قالب پاورپوینت ساده به رنگ ابی


4 صفحه
572 بازدید
25 فروردین 1401


صفحه 1:
PowerPoint Presentation

صفحه 2:
۱ Bullet Point Slide * Bullet Point 1 * Bullet Point 1 * Bullet Point 1

صفحه 3:
Example Chart Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 0 eee eT aero eos Category1 Category2 Category3 Category 4

صفحه 4:
ال ‎Use of templates‏ Do + Use these templates for your presentations * Display your presentation on a web site provided that it is not for the purpose of downloading the template + Ifyou like these templates, we would always appreciate a link back to our website. Many thanks. Don’t + Resell or distribute these templates + Put these templates on a website for download. This includes uploading them onto file sharing networks like Slideshare, Myspace, Facebook, bit torrent etc * Pass off any of our created content as your own work + You are free to use these templates for your personal and business presentations. + We have put a lot of work into developing all these templates and retain the copyright in them. You can use them freely providing that you do not redistribute or sell them. * You can find many more free PowerPoint templates on the Presentation Magazine website www.presentationmagazine.com

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