صفحه 1:
Modern Information
bevtare (: Ietoduction
صفحه 2:
Lecture Overview
° Tetroductiva to the Ovurse
* | صا صصلاص كوه IePoreaica Retrieval
° Dre IePorwatic Geehioy Process
۶ IePorwoiod Retrieval Wistory ond Oevelopwests
۰ RePerewes
€ وه موه مه مرو
206 ۳
صفحه 3:
Lecture Overview
° Tetroductiva to the Ovurse
وه موه مه مرو
وه Blackened
صفحه 4:
Purposes of the Course
° Do ipo وا و theoreticd uoderstocdiag oP IR
> ملس
> Orctor Opae
> Probobitetic (iackichoy Loopucce Doel)
° Do exavice woior upplicdion oredr oP IR iachudicgy:
> Deb Geack
> Dest cateyortzatod ood chistertay
> Cross krouage retrieval
> Dent ویو
> Digi Librortes
وه موه مه مرو
وه iran
صفحه 5:
Purposes of the Course ...
* موی و how IR perPorwoue ts weosured:
> ملس
> Groteticd stqaPicaace
° Goro hords-v0 experieuwe wit IR systews
وه موه مه مرو
وه Blackened
صفحه 6:
Lecture Overview
وه موه مه مرو
وه iran
صفحه 7:
° Bod oP IR is to retrieve of ced vol) the “elev”
docuveds ito oolectiog Por لح وه user wit a
ماو و لس ملسم
۱ a ceded cave i UR theory
8 Whew does oa IR spstew work wheo the “colevtion”
ts tl domnveds wahuble oa the Deb?
> Deb seorck maxis ore sireso-teotny the trachiccrd IR
وه موه مه مرو
206 ۳
صفحه 8:
Information Retrieval
Dke yoo is to searck barge domed oolevions
(wilives oP dorucvects) io retrieve swll subsets
eleva iv the user's inPorwotiva ceed
° Cxaoples ure:
م1 خ searck ragiaes
> Digi throry cota yues
8 وه موه مه مرو
وه iran
صفحه 9:
Information Retrieval ...
* Gowe اس وه نام TR
> Oross krouage retrieval
> Opeeck/broadces retrieval
> دجمت ارجا
9 وه موه مه مرو
وه ال
صفحه 10:
° Opwwnniccion theory revisited
° Oroblews wik و و موجه
1 وه موه مه مده ao
Blackened ۵۵
صفحه 11:
Components of an IR System
a وه موه مه مرو
206 ۳
صفحه 12:
Lecture Overview
* ۳ م۳ Geehicn Process
وه موه مه مرو
وه Blackened
صفحه 13:
Review: Information
* “De word's tot peudy production oP pict, Pio,
vpticd, vod woceetic ooeteot would require roughly 9
عصطلرب متا oP storage. Mhis is the equivdedt of
SSO weynbyies per persva Por cock wad, wowed,
ed hid oo eordtk.” (Oortad & bywan)
۰ " لام مین oP today is ow to teack pevphe
to iqeore the inelevodt, how صا rePuse to با تن
bePore they ure suPPooded. Por too woop Parts oe
ws bed os wor ot of.” (0.1. Buden)
6 سوه سوه ماه بو
206 ۳
صفحه 14:
The Standard Retrieval
Interaction Model
Information Need
Send to System
ae وه موه مه مرو
وه iran
صفحه 15:
Standard Model of IR
0 Ossanopiivds:
> سول ypal te wantcotzieny precision acd revel
> Vke tePor@aios weed rewrote stir
> Phe due is ic the result decuwed set
as وه موه مه مرو
وه iran
صفحه 16:
Problems with Standard
° Osers teara durtay the searck process:
<ز )9 15 thes oP retrieved doaredis
> Reuday retrieved donned
> Otewiey bets oP retated topics/esourss ters
> لوا مره
* Gower users doo the booq (apporediy) disoryacized
fists oP لمح
وه موه مه مرو
وه iran
صفحه 17:
IR is an Iterative Process
وه موه مه
صفحه 18:
IR is a Dialog
5 و
—* Dhe exchooge doeso't cod with Pirst ooewer
۰ )]( عدو عمجم حمس كعجو elewedts of a usePut
7... اوه مار مور وه
5تل ۳۳۲۲۲۵
6 وه موه مه مرو
وه iran
صفحه 19:
Bates’ “Berry-Picking” Model
۰ لول 10 wodet
سوه سا و لت معط جوز
اصوجه لا لول وصصصحع
© Ben اطو
خ nteresteny Poreration t scutered جما| berries xy
> Phe query is cated پات
© وه موه مه مرو
وه ال
صفحه 20:
Berry-Picking Model
© shetch oP searcher... “wou rach wony wipe twvards «
ceoerd qoal oP sateRaciony oowpkeioa oP researck rekated to ext
)ات موم Bates 09)
eo وه موه مه مرو
وه iran
صفحه 21:
Berry-Picking Model ...
° Dke query is vootoudly shiP tog
° Dew iPorwativg wap vied oew ideas ood eu
* ۳ او مروت
> وا هی بمب ح oi skate, Prrd retrieved set
> Ie satePied by a sertes of selevtocs urd bite of
the way موه لت لول
وه موه مه مرو
وه iran
صفحه 22:
Restricted Form of the IR
° Dke syste has waluble vdly و توص
text poses
° 4s nespouse is licvited to selevtiogy Prow these pussuyes
مسا روصم له to the wer
4 wust setent, say, ID or CO passages put of
wilivas or bilivas!
وه وه موه مه مرو
وه iran
صفحه 23:
Information Retrieval
* Revised Dusk Gtateweut:
Quid a syste that retrieves domes thot
users ure likely to Pied relevoot to their queries
8 DR set oP assuopiiogs vadertes the Piet oF
4ePorwaiva Retrieval
وه وه موه مه مرو
وه iran
صفحه 24:
Lecture Overview
۶ IePorwoiod Retrieval Wistory ond Oevelopwests
وه موه مه مرو
وه iran
صفحه 25:
IR History Overview
۶ وخ Retrieval Wistory
> Bob “WR”
> DewOrwputer UR (oid (OGY 'z)
> وا یی ooo ter-bamed IR Prox لزب 096005
> Oodera WR - ,واه طسو را Deb-bosed
seack onl Crack Bates - IQOV's
وه سوه سوه ماه Dora
وه iran
صفحه 26:
۶ Orr ety history oP pootedt represrotatios
> Cuveriaa phew oad ‘ewebpes”
صفحه 27:
Rev. loka Dike, IOD0's : Phe
(Phpsophiced rc ocr tbh:
Olkeko Ostuxid od Pod Ofer,
(O00 's: Phe “ova raphir price”
ond Ociversd متس
Orkbery, 19602 -
dOP O's
W.. Dets, “Oorld Broa: Nhe idea a
of a peraxnect Dortd Baryeoped.”
(lotroduntoa to tke جل سوه
Proagasr, (89?)
Ounevar Bush, “Bs we way tick.”
kar Doky, ۰
Derw “ePorratca Retievd” cotced
مك0 نذا Dovers. (OSE
وه موه مه مرو
206 ۳
صفحه 28:
Card-Based IR Systems
© Doiern (Corey, Perry, Bern, Kea: (SO)
> Developed cad used Pree wid (QPOs
So a @
هه وه هو 09 ود
6ه 76 هم وه
6ه as هه وه
ee 05 ۵ ۶ و6 1
6 وه oe وم معوم همع
dor 66 66 9909 وطعن امني 890
woe ۵ we م9 موه
ore عم
Oars 6۴ هه ره
Blackened وه
صفحه 29:
Card-Based IR Systems ...
۰ Butea Opiicd Oviwidewsr Curds (“Peek-c-Oov
Cards”), (QFE
bus 9
6 . 9
0 0 9 9
0 9
orm Ghork Dowersay Goran
۳ 206
صفحه 30:
2 6
Card-Based IR Systems ...
7 ی (exke-wiched rads) overs, 0
9۵ 6 6 0 6 6 06 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 66 666 6 © 2 ۱۲ Oe
oOrnnrect ٩ Io
bk tats oie: hed heck ond Lara
سا ااا
000 ele
ched k ww bhy ia phe
2229 66
° °
280 وه موه مه مرو
206 ۳
صفحه 31:
Computer-Based IR Systems
° Butey’s (OS OG thesis Prow OVP sugested that
seurckicy GO wwilive tec وه سوه رطس
906 fedex ters would tohe )راومه
> Due tw the جمدب صا لحجه oral لماك the ted fet ore
wwewory white corrpicy out the ooparisvas
* d9OS° — Desk Gat wi Kabartae Wepburs od
Gpewer رو 2 00
60 وه موه مه مرو
وه ال
صفحه 32:
Historical Milestones in IR
۰ 690 مورا مسق Propertes (Luka)
۰ 16606 سل Iedentary (Darva & (Cabcer)
© (900 Tern assprtaiog oad chestertery (Doe)
۰ (9898 Orci pace Dede (Sakon)
* (990 Query expansion (Rocri7, Gata)
© (OPO Grateicd Derihtay (Sparrk-lows)
+ (OPS و64 0 (Waner, Bovkstem, Suxneva)
+ (OPO Reevawe Drightay (Robertsra, Sparchaloaes)
* (900 Crazy see (Bovkstein)
+ (900 Crobebiiy witout rice) (Orch)
oe وه موه مه مرو
وه iran
صفحه 33:
Historical Milestones in IR
Research ...
1969 سا Rewressioa (Pox)
* (909 Probublets Depeudewr (Scio, Yu)
* (90S) Ceverdized Orci Spare Doel (Does, Rhexpca)
۰ 4662 لو مها نحص ROORIC/POPIC (Pow, et ot)
۰ 690 موق مرا Tedentary (Ducrcis, Deerwester)
٠ 690 مساق موم Rewressioa (Ovoper, Bey, Pub)
* (898 PREC (haw)
۰ 4699 سوه و1 (Durie, Croh)
٠ O9F Wed cetworks (Kuch)
٠ 690 Lewnnrne Dodo (Poute, Orch)
وه وه موه مه مرو
وه iran
صفحه 34:
Boolean IR Systems
+ Gyxthex t GOO, 100
+ Preect DOO a OIP, 1999 (terre)
* POLO a BOO, WOOF (Lark! Borky)
+ (00 Dew York Word's Par - Becker ond Waves
produced syste اه مه لح وه سوه و
reservation وه
- 166 و سوه او و لو ما ۵00 *
0۵866-46000 )959( مسا ۵۸
۰ 69 م0 Orc Dew tairrdured LEXI — Pal tent of
صمل Breeton
ond 0 1920 سا - رای اون *
or سوه سوه ماه ون ز
وه Blackened
صفحه 35:
Experimental IR systems
° Probubitetic trdextery — Darva ond Kubo, (OOO
* GOORT — Gerad Gated a Coral — Ocvior spare wodel,
(9? O's
* GIRE a Gyrus
* 1908 - سن
۰ نایلوس 1)0660(
۰ PREC - 998
° deguery
* Chevhre 11 ((IO9@)
* @@ (9987)
+ Lew (OOOO?)
وه سوه سوه ماه Dare 2
وه Blackened
صفحه 36:
The Internet and the WWW
° Gopker, Orckie, Orrvcica, DOIG
* Dio Cervers-Lee, O00 orecies DOO t CERO
— priqitahy hypertext voy
* Oeb-orawter
* ه05 ما
سوه سوه ماه بو
وه iran
صفحه 37:
Information Retrieval - Historical
Research erustiqy
۶ Dooku work, otters خات * OTPLOO, Leme emer,
یه 9 + GPOIRG (Workea
+ Ovvior space work, bese)
سا مه سس ١ حي
Pevuback )066002( (ee سل
5 مه ۱0۵ موی ۰ وسي عط واه
(90's) Bo
+ Cuz oellbye, evckrotd 1
مجه (O90 =) (C($AOO0?)) سس
+ Regrssns, wud wet, space, probable)
فا نوی مس
مرس (0
wim موه موجه on
iran وه
صفحه 38:
Research Sources in
Information Retrieval
جرا موه مه نومه @CO *
سمل وا موه ۲ وه Ow. ۶
۰ لجه عصرده) مجمجو() 1 Proceedings (bos
° IePorwdiod Provessioy ord Qacrageset
8 oured oP Orrurectaiica
* ل
* TREC CodPerewe Proceeds
° bevtures it Oowputer Oviewr
)30 سوه سوه ماه Dora
وه الم ده
صفحه 39:
Research Systems Software
* AADERY (Cri)
© OCP (Roberteva)
۰ PRICE (awn)
> رباص موی
* GO@RP (Buwkev)
* OG (iten, OrPRa)
* CLECMIRE (bersvn)
> kip: ckeskine.berkekey.ecks
2 * LEOOR toolkit
° Duce
* Others
Darn Chek Doversay Opry وه
Blackened وه
صفحه 40:
Lecture Overview
وه موه مه مرو
وه Blackened
صفحه 41:
Next Time
° @usic Cowepts in IR
۰ Readings
> oye & Deed “Phe Phesorus Ppprowk to
Ieboraioa Retrieval” (ice Reads bok)
> bike “Phe Burwratie Derivation of مه توا
Retievd Boaordewerus Pro Dackice-Reakable
Texts” (i React)
> Dovke “eadentcry cer Pbetratiay by Bosvvkaion, P11"
(it Recers)
60 وه موه مه مرو
eae 02
صفحه 42:
Lecture Overview
وه موه مه مرو
وه Blackened
صفحه 43:
موق موه مسق مرو
iran eae