صفحه 1:
)۳ 9
WD ريححوظ) & locatary
4ePorwatod 1! دصل 2) “© امسمجيبوجه (1) -وذا) بوماصجادت
Durban, Letter, Oobecd, Deterbe
Levture Gites by L. ecubien, Provideas Ovleye
oka Otey & Gous, ‘ta.
صفحه 2:
Objeviives لو را
© Gxphic how VP coo cootdbute to stroteeic vbjevtives ocd
vowpettive .جك داك رل
© ور مس ویو oP VP usta severd Praeworks
© Caplaic the due cod choleages oP dligaicg bustcess ond IT
جات زد
© Oesoribe the و مسب 1 plocoicg cod wethodologies t7
هلاس۳ it.
— Oismuss Pastors to be poosidered to pptcwize that dlocaiva oF oct
| VP resvurves.
© Wealthy oad desoribe how to buitl sieve rehiivaships betwee
inPorwetiog systews deported ont busicess units.
صفحه 3:
GOteateqiz ۱ جطالمج Gypstew
۳ Business Strategy wharais he
Tact as bss
ارس Gijoeivos und Dieacton ping an
potential اه why
Suppors Dron for
ی مسبج
Is Strategy
7 pushes Bassd Wate
+ Demand Orientated —
+ Anplcaton نهد
Infstucte Ness and
andeanoes potas
Trstrateay How it
+ Aatviy Baad canbe
+ Supply Oertaied مس
+ Technology Focused 3
صفحه 4:
abortion Meckooloypy — Gupports Giratedic
با نومه خرس )واه شوب ©
تمه 0 عادو ام provide
sysiews thewseves مها رن رل
موم us 0 powpetiive وتو We
© Okenes tt provesses: VP supports choos ia
bustuess provesses that troostate to stroteqio ومیل
© Dichs لس bustcess parsers: VP bobs کاس وچمه و
Lhe PR erively ocd رای لاه
Cheyer 08 5
صفحه 5:
Supports Otrateqiz — نوصاصحاوج [١ نوج سوه
(اسنسم) سم
© Cost تال IP euubles cowpunier to reduce ort.
© لب بلج supphers wd custiowers: IP coo be wed io
lock ic supplers wed pustiowers or to build ict switche posts.
© Dew products: © Pir ها مها موی westved ia VD to
Deede ve products thot ane io dewoued io the warheiphoce.
© Oowpetiive tnichqewe: IT provides cowpritive (busters)
iteliqeuce by ovlertiog cod ccalyzieg Porno obout products,
woke, cowpetiors, ond euvirgaetd choager .
صفحه 6:
(9) By making te oerainoisty
Ft oor te ert can
ا لدت mate
Seti teat
_—- =
sits ان
و وس
power ns مس
powerover (Reduces
Eyrsng سا
nae اه
(6) aes nas to ent عه سه
ned rasa ce as ere,
fdphvscal asst. tong tht
‘tenet echnoegy erat of makes
و ده اه camer To onty
ppcatonsareatcut to Keep ره
pope tom now ever,
(6) eet of now erat tas cme no
any rae
aera سس سس
ofeengs te ی
tree toc popnsioy,
(Mats compotion ts pros
|) Wiens the geographic markt,
(©) Lowers vie cost eave
fod coat cease presses
forpte doasning
1 orn sng eee
ase bain 28
‘rps oc cn soa
the sues access oe
6) The intent proves a chan
هه ان و
Intnening compari:
poarement ans dota ا ا
rans tod fe geal gars
‘ua accor e super, ard
بو دنا
at ات
تاره مس
صفحه 7:
Or Orvelop 1 0 )8 دأو راكب
First Competitive For
What Drives them?
What are they Doing and What Can they
What are their مه & weaknesses?
ls Competition Intense?
صفحه 8:
Or @uclpze the (utr (Buariers
Second Competitive Force
If nothing slows entry of competitors,
competition will become intense.
Incumbent Reaction?
What Actions are required to build
market share?
Production Process?
صفحه 9:
Or uaz the Gubstitute (Products
Third Competitive Force
Products or services from another
industry enter the market.
Customers becoming acclimated to using
Is the substitute market growing?
صفحه 10:
Or Ounlpze the Supply Ckaic
Fourth & Fifth Competitive Forces
The Suppliers
The Buyers
Who controls the transaction?
Each element adds value - question: who
captures it?
صفحه 11:
(Beueriz Oteote ies
Ocvvetopicgy 0 Gustacted Cowwpetiive Pducotace
Qcradyatey the Porces thot ری موه نصا position vil
اكوك we wed برست ه ره و uieved of establshtegy a sustaiced
vowpetiive odveotaye. Do estubls suck o postive, a poepoapy یه to
develpp o stroteqy oP perPorcviey activites dPPReredly tho .سلاجم ددمت د
© Oost leadership sirateey: Produce products and/or services ot
the lowest ovet io the iodusiry.
© OPPereutatica strateqy? OPRer dPReredt products, services, or
product Pectures.
© Dicks sircieyy: موه « carnuw-soope seqrent (cicke warket)
coed be the best ia quoliy, speed, or ost ia thot warket.
صفحه 12:
(Beueriv Otrateqies
Ocrvetopiag 0 Gustaiced Cowpetiive Pducotace
© Growl strateqy! Iecreuse warket share, usquire wore
pustowers, or sell wore products.
© Dlicase strate? Dork wi busicess partuers ic partcerships,
ماه jpint vectures, or و ام
© دا درو ام ew products cad services, put
ew Peutures io existiog products ond services, or develop ve
wus to produce thew.
© Operaiiccd ePPeviivesess siruiryy! Iwoprove the وی to which
intercdl bustuess provesses ure exerted sv thot a Pir
perPorwws siwitar utiviies better thos rivak.
Choate 09 ص
صفحه 13:
(Beuericv Oteote ies
Ocrvetopiag 0 Gustaiced Cowpetiive Pducotace
®© Oust كسام امج او stroicyy: Oowrurate va wahicry
pustowers happy
يه صما Dine siroteq: Treat ive usu 9
عع دمر له وا if to the كن له از
© Ca-banters strateqy! Oreute boaters 9 تاه
© Lock tt rustoers or suppliers siruteyy: Baopunne
موی pr supphers to stay wits pou coher thera كواص
جا pexnpetions.
suwitchicg costs stroteyy: Discouraye ل
rstowers or supphers Pro ypiey to cowpetiors Por
۳2۲77۲۲۲7 ۲۰
Choate 09 9
صفحه 14:
Okan صلهن ع۳»
شش ها ,(19609) رود wodel جات او لا ط سوه
tatoo ports: priory لول جا كدج تور وه و ولمم
.ره uniiviies ced support
© لسار واب برو جرت one those untvites to uwhick wotertds ore
purchosed, processed oto products, ord delivered to mustowers.
(Back adds volue to the product or service keuve the volue choi.
(عنجم) جديا لسك 0
OOpercticas (scomuParturiag cod testicc)
© Oubousd Iristics (storage oad dstributica)
O Darketey oad sce
Choate 09 9
صفحه 15:
The Ouhue Chait (Cruticrued)
© Octhe the privary untivites, whick cireviy ocd value to ke product pr
servive, the Support untivilies ane pperaivas that support the oreutioe oF
vetue (prievary uvtivities)
OD he (امعم كمه ععحصماةا كدسج وه ) اه وم
0 1| اون جوج مجو ر
رومام( teveloparest (R&D)
© Pronrewedt
Dke taal purpose oP the value choice wodel wos to ocralae the fetercral
vperdives DP موه و to order to tooreuse its ePPiviewy, ePPevivedess,
an powpetiivecess. De cod exteod trot away uraeis by systeswuticaly
موس و اور key provesses ued core powwpeteuntes to رت ام
avtuities that do oot add votue ta the product.
صفحه 16:
TAS Ok اسه
Firm| Financial gerounting _Reatatory a
ra toga سوت
Infrastructure | 09 Complance
ey 7 سر
و ی مه
an ۱9
gto ١ صر ماسو توت _ Teomotony|
i reduling tem, Yild Management 32 0 a
555 1 ira eee
۳ 9 Inventory Management Handing Maint
RoulaSeleslin » Thokat comer + Baggage Promotbn Lest Profi
ل Operatons «ضدرة Advertsing BANDE ene
| Serco Syston + Gate + Bont موی Service
|. نی "Comes Fer ام
مس سر موی و Femme
| oe | ee | ]
S| + rust + Onboard Pesanation «Group Salas
E |. اد SBM tone
۲ CrewScheduling * Bagvage Tiekets,
وم همم — Handing
= Toto Ofces
Inbound Operations Outbound Marketing Servico
Logistics Logistics and Sales 8
صفحه 17:
Tre Ouhte Gpystew
4 وتا volue ان is pot of ان مه وا و antivites, whirls Porter
ils u vdlue systew. @ valle sysieur tackides the supphers that provide the
fapuis uevessury ty the Pir ood their value chutes. Mhis ub is the basis Por
the suppl) ckuic crocagerec bouept. Daa of these ulicaces ood busicess
portuerships ore bused vo Tateroet او لام جمه بشهعصعحممج
tl orwutiza systews (OCs)
© Dheve Ietersetboed BO اس موه ان ورد
O Poster business pyre (PO to Reveticry)
۵ مسق of buses provedues (Dupaded Repluishuwed)
O Reduaed وس اما
O Grewer advoctage tao Perce cowpetive ewvircawedt
صفحه 18:
> صادج و1۱۳ رهظ و Gustaiciag
Gpstew (G16)
Otrotesie toP oration حاصناحاكاوت صا لجم توصل جمد جدمصاصره 3 proPitabte ord
sustucable position agatcst the cowpetiive Porces tooo iedusiry. Due to odors
fa spstews developed | لح لصو مسا و to تیصو
advaotage Por oo extended period. Cxpericare مه ما له مواه
spotews, by theweselves, coo rarely provide o sustacable powpetiive رای
herePore, the wapr problew thot cowpoies aww Pave ts how to sustata their
vowpetiive ول
© Dhese Tetercet-based GO systews oPPer strategic beurPits.
© One popuer approach 5 io use Ave spstews hat oe wt isble ها
cowpetiors. hese propricyy systews ul hey voxwpauy ip perPorw ie
منت oa ther vole choo dPPercdly thao herr oowpetiors.
صفحه 19:
The degice to which a resource can help a firm improve efficiency or effectiveness,
‘The degree to which a resource is nonheterageneously distributed across firms in,
aan industry.
‘The degtee to which a firm can make use of a resource
that exceeds the value of the resource.
‘The degtee to which a resource can be readily emulated.
‘The degiee to which a resource is easy to tramsport.
‘The degree to which another resource can he used in lieu of the original resource to
achieve value.
jyhout incurring an expense
Resource Attributes
صفحه 20:
Relationship to Resource Attributes
Not necessarily rare or valuable,
but difficult to appropiate and imitate. Low
mobility bat a fair degree of substitutability.
Highly mobile, bat less imitable or
substitutable. Not necessarily rare but
highly valuable.
Somewhat more rare than the technology
and IT skill resources. Also of higher value,
High mobility given the short tenure of
006 عاطماسطناوطنكوملة
EE po
1S Resource/Capability Description
Technology 1esources Includes infrastruciure,
proprietary technology,
hardware, and software,
IT skills Includes technical knowledge,
development knowledge. and
‘operational skills.
Managerial IT resources Includes vendor and
‘outsources relationship skills
market responsiveness,
1S-business partnerships. IS
planning and management skills.
صفحه 21:
ا 1 دك
ji 1
صفحه 22:
hy Phoccicry — © Critical Issue Por
Orgesizativas (Cratined)
صفحه 23:
© مها روصت Devckuloypy (Placroicrey
- Groge 0
he First stage oP the 1D photo soodel ideciPies the دحاو
با موه موه روص سره رت مه ون ات exported i
۰ اوه نم (ا0) و مت مه و ویو locke the process of
و مه با وه اوه ۰ وله موجه و محر Fine to
مه له ماه فطع لو وروی
۶ AD Olkeeoect wik Oryentzatond Place: Phe priory tech of 1D phacratery te to
ما احاطامی میم اجی وان بط موی من مهم را
thre uremia,
© Bowyae the extersal eouiresnvesl (Iacketry, surph chute, cocrpetion) asd the ister
pouroie (axnpeteutes, Vike chara, ایس مج سس مها hex Wo
ذا Grarwyhas cmnemrieut oetiay whim pcerheshy Moris pat ۱5
ام خأن بتصام ددمت جكلا كلابب #جكول جحجه
Cheyer 08 هه
صفحه 24:
Girateqic IP orwetiod Deckooloypy Ploocicgy
— Oetkodolocies
Several methodologies exist to facilitate IT planning.
Dhe behave syotewe phociay (BOP) wodel, devebped by DO, deus wak wy vets
badder blocks hick becowe the baste of لجو جوري مومه مكار رحد
O سوه provesses
عصصاء و0 9
Gtages OF 19 اه ره و ابص له راط() سم ۹۲ routs
11 Dhow rrp ers are tity troduced.
8 ] ی و و ی یت oppkxtow.
جنس powers bo ost vere beuPis, systews وین وا و 0 ,ایو
.سمج د نواد جا اعجو
00 دب 0 0 0000 ااا اا ا sya
Outs او جدملصاميه حصلا ونضط دودمم دجا داف جادومج شوم دصقدم ولد" .وماك وا ول
Denes. The phasnton oad devebpcord oP ۲۳ چام مجاهت ماهس
Choate 09 ow
صفحه 25:
الاين رمممقايا ريرنجربي)) ىن
Oehodologies (Continued) —
Ortied swsveee Pasere (OG Ps) oe hose Pew thoge tha wast 97 right it order to
و دوين جا جر suid ond sucess. Orticd success Pastors very by
keke) purus urna, Ser ibe, or epuerKiedt an! by specie
ieksties wihia hese cleceres. Carpe questions shed ta he OCP opprvack ore:
Oka cbprives oe cedird to your orcptzotion?
Oka oe he oticd Pastors thd مت وا تقو سوه hese همان
Oka decbives or artes ore hey to hese ottod Pastors?
Oka varcbles viderte these devises, oad how oe they weaned?
systews cua supp) hese wears? موق تا
وممصم وه وه او وان ta which بيصاطط حادب 5 جا تام موق
thea a teen copie possible Puture eveuis thot way ارو ان موی عطا ماه
0 0 0 0 0
Cheyer و es
صفحه 26:
۵ dePornvative Deckert و
— Oethodblogies (Coctiurd)
Orted success Paxtors (OGPs)
‘formation ard analy |
for better schedulng,
routing, packing
صفحه 27:
(Blobal Covwpetifica
this و هط ره موه لاش وه are operon موه تون(
او موس مه ام see sr جوا و روط مرو
of byes, صيصب صخ م io ی
ts Porcine comptes مه ممصم workkwide. Dhis horeased اوه لو جوا
7 bok Por beter uxys i oowpete dobdly.
ان موی موه ای رجا موی انا
صفحه 28:
IP Placsicgy — Oeb-bused Gpustews
موسمم] Pomona | nniry | فش | Mane | عع
منم له | لاسي | مش | متیر
cS 7 7 3
as |
هل Sete) [7 7 a
NBO | © #0 9 0]
Vi Hts 100)
a 00
شتا omy aoe |e
i 26*۰
ی سس زب
ot I
>10 78 کم
2 2
cook [away ا ا 0
tect | Over | موی | سوه الات
| كام | تيه | مقس | ع
ins ata | akon
717 7 8 8 7 =
Betas | 1 5 8 7 5 12
MO 9 0 0 co eo] ee
lh اا Fast (on
صفحه 29:
Oucagerid Issues
© Custaciay cowpe tive odvootage.
مسب 5
© Orgeriziogy Por ان
© Pity the 1? anchitevture to the .صو حيست
8 1 ام ملاس
اس ۳ ©
۶ باق ocd legal issues.
OD sirotew.
صفحه 30:
Copricht! © CODE oka Oley & Ore, ac. Ollrighty reserved. ما ملسم oP
hey work bevel hot perotied ts Orviva (UP oP he (OPO تست لسع Oopyrisht Dot wthont
fe مرن تن موم oP he copyright pwveer by udu Recuaest Por Punter
سا لاه مرها ucdreweed i ker Perceive Departora, loba Diy & Sow, ‘lar. لا
purvkeser way woke buch-up copies Por ktsfher owe wer voy aed ot Por cbeirbusoa or resrae
Dhe Publoher wre مد reypocesbiliy Por errors, owen, or champs, coed by he oe
OP hese programy or Brow the vee oP the Porewatva ovotaiced heres.
مه و Cheyer