
Personal Trainer CV

تعداد اسلایدهای پاورپوینت: ۴۵ اسلاید قالب پاورپوینت


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CONTENTS OF THIS TEMPLATE Here's what you'll find in this template: 1. slide structure based on a resume, which you can easily adapt to your needs. 2: An assortment of illustrations that are suitable for use in the presentation can be found in the alternative resources slide. 3. Atthanks slide, which you must keep so that proper credits for our design are given. 4 Aresources slide, where you'll ind links to all the elements used in the template, 5. Instructions for use. 6. Final slides with: @ The fonts and colors used in the template ‏و‎ Aselection of illustrations. You can also customize and animate them as you wish with the online editor. Visit Stories by Freepik to find more © More infographic resources, whose size and color can be edited. © Sets of customizable icons of the following themes: general, business, avatar, creative process, education, help & support, medical, nature, performing arts, SEO & marketing, and teamwork, You can delete this slide when you're done editing the presentation,

صفحه 3:
‎ol Ola‏ تا ‎You could describe the topic of‏ ‎the section here‏ ‎EDUCATION ‎۷۵ ‏أه مها 6ظ] عطنتکع لانامء‎ ‏عمعط ممتاععد عط‎ ‎SKILLS ‎You could describe the topic of Parra Cola} ‎INTERESTS ‏8ابامی ناملا‎ 0656۲06 ۲۳6 ۱۵۵۱۲ the section here ‎one ‎02 ‎04 ‎TABLE OF CONTENTS ‎

صفحه 4:
TN {oC ‏علا‎ Mercury is the closest ‏تا ات ی ی‎ ۱ ‏و‎ ‏کر‎ ‎۱۳ ‏صمها! عم یی‎

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۳ 4 WORK EXPERIENCE You can enter a subtitle here if you need it

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EXPERIENCE xx MARS Despite being red, it’s a cold place MERCURY ۱۳5 the closest planet to the Sun JUPITER It's a gas giant and the biggest planet VENUS It has a beautiful name, but it’s hot YA

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A PICTURE ALWAYS REINFORCES THE CONCEPT Images reveal large amounts of data, so remember: use an image instead of long texts

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@ List your responsibilities Adapt this to your needs Try to keep it short Get straight to the point @ Don’t omit information JOB POSITION COMPANY NAME 2006 - 2010 x

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x 4.498,300.000 ٠

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58 47 ۹ 95% Despite being red, Mars is a cold place 9/10 ا ل 2.500 eet ea Relocate Cag

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EDUCATION xx 2000-2005 2006-2010 2011-2018 2018-2020 Mercury isthe Mars is a cold Venus is the Jupiter is the closest planet to place full of iron second planet —_biggest planet of the Sun oxide dust from the Sun them all Se

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a INSTITUTION INSTITUTION NAME HERE List the subjects here Sort them by relevance Adapt this to your needs Try to keep it short Get straight to the point

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‎=e mW) aia WN‏ انا ‎THOUSAND WORDS‏

صفحه 14:
x FAVORITE SPORTS © © © @ صاا( ‎NG MARS. VENUS‏ تنا ‎Jupiter is the‏ 6 وأ دنامعلا 0 ۲ خعجهام اکعوونط . هام 566۵۵ صمز ۵۴ الب هام ما اعمدام جوم ‎fone‏ م5 ۱6 1۲0۲0 ‎oxide dust‏ م5 106

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KNOWLEDGE OF ANATOMY JUPITER It's a gas giant and the biggest planet in the Solar System x VENUS Venus is the second planet from the Sun MARS. Despite being red, Mars is actually a cold place

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PERSONAL TRAINER SKILLS x x Physical Current Fitness Assessment Trends Despite being red, Venus is the second Mars is actually a planet from the Sun cold place

صفحه 17:
PRINCIPLES OF NUTRITION x ™ MARS Despite being red, it's a cold place @ JUPITER Jan Feb Mar Apr It’s a gas giant and the biggest planet ‘To modify this graph, click on it, follow the link, change the data and paste the new graph here x

صفحه 18:
KNOWLEDGE OF NUTRITION xx 80% 0 75% © Venus is the second Despite being red, planet from the Sun Mars is a cold place 9 0% 9 8 5 % © هر سس Saturn is a gas giant Mercury is the and has several rings smallest planet ee

صفحه 19:
HIGH PERFORMANCE xx MERCURY ۲ MARS. It’s the closest Despite being red, planet to the Sun it’s a cold place VENUS JUPITER It has a poisonous It’s a gas giant and atmosphere the biggest planet ۳

صفحه 20:
x VOLUNTEER WORK 5م ممم لااناعمع الا ۱ | ‎it’s a cold place‏ ۱ ‎ean ۱ ۳‏ ‎It has a poisonous 0 0‏ ‎fies reese ruts‏ عع م3005

صفحه 21:
x VOLUNTEER WORK یس ۱ دوز مع[ امناز ها ‎It’s a gas giant and‏ غ306قام غدعوواط عم VIA

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صفحه 23:
SATURN It’s a gas giant and has several rings NEPTUNE It's the farthest planet from the Sun MARS Despite being red, Mars is a cold place JUPITER It’s the biggest one in the Solar System HOBBIES VENUS It’s the second planet from the Sun EARTH It’s the third planet from the Sun سم

صفحه 24:
TRAINING SOFTWARE You can replace the image on the screen with your own work. Just delete this one, add yours and center it properly

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PHONE 001 664 123 4567 EMAIL ترا تیدا ADDRESS: ‎elec‏ ا ‎ ‎CONTACT ‎۳۲۱۵۲۵۱۷۵۱ ‏صق‎ 66۲ ۷۵۲ contact information ‎4

صفحه 27:
موم و THANKS ‏یمن‎ 157 +91 620 421 838 yourcompany.com

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x x HEALTHY LIFESTYLE ICON PACK ‎٩8 ۵‏ 7 که کر ز- 60 ۶ ۵ لد ۰۰ 6 18 6 283 5 8 + © 9 مه بد © 8 مه © # و و ‎

صفحه 29:
ALTERNATIVE RESOURCES UK 7 ‏طه‎ Find more illustrations like these on Stories by Freepik

صفحه 30:
‎Healthy Lifestyle Icon Pack‏ و ‎RESOURCES ‎VECTORS PHOTOS ‎Workout ‏و‎ High Angle Woman ‘Training at Home ‏و‎ Front View Woman ‘Track and Field ‎Running Wild ‎Ride a Bicycle ICONS ‎Phishing Account ‎Personal Trainer Online Personal Trainer Healthy Habit ‎Football Goal ‎ ‎ ‎Basketball ‎ ‎ ‎Diving ‎Find more illustrations like these on Stories by Freepik

صفحه 31:
لوص عصصادت .8 م۱ [۱ a Pee) 5 3 1

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۱ SR as naa سام اع ‎ee ee ead ener eee‏ بصم بون بجا ‎er ee eae‏ بمب اه ‎meen‏ mat IE Fee eee وه سل[ ما 207

صفحه 34:
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يا ی کر کی ‎٩‏ ۵ ۵ ۵ ۰ 6۵0۵ الط سرا بل لصا ‎los eer‏

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صفحه 39:
تسج ی ساسا رورا ‎ee‏ 0 سب سا dE ee el te eek 7 ‏ا ا اذا‎ ‎ae ee |‏ کیت و ور 0 : ‎Ae‏ ی ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 40:
‎Tae A © Bi‏ #) جح "م دين ‏مسا مس مها ‎< 09 2 ۵ 22 ‎۳2 ot ‏7 ۸۵4 کچ الا ‎Ter eee ee ‎586 5 © 8 05 ‎۶2۲۵ 4 95

صفحه 41:
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صفحه 42:
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20,000 تومان