صفحه 1:
:اعوج ه ‎nesses Por koldiog‏ ب مجكوكمه أون(]) 9 موم مس و وس و۳ و وه املیز وب وم ‎Do reack‏ > ومصاطامج جه جساود و ‎Do wodar‏ > > Do gaits acceptably Por oc ides, or devision > Do achieve v trot objeriive: > Do recount ‏امه‎ views > Do cowwunirde esseutd ‏مب وه وا ماه‎ Okcpier (Devens Domengsorct

صفحه 2:
۱ ‏ی‎ Kohden 0 weet! > Do relieve teusiva or ‏له ماه رل اتسیو‎ ae ed's vieLypict > Do exoure thot evervoue kee the soe uoderstardiag oP ‏م۳‎ > Do vbtaia quick reuciivas > Do reactivate u stiled project > Do dewoustroe u produnt pr systew > Do qeuerde vew deus pr coups Okcpier (Devens Domengsorct

صفحه 3:
موم نویه امین و ‎a aqeads wus oot prepared or seat pul prior 7‏ > the wertiogy > Dke wrooy people were ivited t7 vtec > Dke tive Por the ‏جرب وی‎ Por ponivipocts > Phe roo wer to scott > @udovisud equiped was ot ordered > Vke wertiogy row wos ‏اه ود او امه‎ Okcpier (Devens Domengsorct

صفحه 4:
لها نویه نامیرن و ‎Leader did aot Pollo the ogeads‏ > Okcpier (Devens Domengsorct

صفحه 5:
موی واه امین و ‎voprepared Por the weeticcgy‏ و عمممشن۳) < یی ‎wits‏ او ۶ ی او اس پمجرب لین ۶ ‎Ox wl prepare herr pwn presentations‏ © ‎Spee ponicipods cootdbuted tov wurk‏ > ‎Spwe ponticipods cootriuted tow lithe‏ > ‎or‏ مامح ‎Gowe poniripods were‏ > نمی ‎or‏ رامع انم I Okcpier (Devens Domengsorct

صفحه 6:
حول میت عاا نویه مین و ‎Phere weredt apy vuioowes!‏ > لام بمب له ‎Oevisicas‏ > > Ossiqaweds areed to by ponicipacts we wt door © 2 ‏والح عع ع سج‎ ae vee EA Okcpier (Devens Domengsorct

صفحه 7:
‎Okt is the vbjevtive oP this wertiacy?‏ و امه و ‎Oesoribes what pou expert he wertag‏ > شیاه ‎Oeetiogy way hove wore tho vue‏ > #بصتاعوب نا لت لاه وا و ‎woray or too Pew peop‏ 9 مه لجس) خ ‎Ooesider the objective of the werticcy‏ > ‎evicted who to fit‏ ‎ ‎Okcpier (Devens Domengsorct

صفحه 8:
© Oheo ood where wil he wertiog be held? > Octerxpice wvatabiliy oP key people bePore ‏حول له سب موس‎ > Lovetioa oP a weptocg shout be by powwesieure ord suitabilip: © Opterw ice wha wuterids, equipwed, nePreskweuts, > @e prepared wi whatever wotertis ore weded > Orterspice whick row bayou will work the best Okcpier (Devens Domengsorct

صفحه 9:
صل لسوت عا له با( و ‎Oa ePPevive agecda tahudes:‏ > ‎Nao of ameter‏ ی ‎leak‏ * مح ع سا تس خن بسا ومسب ا مساق تور لصوي ‎hecos to be covered‏ ‎Biee-<cetiny prepares‏ Okcpier (Devens Domengsorct

صفحه 10:
© Gratien five > Gian the wert vo te ۰ 0 ® stablsk the right too > WdectPy cay pantrpaais vobarurc tp the aur > OP Per buckuround cowwents thot wight prove usePul > Review the vbievives of the werticcy > ‏جل وی وا رون رامیل‎ لم0 سا - 0101 سا0

صفحه 11:
9 etiiog to busivess > Oove te ‏رون نله مها جیوه وم‎ reworks > Keep the weetioy vo track Okcpier (Devens Domengsorct

صفحه 12:
اما مه محصحو و مسب و موه عل مو) خ < ‏حصحول 9 ع موی تاه لجی عمط ب9)‎ u topic © Closicy > Olose the wert of he uppropricie tive 7 (isk Por Pica questias or poe > OPPer a suoeary oP what hos bee areowplished > Dock the group Por their toe ood poatbuticos Okcpier (Devens Domengsorct

صفحه 13:
© ‏ام نیت پمنسی()‎ > (Replaces tracticcd sicuies oF ‏و و‎ > Cocludes basic isPeroative about the averting > Oeseribes speviic unions i be toheu, persva respousible, deadices und cowpleticd dates > Lists key issues discussed vad porticipoats > Records weettccy ‏رها‎ > @aavues vex Wertioy > Ponwses vo uvtivas ty be toed oPier the ther thea siwply revordiag the witutes Okcpier (Devens Domengsorct

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