صفحه 1:
Uniprocessor Scheduling Chapter 9

صفحه 2:
Aim of Scheduling ° Assign processes to be executed by the processor(s) ° Response time ° Throughput ° Processor efficiency

صفحه 3:
Table 9.1 Types of Scheduling

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سس ‎=e ee G‏ جه ‎Co et ‎‘een ‎Figure 9.1 Scheduling and Process State Transitions

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Long-Term Scheduling ° Determines which programs are admitted to the system for processing ° Controls the degree of multiprogramming ° More processes, smaller percentage of time each process is executed

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Medium-Term Scheduling ° Part of the swapping function ° Based on the need to manage the degree of multiprogramming

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Short-Term Scheduling ° Known as the dispatcher ° Executes most frequently ° Invoked when an event occurs ~ Clock interrupts - 1/0 interrupts ~ Operating system calls - Signals

صفحه 9:
Short-Tem Scheduling Criteria ° User-oriented ~ Response Time * Elapsed time between the submission of a request until there is output. ° System-oriented ~ Effective and efficient utilization of the processor

صفحه 10:
Short-Term Scheduling Criteria ° Performance-related ~ Quantitative ~ Measurable such as response time and throughput

صفحه 11:
Table9.2 Scheduling Criteria ‘User Oriented, Performance Related ‘Turnaround time This isthe interval of time berveen the submission of a process ands completion. Jncludes actual execution tame pis tne spent wang for resources, including the processor. Tiss an appcopriate measure foca batch jb, ‘Response time Foran interactive rocess this isthe tine fiom the submission of 2 request wil the response begins to be received. Often a process can begin produc some omtpn othe user hile Contiming to process the request Thus this is a beter measure than tamarcund time from the user's point of ew. The scheduling disciptine should arene to achieve tow response time and to maximize the numberof interactive users receiving acceptable response tine Deadlines When process completion deadlines can be specified, the scheduling discipline should ssbordinate other gals to that of maximising che percentage of deadlines met. User Oriented, Other ‘Predictability given job should run in abou the same smount of tine and at about the same cost regardless of the load on the system. A ide Viton in respoase time ot umaround tine ic dseacing 6 ‘users. Ifmay signal a wide swingin system workloads o the need for syste rang to cure instabilities 11

صفحه 12:
‘System Oriented, Performance Related Throughput The scheduling policy should atempt to maximize the muuber of processes completed pert of time. This ie a mame of how mich work is being performed. This clearly depends on the Sverage length of a process bus leo infuenced by the scheduling policy, which may affect wization Processor uilization This isthe percentage of tie tht the processor is busy. For an expensive shared system, this sa significant crteron. In single-user systems and in some other systems, such ‏اه‎ ‎systems, his criterion s less enportane than seme of the eters. System Oriented, Other Faimess Inthe absence of guidance fom the user or other system spied guidance, processes should be treated the same, and uo process should sufler starvation Enforcing priovties | When processes are assigned pririties the scheduling policy should favur bigher-pority processes Balancing resources The scheduling policy should keep the sesonrees ofthe system busy. Processes (hat wl undertilize stressed resources shouldbe favored. This cterion ako involves medium: term and long-eem schecoling 12

صفحه 13:
13 Release Longer Timeout ses Realy Quewe Shorten 5 ‘healing = 1 Menem ‏سب‎ ‏ا‎ ss wails wer ‏ولة‎ ‏0ك‎ ‎sag ‎Block 3 Blocked Que ven | Ly Eva Wat Oecuts TT ‘Queuing Diagram for Scheduling Figure 9.3

صفحه 14:
Priorities ° Scheduler will always choose a process of higher priority over one of lower priority ° Have multiple ready queues to represent each level of priority ° Lower-priority may suffer starvation ~ Allow a process to change its priority based on its age or execution history 14

صفحه 15:
15 Roo Dispate Preemption Event Wait ‘Blocked Queue Figure 9.4 Priority Queuing anit —>| Event

صفحه 16:
Decision Mode * Nonpreemptive ~ Once a process is in the running state, it will continue until it terminates or blocks itself for I/O ° Preemptive ~ Currently running process may be interrupted and moved to the Ready state by the operating system ~ Allows for better service since any one process cannot monopolize the processor for very long 16

صفحه 17:
Process Scheduling Example ‘Table 9.4 Process Scheduling Example Process | Arrival Time | Service Time 0 عاعواه 2 4 5 8 ۳

صفحه 18:
First-Come-First-Served (FCFS) First-Come-First Served (FCFS) moa * Each process joins the Ready queue * When the current process ceases to execute, the oldest process in the Ready queue is selected

صفحه 19:
First-Come-First-Served (FCFS) ° A short process may have to wait a very long time before it can execute ° Favors CPU-bound processes - I/O processes have to wait until CPU-bound process completes

صفحه 20:
Round-Robin on a clock ermined Round Robin ‏اوه‎ * Uses preemption based ° An amount of time is de that allows each process to use the processor for that length of time 20

صفحه 21:
Round-Robin ° Clock interrupt is generated at periodic intervals ° When an interrupt occurs, the currently running process is placed in the read queue ~ Next ready job is selected ° Known as time slicing

صفحه 22:
22 (a) Pine quantum grater an tye Figure 9.6 Effect of Size of Preemption Time Quantum

صفحه 23:
23 امس Ready Quene Digpateh Release Aoxitiory Quene VOL Wait TOT Quene Wo Wat 102 ‏سم‎ 1 3 1 Woe Wait Ton Que Admit vor Occurs دور ‎Occurs‏ Won Occurs Figure 9.7 Queuing Diagram for Virtual Round-Robin Scheduler

صفحه 24:
Shortest Process Next 0 5 0 15 20 Shortest Process Next (SPN) * Nonpreemptive policy * Process with shortest expected processing time is selected next * Short process jumps ahead of longer processes 24

صفحه 25:
Shortest Process Next ° Predictability of longer processes is reduced ° If estimated time for process not correct, the operating system may abort it ° Possibility of starvation for longer processes

صفحه 26:
26 Age of Observation Figure 9.8 Exponential Smoothing Coefficients Coefficient Value

صفحه 27:
27 ime (a Increasing function Time (Decreasing funtion Figure 9.9 Use of Exponential Averaging

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Shortest Remaining Tian 10 5 0 Shortest Remaining 1 A B ‘Time (SRT) ‏اک‎ ‎3 ‎3 * Preemptive version of shortest process next policy * Must estimate processing time

صفحه 29:
Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN) 10 15 Ratio Next (HRN) * Choose next process with the greatest ratio time spent waiting + expected service time xpected service time

صفحه 30:
30 Feedback i Feedback, at 050 *» Penalize jobs that have been running longer * Don’t know remaining time process needs to execute

صفحه 31:
ROO Release Admit 3 ont oe Figure 9.10 Feedback Scheduling 31

صفحه 32:
Starvation No Possble Possible Pose 32 1g Policies Eifecton Processes Peaalzes short processes penalizes 10 ‘bound Eroceses Fair ‏مس‎ Penalzes long Perales Tone processes Good balance May ver 0 ound processes Overhead hee مسا (Con be high Con be igh Can be ish Cites Response Time ‘arte ‏هلط‎ ‎specially if there i arge process Provides 200d sesposce tine Tor short ‏مر‎ ‎Provides good sesposs time pr proseses Provides good ‘espouse ine Provides goed sesponse time امس اد یهن Not emphasized May be tow i quaatum isto0 cea High Bia High Nor emphasized ‘Table 93 Characteristics of Various Schedul Deciion Mode Nospeeenptive Preemptive at ‏مهو هار‎ بر Preemptive Gr ail) Nonoreemptive Preemptive Ge time quent) Selection Fusetion smashed Grete) tie spe wating time spear ia execution so for total service time required bythe proces including © سمل ‎Robi‏ SPN SRT IRRN Feedback

صفحه 33:
33 ia 8.60 256 1080 27 10.00 am 760 بر 720 159 800 برد 10.00 229 1060 263 550 150 عد ماع م 5 20 260 20 4 280 20 4 2.80 0 14 280 0 14 280 19 B 2.60 20 14 26 275 100 13 225, 16 2 3.00 11 1 350 117 15 13 227 1 2 18 3000 17 15 250 wale oa] 1.00 ‘Table 95 A Comparison of Scheduling Poli Pros ‏لمجم‎ Time Service Time (7) Fash Time Tummaound Time (7>) Tle Finish Time Tummaound Time (7) 7 Finish Time Turnaround Time (Z,) Tile Finish Time ‘Turnaond Time (T,) aa Finish Time Turneround Time (7) Il Finish Tine ‘Turnevound Time (7) aly Fash Tine Tunaeund Time (F) Tike Fash Tine Torasound Time (7) Tile FCES SRT بحا Fz

صفحه 34:
34 ‘Two Priovity Categories 9. Priority 1 items are serviced before priority 2 items 3. Fits-in-fistout dispatching for items of equal priority No item is interupted while being served. ‘No items leave the queve (ost ealls delayed) ‘Table 9.6 Formalas for Single-Server Queues wi “Ascomptions: 1. Poisson arival rate (@) General Formulas © Preemptive-resume queuing discipline; ‘exponential service times ale 1 % ( of, Tat ۸ 2 ‏اک‎

صفحه 35:
35 ‎aaa‏ و 0 ‎pry ‎ ‎eaten 6) ‎Figure 9.11 Overall Normalized Response Time ‏)172 مسلا ع سود اسالسممواة

صفحه 36:
36 2 pir eas Figure 9.12 Normalized Response Time for Shorter Processes Narra espome tine)

صفحه 37:
ok rin To pir tation) ‘gure 9.13 Normalized Response Time for Longer Processes 37 ومع سمي تعس

صفحه 38:
38 eee me ried jure 9.14 Simulation Results for Normalized Turnaround Time i i E

صفحه 39:
Figure 9.15 Simulation Results for Waiting Time

صفحه 40:
Fair-Share Scheduling ° User’s application runs as a collection of processes (threads) ° User is concerned about the performance of the application ° Need to make scheduling decisions based on process sets

صفحه 41:
Grow ‏ده‎ Figure9.16 Example of Fair Share Sched ulerSThree Processes, Two Groups

صفحه 42:
Traditional UNIX Scheduling ° Multilevel feedback using round robin within each of the priority queues ° Ifa running process does not block or complete within 1 second, it is preempted ° Priorities are recomputed once per second * Base priority divides all processes into fixed bands of priority levels 42

صفحه 43:
Bands ° Decreasing order of priority ~ Swapper ~ Block I/O device control ~ File manipulation ~ Character I/O device control ~ User processes

صفحه 44:
44 عستي يعست مسر مودت تسوه Figure 9.17. Example o Traditional UNIX Process Scheduling,

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