صفحه 1:
Modern Information Retrieval bevtare (: Ietoduction

صفحه 2:
Lecture Overview ° Tetroductiva to the Ovurse * | ‏صا صصلاص كوه‎ IePoreaica Retrieval ° Dre IePorwatic Geehioy Process ۶ IePorwoiod Retrieval Wistory ond Oevelopwests Oisrussiva ۰ RePerewes € وه موه مه مرو 206 ۳

صفحه 3:
Lecture Overview ° Tetroductiva to the Ovurse وه موه مه مرو وه ‎Blackened‏

صفحه 4:
Purposes of the Course ° Do ipo ‏وا و‎ theoreticd uoderstocdiag oP IR wodels > ‏ملس‎ ‎> Orctor Opae > Probobitetic (iackichoy Loopucce Doel) ° Do exavice woior upplicdion oredr oP IR iachudicgy: > Deb Geack > Dest cateyortzatod ood chistertay > Cross krouage retrieval > Dent ‏ویو‎ ‎> Digi Librortes وه موه مه مرو وه ‎iran‏

صفحه 5:
Purposes of the Course ... * ‏موی و‎ how IR perPorwoue ts weosured: > ‏ملس‎ ‎> Groteticd stqaPicaace ° Goro hords-v0 experieuwe wit IR systews وه موه مه مرو وه ‎Blackened‏

صفحه 6:
9 Lecture Overview وه موه مه مرو وه ‎iran‏

صفحه 7:
Introduction ° Bod oP IR is to retrieve of ced vol) the “elev” docuveds ito oolectiog Por ‏لح وه‎ user wit a ‏ماو و لس ملسم‎ ۱ a ceded cave i UR theory 8 Whew does oa IR spstew work wheo the “colevtion” ts tl domnveds wahuble oa the Deb? > Deb seorck maxis ore sireso-teotny the trachiccrd IR وه موه مه مرو 206 ۳

صفحه 8:
Information Retrieval Dke yoo is to searck barge domed oolevions (wilives oP dorucvects) io retrieve swll subsets eleva iv the user's inPorwotiva ceed ° Cxaoples ure: ‏م1 خ‎ searck ragiaes > Digi throry cota yues 8 وه موه مه مرو وه ‎iran‏

صفحه 9:
Information Retrieval ... * Gowe ‏اس وه نام‎ TR > Oross krouage retrieval > Opeeck/broadces retrieval > ‏دجمت ارجا‎ ‏ی‎ 9 وه موه مه مرو وه ال

صفحه 10:
Origins ° Opwwnniccion theory revisited ° Oroblews wik ‏و و موجه‎ 1 ‏وه موه مه مده‎ ao Blackened ۵۵

صفحه 11:
Components of an IR System ‎a‏ وه موه مه مرو 206 ۳

صفحه 12:
Lecture Overview * ۳ ‏م۳‎ Geehicn Process وه موه مه مرو وه ‎Blackened‏

صفحه 13:
Review: Information Overload * “De word's tot peudy production oP pict, Pio, vpticd, vod woceetic ooeteot would require roughly 9 ‏عصطلرب متا‎ oP storage. Mhis is the equivdedt of SSO weynbyies per persva Por cock wad, wowed, ed hid oo eordtk.” (Oortad & bywan) ۰ " ‏لام مین‎ oP today is ow to teack pevphe to iqeore the inelevodt, how ‏صا‎ rePuse to ‏با تن‎ bePore they ure suPPooded. Por too woop Parts oe ws bed os wor ot of.” (0.1. Buden) 6 سوه سوه ماه بو 206 ۳

صفحه 14:
The Standard Retrieval Interaction Model Information Need Send to System ‎ae‏ وه موه مه مرو وه ‎iran‏ ‎

صفحه 15:
Standard Model of IR 0 Ossanopiivds: > ‏سول‎ ypal te wantcotzieny precision acd revel sicvubraevush > Vke tePor@aios weed rewrote stir > Phe due is ic the result decuwed set ‎as‏ وه موه مه مرو وه ‎iran‏

صفحه 16:
6 Problems with Standard Model ° Osers teara durtay the searck process: ‏<ز‎ )9 15 thes oP retrieved doaredis > Reuday retrieved donned > Otewiey bets oP retated topics/esourss ters > ‏لوا مره‎ * Gower users doo the booq (apporediy) disoryacized fists oP ‏لمح‎ وه موه مه مرو وه ‎iran‏

صفحه 17:
a IR is an Iterative Process Oorkspae وه موه مه 206

صفحه 18:
IR is a Dialog 5 ‏و‎ ‎ag —* Dhe exchooge doeso't cod with Pirst ooewer ۰ )]( ‏عدو عمجم حمس كعجو‎ elewedts of a usePut 7... ‏اوه مار مور وه‎ 5تل ۳۳۲۲۲۵ 6 وه موه مه مرو وه ‎iran‏

صفحه 19:
Bates’ “Berry-Picking” Model ۰ ‏لول‎ 10 wodet ‏سوه سا و لت معط جوز‎ ‏اصوجه لا لول‎ وصصصحع‎ © Ben ‏اطو‎ ‏خ‎ nteresteny Poreration t scutered ‏جما|‎ berries xy broke > Phe query is cated ‏پات‎ © وه موه مه مرو وه ال

صفحه 20:
Berry-Picking Model © shetch oP searcher... “wou rach wony wipe twvards « ceoerd qoal oP sateRaciony oowpkeioa oP researck rekated to ext ‏)ات موم‎ Bates 09) ‎eo‏ وه موه مه مرو وه ‎iran‏ ‎ ‎

صفحه 21:
eq Berry-Picking Model ... ° Dke query is vootoudly shiP tog ° Dew iPorwativg wap vied oew ideas ood eu ‏اس‎ * ۳ ‏او مروت‎ > ‏وا هی بمب ح‎ oi skate, Prrd retrieved set > Ie satePied by a sertes of selevtocs urd bite of ‎the way‏ موه لت لول ‏وه موه مه مرو وه ‎iran‏ ‎

صفحه 22:
Restricted Form of the IR Problem ° Dke syste has waluble vdly ‏و توص‎ text poses ° 4s nespouse is licvited to selevtiogy Prow these pussuyes ‏مسا روصم له‎ to the wer 4 wust setent, say, ID or CO passages put of wilivas or bilivas! وه وه موه مه مرو وه ‎iran‏

صفحه 23:
Information Retrieval * Revised Dusk Gtateweut: Quid a syste that retrieves domes thot users ure likely to Pied relevoot to their queries 8 DR set oP assuopiiogs vadertes the Piet oF 4ePorwaiva Retrieval وه وه موه مه مرو وه ‎iran‏

صفحه 24:
Lecture Overview ۶ IePorwoiod Retrieval Wistory ond Oevelopwests وه موه مه مرو وه ‎iran‏

صفحه 25:
IR History Overview ۶ ‏وخ‎ Retrieval Wistory > Bob “WR” > DewOrwputer UR (oid (OGY 'z) > ‏وا یی‎ ooo ter-bamed IR Prox ‏لزب‎ 096005 > Oodera WR - ‏,واه طسو را‎ Deb-bosed seack onl Crack Bates - IQOV's وه سوه سوه ماه ‎Dora‏ ‏وه ‎iran‏

صفحه 26:
Origins ۶ Orr ety history oP pootedt represrotatios > Cuveriaa phew oad ‘ewebpes”

صفحه 27:
Rev. loka Dike, IOD0's : Phe (Phpsophiced rc ocr tbh: Olkeko Ostuxid od Pod Ofer, (O00 's: Phe “ova raphir price” ond Ociversd ‏متس‎ ‎Orkbery, 19602 - Coane dOP O's W.. Dets, “Oorld Broa: Nhe idea a of a peraxnect Dortd Baryeoped.” (lotroduntoa to tke ‏جل سوه‎ Proagasr, (89?) Ounevar Bush, “Bs we way tick.” kar Doky, ۰ Derw “ePorratca Retievd” cotced ‏مك0 نذا‎ Dovers. (OSE وه موه مه مرو 206 ۳

صفحه 28:
Card-Based IR Systems © Doiern (Corey, Perry, Bern, Kea: (SO) > Developed cad used Pree wid (QPOs 0005104: ۵1 So a @ هه وه هو 09 ود 6ه 76 هم وه 6ه ‎as‏ هه وه we 50۰ ۵۵6 ‎wre?‏ ‎ee 05 ۵ ۶‏ و6 1 6 وه ‎oe‏ وم معوم همع ‎dor 66 66‏ 9909 وطعن امني 890 ‎woe ۵ we‏ م9 موه ‎ore‏ عم wor Oars 6۴ ‏هه ره‎ Blackened ‏وه‎

صفحه 29:
وه Card-Based IR Systems ... ۰ Butea Opiicd Oviwidewsr Curds (“Peek-c-Oov Cards”), (QFE ‏م5‎ ‎6 ‎bus 9 6 . 9 0 0 9 9 0 9 0 9 orm Ghork Dowersay Goran ۳ 206

صفحه 30:
2 6 Card-Based IR Systems ... 7 ‏ی‎ (exke-wiched rads) overs, 0 9۵ 6 6 0 6 6 06 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 66 666 6 © 2 ۱۲ Oe oOorurect oOrnnrect ٩ Io 5 bk tats oie: hed heck ond Lara ‏سا ااا‎ 000 ele ched k ww bhy ia phe ° 2229 66 5 ° ° ° 6 22:29“ 280 وه موه مه مرو 206 ۳

صفحه 31:
Computer-Based IR Systems ° Butey’s (OS OG thesis Prow OVP sugested that seurckicy GO wwilive tec ‏وه سوه رطس‎ 906 fedex ters would tohe ‏)راومه‎ ‎hours ‎> Due tw the ‏جمدب صا لحجه‎ oral ‏لماك‎ the ted fet ore wwewory white corrpicy out the ooparisvas * d9OS° — Desk Gat wi Kabartae Wepburs od Gpewer ‏رو‎ 2 00 60 وه موه مه مرو وه ال

صفحه 32:
Historical Milestones in IR Research ۰ 690 ‏مورا مسق‎ Propertes (Luka) ۰ 16606 ‏سل‎ Iedentary (Darva & (Cabcer) © (900 Tern assprtaiog oad chestertery (Doe) ۰ (9898 Orci pace Dede (Sakon) * (990 Query expansion (Rocri7, Gata) © (OPO Grateicd Derihtay (Sparrk-lows) + (OPS ‏و64‎ 0 (Waner, Bovkstem, Suxneva) + (OPO Reevawe Drightay (Robertsra, Sparchaloaes) * (900 Crazy see (Bovkstein) + (900 Crobebiiy witout rice) (Orch) ‎oe‏ وه موه مه مرو وه ‎iran‏ ‎

صفحه 33:
Historical Milestones in IR Research ... 1969 ‏سا‎ Rewressioa (Pox) * (909 Probublets Depeudewr (Scio, Yu) * (90S) Ceverdized Orci Spare Doel (Does, Rhexpca) ۰ 4662 ‏لو مها نحص‎ ROORIC/POPIC (Pow, et ot) ۰ 690 ‏موق مرا‎ Tedentary (Ducrcis, Deerwester) ٠ 690 ‏مساق موم‎ Rewressioa (Ovoper, Bey, Pub) * (898 PREC (haw) ۰ 4699 ‏سوه و1‎ (Durie, Croh) ٠ O9F Wed cetworks (Kuch) ٠ 690 Lewnnrne Dodo (Poute, Orch) وه وه موه مه مرو وه ‎iran‏

صفحه 34:
Boolean IR Systems + Gyxthex t GOO, 100 + Preect DOO a OIP, 1999 (terre) * POLO a BOO, WOOF (Lark! Borky) + (00 Dew York Word's Par - Becker ond Waves produced syste ‏اه مه لح وه سوه و‎ reservation ‏وه‎ - 166 و سوه او و لو ما ۵00 * ی 0۵866-46000 )959( ‏مسا‎ ۵۸ ۰ 69 ‏م0‎ Orc Dew tairrdured LEXI — Pal tent of ‏صمل‎ Breeton ‎ond 0‏ 1920 سا - رای اون * ‎or‏ سوه سوه ماه ون ز وه ‎Blackened‏ ‎

صفحه 35:
Experimental IR systems ° Probubitetic trdextery — Darva ond Kubo, (OOO * GOORT — Gerad Gated a Coral — Ocvior spare wodel, (9? O's * GIRE a Gyrus * 1908 - ‏سن‎ ‎۰ نایلوس‎ 1)0660( ۰ PREC - 998 ° deguery * Chevhre 11 ((IO9@) * @@ (9987) + Lew (OOOO?) وه سوه سوه ماه ‎Dare‏ 2 وه ‎Blackened‏

صفحه 36:
The Internet and the WWW ° Gopker, Orckie, Orrvcica, DOIG * Dio Cervers-Lee, O00 orecies DOO t CERO — priqitahy hypertext voy * Oeb-orawter Lycos * ‏ه05 ما‎ سوه سوه ماه بو وه ‎iran‏

صفحه 37:
Information Retrieval - Historical View Research erustiqy ۶ Dooku work, otters ‏خات‎ * OTPLOO, Leme emer, ‏یه‎ 9 + GPOIRG (Workea + Ovvior space work, bese) ‏سا مه سس‎ ١ ‏حي‎ ‎Pevuback )066002( (ee ‏سل‎ ‎5 ‏مه ۱0۵ موی ۰ وسي عط واه‎ (90's) Bo + Cuz oellbye, evckrotd 1 ‏مجه‎ (O90 =) (C($AOO0?)) ‏سس‎ ‎+ Regrssns, wud wet, space, probable) ‏فا نوی مس‎ ‏مرس‎ (0 (9090's) wim ‏موه موجه‎ on iran ‏وه‎

صفحه 38:
Research Sources in Information Retrieval جرا موه مه نومه ‎@CO‏ * سمل وا موه ۲ وه ‎Ow.‏ ۶ ۰ ‏لجه عصرده) مجمجو()‎ 1 Proceedings (bos ‏(عوون)‎ ° IePorwdiod Provessioy ord Qacrageset (Percprova) 8 oured oP Orrurectaiica * ‏ل‎ ‎* TREC CodPerewe Proceeds ° bevtures it Oowputer Oviewr )30 سوه سوه ماه ‎Dora‏ ‏وه الم ده

صفحه 39:
Research Systems Software * AADERY (Cri) © OCP (Roberteva) ۰ PRICE (awn) > ‏رباص موی‎ * GO@RP (Buwkev) * OG (iten, OrPRa) * CLECMIRE (bersvn) > kip: ckeskine.berkekey.ecks 2 * LEOOR toolkit ° Duce * Others Darn Chek Doversay Opry ‏وه‎ Blackened ‏وه‎

صفحه 40:
Lecture Overview وه موه مه مرو وه ‎Blackened‏

صفحه 41:
Next Time ° @usic Cowepts in IR ۰ Readings > oye & Deed “Phe Phesorus Ppprowk to Ieboraioa Retrieval” (ice Reads bok) > bike “Phe Burwratie Derivation of ‏مه توا‎ Retievd Boaordewerus Pro Dackice-Reakable Texts” (i React) > Dovke “eadentcry cer Pbetratiay by Bosvvkaion, P11" (it Recers) 60 وه موه مه مرو ‎eae‏ 02

صفحه 42:
Lecture Overview وه موه مه مرو وه ‎Blackened‏

صفحه 43:
References موق موه مسق مرو ‎iran eae‏

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