12 صفحه
1624 بازدید
28 آبان 1400

صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
| AGENDA * Describe yourself * Strengths and Weaknesses * Why do you want this job? * Your career 5 years from now ٠ ‏وناو أناع]5‎ 03015 + What do you know about us? * Proposal + Compensation / Salary دار

صفحه 3:
How would you DESCRIBE YOURSELF? | am ambitious and driven. | thrive on challenge and constantly set goals for myself, so | have something to strive toward. I'm not comfortable with settling, and I’m always looking for an opportunity to do better and achieve greatness. In my previous role, | was promoted three times in أل less than two ۰

صفحه 4:
STRENGTH & ۰۰۰۷۷ 6۸۵۷۱۲6 ۵۹ 5٠005 My greatest strength is my writing skills. | can also I'm naturally shy. From high school and into my work to tight deadlines under pressure. For early professional interactions, it prevented me example, | was once asked to complete a project from speaking up. within 10 hr. STRENGTH WEAKNESS 5 33

صفحه 5:
Why do you want THIS JOB? 4 Presentations are communication tools that can be used as demonstrations, lectures, speeches, reports, and more. Most of the time, they’re presented before an audience.

صفحه 6:
CAREER OBJECTIVES When do you want to be in your career 5 years from now? 2021 2023 2025 2022 2024

صفحه 7:
THE LAST COMPANY YOU WORK IN Presentations are communication tools that can be used as demonstrations, lectures, speeches, reports, and more. Most of the time, they’re presented before an audience.

صفحه 8:
Why do you Our Values, Our Culture, Our Mission Presentations are communication tools that can be used as demonstrations, lectures, speeches, reports, and more. Most of the time, they're presented before an audience.

صفحه 9:
PROPOSA 8 Your Title Here You can edit this text for your presentation Your Title Here You can edit this text for your presentation Your Title Here 7 You can edit this text for your presentation

صفحه 10:
COMPENSATION & This is aSALARY can edit ۲۱۲۱6 ۶ ۲۱۲۱6 ۶ You can edit this دع 1-2 ۷6۵/66 2-SYears 5۰-8 ۷۵۵۲6 8-10 Years

صفحه 11:
Presentations are communication tools that can be used as demonstrations, lectures, speeches, reports, and more. Most of the time, they’re presented before an audience.

صفحه 12:

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