علوم مهندسیسایرتحقیق و پژوهش

Sensitivity Analysis: An Applied Approach

صفحه 1:
ی ‎V1‏ ملاسما مه ر() توم موم لته سول( ود ساس م11 ‎Oxotra ond Dusievakne Ovosatarnrannnt‏ .با ‎Dane‏ روا ,مت 24 ‎resection: W. Guarper ‎ ‎ ‎0 ‎ ‎Copyright (c) 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson

صفحه 2:
اه مه مس 1 21-10 3 و را و و موه توا رت لهج ورین تروق ‎raised ork ars.‏ موكلا ‎we z= Oxy + Oxo‏ وه اس ‎Ce Pe ORT Oxy te SDD (Prichin rocetctd)‏ ‎OO (Gapeuy mwtrcd)‏ 5 ولا ود ‎mS PO (deword sowie)‏ ‎eX ZO — (ees revretva)‏ ‎Okere:‏ ‎aq = cucvber oP subdiers produced wack weels ‏امه < ود‎ oP tras produced each weeh. ‎ ‎ ‎Copyright (c) 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson

صفحه 3:
DDN 0-0 ۵ 0 © Cowan Pooks “her opted ack Pow ty LO wae 2 = 100, x= BO, xo = OO (port O ms the ‏صمي‎ to the right) ocd it baw ma, 20, orl 56 (fe shark ‏تج امه لین‎ ‏اد هت مت‎ ew would chooges to the probles's vbievtive Pucmtioa ‏تام‎ or right-hoerd side vohues chorge this vpttcral svhutica? Copyright (c) 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson

صفحه 4:
اه مه سس 10 21-10 3 (Graphic ocralysis oP the ePPet of ‏مس( مشاه مه و من و‎ vite Por the Biapetto LP skews: Oy tepevion, we cod see thot wokiag the slope oP the isoproP it lice wore aegaive thac the Poishte coastratat (slope = -O) will couse the vpticodl potat to switchs Prose poiat to ‏نمی‎ C. Likewise, wohiog the slope oP the tsvproPit hoe bess oeyative tho the: perpediry ovestratat (slope = -() wil couse the optical pote to switchs Prow poict @ te port @. Cleury, the slope oP the isoproPit hoe west be betwees -O ocd -0 Por the curred busis to ‏اون تحص‎ Copyright (c) 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson

صفحه 5:
اه سم ۹ 10۱ 10-10 ‎BED‏ Dke vdhuer oP he cootibutica to proPit Por svlders Por whick tke cuncect optical basis (xq,%0,59) wil rewrote optcodl coo be deterciced os Polis! Let ma be the coairbutios ($9 per solder) to the proPt. (Por what ches oP cy doer ‏مس متا امه با‎ opal? ممصم 2 رو + زورك مه له 0 - زد بو ۵ ‎ed 0‏ ا ولتت = رس ‎weg‏ >©- :ل > وراد > مه © > وح > © ‎١.‏ :صاصر يه سا وام و ‎Copyright (c) 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson‏

صفحه 6:
اه مه مس 1 21-10 3 (Graphicd @odbsis of the @PPect oP oa Okoage ic RWG a the L's Opticodl Gotutiva (usiag the Giapetio problew). © qropkicd ccdpsis coc ds be used to deterxvice whether ‏ذا جات و‎ the rhe oP a poestroict wil wake the punedt basis uv brogyer optical. (Por mop, bet ba = currber oP ‏ما رجا الم‎ he curred opteal svtutiva (pot B) ts where the corpeury ced Pietshtargy ‏باه تسه‎ IP the vale oP by is cbooged, theo os bray os ‏وی رن امه ری سا مور‎ ane biedicy, the optical ‏از‎ Copyright (c) 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson

صفحه 7:
اه مه سس 10 21-10 3 0 4a tke Btapetio problew to ke right, we see that P ba > (20, xa wil be ‏مج قصب‎ PO ced wil viokte the ‏لحم‎ ‎powirad. ‏,مدا‎ & by < OO, ‏رید‎ Wil be bese tort CD oerd ther ‏اوه شوه‎ Por x wail be vickted. DherePore: OO S$ ‏وط‎ > 00 on x Rotoking cocstratal, bd = CdtD ‎OAD‏ = 2 سا ول ‏وه ‏ایس مسا ‎Rothiag eoastratal, bd = AD ‏وه ‏هه ‎Dhe curred baste rewaier ‏دمج‎ Por OD Shu S120, -g bat the devisiva vorble uve ‏رت سره لو ‏و مه وه وم ‎eo‏ ‎ ‎ ‎Copyright (c) 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson

صفحه 8:
اه وه سور( سدس 0-0 ‎BOM‏ Ohad Prives (veka he Brapetiy problew) is ote koportedd io detec how o choy io cousin's rhs chores the ‏ساره مرن جرا‎ Or ‏:متا‎ Dhe shadow price Por the tis cocstcatat oP oa LP is the ‏ارت روا مج‎ ‏و و او و مان و و و او مود لوف‎ pevblese) ‏او بطم و خأ‎ bay mar. (Dist ebsites op tre Pei ‏و ا‎ eaves the ‏ون مه‎ ۳ ‏ره بت ما ما۳ ۵ + 100 رم بط‎ (ase cris fe ‏ع وج موه ام را با رن عم ما مه‎ 90 + A ocd x0 = OO - ۵ ‏حطس‎ = Oni + Oxo = (CO + A) + 60606 - ۸۵( ۶ 6۵ + ۸ hve, oe bag oF he cunt boasts ‏ی بط و و او و ره مر‎ ‏و و مج‎ the ‏سرد اوه‎ by $0. Go, he shadow price Por the Prat (Proshioy hours) cocmtrctct is $0. و ‎Copyright (c) 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson‏

صفحه 9:
اه وه سور( سدس 0-0 ‎BOM‏ عصراهه<) روهظ ‎oP‏ جججواءصوو |" ‎Por severd recs!‏ مروت وراه و6 ‎۰ ‏و ۳ سوه تن من راو ون‎ cheer, ‏جراوه وا موی ج ۱ موه وراه رورطووو‎ the problecr orci. 0 chaps to $9.60, sevstviy omer shows he curred schtiod recrcics paced. ‎٠١ ‏بف ص9‎ obo LP parnveters. athe Bipot problew Por ‏رام‎ ‎Pike weehy deword Por sober of lest OO, the opted schar ewan OO sokters ord OO trace. Phus, evra P dewond Por ‏ری ها ماو‎ the poepaay con be Rady ooaPidet frat it ott ‏و من‎ produce OD sokters ard OO wats. ‎ ‎ ‎Copyright (c) 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson

صفحه 10:
سه ما لت 105 2-11 5 AP aa LD kos wore thao two decisive varubles, the rocge oF valves Por a rhe (or objective Puortioa ooePPictet) Por whick the basis newvuies opticcd! cocant be detercviced ‏دی مد‎ ‎hoe but this is oPtec‏ روا مه سا مت مرجم لك ‎deterxviced by a puckoged‏ دیص ‎they are‏ و رصح ‎powpuier progrca. LIDOO wil be used aed the‏ ‎interpretaiiva oP its secsiiviy osdsis discussed.‏ ‎ ‎ ‎0 ‎Copyright (c) 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson

صفحه 11:
عبت رم لسن 2-1 3 Oovsider the Polowieg soxvizaiog probes. Oteov sels Pour types oP produsts. The resvurves ueeded ty produce vor voit oP eal we! شمه | یی | ‎Prot | Prk‏ | عمج موم 9 8 ‎Rav word‏ ‎Ss 9 5000‏ م« 9 ‎Lows oP bor‏ ‎se 56 5 so‏ عم 5 Do weet nse dew, exardy OSO total vite wast be produced. ‏بسا هلجم مومس‎ POO units of product @ be produced. Pore oa LP ty ‏مرو‎ proba. Detox = xeober oP units oF product i produced by Diary. 00 Copyright (c) 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson

صفحه 12:
3 ۰-1 ‏هه مر لسن‎ ‏ل موز ول(‎ wor z= Pxq ‏بعرم ۲+ م9‎ + © ‏ود را‎ + xe + x9 + xp = 0 xe 2 FOO Ox + Oxe + Ps + Pap S FOOO Ox + Px + Gag + Oxe S SOOO 7,7۵, 2 0 © Copyright (c) 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson

صفحه 13:
0 — Vke Ovwputer ced Grusiivipy Poabsis 1۷۸ 411 + 610 + 723 + 06 SUBJECT TO 2( 1 +۵ +3 + 4 2 0 3( ۱4 <- 0 4 21 + 322 + 413 + 7 14 >< 0 5( 3۱1 + 42 + 513 + 6164 >< 0 END LP OPTIMUM FOUND AT STEP 4 ای فجفی ‎LAIDOO‏ و ‎FUNCTION VALUE‏ .6650 )1 مخ هو وا ‎VARIABLE VALUE REDUCED cost‏ سارت ‎x1 0.000000 1.000000‏ ات لبون 0.000000 4400.000000 2 ‎x3 150,000000 0,000000‏ اس سا نم ‎clea x4 490.000000, 0.000000,‏ 0 ‎Row SLACK OR SURPLUS DUAL PRICES‏ الحم سره سل 3.000000 0.000000 )2 ‎sek in. 3) 0.000000, 2.000000‏ 1.000000 0.000000 )4 0.000000 250.000000 )5 ‎NO.ITERATIONS=_4‏ ‏9 Copyright (c) 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson

صفحه 14:
له هه له 0 20-7 7 ۱00۵۵۵ WW OVO MC OGOAG ۵ 000۵۵۵ Od COOPMOAGOT KOOL CORMOLO — CORROOP.— OLOOHOLD PUOOOOLD مموهومهد 2 مومه 01 Xd F.OOOHOD ‏همهم‎ ‎x8 B.M0ODOD 0666668 ©S00000 PMOOOOD — d.DOOOO B.H00O0D =~ E.-MDODD ROUVMLOOO O18 OOH ROM CORREO OUOMOOLD OULOOOOLD 100۵۵۵۵۵ مد ae IGaryriabtd@k2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson

صفحه 15:
اه مه له 0 20-1 7 MAX 4 )1 + 6 ‏3ع 7 + 2ك‎ + 4 SUBJECT TO 2) XL4+X24X34X4= 0 3) X4>= 0 4) 2 )1 + 3 2 + 43 + 7 4 >- 0 5( 301+ 4 (2 + 513 + 614 > 0 END OPTIMUM FOUND AT STEP 4 REDUCED COST 1.000000 0.000000 1150.000000 0.000000 x4 400.000000 0.000000 Row SLACK OR SURPLUS DUAL PRICES. 2) 0.000000 3.000000 3) 0.000000 -2.000000 4) 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 250.000000 كك NO. ITERATIONS= 4 ط77###ح##7بب 77_77 22 ۰ زر Copyright (c) 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson

صفحه 16:
5-1 Oowputer ord Grusiviy Poabsis eterpretaiva oP shadow prives Por the Diao LP ROO CLOCK OR GCORELOG OOGL PRICES سم 5000000 0.000000 ( اد 9) 0.000000 ©.000OOO —(praxhes © decreed) ‎(raw watered‏ ۱۵۵۵۵۵۵ 0.000000 م ‎chard, steht (Died) prise whine’ $O‏ وو ع سم ‎eins rece oF‏ جد قيمع عو تاج سس تن ‎opi RD‏ ۲ مس( ‎0.7۳ SOR ‏رت 0ب‎ rot pack al korewer fr he requirewed Fi ‎proche wil deorewse revenue by $2. Phe $0 shadow price Por ovceirctat © trophies ‏له من‎ uot of ra arent (al 07 cost) eoreases td even by $11. 6۳ ‏ای 4 مین‎ coy orklioad kibor (oto pet) wil wt koprove tokd reve. ‎ ‎ ‎© ‎Copyright (c) 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 17:
3 2-1 ‏عبت رم لسن‎ Gkhadow price sigue 0 ‏مرو < لب موی‎ wil duvays have ‏موی‎ ‎shadow prives. Corcstrotts with < wil dvds hove woreysive shadow prices. 9. Equality coostrots way have o posiive, a ceqaive, oro zero shadow price. ae Copyright (c) 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson

صفحه 18:
سه و ای 105 2-171 5 Geusiivipy Podpsis ont Glack/Bxcess Ourubles (Por ony equity comminddt, fhe product of the volves oP the coats sholexcess varble oad the poosirad's shadow price cvet equ 267. Dhis kophes thot oay ‏ورن موه‎ stack or excess vartble > D wal ave zeny shadow price. Orolo), ‏وله موه و موه زو‎ price swust be bray (have stuck or excess equals er). Por cocsirakts wth xwwery stack or excess, rehiicuships ore detaled in ihe toble below Dye oP Clune Iarewe lund Orrewe ‏اون‎ Por rhe ۳ ‏وا‎ ‎s ‏م‎ = othe oP shaky 2 = ude oP excess bod 06 Copyright (c) 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson

صفحه 19:
له هه اه 0 20-17 0 وب ز()] ‎or basic‏ بسا همم تا م) مور سا مشاه ون بط میا ‎ta the opiard schiios eqs (D), coniog cet be used usec ter prety‏ نون ‎te LIDOO rips.‏ ‎Por aa LP watts oo ‎sree Fler eters 00 ۰ 10+ ۱۵ + 9 + ۱۱۵۵۵ ‏له نت‎ ‎fess ‏نانوی جه نو‎ are GOBIECT TO ‏-> 0 + ۱۵+ 6۵ +0( ره ‎ec bein‏ اد ‏بويا وود ا ماو ‎he LADO LE | PO‏ سین ‎to te 9) +۱8 + 9 29 +۱۵6 <= 060‏ سای مج( ‎vutput‏ 0006۵ را عطا لجت یت > 6 .0 + ۱+ + 0< © ( ات مج ‎wrt tke‏ ‎6) ۱+۱۵ +۱ > 0 ‎ ‎0© ‎Copyright (c) 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson

صفحه 20:
LP OPMOOD 60۵00 6 ‏و هه‎ 6090001۳16۵ 0۳000۵0/۵۵ ۵ 8 0( ۵ 60100 0) ۲۵۵۵۵۵0 0 .0۵۵00 9000007079 o.ooodkh 100000000080 Sboooow 0 000000 مه ROD GLECK OR GORPLOG ۵86 ۵0۵ 0 00000 0 000000 0 00000 0 000000

صفحه 21:
O@d COEPPICIEDT ۹۵۵ a. ۱ ۵ OI ‏ور‎ nee ‏بارا‎ RO ie COG 08 06008 xa 0000۳00 90000000 9.000000 xe 0000 9000000 000000 xo 90000۳00 9.000000 9809 xe 500000000 9000000 ۹ RIGLTPLOOD GIDE ROOEES ROO CORREDT ‏او‎ ‎@LLODCOLE ‎RUG 08 06006 e 000000 222220000 6000000000 9 19000000 00000۳00 ۲ سح 60 ‎Copyright (c) 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson]‏ ووومومووه ‎

صفحه 22:
۲۳۱۸۵۶ ۵ 004۵ © 9 x BONE, 0 Oana ‏كك‎ Bd oe ‏اه وس و یی‎ e xe 0.000 ۰ O00 ۵ 0900 ۰ 00 9 X98 0/060 ۰ ۰0۵۵0 0۵۵0 ۵ 8 € GK F DOOD ۵۵۵۵ 0۵۵ 0 000 5 x 1۵۵8۵ DOOD 0.0۵۵۵ 6 0.06 ROO CKD ‏)ارا‎ 6: ۵9 0 990 0000 0 20۵000 e 0960 0.000 0 000 9 0969 0000 9 8 ‏سس‎ ‎Fe eer Copyright (c) 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson]

صفحه 23:
اه مه له 0 20-1 7 ‎by‏ لح شاوی اون چا یحو وه ما تللن ‎ure:‏ هجو < ۱۱۵۵۵ ‎4 19۲ ۹۵۵60۵ 10۵ OWICW MLE C€EIG 16 OOCLOOGEDO thew ar coastal wil have a DB or BO. Phir wets that Por ot ‏با منهج یا‎ DDL PRICE can tel ur abou he ew ‏رت‎ ‏و سوه و و وی بر‎ ia the rhe, but at bots. ‎©. ‏ماو و و۳‎ vartble i becowe postive, «azabasir vortoble's vbjevive ‏و بو لو سا و جوا رو اوه مخ‎ tras 000۵0000 ‎9. Teoreasien 3 vartcble's objective Puccio oebPictet by core trax ts B41 or deoreasteny by soore then ts (BO way feave the opal sokicg the sore. ‎ ‎ ‎oo ‎Copyright (c) 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson

صفحه 24:
5 2 - ‏اب10‎ 2 Oke Prices ke ‏ای‎ MAX 4۱ + 612 + 78 + 04 SUBJECT TO 55 ‏ور + ۵+ ۵ )2 ما و و‎ + 4 - a ad rw Prices ts tho hey oot 3) Xa >=" 400 be 4) 2X14+3x244x347x4 ‏سير‎ ter Pec be vse to detercice 5) 3X144X2+5X346X4 << 5000 ‏هس سا‎ a ENP a ‏لاس با له بو‎ LP OPTIMUM FOUND AT STEP 4 ‏ی لاله مت ۳2 روم و‎ OBJECTIVE FUNCTION VALUE oP ‏موی و‎ 1( 6650.000 2 ‏ص مص( ددا‎ VARIABLE VALUE REDUCED rich. cost x1 0.000000 1.000000 x2 400.000000 0.000000 Okt te the worst Oia 13 ۰ 0 0.000000 be onan x4 400.000000 0.000000 cuckliicod unis oP raw Row SLACK OR SURPLUS DUAL PRICES. 2) ‘0.000000 3.000000 ‏لس‎ or bebo? 3) 6.000000 -2.000000 4) 0.000000 1.000000 5) 250.000000 0.000000 NO. ITERATIONS= 4 Copyright (c) 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson 50

صفحه 25:
و ۰ MAX 401+ 62 + 744 he shed prive Por raw ‏مس‎ ‎wwotertd powstratdl (row @) 2( ‏4لا+ ويا 2+ 1ك‎ - 950 ‎X4>= 400‏ )3 > 4لا 7 + 43 + 2ع 3 + 261 (4 )5 ‎shows oa extra it oF rows ‏وه ات اون‎ ‎Diary could pay‏ .50 عمج ‎wp te $0 Por os extra uri oP‏ ‎OBJECTI ‎re cote urd be oy well ea ‎4600 ‎3X1+4X24+5X34+6X4 <= 5000 ‎ ‎IM FOUND AT STEP 4 ‎UNCTION VALUE 0 OPP oe tis ww. VARIABLE VALUE REDUCED ; 7 cost ‏ده را‎ (mu 9( ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎0.000000 1.000000 ‘000000 6.000000, ‏محم اعم‎ 100000 0000۵ that ca extra ‏ها اه سح‎ will 400.000000 0.000000 wt norrase revenue. Gv, ROW DUAL PRICES 3 2) 3.000000, ۳ ‏عا‎ 9 3) -2:000000 ‏سوت موه سوریو رم‎ 2 0 9 5) 250.0000 0.000000 oP ‏اه‎ ‎NO.ITERATIONS= 4 6 8 ‎Copyright (c) 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson ‎ ‎

صفحه 26:
11 8. — Oat ‏لا له لمع سل وا عم وبا‎ Qurredt Basis Is De booger Optical? 41a Gevion 8.6 shebw prices were weed ip detente the caw opted ude the rhe oP a postnatal wer choaged but reczotaed wait the range Where the Dunne buses rewake ‏موه و هب بط پم اون‎ ty volves where ‏مه تا مه بط‎ racer opera cant be addressed by ‏00اط) اس‎ POROOETRICG Petre, Phe Prone cat be used to detercoiae how the shadow price of a ‏سارت امن کج اوه‎ oho. Dhe wer of te LIDOO PORCOEMCG Pecture ty thstrated by varie he exont oP raw woterid ia he Diao eeaope. Guppose we usm ‏و و‎ how the opierd z-vokie oad shadow price cham oF the ‏او تج ۴و ام‎ vanes bewera O ond (DOOD vite. Dik O raw crater, we thea obra Fraow te ROOGE axed GEOSIMOTPY CBOCLY CAG revs kat show Row & ber ot PLLOOBOLE IWMORECECE cf SOOO, ‘Phes treater ot feet 9900 rite oF raw watertdl ane required to woke the problew Prasble. Copyright (c) 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson

صفحه 27:
8. — Oke koppeas tz the Opttaral 2-Odhie P the Ourredt Basis Is De 05 ] 6۳/9900 ‏فلس‎ | RANGES IN WHICH THE BASIS 1S UNCHANGED OBJECTIVE FUNCTION VALUE OB) COEFFICIENT RANGES PAIMESTABLEAU 8۳5 INCREASE 0.0086 — (BASIS) x1 202 x3 4 BLK 9581800600 0.000000 3 SLK # 0.000000 183.333328 0.000 5.400.000 6.000600 ART 0.000 0.000 1.0 0.0003 400.000000 55000000000 6.000 4.000 0.000000 137.500000 0.000 400.000 2.000800 x1 1.000 0.000 -1.000 0.000 - 39000000009 0 4.000 00 22000 1.000 950.000 0.000600 4 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.006 5000.000000 ‘ONFOWITY 00 eos 5 0.000 0.008 op}x9GAt (@}02903 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson

صفحه 28:
9۵ - 0 koppeve to the Opterral 2-Ockee the Ourrect Beasts Ir 111 De bower Opel? Choreretery Row €'s rhs to SOOO, resvltay the LO, oad selevtay he REPORTS 20 20008 ‏كم‎ RLG MOOBL PRICE O®d ۳ 10 ROO OL ®EPORE PIOOT OWL 9900.00 8.00000 SFOO.0O xd 8 8 9600.00 GLa 6 6 9 S ۳990000 00000 9800.00 8 CM & 6 9660.000 0999000200 9900.00 re be te coord oF catkble ran wooterid. ۱۳9۹900, ‏کی‎ ‎Bw te Pare cove, Prow GOGO <r. < PPOO, te shabw prior (OOGL) & $6, swrcher v $0 Prow PPPS <r, < POPO, ond Pay & 30.00 8.00000 9 9 Copyright (c) 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson

صفحه 29:
— Oke koppecs to the Opticval 2-Ockue P the Ourreat Basis Is ok 111 ‏1ك‎ RHS Parametries for Row: 4 Righthand Side (<=) Copyright (c) 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson يبلل :ابي | ‘Objective (MAX)

صفحه 30:
111 .P — Oke koppeve ‏ما‎ the Opterd 2-Ocke: P the Ournect Dost ‘I Oo boxmger Opteral? Cor oy LO, the qraph of the vpicodl objevive Puortiog value os ‏و و‎ a rhe will be ‏.مصاعصخا جوا مرجم و‎ he ‏نصخ ۶ مره ع متسه اي ۲و رواد‎ the ‏د وه‎ shadow prive. 4 Por < poostronts ino worxivizeiod LO, the slope oP eu ‎the slopes oP successive‏ له مرمع امه مهو ‎foe sexpveds wil ‏۰ص و‎ ‎or ‏و‎ < powstrant, igo wordtvizeiod problew, the yrapk oP ‏جوا روصم و وی نوتم موه با ‎The slope of euck tae ‏اجه توح لاب موجه‎ the ‎slopes oP survessive sexes wil be actor easing ‎ ‎ ‎eo ‎Copyright (c) 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson

صفحه 31:
‎CP=dhakees ele Od Ode PR Osa Oae'G‏ ا ‎Do boxer Optra?‏ ‎(BPRent oF chore it Obecive Puccioa OoePRriccl oa Optra 2-uchie ‎Oxia oP ‏المح عا‎ wax z= Oxi + Oxo vbecive ‏و جه دادس مس‎ ‎Pocntoa oP a vartable's 9 ‏بل 400 5 ود * ود‎ vowwirctcd) objective Puacton coe Pica ‏تفت 00۵ ‎paw be oreded, Onvetder th‏ (مسه لس 60۵ ک .ود را مرا با وی ‎shown the rh.‏ ‎(squresirvios)‏ — 0 2 ورد ‎objevive ovePPrteat oP a. Ourredly, cy = © oad we wae to deter‏ > رت اسر ‎ci‏ عدي ‎how the opted vce depecdd‏ ‎ ‎ ‎Copyright (c) 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson

صفحه 32:
9۵ - 0 koppeve to the Opterral 2-Ockee the Ourrect Beasts Ir 111 De bower Opel? وه با مج سا تست بط ‎Proc the Bropetiy problew,‏ م6 و[ بط ما سا بح موه رو با ما مه و سا ارت سرت بط ‎Piri, Port O(PO,2O) t opal ۵ the slope oP‏ نویه رده تا و ‎thre ctype oP tbe Bashy‏ بو مه سا بط ‎hae i con + Oxo = by we hon the slope oP the toproPt hee i het‏ 9[ تا ۲۰ .0ب 0. Port @ te opted F/O 2 “lor O Sm SO (lie he vapeur vorwirict shoe). Porat © is vpicod P -C ‏ارم ک‎ S$ -dor © Sm S @ (between the slopes oP ke carpeury oad Prisha coamircd siopes). ‏رو‎ Port C te opted P/O > 46 ‏بات 46) 6 2 وه‎ Prishtoy ‏او‎ sbyr). Dh piecewise ‏اه با من موه هم‎ PO. oo Copyright (c) 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson

صفحه 33:
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