
39 صفحه
697 بازدید
08 شهریور 1400


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EDIT IN GOOGLE SLIDES ‏شنت سول نت‎ ‎(ole coger neers‏ عم عع فصب مماغبط عط مه عاعتك. ‎ne aera Seen‏ 0 ‎as Google Slides Theme". OPN eee oe eae ac ae‏ ‏ی ‎ee Reser ets‏ نرملا ۱6۲ 208 ا ۴ویز وه ‏.5865 ۵6/16 ۵۲ 5۵0 ,6۵ ما عاحاد ‎le‏ ا 0 ‏مماغه معدعم دلطا ما معدن كامه دعا غمه؟ عط م كاملا عط 0م انمي . زیر ‎slide) ‎Re Peretti cee ‎Des eras ‎‘This template is free to use under Creative Commons Attribution license. You can keep the Credits slide or mention SlidesCarnival and other resources used In a slide footer.

صفحه 3:
اپ - | AM JAYDEN SMITH emacs orsteclt a on cence ei lesson efe las You can find me at @username ۱ | | a 4

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RANSITION HEADLINE ‎eA‏ 5غع ا ‎of slides‏

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Quotations « printed asa inspiration and philosophical pone 77 the reader.

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Here you have a list of items And some text But remember not to overload your slides with content Your audience will listen to you or read the content, but won’t do both.

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BLACK Is the color of ebony and of outer space. It has been the symbolic color of elegance, solemnity and authority. ع1 الالالا ‎the color of milk and‏ ذا ‎fresh snow, the color‏ ‎produced by the‏ ‎combination of all the‏ ‎colors of the visible‏ ‎spectrum.‏

صفحه 9:
RED Is the color of blood, and because ‏كقط ان‎ historically been associated with Sacrifice, danger and courage. BLUE Is the colour of the clear sky and the deep sea. It is located between violet and green on the optical spectrum. دل Is the color of gold, ‏عم 200 6۲اباط‎ lemons. In the ‏عاطأوأنا 5ه مبماععم5‎ light, yellow is found between green and orange.

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12 ۶۳۱۸۱۲۷ ۲0 06۲۱۸۴۲5 5۶لا ‎YOUR IDEAS|‏

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13 AND TABLES TO} COMPARE DATAI PARE DATAI 7 9 6 ‏سس‎ 10 20 7 0 30 6 10 Coe 5 24 16

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89,526,12 At That's a big number, aren’t you

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89,526,124$ 185,244 users 100%

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RED 1s the color of blood, and because of this it has historically been associated with sacrifice, danger and ‏وهی‎ 1 RED eet iaeas Rene ‏عكناهععط‎ mentee historically been associated Cine aeons ea 18 93 ura واه هه 1 5غ .قع5 مععل عع 800 تا اهعناوه 10۵ ۵0 مععیو هه 3 Pee ee ee 32۵ ۱۳۵ 306 562, ۲ ‏ک‎ eee ac green on the optical pea YELLOW ۳ nics 200 ۱0۵ ۱۵0۵۴۶ ۸ 6 0 ‏میاه و1 0اه‎ ۱۵۷۵۵۵ ‏مهو‎ 203 ۵9۵ go ۷۶۱۱۵۷ ۳ عم ‎Eau‏ ‏۱ ‏6ع سناءط ونان كأ اومااعير 2095 203 9260

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20 IPHONE ةفانك Show and explain your web, app or software projects using these gadget templates.

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21 TABLET PROJECT Show and explain your web, app or software projects using these gadget templates.

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2 these gadget 2۵

صفحه 23:
THANKS AANY QUESTIONS? You can find me at @username user@mail.me

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CREDITS} Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free: © Presentation template by SlidesCarnival © Photographs by Unsplash

صفحه 25:
25 ‎reyes eH‏ ا ا ‎Co LE‏ ا لك كن ‎0 ‎0010000 Tack nt 5 ‎Meee mone neon ele! ‎You don’t need to keep this slide in your presentation. It’s only here to serve you as a desion ‎eg ‏ا ا‎ eee ge a ee eee ee) | ‏رزوی‎ tat

صفحه 26:
EXTRA\ RESOURCES For Business Plans, Marketing Plans, Project Proposals, Lessons, etc

صفحه 27:
TIMELINE Blue ste colour ot Black tne color of Yellow le the color of flue i the colour af ieclearsty and the Redisthe colour of ebony and of cuter gold, butter andipe Whites the color of the cleat sky andthe feep sea danger and courage Space Temone milkne fresh snow deep sea !۱ colorof Whites the colorof Rlueis the colour of Red isthe colour of Black's the colorof Yellow =the color gold. butter andrpe milkandesh snow the clear sky and the danger and courage ebony and of outer of gol, Bute ‘Emons ‏تس‎ space and pe lemons

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صفحه 30:
WEAKNESSES Yellow is the color of gold, butter and ripe lemons White is the color of milk and fresh snow THREATS SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTHS Blue is the colour of the clear sky and the deep sea Black is the color of ebony and of outer space OPPORTUNITIES

صفحه 31:
customer Segments Customer Relationsh Channels Value Propositions Revenue Streams BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS. Key Activities ey Partners, Key Resources cost Structure

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TEAM PRESENTATION Imani Jackson Marcos Galan Ixchel Valdia

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هكد د © © ه ]ا 5ه م ‎a a oe oe ey‏ ادك

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صفحه 38:
ل And of course it resizes without losing quality. How? Follow Google instructions https://twitter.com/googledocs/status/730087240156643328 تک ات2 8۲۹۲8۲۱۲۳۱۲۱۵ ۱88۱۱۱۱۱۱۲۱۱ (Teese ود

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