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‘pi strip on the back of a credit card or ATM @arhh itrpgovidessaamiqae .ridentifier for thateebject. Une im | 00"06200

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RFID Reader Antenna) ‏جک‎ ‎Energy Application ول ‎RFID Middleware 0‏

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Human Trackin

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5م ‎Tracking‏

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= 3 زحم ب 0 ‎wn‏ ها .2 0 ‎Fo‏ ‎Ww‏

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Doors and Garages Security Pa,

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Product Monitor ing and Control.

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رت RFID tagging system for your clothing life

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Electro nic

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1 0۳۵5 A es payment

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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID, for short) is similar to barcode technology in that it employs coded labels to communicate information about a specific item (a library book or DVD, for instance) to a central server. However, since RFID uses radio frequencies to communicate with items' attendant labels rather than scanning barcodes with a laser, the RFID reader does not require a direct line of sight to the label to read it, can read multiple gms at once, and can read lugh physical tissue such as a cover or DVD case. SmartRF Lib => LACKAWANNA COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM WLAN

صفحه 19:
Advantages of RFID in Library Checkout Settings RFID technology's ability to read ID tags regardless of position or orientation, as well as detect signals through physical materials, is particularly advantageous for library circulation processes. Since several items can be read at once, checkout procedures can be accomplished much more rapidly than with barcode technology, which requires that each item be handled individually. For these reasons, 222۲2 ۹ agif-checkout much n more cH as well. libraries generally leads to S greatly-reduced queues at the checkout counter, enhanced customer service, and less repetitive stein ‏ومع مج نس‎ library

صفحه 20:
Checkin RFID can be equally advantageous for checkin processes. In addition to being able to check in multiple items simultaneously, RFID readers can be affixed to book return slots, effectively checking in items as they pass through the slot. A conveyor carries items past an RFID reader, which checks them in and then sorts them by category into bins or onto carts. The time saving potential of an RFID implementation can be substantial. asa set ©

صفحه 21:
Inventory RFID also has had a significant impact on inventory processes in libraries. With a full hand-held wand which is passed alongside the books on the shelves; by tagged collection, inventory can be taken with a portable, he reader picks up the individual signals from each item's tag, without needing to remove or even tip the books outward from the shelves. With “RFID “ not only does the cost of doing an inventory in the library go down, the odds of actually completing regular inventories goes up. |i Inventory with RFID has also proven to be extremely 1 useful and cost-effective in terms of locating lost or ‏اس ددند‎ helved items. Even Searching for books by just typing its asa ABA ‏ص‎ ©

صفحه 22:
Security Item security is another area in which RFID technology can benefit a library. RFID tags can be enabled with a theft- detection bit that is deactivated upon proper checkout, allowing the materials to which they have been affixed to pass freely through an RFID- powered security gate. As the items pass an RFID reader upon being checked back in, the security bits are reactivated. ‎ss ©‏ سم ‎

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How it works? - simpie i Example - The transponder could be 1 i really simple, like those in clothing price tags, consisting of just an antenna and diode. When irradiated, the diode rectifies the incoming carrier and the frequency-doubled signal is radiated back to the reader which responds with an alarm if you try to leave the store without paying for the product. asa set ©

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FirstTags transmission Essentially, tag data transmission is achieved by switching a low resistance across the antenna coil. Loading the coil in this way causes a corresponding dip in the peak voltage across the reader's coil. In other words, the change in voltage across the tag's coil is reflected back to the reader's coil. This is often referred to as "backscatter". The serial data stream from ROM (and/or EEPROM/FRAM) memory does not directly drive the coil-loading switch. Instead, the switch is driven by a low-frequency clock source. This effectively superimposes a weaker "subcarrier" on the main carrier signal. Modulating this subcarrier performs actual data transmission. Without going into lengthy technical discussions, we can tell you that the modulation method may be ASK (amplitude shift keying), PSK (phase shift keying) or FSK (frequency shift keying). Serial data is typically Bi-phase, Manchester or Miller-encoded before ‏بوسحم سس‎

صفحه 27:
How passive systems work We will worPRattbteevtayags usually consist of just a single IC and an antenna (coil). Currently, most passive tags operate below 100MHz and rely on the magnetic field produced by the reader for both power and communication. The reader generates a carrier signal and this induces a voltage across the coil of the tag. This voltage is rectified and filtered to become the power supply for the IC. Some tags also divide down the carrier signal and use it as the clock for on-board logic, whereas others generate their own clock signal. ‎sen‏ سس

صفحه 28:
Secon Reader tedeptinansmission d: 5 ۳ ‏كناك 28 583 رمك وزع ةد بره دع : ای اا اها‎ Pee aR ee ‏ل‎ ‎FRC RM ite ipa BYove ananlitude, fe sins a F WERE RE PALS BTROSHIO Rmuch) carrier signal. و09 ‎ft‏ ۲۲20۴0۴۵60۵ 0 ری کل ae nob fe et ent 000 wae ana ina 0 8 ‏ی‎ ( sat 9 ally, all es fda functions are performed by a AGFA ECS 3 dE sve} 9 ‎ong). IF‏ اه ‎Fife aera aa then aeramitted‏ 1 ‎۳ 70 ‏اع‎ ri Sire detection and host ۳۱5 ‏یواوه و2019‎ on ‎0 Lege a ‏9۵فا و هورق و‎ Ic ‎(available for...‏ 22۲ امه رید ‎(Rea asic 1) sea range and enables smaller tag ‎

صفحه 29:
‎set ©‏ 6 سس ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎“Antenna ‎Low ‎Noise ‎amp ‎Am ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎7 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 30:
7 dst conve کشت سید اج مره سب ‎aI. ane‏ ‎face |*—] «CODER‏ ]>*| سکف a cot, ANTENNA “TYPICAL LOW-FREGUENCY BAD TAG READER/ WRITER (FOR RECENING AMPLTUDE MODULATED TRANSPONDER DATA) ‎set ©‏ 6 سس ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

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Thank ? Questions

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