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Service Oriented Cloud Computing Infrastructure

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۱ GET CONNECTED PEOPLE. TECHNOLOGY. RESULTS Service Oriented Cloud Computing Infrastructure E.G.Nadhan EDS Distinguished SE June, 2009

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Introduction: E.G.Nadhan EDS Distinguished SE, Lead Technologist, Global Strategic Capabilities 25 years of experience in the IT industry Chief architect for the Applications Modernization grrerung and leveraged his experience in enterprise integration enabled by SOA principles. Provides global thought leadership and technical oversight to the teams building out strategic capabilities regarding modernization and SOA Open Group master IT architect Represents EDS in the Open Group Architecture Forums and is the co-chair for the Service Oriented Infrastructure project within the Open Group SOA working group. Member of the Doctor of Management and Information jechnotogy Advisory Board at Lawrence Technotogicat University in the United states. fa

صفحه 3:
| Objective Define the synergies between SOI and Cloud Computing to realize exponential gains across the extended enterprise fa

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۱ Outline Service Oriented Infrastructure Project Team SOI Defined Cloud Computing Defined SOI Model Cloud Computing Model Bringing SOI and Cloud Computing together Conclusion fa

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Open Group SOI Team

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| Open Group SOI Team A Service-Oriented Infrastructure forms an appropriate foundation for a service-oriented Application Architecture and can be regarded as a natural part of a service-oriented Enterprise Architecture. Co-chairs: —E.G.Nadhan, HP Michael Salsburg, Unisys Hemesh Yadav, Wells Fargo fa

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| Open Group SOI Team Status Accomplishments service Oriented Infrastructure Framework vers made public Contributed Service Oriented Infrastructure chapter in the SOA Source Book Work in progress Next version of the Service Oriented Infrastructure Framework fa

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SOI Defined

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fa Service Oriented Infrastructure Demand Driven Infrastructure Service Level Framework Description Using service orientation for the infrastructure provides a way to define dependencies of higher level business services on the lower-level infrastructure services, down to the actual physical resources, such as network appliances, storage and servers. Service orientation provides a framework to define service level objectives and measure the delivery of those objectives Risk moves from the consumer to supplier. Supplier needs to ensure that the requisite infrastructure is in place to meet demand. Consume as you need Feature Demand driven infrastructure Service Level Framework Consume as you need

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fa | LO ratrel & Gapplvd SOI: Demand Driven Infrastructure لم ددم ج12

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00 Computing Defined

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Cloud Computing Universal access Scalable Services New Application Service Models Feature Description Universal access Cloud Computing’s services are ubiquitous — they can be accessed from workstations and other devices, such as cell phones Scalable Services Scale up and scale out. Business Driven Resourcing, Highly scalable, with infrastructure managing the scaling, not applications. Cloud computing allows for'elasticity, where capital and operational expenses for resources are only incurred when they are needed New Application Supports parallel and persistent services Service Models fa

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SOI Model

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fa Human Services of the SOI Model Business Process Business Services Application Services Infrastructure Services Virtualized Services Physical Services State

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00 Computing Model

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۱ Simple Cloud Model

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۱ Simplified Data Centre Topology

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Services Framework at the Data Center * The SOI team works to develop a coherent perspective while factoring in various forward thinking perspectives from member companies Infrastructure services framework of a new enterprise data center ۹ 7

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The Evolving Cloud اک سس ] mat Business Mid Market Enterprise Contract «a

صفحه 20:
Segmentation of compute models to drive down Enterprise + Transactional intensive, high input/output, requires vertically scalable SMP, high-availability infrastructure components, zero downtime, journaling, and typically has 24 - 100+ processors Commodity Virtualized compute mot using commodity based compute and storage | components. costs Classic (Legacy) + Transaction based, moderate input/output, requires application specific and often dedicated infrastructure components, standard DR, typically < 24 processors Cloud Highly scalable and elastic services that can be easily consumed via Internet technologies through a commodity compute model

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Bringing SOI and Cloud Computing Together

صفحه 22:
Computing Universal 1 © اس سوت ‎Framework‏ Next Generation Scaling Service Models Service Oriented Cloud Infrastructure Operational BB transparency Seen Pee cera Scalable ۵5 Scalable Ste ‎Tala RAVI}‏ نكا ‎MOM Cte olt4‏ 7 ‎۱۱۷ ‏35 وان وهی | ‎56۳۷۱6۵ ۵۵6۱5

صفحه 23:
The new world XaaS Next-generation Scaling Operational Transparency Governance and cost control Synergies Description Xaas Software as a service requires an understanding of the service objectives and the accounting of service use and quality. The underlying reference model for SOI provides the service-oriented framework from which objectives, use and quality can be determined. Next-generation | Scale up and scale out seating Operational Cloud, couputing guarantees certain levels of service to the Transparency Cloud's customers. When that service degrades, it is necessary to understand the relationship of infrastructure activity to these services so that the situation can be remediated. SOI provides a framework to determine these relationships Governance and Pay for use models .. Rules based governance cost control fa

صفحه 24:
Conclusions The SOI model enables the provision of infrastructure services that enable the seamless execution of business processes through applications in an integrated fashion within a data center. Cloud Computing enables the extension of this concept across data centers while leveraging the compute resources to better accommodate the flexible demand in a consumption based model. At a high level, the SOI model does not change with the advent of Cloud Computing. However, the model can be executed in a more efficient manner realizing significant financial benefits by leveraging the compute resources made available across the extended enterprise by the Cloud Computing paradigm. fa

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