صفحه 1:
the Android
Kristopher Micinski, Secretary, ACM Chapter,
ACM Fall Activity Series, 2010
October 21s, 2010
صفحه 2:
Welcome to the first talk in
the 26 ل series for
۴۵۱۱ 2 ۳ =i)
0 0 0 م ا
lecture. But there’s pizza یر
0 عم
The goal of the Activity ت۱۱
اك ا وت
ات رات کل you
5دة مأ تا رت ۱9
ل اك ا تنا
time or don’t directly relate
.81م عط مغ
it mi Fu ISK
50 301/ 01 لانا0ننا 35ع10 ناولا ۳ 5
really help for future events: | Yeudon’t get the software
= 0
اروت یات بت از 0
۷۴ ۲6۵۱۷
صفحه 3:
Outline of the talk
* Today we're talking about how to write applications on
the Android operating system.
» What makes mobile application development different?
» A broad overview of the Android approach.
* Android programming:
» Covering the three basic classes:
٠ 5ع ا ألاناعم
cast ale}
۱3۳ یر Nes
» Example application:
۱ روت ترتع
۱۵ ار
» Hopefully you get a broad overview of the system, but
you'll have to go read about / play around with the
sample code and experiment to understand more.
صفحه 4:
560110 [1
Introduction, Mobile Programming, Android
صفحه 5:
Why is mobile
programming different?
* So why can’t we just put * Mobile devices have
increased RAM daily, so
why don’t we wait until
we have enough?
» Easy answer, we never
* Harder answer:
*» 5ععءمعرع]7 أل ع0 00.
ie TiC تال دا
other big companies give
you the tool chain.
» The API is restricted:
Sera eRe nC)
غلا0 ]أنه غ»اع] عن 0388 0مع5
0 دی ات
ع)۷ع0 t ura)
our desktop code on a
mobile device verbatim?
۶25۷ ۵05۷۷6۲: ۵۵6
06۷۱6۵5 ۱۵۷۶ ۳۲
types 0۲ ۲65۵۷۲۵5
(RAM, long term
storage, etc...) than
your laptop.
Slightly more difficult
* The field is moving
۰ کف ON
Lae companies are
را یام ات یاه
8 Consequence: ا 6
specific to devices.
صفحه 6:
Practical Matters...
* You'll write your code in Java, and using the android API.
* It might not do everything you want!
» [had to write my own class to output DOM based XML.
» Also, it changes, your app might require the newer APIs.
۱ هرت OTe (- 4ات
» Uses Eclipse for the IDE, you might be able to get VS to
٠ A few basic classes, then lots of smaller utility classes:
۱۳ لأمعلمط وس ین (6
* | strongly encourage you to do the following:
* Go through the slides in this talk first, and then the sample
* Go to the Android developer documentation, and read
through the main pages / classes.
٠» Start working on your own applications, and then when
you get stuck, read the documentation
صفحه 7:
Installing the SDK
٠ عاعأنان ة عنذذو 11"ا غناط ,كلد هل مع عامط اتهاعل برطغومعا مأ دعطزعدع0
First download Eclipse:
Bes onal ee |
Next, download the Android SDK:
Bee Meee ecu Rees eater
Unzip the SDK and run the SDK manager in the directory you
unzip, then install all of the extra required packages, etc...
۱: ge om te) Cee MU هک
lots of samples, documentation, and more!
Create a new virtual device so that you can run an emulator.
8 ا go into eclipse and download the Android developer
Prcero Se isc ner nC CR rao inne ts
+ https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/
0 tose cena Denk tiles]
You should be good to go from here! Try doing a New->Project
and selecting a sample application!
صفحه 8:
Section II
Basic Android programming overview
صفحه 9:
The Android Approach
For each distinct logical
piece of program behavior
OTR TR 8 [303 355ء
00 from a base
Activities: Things the user
>80 5۵6 00 16 ۰
Basically, each different
Tu ات یات وت
Services: Code that isn’t
associated with a screen
(background, fairly
60۳6۳ ۱ ۱۷۱ ۱/۱5
Provides an interface to
exchange data between
rograms (usually SQL
Beem CUCM atau)
بعالا اعلوالا عط مه ل0ع5ة8 ٠
۰ و0651 020۴۲۲۵۱۱6۲
Don’t think of your program *
یت ات ات ات
Op aS
۳ ela eta)
* The blocks communicate
back and forth via message
passing, etc...
* Added advantage, physical
رت یر ات۳
Ie eRe esd
ا یت یا
same programming
0] ممة عط أه كعععام أمعرع 6
cee Tr
Cee nce Ie nt
صفحه 10:
* The activity allows you to
set the top level GUI
Lally كت
1 رت ترا ناملا معط leat?
Views (widgets), put them
Rolla eda eels
35 أعلأوغاممء ع5 أع5
Activity’s top level View:
Bee oreo)
وه see eR 6
Nain ren
مه لامعل مأ هما مو دمن عللا +
كه ,قمع ومأصصقءومعم الات
The Activity is loaded by
the Android OS, then the
appropriate methods are
called based on user
interaction (back button?)
Activities describe
لكل یت
حك للا omy
Your program specifies a
top level screen that runs
upon application startup.
Each Activity performs its
own actions, to execute a
method in another
Activity use an /ntent.
"۲06 ۸۷۱۵ 355اء ععوط
22 لت ی
enough functionality to
Maeve alo
“does nothing”
See CoN RTRs
صفحه 11:
The evolution of a
۲۳6 ۸۷۷۱۵ ۱25 2
number of predefined
functions that you
override to handle
events from the system.
If you don’t specify what
should be done the
2 ۰ ات۱۱ ریت
1005غ36 غاناهاء0 0
handle events.
Why would you want to
ریت ت1۱
onPause(), etc... ?
You will probably want to
00 ع35عاع] عاذ دكوصاط
resources, stop network
...ع ینت۱
صفحه 12:
Steps to developing an
Specify a default View * ل ا تت ات لا
for the Activity.
In the onCreate
۹۹ ات set up
handlers for your
View’s actions:
۲ 0۴ ۵ اع5 «
7مغناط 5000 101
Find out what other
Activities you want to
ir] aon
When do you want to
change screens?
ما هو ,۵۵۳۵۱6 ۲۴۵۲
PassportBrowser from
۰ 20 وبا ۲60
your project, using
Activity as a base class.
* Then override
onResume(), etc... as
you need!
* Put your Activity in the
android manifest.
0 ليك ان ا لل
specifies the different
classes in your 9 what
“لت 0 تايا Sag
]2- ob caged
Clee 6۵0 6
Eclipse to fill this out for
صفحه 13:
User starts yo
Intents م
How does an Activity (or any
Crt aE ee UY lie)
کت ت۱0 Ed ۳۳-۳
عدن عللا eon)
0 ine Kia
Sunes eee cnr
aC MC RuCl
ه) عغمهع0مه كأ كقط لاأباناعم
onResume, etc...) method
ارت ییا R ا
peace erecta
یی onCreate()
ممع 1اممة عناملا
1ت MUR)
قت اش رتنیا
User clicks on
an object to
عدوا تعمد لمع عط 6
Bs gts
عناملا برط فععهدى ممه دمماع تومه
بطر نعط عب
صفحه 14:
User selects item to
56۳۷66 0۳۵۷06 2 ۷/۵۷ ۲
your application to handle
events in the background,
without being explicitly 1 ivi
ات یت Pris a View. نات
تیا ذ5عءالااع5 ,إع لاع بالاولا 1
إلقعقط دنلده عأعطغ مأ علأوعم Activity asks
eRe (aaa Re Ld 56۳۷۱۵ 0
ال ۳
56۲۷۱6۵, ۷۵۱ ۷۱۱ ۵ رن ۳
fare هأي) معنا
ITD تام ل ليل ات انا
in currently running
ee 3
BV tata ما عوداه
ا ري NTR (oe <la tile
Cree Rater
٠ متهم م اعه6 الف مدع
Praia re Narula
Downloading Threads (maybe thread
صفحه 15:
Storing long term data
* The best solution is to use
م ععوأمعاما لأمءصط عط
1 eee)
on SQL
Segue nese
Poesia a no
كك cele
* ناولا make queries to the
database in standard SQL:
آها ۱۱ < 7”
٠ مملنوعذاممة عناملا معط
provides a handler to
Interface the SQL database
to other applications via a
content provider:
Bere et
و رد۱
مأ 038 ات رت
0100131 اناولا
ع0 وا 6۵0 ناملا
Vir Teemu}
to store simple key-value
0 66 ۱۵150۵۲6۵۴۲۵۲۵۲6
then use call getString,
...عق ,8001620عو
However, you'll probably
NEU Reena
complicated storage.
تک ۱
تا ات ات 0010م
صفحه 16:
Content Providers
For example, let’s say
we want our content
ا oa Ls
applications to access
our database of bicycles
300 3150 515.
We define methods for
,وط۲عکطا 061609,
updating, etc... bicycles
and customers.
Then we publish two
ل ریت۱9
Maybe more URIs for
accessing bicycles
indexed by serial
tata یی
60۳0۵۲ ۵
abstract data storage to
other applications,
1۳۶۱ ات توت رت
Again, fairly SQL based.
۱۸/۱ أعناءغكمم 3
)00۲۵۱۲۴۳۵۷۱۵۵۲ ووجا)
methods such as
insert(), delete(), and
Then you register your
content provider with a
URI to handle different
types of objects.
BU ean ieN tag
(kind of like a URL)
صفحه 17:
So, how do I design my
* Think about what
background Services you
ا iatecela stele oe
0 ل tet ants
eee NASM et ae
ی ی یناکت را
ریت ۳
* Think about what
information must be
stored in long term
memory and design a
content provider around
baa oN more lat =Leimi sal}
۱۵ ۹۳ ( رهز (etre ...عع
Tita) cha
* Don’t forget good OOP ©
* عط1 Co aS) 218-1
architecture is set up if
fairly open:
See aan
somewhat up to you, but
‘ou still have to live with
۱۳ ۱
لل ات لل تل كت
screens that the user
خلركا ا ححا اننا
اج ۸۲۷۵۵5 01۲۲6۲6۲
will comprise your
Think about the
عط دمع نمع ار رتیل ید۱
screens, these will be the
intents passed between
.5ع أ/اتاعم عا
صفحه 18:
Section III
Sample Application: MSU Cafeteria Menu
وح كينا
صفحه 19:
Designing our first
Android App
* We want to design an application to view the menus
for the MSU cafeterias.
* What is involved with this? What objects do we have
to deal with?
ری iL}
۰ ۸۵ داعاهآی
» An internet connection?
+ For this application, I’m going to use the ListActivity:
* This is an Activity with a top level container to display a
۱8 باع هعم موء معدن رش رل
۰ What background services are we going to need
« I'm just going to use a thread here, not enough work to
set up an activity
صفحه 20:
What type of input do
we have?
* Let’s visit http://www.eatatsate.com to find out!
٠ علالا a عع مانام 3 غععاع5 مقع علا أهطغ ععد 06
different cafeterias:
« Probably going to stick with this interface, so the main
Activity of our application will let us select cafeterias.
* With each of those cafeterias we see that we can
have a number of different stations:
» So down in the hierarchy the user will select the
station in which they are interested.
* For each cafeteria we have an RSS feed describing
the current cafeteria menu.
» So we'll need to keep track of what cafeterias go with
what RSS feeds (URLS)
صفحه 21:
tations link in
download meu in
Rear e ee
مه كاعذاء معدلا
تفت ةا
عا مومع
که اه زناه
۱۰۱۵ عفده)رروو
ماه عطا من 6)
عا جععتوم مونعهه
صفحه 22:
What next?
What should you do now?
Go download the Android SDK, even if you don’t have an
PUM eee eet ee
Then download the sample application and go through. Set
breakpoints at onCreate() and onResume() on the main
.که )201۷
مغ وماغوءأصنتصصمم وم ابعل وبنط وبطعل معنك مق نهل مع ووبطعل عءألر +
Ng یا کارت
۱۹/۰ in the documentation and read the docs on the classes |
زیت خلت یا
Be careful, pressing “next” in the debugger doesn’t always
mean you will go to the next line. Sometimes you will fall into
an Android binary class, so set lots of breakpoints.
Now try to modify the demo application:
* Add caching!
Se ما تپ RRC Rae ela
ایلاتیا eR Relea Cue ا aon
Cre roe
Se CCM a eck creer ke eet eM yt
Fer asl ۱ کت وین وتات زا یت رک ت رت eal]
صفحه 23:
٠ Thanks for coming to the first in the ACM Activity
* Maybe some still free pizza, grab some.
* Be sure to talk to me and tell me if you had any
comments or questions
» Also, we're going to use the ACM Listserv to support
0۳ عع ۱۳۰
06 > ۲۸5 ۰ . ۳۳