صفحه 1:
Owtket Dexvunt
صفحه 2:
لحعجصمح() عا با Vopios
" لمموه() ادلی
© ocowe und Gubstituiod GPPevts
® Dake Oeweudd
| 0 لوو Guth
0 6١56
صفحه 3:
لحعجصمح() عا با Vopios
)اریز 9
© Gwpiicd Esiccatiod oP Dewecrd
0 6١56
صفحه 4:
Iedividudt Dewar
® Price Ckeaxnpes
© Osicy the Piqures developed iu the previous
vhupter, the isppact oP oo chooge io the price oP
Pood coo be thostrated usicg iodPPereune
0 Oke
صفحه 5:
ae Kemp
wack bucket be
Pood (car
pov cov)
Oe S
صفحه 6:
صفحه 7:
GPPect oP a Price Okan
صفحه 8:
Iedividudt Dewar
Dhe Teduidudt Oecvond Ourve
© D0 Ieoportadt Properties oP Dewar
Q) Whe level oP lity: thot حدس be
doy the pure.
0 Oke O
صفحه 9:
Iedividudt Dewar
Dhe Teduidudt Oecvond Ourve
۱ Die koportact Properties oP Orawernd
Se RCD teeters ری
the ر هی بط utility روموت و مور
ORG oP Pood Por clotkicgy equate لا ما موجه
.ب روت the rotiy oP the prices oP Pood ocr
0 6١56
صفحه 10:
GPPect oP a Price Okan
Oheu te price Pals: P,P, & DRE dev Pl
۰6: ۳/۳, 26/6 < ٩2 6
۰۵: 0/۳, 200 «9 2 0
۰1۳/۳, < SIO = C9 = DRO
(vate یج
0 Oke 1D
صفحه 11:
Iedividudt Dewar
© ocowe Chanyes
© سا ومد Figures developed io the previous
Dhupter, the isppact oP oo chooge io the iaoowe
0 Olde 1d
صفحه 12:
20 ,۵ یه
0 ,860 ,2900 1
صفحه 13:
صفحه 14:
Iedividudt Dewar
© ocowe Chanyes
۰ ۱ نج ها هت
pot ی cb bord orci
diothicy associated with every iacowe level.
لح 0
صفحه 15:
Iedividudt Dewar
جعجا0) یب "
wows shits the budget hee t7 جز جكمص صم ول و
he راد مرج توارط the
Giotoceruly, the inoreuse in iwowe shits و
the dewoe>d purve to the right.
0 Oke 1S
صفحه 16:
Iedividudt Dewar
Qoreed Good vs. TePerior Bood
® dapowe Okunyes
© Okes the اوح curve kes a
positive slope:
نوم با dewourded iuoreuses Wilk
oP dewued is positive. نوماه موس ب/ ۰
Phe yood is 0 wrwdl youd. *
0 Oke 10
صفحه 17:
Iedividudt Dewar
Qoreed Good vs. TePerior Bood
ا" ocowe Chanyes
© kes the ساموت curve kas a
موه مره
٠ DT Re quoniiy deworded demreuses wilt
۰/۱ رومام موم oP dewoed is ceyive.
© The yood is ua inferior wood.
ع0 لب 0
صفحه 18:
صفحه 19:
Iedividudt Dewar
# Gage Curves
© Gael coves rele the quontipy oP «ood
صا ١
04 the yood is هس wrwd wod, the 2 عمصج اعبج
is upward slopiccy.
041 the ypood is oo iePerior yood, the Gaget
لح 0
صفحه 20:
Gugel Cuves
wok) OD
واه cnet curves
wpward Por
عدي لس eo
ضس) لس
أ 19 19 © ©« 0
0 ۵ 60
صفحه 21:
Gugel Cuves
wok) OO
cnpl owes shy
oD Por ی وی
ood (uct
© & 9 9 9 ملس
صفحه 22:
0 عحسلمحعو س2
to the Ovited Grates
‘eos Brow (1G? $)
Oxpendire Less inn 0,©2000- OO,000-GO,000-FO,ODO-GO,O0O-
?0,000- 4 x ۳ 3 :
OF? CeTE 00 6066 6666© 0 200 سينا
Ouxned Ourlkxe 4089 0۴89 6666 9666 ©6666 99 6666©
(OST CIPO 970 699 8097 860 9 اس Rected
69 908 099 4690 4969 4990 4694 عون لصا
ood 6090 999 009 6909 9689 600 6666
باون 999 9۶9 999 7۶9 ۶۶9 918 OFFS
صفحه 23:
Iedividudt Dewar
Gubstiues dad Opwplewedts
0) Dw woods ure powdered
substitutes Poa oreuse
(decrease) fa the prive oP vue
leads to wo fmreuse (decree) io the
dewonded pF the viker. منت
ey. wovie fickets ocd video nectaks *
وه ی 0
صفحه 24:
صفحه 25:
Iedividudt Dewar
Gubstiues dad Opwplewedts
chooge it the price oP oo yood kus
w ef Pent oo the quoctiy dewodded oP the
0 Obte OS
صفحه 26:
Iedividudt Dewar
® Gubsitutes oad Oowpleweuts
اه price vous nepiivd curve is dowoward-
slopicn, the tuo yoods ure pousidered
اه price poo nopivd cove is upyvord-
slopicg, the tuo «woods are pousidercd
# Dkev could be bots!
ی 0
صفحه 27:
wows ud Gubsituiod CPPRevts
© Palin the prive oP a qpood hos tw
ePPevts: Gubstitutioa & Taoowe
© Gubstiuica GPRevt
* Ooesuvers will tex to buy wore oP the
ood that has beoowe relatively cheaper,
0 Oke عه
صفحه 28:
wows ud Gubsituiod CPPRevts
© Palin the prive oP a qpood hos tw
ePPevts: Gubstitutioa & Taoowe
)یی و
سجر مر eres praperteere sears را
حون purchusiagy power whe the price oP
youd Pals.
0 Oke SO
صفحه 29:
wows ud Gubsituiod CPPRevts
© Gubstituioa GPPevt
© Phe subsiituica ePRevt is the chooge in ot
د مدا coos ucppicd ussocicted wits a choo it
the price oP the itew, with the fevel of uth: Ket!
© Dkeu the prive ,یل مجلا جه خام the
substituiog تام always leads to وحم من
بكسي دكا دز oP the iteoy deworded.
0 Obte SS
صفحه 30:
wows ud Gubsituiod CPPRevts
۱ ورین PP evt
ه ۱ fooowe ePPevt is the chooge ۲ جوا مه
pousuvpiicg brought about by the iaareuse ia
purchasioy power, with the price of the iteor
Kekd costed.
© Okeu uv person's owe مهس the
fooreuse pr devreuse.
0 ۵» 0
صفحه 31:
wows ud Gubsituiod CPPRevts
۱ ورین PP evt
© Gved wi واوا «woods, the taoowe دا ولاك
roel) barge euough to vuteigh the substituiod
صفحه 32:
,۳ ,اج موف یط ‘The
Dke roowe een, CP,
(Brow Ow ©) keeps rekae
۲ وات te prive oP Pood Poly,
Ne Peg poenpion korewes by P{Po or te
wok) RQ محر woes Prow Ob @.
مدا مه مسر
Par. با eee ری
ie ee 8
٠ ,©
1 چ و ه 0
hv 80 سب
صفحه 33:
صفحه 34:
wows ud Gubsituiod CPPRevts
= Gpevidl Cuse--The GiPeu Good
© Dhe inoowe ePPevt wap theoreticaly be hare
نوج to couse the dewoed purve Por a yood
t7 slope upward.
© Dhis rarely voours ud is oF ithe protic
0 Obde OE
صفحه 35:
GPPect oF a Gasoline Nox Dik o Reboe
a Ossuwe
۰ ۱-9
© Naame = $9,000
© Price of cuevine = $0
ی 0
صفحه 36:
GPPect oF a Gosvlice Tux Ok o Rebate
صفحه 37:
Ourket Oewenrd
Crow Tedvidud to Darket Oeweerd
© Darket Dewar Cures
® 0 ane that relates the quaaity oP a youd that
al io worket buy to the prive oP
that wood.
0 Oke O7
صفحه 38:
QOetercotatcry the
Quarket Oeweard Ouve
Price ‘Irth @ سل ۰ 6 یه O ه272
(crite) (vets)
Okt SO
صفحه 39:
Gureoetagy ta Obtar a
Ourket Oewurd Ouve
صفحه 40:
Ourket Oewenrd
= Dw epportact Points
Che worket deworrd wil shiPt to الك
wore poUSsUeErs Bue ود لب the
©) (Pavtors that icPhueure the
مرول oP way cownvers will
sv PP ect the warket deweed.
0 ۵ FO
صفحه 41:
Ourket Oewenrd
® Ghosticity oP Dewar
Reval: Price elasticity oP deword weusures the
perceutage choogye io the quoctiy decwcdaded
بلج Poo o
C-percedt choc it prive.
\ ۸۴/۴ 2
صفحه 42:
Price رس acd
لو حون
P Pree berowes, PPrev تسس
ere alii Dereon (0,>0) سس
0 لا وه )4=,@( Out Chow
سیب تسه )(> ,@( Chetc
لب 0
صفحه 43:
Ourket Oewenrd
® ot Chosticity oP Dewerrd
© Por hare prive chor (F.y. CO%), the
udtue oP elasticity wil depeod upoo where the
0 Obde PS
صفحه 44:
Ourket Oewenrd
® ot Chosticity oP Dewerrd
۱ of 0 poidt oo
\ Fr=(P/Q)(1/alpe.
© ی 0
صفحه 45:
Ourket Oewenrd
® Prblews Osicry (Pict Chasticity
® De ww weed ty collate prive elasticity pve
portiva oP the decmoed curve ما اه
© Phe prive ond quently used us the base will
0 Obde PS
صفحه 46:
Ourket Oewenrd
Potct Chasticty oP Orwerd (Ba Crepe)
" Ossuwve
© Prive terrors Prow O§$ to $0 query deworded
Pals Prow © 6م
change ic price equ: مین و
0 - 59/500 7 9590 < 90/809
equa: -0/0 نمی دا من و 9
60 - 6/8 7 910
0 Obde FO
صفحه 47:
Ourket Oewenrd
" Chosticity equa:
-99.99/.8S = -1.99 or -.SO/.CO = -
ی ها سوه Ohh ©
عن ولا سوه
صفحه 48:
Ourket Oewenrd
جع وروا د ان 1
DP prices
© ts Poveda ts:
\ P=the averegprice
Q=the averegquanti
0 Oke FO
صفحه 49:
Ourket Oewenrd
oP Dewar (Da Cxcxvpl) رانا Oro "ا
P, =8, P:=10Q=6Q=4
P=189/2=9&Q =10/2=5
E =(- 2/$2)($9/5) =- 1.8
0 Obde FO
صفحه 50:
00 ) ۰ظ)
Tre ®ygreqaie Dewar Cor Okeut
# Dke dewoed Por 0.6. wheat is
vowprised oP dowestio dewodd und export
سلب0 © Ohl SO
صفحه 51:
Dee Oyyrevyate Dewar Por و
OD ke dowestio dewoed Por whet is yvec "ا
by the equetivd:
Qoo = VP OO - dO? P ©
5 ۱۱ یسیو Por whet is برط وديف
the equetivs:
,رن ه = (EFF - 0
صفحه 52:
Dee Oyyrevyate Dewar Por و
® Qowestic dewern is rehtively price toehstic
(-O.8), while export dewuerd is wore
price elastic (-D.P).
0 Obte SO
صفحه 53:
صفحه 54:
Gurphs وونل
® Conver Gurphus
© Dhe dPPerewe between the wort
اون is wiley to poy Por o
ی 0
صفحه 55:
صفحه 56:
Gurphs وونل
9 ۱۱۱ یواست gue oo be
رصح لححمجل جونا-كالصاك + صلما لجامجمووص
by svubicry the cits .ءسادصك لوي هوا خاص
0 Obte SO
صفحه 57:
صفحه 58:
Gurphs وونل
® مج مایب surphes with the
poo evolve:
() Costs ved becePits oP محمد نالك
worket structures
eS) Cubic policies that uler the
bekavior oP ومصن"ا له موس
0 Oke SO
صفحه 59:
سادركه :2 ه09
Tre Ode oP Oleua @ir
© ir is Pree in the seuse that we doo’t pop to
breathe ۰
The Olews Oir Ort wos oveuded ict ا"
® Qvesivd: Oere the bevePits oP مان up
0 Obte SO
صفحه 60:
Tre Ouke oP Clea ir
® people poy wore to buy houses where the
ur is reo.
® Dats Por hows prives wooo
۱ @osiod und bos
Ouyetes were vowpured wih the عضو
0 ۵» 0
صفحه 61:
) ان عون أن 0
(S per poke
صفحه 62:
QOework Cxtercoliies
® Opto ths port we اما یجوم عم
people's desvods Por a yood ure
indepecded oP اه عون
BP Poot, 0 person's deweed wap be
0 605-68
صفحه 63:
QOework Cxtercoliies
BP this is the oes, هعمج رباع هن
© Detuork extercoiiies coo be positive or
Ue ive.
ی 0
صفحه 64:
QOework Cxtercoliies
© 0 postive cetwork extercolip exists P the
querctiy oP a yood dewoaded by a
۲۳۲۲۲۵۹۲7 117171205125 1 1525721701512 17 كل
اه بط وت و موز
a Orvaive veto extercoliies ane just the
0 Obde OF
صفحه 65:
QOework Cxtercoliies
# Dke Oucrdhwagoa GPP evt
© Dhis ip the desire to be in sive, to hove لوص ه
bevouse ukvost evervour else kus it, or ۲
انز it a Pod.
© Dhis is the wuior vbjeviive oF woarketiog ord
مه وله (e-y. tov, clic).
0 لب OS
صفحه 66:
Positive Deiwork
:رل Cardo GPRect
صفحه 67:
@uncdkuapd GPPRevt
Positive Deiwork
صفحه 68:
@uncdkuapd GPPRevt
Positive Deiwork
صفحه 69:
@uncdkuapd GPPRevt
Positive Deiwork
صفحه 70:
QOework Cxtercoliies
® Dke Guoob CPPent
extercoliy is ceyoive, o sub ری باه
© Dhe sovb ef Peo rePers to the desire to
© Dke quoctiy dewodded bP a “sab” yood
is higher the Rewer the people who pw it.
0 Ob TO
صفحه 71:
صفحه 72:
من اه یماح لوط ۲۶
بای & ty ihe موب woo swh
صفحه 73:
QOetwork @xterculiies wed the Dewaeds Por
Cowwputers and Pux Quokices
® Gxanples vf Positive eedbauck
و OucPranve vowputers: (OSE - (Q8S
© Oise Diets PC vperaiioy systew
امس له من و
0 Oke TS
صفحه 74:
Cwpricd Csicvaiod cP Dewar
® OD ke wost treet wup to obtae ePorvotiod
bout dewued is thovugh isterviews Where
powanvers ure ه خأت اج تیا تفه
produnt they would be willie to buy oto
وطامام] رش
عع ی 0
صفحه 75:
Gwopiricd Csicvatiod oP Oewecrd
® Probew
way hack inPor<vative pr interest, رز وه
or be wistead by the interviewer.
0 Oke TS
صفحه 76:
Cwpricd Csicvaiod cP Dewar
Bt drect warketay experiveds, uct
soles veers ure posed to pote
pustowers und the espouses ve
pustowers ure observed.
0 Oke TO
صفحه 77:
Cwpricd Csicvaiod cP Dewar
BD ke Statistical @pprouklk to Dewuerd
® Property upped, the stoisizal upproack to
ارم موه موی var to sort نص
the ePPevts oP vartubles va the questi
dewernded oP o procuct.
0 Deustsquares” neqressiva is ا
عم ولاق 0
صفحه 78:
QOewerd Duta Por (۵
Year Queaty (Q) Price (P) ‘keowe(1)
999 6 cor 00
999 7 co dO
990 9 ae dO
4990 09 ae ar
499 06 do ar
4999 06 as ae
0666 (ao de co
4999 0 9 co
499 8 6 co
صفحه 79:
Gwopiricd Csicvatiod oP Oewecrd
9 اوه رممیجء() price deterwices dewerrd:
06 06.6 - و »©
0 Oke TS
صفحه 80:
0 او دحوم
Pod @ deerokes
deword ond hea Prow
the data? G=89.8-.00P
Otte OO
صفحه 81:
Uy Uy Uo لجمط سا موه Por rack
Dexa شزو
Pre Odhustiog Por chooges ict ipo
fewows level. Teckidterg terre ta the deco
عن لس + 0 - ۰ < 6 :جر
06 - .89 + 7
0 ۵» 0
صفحه 82:
Csicvaiod oP Oewacrt مق
حطاساست!) ب2ظ)
the dewuedd equatiod: Q=ua-bP ) ظ
"Choir: Ep =(AQ/AP)(P/Q =- HP/Q
0 Oke OO
صفحه 83:
Csicvatiod pP Oewead م6
Estate Closticties
" 85 Price & ioowe ehostivity are
© Dhe isvehestic dewerrd =
logQ =a- blog@)+ clog)
\ © The slope, -b = prive closticiy oP deco
® Constant, & = owe elusticiy
0 Oke OS
صفحه 84:
Csicvaiod oP Oewacrt مق
Estate Closticties
a Osicg the Ruspbery data:
logQ =- 0.81- 2.4log®@) +1.4dog@
-O.CF (Iaetesiir) ع رواد Prive و
9 2 اه سیب ه ۱
P سجن
صفحه 85:
Cstroatey Oowplespecis und Gubsitues
logQ =a- blog® +b, logP, + clog)
§ Gubstiutes: b, is posiive
® Oowpleweuts: bts عمج
0 Oke OS
صفحه 86:
Phe Dewar Por ون رل
# Oka Ov You Thick?
© Ore Grape Outs & موه Size Shredded
Okeut «ood substitues?
0 Oke OO
صفحه 87:
Phe Dewar Por ون رل
® @oswer
® Cotwated dower Por rape Due (BO)
)" 9801710: + 0:وج0(801) + "860890: -866:]- (“OSor
۰ واه - -6 .0
,واه میم 2
* Cross تساه 2 06
عه ولا 0
صفحه 88:
8 dodvidudl poasuwers’ dewoed pues Por
موی لو هن be derived Prow
iePorvatiod ubvut their tustes Por ull yoods
and servives ud Prow their budget
® Goel paves desoribe the relaioaship
betwee the quoctiy oP a yood poured
0 Olde 66
صفحه 89:
5 و رن زر substitutes iP oa toreuse
جز the price oP poe youd feeds 0
fuoeeuse i the quoctiy dewurded oP the
viker. Dkev une voswpleweuts iF the
بكسي dewoaded oP the viher devlues.
0 Oke OS
صفحه 90:
© Pw و من ۳ تیانج و رن in the
Prive oP poe youd feads to ع و وحم و
رن decwe>nded oP the other. Mey ore
powpleweus iP the quoctiy deccaded oP the
سل سا
the questi مه من وس و of تام ب۲/ ظ
deworded coc be broken foto a substituica ePPert
wed oo fapowe BPP ert.
0 ۵» OD
صفحه 91:
© De worket dewoed vurve is the horizvatel
ره لول له لا چاه تومیر
9 مس ب۱۱/ chore fo quoctty decoded
that results Prow هن poe percedt chore ict
۱ ار detersviues elustiviy oP سل
0 Oke Od
صفحه 92:
8 OD here isu cetwork extercoliy whe poe
persou's dewoedd is oPRevted dinenty by
the purchusiay devisivus ان ان
2 aber of wethods von be wed to
obtatc واه about poorer
0 Obte SS
صفحه 93:
6 ودار ۴و Gud
مه ایلبریلی»