صفحه 1:
5 3 3 ۳ ۹ ANOLE eee Leveraging Networks for Tangible Results Dr, Robin Teigland Stockholm School of Economics robin.teigland@hhs.se www.knowledgenetworking.org

صفحه 2:
Everyone is talking about networks Ego Formal Networks Networks ١ Regional Social Networks National Networks Innovation Networks Informal Entrepreneurial Networks Networks ( Infrastructure Electronic Networks Networks Networks Networked of Practice organization ۳ 3-06 To Reels FAS.research 5

صفحه 3:
wae ‏لص جد‎ hae ‏لبي‎ he ow fal ای نموه اسب؟) درل ل | تن Di 1 000008 ۳۹0 Cohen & Levinthal 1989 ‏د‎ ‎mas ALI mate slice ata ACA Reali alla‏ ید یب ‎ ‎

صفحه 4:
سس و و ع ا يي اللي ار ‎Ph cal PACE Ea J:‏ لوس ‎Aa cates eae‏ ا ‎SAN en Aa AY Ai‏ كت - مخ مما مص 00-00 > One week A person’s lifetime in 2007 in 18th century sige 0 Oia ‏رین‎ ‎۳ 1 00: 2 EU Rue

صفحه 5:
‎Oe riot ae aoe eel oan sll‏ ی ‎ ‏يت ارس لي صو ا ‎Seca WOR tae os AMIE care‏ اب ‎ ‎۳۱۲5۲ ۷6۵۲ ۴ technical-based 7 education Third year of education ‎ ‎ ‎1 ‎۲

صفحه 6:
...that is increasingly connected 0 / OS ‏لاحك‎ 32 1 7 collea 3 mags, os | ۴ ‏اه۵ه۱ ان‎ friend colleague: cA Sold ‏تیاه‎ old cla EERE Wie communitie:

صفحه 7:
"No one knows everything, everyone knows something, all knowledge res networks. humanity.” teigland.com 2007 ‏تك‎

صفحه 8:
What is a network? Actor © © 0 9 ۲ / *Actors/Nodes 0 11 ‏مل م‎ —Individuals —Teams, organizations, etc. 6 0 O MMT) Mal ec} O © —Knowledge, trust, 0 5 0 Oo; team, sit by, dislike, etc. @ 89 —Alliance, customer, investment, etc ateioland.com 2007

صفحه 9:
Swedish hip hop artists ۱۷112102401011

صفحه 10:
Individuals within a firm Time at firm © ۲ © 1-5yrs @ 5-10 yrs @10-15 yrs © < 15 ‏5الا‎ Mattsson 2004

صفحه 11:

صفحه 12:
Networks of firms Dahlin 2007

صفحه 13:
Groups of organizations (Sectors) Teigland et al. 2004 13

صفحه 14:
Uncovering Networks IN an organization Caer ‏هی‎ ON ACPA ASLAN PACT thie ۳ ‎Teigland et al. 2005 14‏ یت ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 15:
‎IN‏ دروف ود لیوا ددرت ‎location‏ ‎ ‎

صفحه 16:
Transferred from London rege ‏اورع‎ Madrid _ Copenhagen cs ۷

صفحه 17:

صفحه 18:
4 4 A organizations Electronic ۱ communities, تت ‎Teigland 1998 18‏ ۳۹0 تست

صفحه 19:
Dual loyalties

صفحه 20:
تزیرا۱۱ Increasing job turnover Number of jobs ‏لي‎ ‎lifetime >@teigland.com 2007

صفحه 21:
What about performance? Firm B Virtual community ape 7s 222202 2007 Teigland 200321

صفحه 22:
The strength of weak ties : Network C’s Network B’s knowledge knowledge 22 Network A’s ‏ال-5‎ knowledge Network D's knowledge Se) ateioland.com 2007 Granovetter 1973 22

صفحه 23:
الى لبيك لل 0ل يي ل ل ل ري رم فص یدب م دیا Bridge) Ca sy. ل a ‘©. SOL Uke ete Schenkel & Teigland 2007 23

صفحه 24:
Comparing across firms 0 ی ae 0 رت( ۱ ‎oH‏ سس ل ‎cated‏ ۱1 ‎Cpeed, tiwe to ‏نيليا‎ ‏مر‎ ‏تمس سا‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Teigland et al 2000 24‏ یت

صفحه 25:
Hewlett-Packard (1990s) 6 » Networking activities recognized and rewarded at individual and unit levels » Management support for informal and formal networking activities across internal and external boundaries » Extensive socialization: personnel rotation, cross-office teams » A visionary organization —Clearly defined mission: ”To make technical contributions for the advancement and welfare of ars le — Supporting core values, e.g., teamwork —Company-wide goal of World’s Best Laboratory Pee U Rete 3

صفحه 26:
Other network outcomes? » Individual level —Improved effectiveness — Improved job opportunities —Higher salaries — Faster promotions — Increased influence & power —Improved health » Organizational level 0 ‏ل‎ ‎—Improved innovation —Increased sales apse escent ON ZACR eT GACON Ua لاعاصقع5 وتلطقك! لاط وماغمتهم ۳۳ orm / ۵۳۸ ‏ات‎ 2007

صفحه 27:
Myths about networks » | already know what is going on in my network » We can’t do much to help informal Talia Vela ec} » To build networks, you have to communicate more ۳ Bola Reel Adapted from Cross et al. 2002 27

صفحه 28:
More social get-togethers and coffee breaks are not the solution fel 0 Oia qi 1 1 1 0 300.070 اوأعناه د ملك

صفحه 29:
مو و نا وا لاي ا لبس ‎mel on nel oll)" ool aR‏ ای organization After 1. Uncover networks 2. Analyze networks 3. Improve connectedness 1 Sole URS es Anklam & Welch 2005 29

صفحه 30:
When you hire someone.,...

صفحه 31:
Encourage an open Innovation attitude )0( ‏و‎ ccd Ont ol the scart pevple work Porus. Oe veed to work wits save people toside cod vutside ‏ی از‎ AP you souke the best ue ‏اه له ات‎ ری اند بو رل Chesborough 2003 31 را و۱9 ON Rr an coe a ‏نا‎ an 4P pou pede the wost ‏اش ات رات‎ ‏ره ان تخر رتم‎ ۱

صفحه 32:
So, what does this mean for you? » An actor's position in a social network, i.e., social capital, determines in part the actor’s opportunities and constraints German biotech ‏يك‎ scientists 4 0 ات

صفحه 33:
What can you do? ا كك تا #طعمنا غوع نمز مل مروطانه ماغلالا عر » With whom do you socialize? * To which communities, networks do you belong? ۱0 ۱ Seer CRN lace ulcU airs ‏ی‎ ‎< ۱۷/۳۵ ‏7ننه عطا دا 0660 نوی الا جع ۲ناووع۲‎ ro ZAC ne) 2007 33

صفحه 34:
FFF Ftd ‏21ل 7 دب الس يي ضر لبالب‎ ed OD ed FF ret we? fret networks ‏کاه0‎ ‎organizatio ‏لق‎ ‎Inside ‎organizatio ‎ia} ‎Strong Weak ties auto) Pee U Rete 34

صفحه 35:
Start your own network Stanford Swedish International Business School Alumni Network (SIBSAN) Government Renee etd Ministers 35

صفحه 36:
“Lika barn leka bast” People find similar people attractive and develop relations with people like th 6۱۷65 Our networks tend to be Homogeneous and not heterogeneous ۳ BOSE Reels Marsden 1987, Burt 1990 36

صفحه 37:
Go meet someone different

صفحه 38:
Make yourself easy to find - Create a live CV ‘A Knowledge Networking Researcher's Homepage < ۵۱ og — blogger, livejournal, typepad, wordpress, etc. » Social software > — Shortcut —ecademy >» Media — Slideshare.net اک — YouTube.com 38 ل

صفحه 39:
Myths and reality checks » | already know what is going on in my network = Those who think they know their network the best are usually the ones who know the least » We can’t do much to help informal networks * Informal networks can be “managed” through changing the organizational context » To build networks, you have to communicate more = Networks can be strategically developed i 1 SETI Res Adapted from Cross et al. 2002 39

صفحه 40:
The positive spiral of social networks Contributio ca | ۱3 Reciprocit ff. oe 0 LC ee ea 2007 tschaut's photos 40

صفحه 41:
References and acknowledgements Books — Barabasi, Linked: The New Science of Networks. Perseus, 2002 — Castells, The Rise of the Network Society. Blackwell, 2000 — Cross & Parker, The Hidden Power of Social Networks. Harvard Business ‏كت‎ 2 ‏ا‎ ‎— Scott, Social Network Analysis. Sage, 2000 3 ,558 ,۱۷6۲۷۵۲9 ۵۷/۵096 ,1300 و6 - 7 یت ع اتاهع ك0 .عاو ادو مقط اقبءرثلا ‎mS‏ ‎Homepages‏ 60أماو/نالع.ناط.عاممعم ,50أ8 معطمع5 - < 5۳6۷6 ‏,و80۳‎ ۷۷۷۷ CN ea 605.09 . الاللاللا ,1055© 806 - — International Network for Social Network Analysis http://www.insna.org/ me CUCM Ne leat lee lem eee ‏یت کت ی کت ات یی‎ SRV Cen oem mcentectat امغط.كاعلماردمعع زانا/ءممهطا/ع5. ناد. لاوهاماع50.للاللاننا ,كمعع زانا »اأمولعمع ‏ - 2 ‏ا‎ tea — Giancarlo Oriani, www.informalorg.eu (In Italian) ‎UTC Same lco lg ORS‏ میات ‎ZAC ne) 2007 41 ‎el ‎

صفحه 42:
Go network! Thanks!!! ل

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