
Reading Comprehension Worksheets

تعداد اسلایدهای پاورپوینت: ۵۰ اسلاید قالب پاورپوینت


صفحه 1:
۱ READING COMPREHENSION WORKSHEETS Here is where your presentation begins oa

صفحه 2:
CONTENTS OF THIS TEMPLATE Here’s what you'll find in this template: A slide structure based on 2 multi-purpose presentation for education, which you can easily adapt to your needs. ‘An assortment of illustrations and pictures that are suitable for use in the presentation can be found in the two alternative resources slides. A thanks slide, which you must keep so that proper credits for our design are given. A resources slide, where you'll find links to all the elements used in the template. Instructions for use. Final slides with: © The fonts and colors used in the template. ‏و‎ selection of illustrations. You can also customize and animate them as you wish with the online editor. Visit Storyset by Freepik to find more. ‏و‎ More infographic resources, whose size and color can be edited. @ Sets of customizable icons of the following themes: general, business, avatar, creative process, education, help & support, medical, nature, performing arts, SEO & marketing, and teamwork, You can delete this slide when you're done editing the presentation.

صفحه 3:
This could be the part of the presentation where you can introduce yourself, write your email.

صفحه 4:
Mercury The planet's name has nothing to do with the liquid metal, since it was named after the Roman messenger god, Mercury HOW TO READ وا

صفحه 5:
“This is a quote, words full of wisdom that someone important said and can make the reader get inspired.” -SOMEONE FAMOUS

صفحه 6:
Concentration Here you could describe the topic of the section Summarize Here you could describe the topic of the section Story Elements Here you could describe the topic of the section Analysis Here you could describe the topic of the section

صفحه 7:
01 5 STORY ELEMENTS Enter a subtitle here if you need it te

صفحه 8:
READ THIS TEXT Venus has a beautiful name and is the second closest planet to the Sun. It’s terribly hot—even hotter than Mercury— and its atmosphere is extremely poisonous. It’s the second-brightest natural object in the night sky after the Moon. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest one in the Solar System. It’s only a bit larger than the Moon. It’s a gas giant and the biggest planet in the Solar System. Jupiter is the fourth-brightest objectiin the sky. 0

صفحه 9:
FIRST QUESTIONS TO UNDERSTAND THE TEXT es ‏ف"‎ ‎3 ‎Who is the main What happens to this vu character? character? Mercury is the closest Venus has a beautiful 6 planet to the Sun and name and is the the smallest one _ second planet from ‏و‎ ‎the Sun 3

صفحه 10:
Resolution Saturn is composed mostly of hydrogen and also helium & Confrontation Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest planet in the Solar System TIMELINE OF EVERY STORY Setup Despite being red, Mars is a cold place full of iron oxide dust

صفحه 11:
CREATE YOUR OWN STORY! Look at the picture and create a story based on it. Be as creative as you want! Once upon a time, there were two adventurers who wanted to travel to a land very far away from where they lived. So, with ingenuity and creativity, they developed a teleporter and disguised it as a cardboard box. They tried it and it worked!

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صفحه 15:
READ MORE! YOU WILL IMPROVE First book “ We live on Earth Second book Mars is a cold place Third book Neptune is far away 4 Fourth book ۱ this graph, click on it, follow the Jupiter is the biggest link, change the data and paste the new graph here = 8 © a

صفحه 16:
ANALYZE THE STORY Characters: ‘An old lady and some other runners Theme: Running is fun! Setting: An old lady taking part in an important race Solution: Her husband brought her the shoes on a bike Title: Grandma's Marathon Problem: She forgot her running shoes at home

صفحه 17:
DO YOU LIKE ALL KIND OF STORIES? Read the description and write your favorite books about each one: @ ۰ 1 ۰ Pirates Animals Fantasy Stories Mercury is the Venus is the Mars is a very Earth is the smallest hottest planet cold place third planet planet

صفحه 18:
. ‏موي‎ ‎HAVE YOU READ THESE BOOKS? ‎Jupiter saturn Mars saturn‏ چاه ‎

صفحه 19:
SUMMARIZE THE BOOK 3. Then: Venus is the hottest planet 4. Lastly: The Earth is the third planet 1. Firstly: Mercury is the smallest planet 2. Next: Mars is a very cold place

صفحه 20:
HOW IS IT GOING TO END? The planet's name has nothing to do with the liquid metal, since it was named after the Roman messenger god, Mercury Venus has a beautiful name and is the second planet from the Sun. It’s terribly hot—even hotter than Mercury It’s a gas giant and the biggest planet in the Solar System. Jupiter is the fourth- brightest object in the sky After reading the text, what do you think the end will be?

صفحه 21:
WHERE DOES THE PROTAGONIST LIVE? Choose the country where the story takes place: oO Saturn It’s the ringed planet 1١ Venus . ee El It has a beautiful ۱ name ~? oO Jupiter It’s a big planet

صفحه 22:
QUESTION TIME! ‘Ask your partner the 11. What is the name of the protagonist? following questions about the book and write the answers 2. What problem does this character face? 3. Do people help him/her? 4. What is your conclusion about the story?

صفحه 23:
WRITE A STORY Create a short story including the following words Dog, cat, grass, river, fish, boy and tree A boy was walking on the street when, suddenly, a dog and a cat appeared out of thin air and told him: “Go to the river and talk to the flying fish”. Surprised by this message, and the fact that a dog and a cat were able to speak, he ran to the river and, unable to see the flying fish, he climbed a tree to have a better view. He could see a lot of green grass next to the water and, finally, he saw the fish. He shouted: “I'm here, flying fish!”. Just when the fish was about to start speaking, the boy heard: “Wake up, we're in the middle of math class!”. It was just a dream, but what a dream!

صفحه 24:
CHARACTER BIOGRAPHY True or false? [OO W's the ringed one ‏م م‎ tsa gas giant CL It’s made of gases OO We live on Earth FC Jupiter is a gas giant OD Pluto is a dwarf OC Planet Mars is a cold place ۰ His name is Eric and he lives in the USA. He works for a big company in New York... Draw his face here Do you have something in common with him? Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and also the smallest one in the Solar System

صفحه 25:
COMPLETE THIS LIST * It’s the one It’sa giant by gas Hydrogen is the Jupiter is a gas Also 6 fourth It’s the object Jupiter is... = و

صفحه 26:
٩ 4,498,300.00 Big numbers catch your audience's attention

صفحه 27:
333,000.00 earths is the Sun's mass 24h 37m 23s is Jupiter's rotation period 386,000 km is the distance between the Earth and the Moon

صفحه 28:
DESCRIBE THESE CHARACTERS 0 قل Rose Mary Despite being red, Mars is a very cold place Laurel Adams Venus is the second planet from the Sun 0 => Truman Doe Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun

صفحه 29:
DESKTOP SOFTWARE You can replace the image on the screen with your own work. Just delete this one, add yours and center it properly WORKSHEETS

صفحه 30:
TABLET APP You can replace the image on the screen with your own work, Just delete this one, add yours and center it properly

صفحه 31:
MOBILE WEB You can replace the image on the screen with your own work. Just delete this one, add yours and center it properly

صفحه 32:
(0 THANKS! GO 0 ree ‎rr ove‏ 8 ست محم قل 0 ‎cow‏ 000 ‎

صفحه 33:

صفحه 34:
ALTERNATIVE RESOURCES Vectors Pictures ‏و‎ Counting game with desk items © Lecturing time with smiley bo: Flat desion world book day bann Girl playing with paper binoculars ers @ Flat vertical world book day bann @ Small school girl choosing betwe ers, en tablet and book

صفحه 35:
RESOURCES Vectors Pictures Set of tropical animals @ Front view cute little girl reading Questing background Flat world book day background World book day with boy reading Flat design world book day desig 8 Illustrated world book day World book day in flat design Flat design world book day Girls hiding in cartoon box

صفحه 36:
لوص عصصادت .8 م۱ Cin ata le

صفحه 37:
ا تس سس تا اس سس سم ایو و سس سس و ‎AS See ey a a‏ eS it 5

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صفحه 40:
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صفحه 41:
ب 0 ‎pe!‏ ‏وذون؟ © © وج و ۳ 2 res ‏تن‎ 98 1 ۳0۳ ee = ا[

صفحه 42:
يا ی کر کی ‎٩‏ ۵ ۵ ۵ ۰ 6۵0۵ الط سرا بل لصا ‎los eer‏

صفحه 43:

صفحه 44:
تسج ی ساسا رورا ‎ee‏ 0 سب سا dE ee el te eek 7 ‏ا ا اذا‎ ‎ae ee |‏ کیت و ور 0 : ‎Ae‏ ی ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 45:
‎Tae A © Bi‏ #) جح "م دين ‏مسا مس مها ‎< 09 2 ۵ 22 ‎۳2 ot ‏7 ۸۵4 کچ الا ‎Ter eee ee ‎586 5 © 8 05 ‎۶2۲۵ 4 95

صفحه 46:
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صفحه 47:
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صفحه 48:
۲۹ aS Ra cae ace TU ee a 7

صفحه 49:
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صفحه 50:

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