صفحه 1:
Gervice Oriectuiva
Qu tesues!
© Oke's spect about services?
° Cosruids oP service-crieved OE
صفحه 2:
") Geruves, service descripion, service 00
* Genice-Oriesied Prchiterture (GO®)
" Deb services
« 6GOGE: Genive-Oriedted GoPiwore Cagicerriccgy
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 2
صفحه 3:
rahe nestourccdt ocd
" Qestourad provides Pood: u service
" @PRter the order ts tokeu, Pood ts produced, served, ...:
اوه رو مرو DP ver services
® Dre wea iedicdes the service provided: u service descriptor
® Dre order ts vorites down, or peled ot, te cook! services
Do wwunicde through wessages
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, 8
صفحه 4:
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 4
صفحه 5:
۶ ه ۲ بمما مرن house:
* م6 مد ام ان ٠)
۰ ها رام ین Y
۰ مه را و ین L
* Geach rid cpus ها 0,0
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 5
صفحه 6:
Oke's u service
® ChPorw-tedepeudedt powputaicad catiy thot vad be used too phoP ore
له هت تا
۶ لاهن cuties pr uppiruios Puoniondiies wressed via exchoaye oP
جاص و موم copuble oP ون "
۰ بهز مین used to poweevics wih sowettay ee: GOO, Orb ,شوه
3 SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Viet, ©2008
صفحه 7:
Oka's u serve, oid
۰ GRA Pow producing spPiwere to using spore
"Yow eed oot hoot the svPvare
Or keep trek oP versiows, reuse
"Deed wt woke sur tl evokes
" Cv
۰ GoPwee ts “sowewhere”, depbped v0 weeded baste
" GuaG: GoPwoe wu Gervice
12 SE, Servic Orentation, Hans van Wlet, 62008 7
صفحه 8:
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, 8
Key wpevs
صفحه 9:
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 9
صفحه 10:
(immediate, cheap) publish
Agency 1
Rental agreement
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 مد
صفحه 11:
بمج ددعلل Gervice
" برورسیل() & doaws, cock keoviod way selert a dPPered oor
" Oricay oterios te seleviod: vociroct
" Gelviva woy be based va worked, cowpleny oP the quesivs, Bis >
۰ ۴ ول ج ,طو۳ جوم tov Iraq < select coher service =? wore Pout
12 SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Viet, ©2008 a
صفحه 12:
® Oeny desiqa potercs lovsrd جیوه موه ماوت
" Pastry polers! credes object wihout speviPyicy the exact
those oP te vbjevt.
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 12
صفحه 13:
* Gere vas be a bulky block Por ها services
" Oot dPPeredt Prow COGG und cher wprowkes
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 13
صفحه 14:
Geruves udkere to 9 poor
") Request reystry should poate everhicy ceeded, uot just مایت
"Por “word!” cowpouds, wurk ts tepiot:
® PhiPorw choradteristics
۰ ماه روای)
۰ ۳ یل منت
موم به
۰ جسج! عطمها (90) و۵ ۶و رلیی
(۵۷0) سوه امساسبیی ۰
sd SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Viet, ©2008 24
صفحه 15:
(immediate, cheap}
Agency 1
Rental agreement
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 15
صفحه 16:
Qeutd موه power und yo
* Ov wesuepiow possible
* Grocer tro 00066 ما couple;
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 16
صفحه 17:
۰ Redd تما ماو موی روت tf لمم خلا سامح
whe tt wil be touched agac, cad by whoo
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 17
صفحه 18:
Gernives ae auipwwo, hide their by
") Read ageuy kes tis vue rues oo how te structure its
"4s lovtc does oot depend vo the wunivipdliy service tits لاس
۰ وس :جروت وربا ولو یب( doesu't koow the toside, od
versa انا
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 18
صفحه 19:
۰ ول پزموق) u busttess provess:
Dot very Pe graced
" Oplepteg debt stctus اس ها موه هجوت مس I Senior,
سم red stoke سا
" Oecthay oa proper qronueniiy roses bts oP debut
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 19
صفحه 20:
تسا جح ج سول موه موم "
:كلم وه مرن نم جوا ی ی( "
series oe desorbed رورا«
موه موه "ow
مدل وه "Low serves
۶ب ۶
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 0
صفحه 21:
Gervives لته( toterppercabiliy:
۲ و وومیو) opes stondards, explictt cooiructs wed loose couple
" Chsstcd OOGE schitous pose problews:
۰ رم Porat
۰ ومس له مر
هش لجه (0۱) تمه من لت موب«
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans باعلا مهب 62008 ۰.2
صفحه 22:
" Genives, service desoripiion, اوه سوه
® Gernvie-Ortected Orvhterture (GO)
" Deb services
۶ GOGE: Genice-Oriedted GoPiwore Cugicerricgy
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 22
صفحه 23:
:بطم *
عدا سور صما و وه مر مایخ با
اس و aid و ام اوه te packs wiser امه
" 606: Ow systew wade vut oP services?
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 23
صفحه 24:
Oka» GOB?
Orchestration/coordination layer
_Orct / ا “O--|
physical موه
0 وج Business services layer 555۲5
service bu
5555 infrastructure service layer 88
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 24
صفحه 25:
Cvectbosed wessayiy royce
"Orig: C01, svlve toteruiva problews
۶ ول ون rare oP:
1 chic trocePorertia, 27
* Quad of Gervice beves! seouniy, جات ,ححصي خان تماص تاو
بحب رسد مه رما نس سوم(
* اون veurd (broker, hub), or deveuird (swat (صمدصاجج
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 25
صفحه 26:
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 26
صفحه 27:
" Genives, service desoripiion, اوه سوه
* Gernice-Oriected @rchierture (GO®)
" Ocb services
۶ GOGE: Genice-Oriedted GoPiwore Cugicerricgy
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 27
صفحه 28:
"(ope weddion اوه تلو ۵ عون
" @used va سوه موه
* 0
* ۵۵۵: امس موه ال م۵
" WGOL: Orb Gerices Deserta Lornnnne
© 0001: Oowersd Oeseripion, Discovery od leteyrctiost
| Loreunne Por Orb Gervices
*) Oto stamdardzutou bodes: OBG16, 090
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 28
صفحه 29:
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans باعلا موب 62008 ۰.9
صفحه 30:
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, 8
صفحه 31:
"Looks the TOL
® beequage/vordbdery dePiced to schewu! colevios oP trees
مرو رون ۶
له را0ن) :آجن عه موه :9:0 تلو ,طله() تمیق ۰
للم سول
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 31
صفحه 32:
موه مه له ممییو() ۰«
* مق kes من header (~akdess), cod wanduory
body: و وه لب dat
شوه و DOT ۶ لطس و COOP wessap ۰
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 32
صفحه 33:
" Pow pots:
"Web service tterPares
* Dessau deftones
مت و مق dete
" Genices! eudpoiats Por ucvessiay service. Gadpoiat = (biedry,
etwork uddress)
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 33
صفحه 34:
" Drree (cota) ports:
۶ eBo about oryactzatoa that publishes the services
* Qesonpive Po لجح each service
*Dechoicd toby to bok services to ماو
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 34
صفحه 35:
" عون :وج میسن yobd reqsiry
* Rediy! way reysines, wih dPPered levels oP vistbiliy
" Ouppicry problews
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 35
صفحه 36:
Three wots ports:
" Porkerichs: depeudeuwies beeen services! why spuds whol to whoo
"Cbd لس
" DorkPow wodel: “‘proucnn”
اوه :موجه مومس و و CPCLEOG *
= OG-OOb (Web Genices Ohorevy phy Orsoripton Lonpanp) & 3
یحو امه :وتا توا وود
sd SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Viet, ©2008 36
صفحه 37:
" Genives, service desoripiion, اوه سوه
* Gernice-Oriected @rchierture (GO®)
" Deb services
" GOGGE: Genive-Orteded GoPiwae Guyceertag
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 37
صفحه 38:
Service Service
development deployment
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 38
Service oriented
Service oriented
صفحه 39:
( حلص اوه ) وی لسن وروی«
busiess provess + supporiay services ۰
@ppleuvs (Prestruture) serve ®
سوه وی«
service وا مین "
۶ Cotp-ceuric busicess service
* ره لپا
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 9
صفحه 40:
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 40
صفحه 41:
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, 8
صفحه 42:
Service oriented یروت Stale
5أكل/ا/ة30 development deployment
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 42
صفحه 43:
step O
Service oriented ترایز رتیت وزرته۱
mag «Compose SOA 4
business models design
Define enterprise ۳6۲۲۵۲۳۲۱ ۶
service model oriented analysis
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, 8
صفحه 44:
Develop 26۵۷
ععی 56۳۷
Model application
ره صم كك - ره متا
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 4
صفحه 45:
Revisit business
علاين وی (and process) services
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 45
صفحه 46:
۲ Whe بو ۲و ووومم how bustuess cuiowaia
requreweus cod be represeuied trough service priewtdiod
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 46
صفحه 47:
Gods oP GO unipsis
Service operation Service candidates
candidates (logical contexts)
* @pproprictecess Por علطم
رومام روط tours tot way cheap required service wiry
۰ Osher koows prekotrery او ماوت
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 47
صفحه 48:
Service oriented دلرزرت«۱
analysis analysis scope
Service oriented
| Model
oe candidate services
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 48
صفحه 49:
۰ همطل لو و
* 6 = 1G), where adler services way sitll be que compen
* مالعا مين
© proces noni servies/senice operons (qeueric service porPoli7)
" services delverion busivess-spevilic tasks
" Dodels: OOD use vase or untiviy dagrane
5 ee ee eT
صفحه 50:
ee eT 13
صفحه 51:
= te dread) topleweued?
* تیلم( OOD deploy wed dagray, ال پم
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 52
صفحه 52:
QOL > waive Porwa)
(purredy new
وه مود
(صد صمحم صم)
(Gunedly nstow yay)
وله مود
clerk's متسه م)
work quew)
SVE US previous
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 2
صفحه 53:
Gtep 9: Oodel coadkhte services
ow to vowpose services?
* Gervive (voaddutes) poweptud wodel
* ppercives + service له
* GO priwipks
" Cons vc tesh> and eoth-cedred services
* Oodes: BPO, OO we vee or ches diay.
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 53
صفحه 54:
4 3 SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 54
صفحه 55:
حون موه رو بو( "
مامح ۳0 و wih لور راط ی مج ۵0ج ۰
اجه اروت مج ۳0 بخ
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 55
صفحه 56:
لسممروق *« مداص *
رابت )+( = ما ان روت سس (ج) ۶
ons ی () « شم سا
coolers: من میت () ۰ و مه مجلمول () *
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 56
صفحه 57:
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008
صفحه 58:
Compose SOA
Service oriented
design ۳ Design entity-centric
کوعکنباط 56۳۷۱65
Design infrastructure services
Design task-centric
تفت أولاط
2 Design SO
0 5 business process
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 63
صفحه 59:
۳ 5
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 64
صفحه 60:
Infrastructure service layer
5 سرد
صفحه 61:
* OOD seqews dogaw
© express ond refiae order oP Reocatioes Kopict جما ذا OOL usr cose
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 66
صفحه 62:
(رومصاه) تسا رجا ه جرا وق *
۰ حور اوه ون موب یو( discovery oP services
" GOO w ochtectud stile
۰ Dodd's Deb services wosty spotorbosed
"Key desiqa devises tt: GOGE vowers service veri,
teksty standards, vad relevact GO priwiples
" GOGG dPPereuides Prow trediicad iPe cycles wutdy ta te
عمط له له
SE, Servic Orientation, Hans van Vliet, ©2008 67