صفحه 1:
WANOG - Opt COk, COOO ‏اب" ماو‎

صفحه 2:
SS ۰ ۰ ۰ ۰ ۰ ۰ * hava Dui Pool Oowparisoa * Desired Prctures ۰ (۳ Oocteuders + Oa + Ty + Owen * Groce ٠ @Duatch- + Otkers * Results Datrix 5 Gubjevive udhraiod * Okick Oould You Chovse?

صفحه 3:
" 777۳۳ ۰ ۰. ۱ Desired (Peutures * Oppendeusy woorngewect * Obrrsivciag * Oovopile dave code, build jars * @xevute tests od report results, Pall build oo Poiled tests * Rue qualip-chevk tools (POO, Piedbucs, Chevkstytes) ۰ ‏,هدن باعلا ,ما0 مس با‎ Bopevt!) ۰ ‏مج ررنومو۳)‎ | toheo substituticc اهر جر راوج ون للن) ۰ * Pl coat ‏له نی‎ ممسصخلدام- ووم 0 ‎٠‏ * 106 Guppont © Opornventaica / Support

صفحه 4:
SS Oat + Ip © otis ubiquittus dave-based build tool \Oses XOL “script” Piles 7 uy is 0 depenteuy wooaer OriPuct repository -> Wibercrte -> Cowwous-Colleriive)

صفحه 5:
۲ 7۳۳ ۰ ۰. Oat + Ip © Oodde depeudeuies ore declared fr yet <ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:xsi="http: //www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <info organisation=“org.hjug" module=“myModule"/> <dependencies> <dependency org="org.apache" name: <dependency org="org.apache" name: <dependency org="org. junit" name=' </dependencies> </ivy-module> "ant" rev="1.7.0"/> "axis" re -2rc3"/> junit" rev="4.4"/>

صفحه 6:
Oat + Ip ddd this por Dat bake (buklannd) <project xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache. ivy.ant nane="pdk" default="default" basedir="."> !-- Ivy Taskdefs --> <path id=" ivy. Lib.path"> <fileset dir="C:/java-tools/apache-ivy-2.0.0" include: </path> <tagkdet resources"org/apache/ivy/ant/antLib.xml" uri="antLib:org.apache. ivy.ant™ Classpathref="ivy. lib.path*/> + jart/> <!-- Reference Ivy settings --> <ivy:settings file="${basedir}/. ./ivysettings.xmU"/> <target name="ivy.resolve" description="--> retrieve dependencies with ivy"> <ivy:retrieve pattern="${Lib.dir}/[conf]/[artifact] . [ext]”/> </target> <target name="ivy.publish" description="--> publish artifacts to local repository"> <ivy:publish resolver="Local” pubrevision="${version}”> <artifacts pattern="dist/ [artifact] .[ext]"/> </ivy:publish> </target>

صفحه 7:
رد + 9 ۳ ‏لول جروت لان()‎ ood executed wit Bat © Oppeudeuwies wooaged wi I © (ot targets to iustal, netdeve ‏م چاه‎ Aw repositpry

صفحه 8:
Oat + Ip عااطنام Cosi <ivy:installl /> <ivy:resolve /> <ivy:ret > ‏رت‎ 1۱۷۷:۳۵۵۵ | Repository ۲ ۲ ‏معزمم‎ ‎<ivy:publish /> ees “hee cay Preble rhe. Dire ak

صفحه 9:
Oweu © Priert io dePiced by POO (Prviect Objert Doce) | @rvjevis vaca pootaia sub-projevis (wodules) | used vo reco weated project strurtune (2.4. srolwuinjava, solani , arvliestiiova, ...) " Orihact-Pooused (ie. Okt Piles does this build a Wewy ewphusis vo deP out | ‏ام‎

صفحه 10:

صفحه 11:
Oweu ® Gack Chose oon be wede up of zero or wore @Cous (the) 4 @riectspecihic oodPiguroivg involves biedtey speciPic yrds to spevitic phuses (bepyoud the dePoull sete) © Cxtewsible plugin syetew (colled Dvine) ) dave-bused or Butbused J Cowprekeusive set oP third-party phugics ‏همرت‎

صفحه 12:
SS 0 Crate * (ult va top ‏خام‎ Bat + Ip ™ Bud OGL writes ia Grow # Oses Crow @PutBuiter ‏له موه‎ ® (Phagics ‏الاك بل ۳ وه موه ول‎ types oF ‏حیرص‎ ‎NUT, UDO), Wor, ...

صفحه 13:
SS Groce 2 Ossuves Owed cowedtivas Por Pite looove (drop-ia replace went Por Owen) ICoc be ohered wits tke Convention object ™ Can use existing Maven or Ivy repositories

صفحه 14:
) = Bult va Ruby O Rake is sitar to Bat (Ruby Dake) Rub) Brews is vivitar to rpeo (package WuUTdyer, Quid soript writes it Ruby (istercral DEL)

صفحه 15:

صفحه 16:
SS 00000 uid ® Ossuves Owed coweulioas Por Pile bpooicns (drop-ia replocewedt Por Daven) Occ be chered ™ Can use existing Maven repositories

صفحه 17:
Others ® Gant # Rube 2 Cus Oat 7 سین

صفحه 18:
2 ۹ ‏اس‎ reports لكك ۷ Ouch the box 26 Det supported Oars Grade 7 v v v v Dorset reoknke herd revert ‏صميعام تحدم و‎ | Derry ‏ار بو و‎ | Deny Results Dutrix Gat Ww 4 و 2 7 سیسات سملا Om pony kek ‏میا‎ 0 ۱ ای و لا ,طلت مرول سامومو rere mets, report revuly, Pal badd oc Pale tents ‎check tbs (POO,‏ رطلمی مس ‎PrkDure, eaxkDov)‏ ‎le ‏تا مسج‎ XL, Orbos, Doperal) ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 19:
8 VY 0اف ‏«صط صما خم‎ Results Dutrix poat'd 16 Oot revered Orored Prare at Ww Oars rede Oke ‏فصو‎ expt | thew 2 7 7 ‏هه‎ ‎uk ve. depby ve. rele Dendy Pied | v (Pd eral whea weeded Owen Ol [One nsw —— | Onmy ank Ruby woke 00 ‏جام تاس عه معام‎ Pl | chee a bas Pe ‏لمللممايت‎ 04 ‏رد‎ ‎Orvee-phihore 7 v v Rene os Ruby, Ree lOO | Raw mlOO | Rue raid ww ery ‏محا مسوم‎ 100 ‏میت‎ x ۸ 7 x otpor oly Derrnvrcrters | Oxon Orr Crowrnitra sil | Overct rere — | Doel promet 0 ‏مس | مهس‎ ‏ای تن ای تب‎

صفحه 20:
۰ ‏ال‎ ‎Gubievive Cudkatioa a ®ua, Iw, Owed hove beeo aud the Irocgest © Restrictive vs. Open phitpsvphy © Goo dePoutis © Oepentewy Ounce wed is 0 Good Phe ™ ® (at kes bp Por the best domavectativd ond exaroples wottoble otic a Grande is the feust wotune (but very prowisicny) a Quitdr is very vovl but kos poteutal plaPoren issues (Ruby us. IRuby, OF-bi)

صفحه 21:
Okick ‏تلور‎ S’ou Choose?

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