صفحه 1:
Lecture 8 Lists
صفحه 2:
A list is a very useful structure. A list is a collection of
items of the
same type.
a list of characters 01 6ط ة]
[fic2,4b},"hhh"] not an acceptable list
Main> [1, 2, ‘h', "hhh"]
ERROR - Type error in list
+ Expression — : [1,'h',"hhh"]
+e Term: : "hhh"
ee Type : String
*** Does not match : Char
[109,26,5,8,19] a list of Ints
[(a’,97),(‘r’,114),(‘m’,109)] a list of pairs
["Mon'","Tue","Wed","Thur","Fri","Sat","Sun"] a list of Strings
{Sieiegs a special list called the empty list or a list
with‘ abcélé. 5 comperters حا a list of String3
1ب کنو ۲6
صفحه 3:
There is a special notation used with lists which is
written as [n .. m].
This is read as: nup tom.
[2..9] which yields [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
Using this notation, some useful sequences can be
['a’,'c!..] Lecture 8 Lists
صفحه 4:
Some Examples
Prelude> take 10 [1,3..]
Prelude> take 10 ['a','b'..]
Prelude> take 10 ['a','c'..]
Prelude> take 10 [0,2..]
Prelude> [1,5..10]
Prelude> [1,3..12]
Lecture 8 Lists
صفحه 5:
A list can either be the empty list
or it may consist of a -head (the first element) and a
tail (the Tes) ead tail) “read as head cons
tail” —
head = 2
tail= [4,8,19,55,99,1,981]
There are two built-in functions that return the head
and tail of a list
Prelude> head [1,2,3,4]
Prelude> tail [1,2,3,4]
[2,3,4] Lecture 8 Lists 5
صفحه 6:
ist [11, 21, 31,14] in bracket notation, can be written as:
11: 21 : 1 14] (known as the cons
notation) |
addList :: [Int] -> Int
addList [] = 0
addList (x:xs) = x + addList xs
The brackets [ ] and the "cons" operator": " are
examples of constructors. These are the the
constructors for lists.
Lecture 8 Lists 6
صفحه 7:
1 then else
if boolean-expression
if a>b then a else b
maxiab=if a>b then a else b
Main> maxi 2 3
Main> maxi 4 2
Lecture 8 Lists
صفحه 8:
tion to remove an element from a list: remove element lis
Main> remove 2 [3,4,5,2,7]
remove element [] =[]
remove element list = if element = = head list then
tail list
else (head list ):(remove element (tail list))
Main> remove 2 [3,4,5,2,7,2,2]
remove element [ ] = []
remove element list = if element = = head list
then remove element (tail list)
else (head list):(remove element (tail list))
Main> remove 2 [2,3,2,4]
Main> remove 4 [4,3,5,4,4%¢%4¢pf ® Usts 3
صفحه 9:
More pattern matching
remove element [ ] =[ ]
remove element (first:rest) =
if element = = first then remove element
else first:(remove element rest)
Main> remove 3 [4,5,3,7]
Main> remove ‘a’ ['a','b','c']
Main> remove "Joe" ["Jack","Andy"]
["Jack","Andy"] Lecture 8 Lists 9
صفحه 10:
Other Example functions on lists
--length of a list
lengthList [ ] = 0
lengthList (x:xs) = 1 + lengthList xs
Main> lengthList [10,21,3,14,54]
--take two lists and make a list of pairs
Main> myZip [11,21] [34,46,65]
myZip xs []=[]
myZip [ ] ys =[ ]
myZip (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x,y) : myZip xs ys
Main> myZip [1,2,3] ["Mary","John","George"]
Lecture 8 Lists 10
صفحه 11:
A trace of lengthList
lengthList ] [ = 0
lengthList (x:xs) = 1 + lengthList xs
lengthList [10,21,3,14,54
1 + lengthList [21,3,14,54
1+ (1 + lengthList [3,14,54])
1+ (1+ (1 + lengthList [14,54] ))
1+ (1+ (1 + (1 + lengthList [54] )))
1+ (1 + (1 + (1+ (1 + lengthList []))))
111 د )1 311 0((ر(
۱۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ ۱ |
Lecture 8 Lists 11
صفحه 12:
ther examples of functions using pattern matching
product [ ] = 0
product [a]=a
product (a:x) = a * product x
sum (a:x) = a + sum x
reverse []=[]
reverse (a:x) = reverse x ++ [a]
head (x:_) =x
tail (_:xs) = xs
Lecture 8 Lists 12
صفحه 13:
Main> member 3 [1,2,3,4]
member :: Int-> [Int] -> Bool
member e [ ] = False
membere (x:xs)
|e= =x = True
|otherwise = member e xs
Main> member 3 [4,2,5,6]
Main> member 'a' ['b','a','g']
ERROR - Type error in application
#* Expression _: member ‘a' ['b','a','g']
۴ Term :['b','a‘;'g']
۳ Type : [Char]
> Does not match : [Int],
re 8 Lists 13
صفحه 14:
]5 guesses the type when you don’t declare it
member e [ ] = False
membere (x:xs)
| دادع = True
jotherwise = member e xs
Main> member ‘a’ ['a','b‘,’c’]
Main> member "mike" ["joe","peter","andrew"]
Main> member 1 [1,2,4,6]
Lecture 8 Lists 14