صفحه 1:
“~ NSYCUDA ‎SYstem for CUstoms DAta‏ 60 003+ نام ‎ ‎Cover cowo

صفحه 2:
About 9 همه هم مممو6

صفحه 3:
اج 2۱ What is Risk Management? Who uses Risk Management? How is Risk Management used?

صفحه 4:
Goodmanagement practice Process steps that enableimprovement in decision making * Alogicalandsystematicapproach Identifying opportunities Avoiding or minimising Cosses Cover cowo

صفحه 5:
What is Risk Management? Risk Management is the name given toa Cogicalandsystematicmethod of identifying, analysing, treatingand monitoring the risksinvolvedinany activity or process.

صفحه 6:
What is Risk Management? Risk Management isa methodology that helpsmanagersmake best use of thetr available resources Cover cowo

صفحه 7:
Risk Management practices arewidelyusedin public andtheprivate sectors, covering a-wide range of activities or operations. Theseinclude: Cover cowo

صفحه 8:
۰ 0 isarecognisedandvaluedskill. Educationalinstitutions haveformal study coursesandawarddegreesin Risk Management. The Risk Management processis well established. (International RM process standards.) Cover cowo

صفحه 9:
Who uses Risk Management? Risk Management is now anintegral part of business planning.

صفحه 10:
یت ‎steps‏ 7 intheRM. BaD ‘The Risk Management process stepsarea generic guidefor any organisation, regardless of the type of business, activity orfunction. Cover cowo

صفحه 11:
The basicprocess stepsare: Cover cowo

صفحه 12:
ها ‘Risk’ is dynamicandsubject toconstant change,so theprocessincludes continuing: and Communication & consultation Cover cowo 9

صفحه 13:
The strategicandorganisational context inmwhichriskmanagement will take place. For example, the nature of your business, the risksinferent in your business and your priorities. Communicate & consult >| Cover cowo

صفحه 14:
Defining types of risk, for instance, ‘Strategic’ risks tothe goals and objectives of theorganisation. “Identifying the stakeholders, (i.e.,whois imvolvedor affected). Communicate & con: Cover cowo

صفحه 15:
The Risk Management process: ۳ How Cikelyis the riskevent tohappen? (Probability andfrequency?) What would be the impact, cost or consequences of that event occurring? (Economic, political, social?) Cover cowo 3

صفحه 16:
The Risk Management process: Rank the risks according tomanagement priorities, by riskcategoryandratedby Cikelihoodand possible cost or consequence, Determineinherent levels of risk. Cover cowo

صفحه 17:
The Risk Management process: Developandimplement a plan with specific counter-measures toaddress theidentifiedrisks. Consider: Priorities (Strategicandoperational) ° Resources (human, financial andtechnical) *Riskacceptance, (t.e.,Cow risks) Cover cowo

صفحه 18:
ها The Risk Management process: Document your riskmanagement planand describethe reasons behind selecting therisk andfor thetreatment chosen. Recordallocatedresponsibilities,monitoring or evaluation processes,andassumptions on residual risk. _CommanteateRconsult [| Cover cowo 6

صفحه 19:
The Risk Management process: Inidentifying prioritisingandtreating risks, organisations make assumptions and decisions basedon situations that are subject to change, (e.g., the Business environment,trading patterns, or government policies). RiskManagement policiesand decisions must be regularly reviewed. Communicate & consult x oO. Cover cowo 3

صفحه 20:
The Risk Management process: RiskManagersmust monitor activitiesand processes to determine theaccuracy of planningassumptionsandthe effectiveness of themeasurestakentotreat therisk. Methods caninclude data evaluation, audit, compliancemeasurement. Communicate & consult OCoworeo coon

صفحه 21:

صفحه 22:
Customs administrations haveturned increasingly to Risk Management asan effectivemeans of meeting national objectives. Administrations providefacilitation while maintaining control over theinternational movement of goodsandpersons. Rishi in matehing Customs ‏لما عو‎ 08 همه هم مممو6

صفحه 23:
دبا 01100 ۶۱۱0/۵۱۵۵ ° APEC Sub-Committee on Customs Procedures. *Transport Industry representative bodies. Cover cowo

صفحه 24:
Risk Seen! in Customs Riskmanagement within Customs can be strategic, operational or tactical. ۰ eee ۷ من ده ۷۸6 همه مج مممو6

صفحه 25:
Risk Seen! in Customs Riskmanagement within Customscan be strategic, operational or tactical. Operational: Decisions A هر تین

صفحه 26:
Risk Seen! in Customs Riskmanagement within Customs can be strategic, operational or tactical. Tactical: eda Oe ‏ينا‎ ae a

صفحه 27:
Why youshoulduse Risk Management: ۱ “Economic benefits, by facilitating the movement of goods, ships,aircraft andpeople- when ratedlow risk. ° sakes mare offectiveuse ofexisting hilltsand exporivace. giving Getter results. “Improves the quality of Customs controls- information andaccountability.

صفحه 28:
1: Why youshoulduse Risk Management: ۱ The process helps Administrations focus onprioritiesandin decisions on deploying Cimitedresources to deal withthe highest risks. Cover cowo

صفحه 29:
How do you ۲ Where doyoustart? | The first step ts tolookat your Customscontext. *What isthe role of Customs? *What areyour national priorities andthe expectations of the government andthe public? *Whatisthe nature of your operational environment?

صفحه 30:
How) do you The nent stepsin the Risk Managument Proeessaveteo:- “Identify the risks *Analysetherisksfand *Evaluatetherisks, bat, Fyouarefust starting on Risk Management planning? — Wi does this? | Where does the information come from? | >|

صفحه 31:
1 Who does the Risk Assessment ? | RasponstGiries must be allocated: “Appoint a Risk Management champion withappropriate qualifications, including experienceandanalytical skills. *Forma Risk Management Committee, representative of operational areas. “Conduct Risk Management Workshops. “Determine operatingprocedures.

صفحه 32:
Sources of information for Risk Assessments | 1. Identify commodity or control risks !e.g., highduty rates or quantity controls,the demandfor prohibited goods, suchas drugs, pornography, traffic in CITES wildlife. 2. Resvearchexisting databasesandrecordon commmndityandivader histories, ‎procedures toidentify‏ از ‎potential control weaknesses.‏ ‎ ‎۵۱ ‎

صفحه 33:
Evaluatetherisks | After identifyingandanalysing therishs youcan evaluate. * What is the likelihoodof theriskevent occurring? 1 “almost certain “Likely 5/7 ‏علاعا كنا نم6‎ “Moderate consequence “anlikely iftherisk “Rare? event occurs?

صفحه 34:
oy ۵۱ Evaluatethe risks | Youneedto describe or to quantify exactly what the ‘Likelihood and ‘Consequence’ termsmeanstoyou. This helps in easwringa consistent

صفحه 35:
Evaluatethe risks | After establishing ‘tikeliheed and youcanusea table like this’ to et a Cevel of risk. م2 ‎Maier‏ تفت ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎rat ca) ‏ل‎ oncan ‎Significan ‎ ‎ ‎ena 5 Major ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎coer ‎ ‎ ‎ ‏رما ی ‎>| ‎Cover cowo ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 36:
1 >4| Treating the risks | Low andvery Cow level risks can normally be accepted, subject to on-going monitoring. Ailother visksaretnciudedin the managoment plan. Theplan cataleguesthe vishs, the level of risk, anddeseribesa treatment. Thetreatmentistheaction proposed (and perhaps the resources allocated).

صفحه 37:
Treating the risks | Development of Targeted Risk Profiles selections Industry audits Pheystcal examination Random Compliance examinations improvement Cover cowo

صفحه 38:
Treating the risks | Acommon method of treating risksisto develop riskprofilingandtargeting systems. Thismeans-in the case of goods selecting transactions for specific checks, according totrader,agent, origin of goods, commodity code, duty rate, routing,value,etc. 1: همه هم مممو6

صفحه 39:
1 | >4| Treating the risks | Risk Profiles are developedasameans of putting riskmanagement intopracticeat the Operational level. ARisk Profileis normally specifictoa Customs office. It describes: Theriskareas * Assessment of the Cevel of risk Thecountermeasuresadopted Activation dateandreview dates Means of measuring effectiveness. Coo

صفحه 40:
Treating the risks Using theprofileinformation, consignments of goods,means of transport andpeopleare targeted, Theprofileinformationisusedasthebasisfor Selection Criteria. Documents receivedand processed by 3 ‏ات‎ Tet tg Selection 7 7 ee ) manifests, goods declarations,are ld ‏لي لل لنت تفلف‎ Jara Oy

صفحه 41:
oy ۵۱ Treating the risks | Selection \ Criteria Selections aremade bymanual checks of documents, or byusing automatedsystems. Selectedtransactions or movements are subject totheactions detatledin theprofileorplan,e.g., physical examination,audit,etc. Coo

صفحه 42:
Monitor & Review | Theinitial assessment made of the existence andlevel of risks must beevaluatedona regular basis. VYouneedtomeasure the effectiveness of risk profilesandupdateas necessary. * Reliable reporting of examination results | *Compliancemeasurement activities | ° Feedback fromthe business community | *Resultsanalysisanddata comparisons | >

صفحه 43:
The startingpotntisthe Action Man: ساسج سس سم سن ‎th‏ Managument Champion andawerkingparty, 2. Evaluatehow Risk Management processescan be best appliedin your national environment. a existing fillsanddoa training needs Swrvey ting 9 a ng 4. Catalogueexisting sources of data or information that can fhelpinidentifying risks. > Cover cowo

صفحه 44:
5. How hart existingprocesses, 6. Communicateandconsult -within Customs, with other Agencies, thetrading communityand transportindustry. 7% AUrtaialTroolsor setup processesfor effectively operatinga selectivity system, 7۳ 8. Providetrainingin profiling/selectivity skills. ‏.و‎ Testandgainconfidencein the Bish PMARAQORERE process, Cover cowo

صفحه 45:
vvcina ispresentation endeavors tocover brief theconceptsandthe benefits of using ghish dtanagement practices, particularly within Customs Administrations. Theprecesssandthemanycontyol ‏نوی چم اس و تب‎ other sources oftnformation on ‏ملهو‎

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