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صفحه 2:
> Nounsarenaming words.
> They name people, places andobjects.
> They can alsonameideas, emotions, qualities
> Herearesome examples of nouns:
> Peter, Elizabeth, driver, sister friend.
> Bristol, Severn, Brazil, pen, dog,money.
> Love, beauty, industry, nature,greed, pain.
صفحه 3:
Types of noun
> ACC nouns can be dividedinto common
and propernouns.
> Common nouns can then be dividedinto
> Bothcountableanduncountable nouns
can then befurther dividedinto
concreteand abstract nouns.
> We'llCookateachtypeinturn.
صفحه 4:
First, look again at those
types and how they relate.
0 countabl وس پیت
NN a concrete
oO, ee erat
uncountabl بسک
صفحه 5:
Proper nouns
> Proper nouns start withcapital
> They are the names of people, places,
times, organisationsetc.
> They refer touniqueindividuals.
> Most are not foundin the dictionary.
> They often occur in pairs or groups.
> Herearesomeexamples.
صفحه 6:
aa Oxfam
cure Coronation Street
1 Christmas
Keynsha John
"۷ President Bush
Sony Thames
China Coca Cola
Bridget Jones
The Ford Motor Company c 7
Macbeth ung
Satur Henry
صفحه 7:
Common nouns
> A{C nouns whichare not proper nouns
arecommon nouns.
> Afew examples:cup,art,paper,work,
frog, bicycle,atom family, mind.
> Common nouns areeither countableor
صفحه 8:
Countable nouns
» Use these tests for countable nouns:
> Countable (or just “count”) nouns can be
madeplural:atree... twotrees‘aman...
meniapony... ponies.
> Inthesingular, theymay have the
determiner aor an:asausage‘anasterisk.
> Weask: How many words/pages/chairs?
> Wesay: A few minutes/friends/chips?
صفحه 9:
Uncountable nouns
> Use these tests for uncountable nouns:
> Uncountable (or non-count) nouns cannot
bemadeplural. Wecannot say: two funs,
threeadvicesor fivefurnitures.
> Weneveruse aor anwiththem.
> Weask: How muchmoney/time/milk? (Not
How many?)
> Wesay: A little help/effort.(Not Afew.)
صفحه 10:
Dual category nouns
* Some nouns may be countable or
uncountable, depending on how weuse them.
° We buy a box of chocolates(countable) ora
bar of chocolate(uncountable).
° Weask: How much time?but How many
times ?(where times= occasions).
° Wesit infront of a television (set) towatch
television (broadcasting).
صفحه 11:
Field-specific nouns
* Uncountablenounsare often turnedinto
countable nouns by specialistsina
particular field. They become part of the
jargon of that specialism.
Grassisusuallyuncountable but botanists
andgardenerstalkabout grasses.
* Linguists sometimes talkabout Englishes.
Financiers refer to moneys or even monies.
Teasmay beusedtomean types of tea.
صفحه 12:
Remember that bothcountableanduncountable
nouns can be dividedintoconcreteandabstract
The distinction between concreteandabstract
nouns is themost important one of all when youare
analysing linguistic data. Alot ofabstract nouns
ina text will havea bigimpact onits register.
The Plain English Campaign hasanexcelCent website
whichwill tell youmore about the stylisticimpact of
abstract nouns.
صفحه 13:
Concrete nouns
° Concrete nownsare the words that most
people think of as nouns.
* Theyaremostly the names of objectsand
animals (countable) andsubstances or
materials (uncountable).
° Cake, oxygen, tron, boy, dog, pen, glass,
pomegranate, earthwormand doorareall
concrete nouns.
صفحه 14:
Abstract nouns
* Abstract nouns name ideas, feelings
and qualities.
* Most, though not all.areuncountable.
* Many are derivedfromadjectivesand
suchas -ity, -ness,-ence,and -tion.
° Theyareharder to recogniseas nouns
صفحه 15:
Abstract noun or adjective
* Youwon't confuse abstract nouns with
adjectives,aslongas youapplyafew
° Happyisanadjective. It behaves like
one: very happy ‘so happy ‘happier ‘as as
۶ Happiness behaves likea noun: The
happiness I feel!her happiness ‘great
صفحه 16:
Afew moreexamples
Abstract noun
The differencebetween
Iworkwith precision.
The purityoftheair.
It has such beauty.
The support yougiveme.
Verb or adjective
Wewere differentfrom
My workis precise.
Theairis pure.
I composedthis
It isso beautiful.
You supportme.
صفحه 17:
Themorphology of nouns
° Nouns change their formfor only two
grammatical reasons:
* Countable nounshaveaplural form. Thisis
usually formed by adding -s, of course, but
therearesomeirregular forms.
* Thepossessiveformofa noun iscreated by
adding -'s(Henry'scat)or just an apostrophe
(allour students’ results).
صفحه 18:
Irregular plurals
Some nouns retainplural endings fromold
Men, geese, mice, oxen, feet, teeth, knives.
Loan wordsfromLatin,Greek, Frenchand
Italian sometimes keep their nativeending:
Media, bacteria, formulae, Carvae,criteria,
phenomena, gateaux.
° Graffitt,anitalianplural,isnowan
uncountable nounin English.
صفحه 19:
Noun phrases
*° Whenweseeanounasperformingaroleina
sentence,we think ofitasa noun phrase.
so Anoun phrase may function as the subject or
object of a clause.
* Anoun phrasemay consist ofa singleword
(a noun or pronoun) or a group of words.
* Themost important nouninanounphrase
صفحه 20:
Examples of noun phrases
(headwordin brackets)
* (She) always bought the same
™ewspaper). —
* Ayoung(man)ina suit wasadmiring
the (view fromthe window.
* Concentratedsulphuric (acid) must be
* My oldmaths (teacher) was Austrian.
صفحه 21:
7710۵ 5۷۷۲6 0 noun phrases
* Theheadwordofa noun phrasemay bepre-
modified by determiners, adjectives or other
* For example, alarge, dinner (plate).
* Itmay be post-modifiedby a prepositional
* Thisissimplya noun phrase witha preposition
at thebeginning.
° For example, a (painting) by Rembrandt.
* Canyouspot themodifiersinthelast slide?
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صفحه 22:
Clauses modifying nouns
‘Wecanusea clause (a group of words
containing averb) topost-modifya noun.
Aclausewhichpost-modifiesa nouniscalled
arelativeclause or adjectival clause.
Herearesome examples:
This is the (house) that Jack built.
(People) wholivein glass houses shouldnot
throw stones.
صفحه 23:
That'stheendof thepresentationon
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3. Click “OK”.
صفحه 24:
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