiy deccaded oP the ‏سل سا‎ ‎the questi‏ مه من وس و ‎of‏ تام ب۲/ ظ ‎deworded coc be broken foto a substituica ePPert‏ ‎wed oo fapowe BPP ert.‏ ‎0 ۵» OD ‎

صفحه 91:
060 © De worket dewoed vurve is the horizvatel ‏ره لول له لا چاه تومیر‎ 9 ‏مس ب۱۱/‎ chore fo quoctty decoded that results Prow ‏هن‎ poe percedt chore ict ۱ ‏ار‎ detersviues elustiviy oP ‏سل‎ 0 Oke Od

صفحه 92:
060 8 OD here isu cetwork extercoliy whe poe persou's dewoedd is oPRevted dinenty by the purchusiay devisivus ‏ان ان‎ DOWNES. 2 aber of wethods von be wed to obtatc ‏واه‎ about poorer ‏اس‎ 0 Obte SS

صفحه 93:
6 ودار ۴و ‎Gud‏ ‏مه ایلبریلی»

جهت مطالعه ادامه متن، فایل را دریافت نمایید.
34,000 تومان