
Route Selection and Navigation

صفحه 1:
كسيف Route Selection and Navigation

صفحه 2:
Direction Determination

صفحه 3:
North True North- line through North Pole. Magnetic North- direction to northern magnetic pole. Grid North-North as established by map maker.

صفحه 4:
True North ‎Cac mN Coad 20 Cm‏ ا ‎Northerly direction along a line of longitude‏ ‎A gyrocompass is a compass finds North by using an fast ‏مطا انماجه ما مه صز دمعبمع موناخ مصه لععطن وصنصصنمو ۳ ‎Find true North, i.e. the direction of Earth's rotational axis, as opposed to magnetic North ‎Not affected by metal ‎

صفحه 5:
Magnetic North Magnetic ۱ ‏ا ا ا ل‎ my ia lt earth’s magnetic line of force. = North magnetic pole currently located in Northern Canada (1227 Km from Geographical pole i.e. Pole of Rotation) 0 ema coentitemite tame mete isto Cat Peo eer Cn tonite centtey titer yal

صفحه 6:
Isogonics chart The Agonic Line is the line of zero ‏«متامنه» ممتومق‎ ۱ /iwww.centennialofflight.gov/essay/Dictiogy

صفحه 7:
Magnetic declination = The angular ‏6مصعااون‎ 60۵60 north and magnetic ‏كن‎ = Degree of declination depends on geographic location = True and magnetic ‏عطتقة عط ععدح لخدم‎ at Agonic line

صفحه 8:
Grid North =" The direction of a grid line which is parallel to the central meridian on a map. =" Grid North may not match true north because a map is a flat representation of a curved surface. ™ Grid North pertains to the north for a specific plane coordinate system. All north-south lines run parallel to one another in the UTM projections.

صفحه 9:
Types of compass Azimuth: 0 to 360 degrees, bearings =" Read in clockwise direction from north Quadrant: 0 to 90 degrees, bearings = read eastward or westward of the north or south direction Mariner’s compass: 32 bearings = Also called a compass rose Converting exercise

صفحه 10:
Direction Designation

صفحه 11:
Types of Azimuth = An azimuth is an angle measured clockwise from a base line direction (north). = Defined as a horizontal angle measured clockwise from a baseline = Types of azimuth: = Orthodrome based on true north = magnetic azimuths based on magnetic north = grid azimuths measures with grid north as base = Bearing: Same as a azimuth but reprd using North or south as a baseline ™ Back bearing: the 180-degree opposi! azimuth or bearing. Also known as ba

صفحه 12:
| | | | ۱ i Azimuths (cont.) aie ro #9 S® sd ©6© 69 - Grid azimut 45 1699 و 0 سيمت نا 0 8 a

صفحه 13:
Orthodrome A great circles arc that is casted between two points on a surface of a sphere. Is the shortest geodetic connecting line between two points ona ‏وت(‎

صفحه 14:
Measuring an Azimuth Protractors

صفحه 15:
Measuring an Azimuth 225 ‎SLOT‏ عو ‎LENS‏ ‎

صفحه 16:
Direction - Some Examples aay | F ‏اس‎

صفحه 17:
Position Determination ¢ Land Operation Water Operation

صفحه 18:
Resection method ™ Resection is the method of locating one's position on a map by determining the grid azimuth to at least two well-defined locations that can be pinpointed on the map. = For greater accuracy, the desired method of resection would be to use three or more well-defined locations. http://www.map-reading.com/resect.phy

صفحه 19:
Nautical Charts Used for marine navigation and contain information on all navigational aids, such as buoys and beacons, lighthouses, radio and radar stations, shipping channels, restricted areas. Types of nautical charts: Sailing charts are used to fix a position in long-distance navigation. They usually employ Mercator's projection. General charts of the coast are used the same as sailing charts and also for near-shore navigation. They employ Mercator's projection. Coast charts are used for coastwide navigation and to approach a shore from a long distance offshore. They show details of land formations and artificial landmarks which help fix positions. Harbor charts are used to navigate harbors and their ۷:۹ intel Tie aia hy Settee ‏و اتمه مر 26 ای‎ PCO er

صفحه 20:
3 "7 ‏يك‎ 457 HARBOR \

صفحه 21:
Symbols used in Nautical Charts

صفحه 22:
Position Determination = Lines of Position: The modern chart shows us positions of many recognizable navigation aids like churches and lighthouses, which facilitate the approach to a coastal area. = Ranges: A precise way to obtain a Line of Position (and without a Sauget ts is to locate two navigational aids in ling

صفحه 23:
Position Determination ™ Fix is the ship's position on the earth at some given point in time. A fix is determined by the simultaneous intersection of Line of Positions. « Dead reckoning is a technique to determine a ship's approximate position 7 oes 0 the ‏لدت‎ itera) ota el

صفحه 24:
LORAN (LOng RAnge Navigation) LORAN is a position-fixing system consisting of an array of fixed stations that transmit precisely synchronized signals to mobile receivers. Fixed difference in the time of arrival of the signals from any two stations will define a hyperbolic arc on which the

صفحه 25:
Global Positioning System The Global Positioning System (GPS) consists of a constellation of satellites that broadcast two pieces of data to radio- navigation receivers. A receiver determine the precisely-known position of these satellites at the same time, then the 20 ‏تب‎ determine its ian 2051112

صفحه 26:
Aeronautical charts = Contain a great deal of data on ground features, with an emphasis on such things as landmarks, elevations, heights of obstructions, airports, and airways. = World Aeronautical Charts (WAC) based on Lambert Conformal Conic projection are used for flight planning and ‏ی‎ navigation by VFR pilots on extended cross country flight at low to medium altitudes and medium to high airspeed. = Sectional Aeronautical Charts: Series of charts based on Lambert Conformal Conic projection covering the United States at a scale of 1:500,000. The ‏هرس‎ information consists of contour lines, shaded relief, drainage patterns, and an extensive selection of visual checkpoints and landmarks. Cultural features include cities and towns, roads, railroads, and other distinct landmarks. The aeronautical information includes visual and radio aids to navigation, airports, controlled airspace, special- use airspace, obstructions, and related data.

صفحه 27:
Aeronautical charts

صفحه 28:
World Aeronautical

صفحه 29:
Sectional Aeronautical

صفحه 30:
Terminal Area Charts

صفحه 31:
Helicopter Route Charts 3 0 7 70, ‏د‎ 5 pao? DS 5 SFC 7 | و ‎LFORHELICOPTY‏ 2۶۰ : 1S WINTHR zh _vortac_iz24 | tare =

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