صفحه 1:
Strategic Uses of IT
صفحه 2:
© Strategic Use of IT in
© Emerging Network
* Business Models
صفحه 3:
| What is Stra tegic Use?
© و مه ام رجا رتاو و رورورا
yout roe, industry, wed revedue
2 ODiizicy the Iotercet to portant busivess bevawe the
اه use bE IT
8 Osiegy VT to yor 0 susticed powpetiive odvootage it
2 Ouhe distoction io busicess
صفحه 4:
| Utilizing the Internet
® Ose vf the Totercet kus dhewdy set oPP شام وه
© Dke quesiives thot newura ue!
9 es the revohiiog eoded, عت
9 Opes oo eved harger را قاس
2 Opes VP stl water?, ord
اون متسه و او Okat sorts oF
صفحه 5:
| Strategic Use of Information
مه ول ۶
اه and ور لو لوصو ۵
" ,©" =
۵ مرو he Pirw's products ond rekticeships wil هه
۰۰0 ۳
جبصهم ووصمصحا جنا عانب وا لو ور و مرو ۵
صفحه 6:
| History of Strategic Uses of
IT (1)
۲ ):( 02: ابص وود لور
۲ ٩ شمه وی dept. to kelp exoplopers اه میا
Cs ced سنجمه روصت و
۲ وی :196092 عورا IP ۲ وه من
9 ey. Oeil Lyack cask woot worngewed, OO virtue
ticket bookicry
صفحه 7:
| History of Strategic Uses of
IT (2)
= (990s: reruyueeriay busiiess processes
9 Doral nedesiqa how the euterprise pperaed
۲ ملس oP ERP
۲ Ont-d990Os: Toterce!s poteutal berowien evidedt
9 De techusloyy wus wosty used intercaly! iiroets
صفحه 8:
| History of Strategic Uses of
IT (3)
® عورا 990: e-busicess uoderwopy
9° Qurstiog oP the dot cow bubble
0 مرجم DP the Votercet toto how وب مومس kas
s Carp SOOOs: ewphusis va workiay ares
9 feveragicg trodiicca pperdives by usiey the واه to
work wore dosely with vers
© Lichtey to supphers, pustowers und vier portoers ta voe's vote
chute or bustuess eoospstew
9 Gtike back oP Brick-cerd-Dortar-
صفحه 9:
| History of Strategic Uses of
IT (4)
®= Ont COOOs: sowethiay hos chooged
9 ey used stroteyicaly:
* dawad
= Outward
۲ Oss
2 Gower st quesiivoiay VP's ubiliy to ove cowpodies a
vow petiive edye bu itis ubsvlutely wevessury Por
رنه pari.
صفحه 10:
| Whither the Internet
Revolution? (1)
© riick Ruitvoy Revolaiod — the wood stated it
(990s ud expericuved وه crush in (ORS
۵ 40 ۳9 reuse in (OO, OS pears Per the crash
© Qunky brow, qed exctewedt ond sal companies Pourshed
© ORer oresh, امه سوه مها هط رو و Pull hard
© dedusiry bear orderly ocd proPis beqea to reAeot ned retures
0 4avestoed Preczy Por poceeviiod و اوه Por
صفحه 11:
| Whither the Internet
Revolution? (2)
wise ek; سطس د ب لجر ام باه و1 2
سوه امه شش
توس بو تم where لحم و تیوه و Oe 3
thewselves orcued Tetercet techurlogies:
wy hey oe ماه لا مب Pearce ©
® Red yates wil cowe wheo Totercet techoloyy adapts tv
pepreizaives cod pevple
9 Oke the tevkuwloy dsuppeors und bevowes port oP iP
2 iil be ‘quiet! powpared to Precay oP 'OO/OO but way thick it wil
امه مت و سا
صفحه 12:
|The Cheap Revolution
©) De vost of dots processing, storage ocd traasport has dropped
2 $POO per 2۳1۳۵ ۰ 19260 > 580 چم 010۵ ۰ 19695 3 5 010۵ ۰
2 1008/60 ۰ 999 3 6600,00608/606 ۰ 990 < ۰9
= "Ohew Teck"
9 Boode: nee یط 100,۱0 مه servers
© "DetPivatics"
2) Opved Prow selien POs to dev selicg servers, printers, storage devices
© "Dke "وماك اص ان ts oocurtey ebewhere!
3 وج كيجت عجكات صا كماو فوطنج - عوباور|
2 GpPwore — Lieu Os. Diervenht
3 Deter unicdiogs — Ovice-pver~KP
صفحه 13:
| Does IT Still Matter? (1)
= "1D Ovess't Dotter" — article by Dickols Curr it
Woved Ousivess Review Day 209
® Oko wohkes u resource nly stroesic is ot ubiguity but
۲ امه مطامم و عو) power ord ubiquiy hove wows,
ite strateyio inpportcare kus divicished.
2 Beta ww watoble ood oPPorduble to ol, WP as evolved
Prow poteuidhy strueyic resvurves fav poseodiy Pastors oF
صفحه 14:
| Does IT Still Matter? (2)
۴ (Proprietary huployies OCS. icProstcuctura
9° واه رو
۶ مره طارجنه ه نوا لین با ون
© @ovedatio Por bropterse steateyio odverctage
9 4ePRrastructucd teckalogy
© es wore volve wheo shore thoa used te isvlativa, the raha,
telegraphs bce
® Gutk tevkoolyy coo creute u strategic odvaotage Por oa iecdivicdual
Pirxy ot the beqicaicg oF its buidout whe if is expeosive ond risky
صفحه 15:
| Does IT Still Matter? (3)
۶ 1۳ موه اه مه و techovlowy, like ruil,
Blevirivity, telephour etc.
29D, above di, ts 0 trocspont موی
2919 is ight) replicable
99D is subjent to rapid price dePlativd
"9D bubdout is wow suck closer te its ead there its
999 is weiter proprietary vr expewsive
صفحه 16:
| Does IT Still Matter? (4)
8 whkeo 0 rescue bevowes esserutd صا cowpe tition
but aoousequectal to stroteup, the risks it mercer
bevowe wore ما سوت the ذا وله
2۲ واه ری
9 Ooeewed oP VP shoud ww Poss wore va risks
وعشلد وه من ما ماه ون ued
OD Garter of را موجه ۲۳ و show thot ore
او وه وا انوا راو مور remus. Ia Poot,
he opposite vend he
صفحه 17:
| Assignment
© Onte a review va IP Ovesat Dater.
صفحه 18:
@ introduction
© stage usec
© Emerging Network
* Business Models
صفحه 19:
| Working Inward: Business-to-
Employee ا ا
busivess provesses مرو ۵ اوه رو ور
امه بطلان) ۲۳
that use Teerant teckorlodies موه رو مر و وم«
سا سا سا راون له ,ام لت
صفحه 20:
| VPN Intranet
صفحه 21:
| Benefits of Using Intranets
© Oter avess to powpoop ماما
® 4otroce!s pew spstesw urchitertune siqaPicccty
5 ف ل
9 Operspstew urchitevture OG. proprietary uetworks
© Whe tok to the Votercet ulows powpusies to expand
1" Onowser ioterPace Por web رام موه
اه را لول
صفحه 22:
| Fostering a Sense of
8 detrocets ure evolving ico Very inpportoat وماج واه
9 4a sowe euerprises, the itrocet is sero us the euterprise
© (ters Pons, rules ond processes
۰ Cua dsv be sero us ool ond iopersoodd
9 Crectioy 0 seuse oP belay
موه ره له رم موی Grieg 0 wees oP ©
= Cor of ewpbpers
صفحه 23:
| Working Outward: Business-to-
® 4a wost iohueties وم eed suphisticated
۲7۳۲7۳۳/۳۲ 5/۱۳۶ ۳ 7
۲ عصاته جا له مرو ارو و
۲ مرصط لمات وا اوه له ری طسو لممممين
۲ و و ماه له بطلما رعطو)
Os iodustry leaders iuoreuse the svphisticaiod oF their
عم صا داورو
۲ Oowpetiiors wust do the save or Pied thesoselves oto
عع ددم لوطل
صفحه 24:
| Jumping to a New Experience
Curve (1)
© Gtroteyicdly usta VT to work putvard is hich
9 Deckwlow updates voour Prequediy, Porciey a set of
عرص مهو موسر
9 Guck cove represeds هد uew tevkuloyy or اوه
there? itu product or service us well us ic its
او هجو
و requires substoctidl vested عرص تیوه و Dovey to 2
مامتها زره
صفحه 25:
| Jumping to a New Experience
Curve (2)
. Dke prioviple oP the expeneuse curve is that
wornye wed should oot hove tov wouok evwotivcl
tockwedl to the pounce expeneure curve urd Pui to
see the vex vor
© OaPrave woowPucturers iqeored wiviooeputer Pires
® Dke wicicowputer Pires ignored (PO wonPurturers:
© Dtervsc?! ignored the Iotercet
صفحه 26:
| Case Example: the Shipping
بط دحام م[
Trucking Less Than Truckload
وا ديلا
Package Sorting 255
Delivery Expedited Delivery
ee FedEx
Industry Overnight Airport
Delivery Information Tracking
Distribution Network
Logistics Inventory Facilities
Global Reach urs |
oe Facilties
Strategic Choices: Supremacy,
Supply Chain
Source: Based on Kenneth Primozic, Edward Primozie, and Joe Leben,
Survival, or Sayonara (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1991).
صفحه 27:
| The Emergence of "Electronic
© رات 1۳ hos bee exbedded it products ond services Por
its poxpputaiocal capabilities:
Oly. iors od elevators to woke thes pperate رای سس
۱ مب vod exobedded systews www low
9 @otectadl uses are coders ced we are just uf the beytcratery
۲ مه مرن codes but the youl is stil to yet closer to the
صفحه 28:
| Getting Closer to Customers
"= @SC e-business is the wost widely reported Porsn سج اه
9 Ora) every type oP product cos wow be purckused vale! books,
COs, Mowers etc.
9 Oxy sucess stortes — Del, Cheup Dickets, @Prade ....
® Guess is ut eusiy whieved:
2 من hed its busicess viubiliy questicaed Por a hogy tee
a وه ها تس سا 3 ۳۱ يور He
® Ose vP Totercet kus wow bevowe wuok wore sophisticated.
صفحه 29:
| Getting Closer to Customers
© OROs we wed صا feare wore ubout mstowers
9 Okether pou visi their website, val thew (howe, oPPive,
wwobite) or buy soevethiay — the Pir is oPteo heepicy track
ed تما اوه iePorwalive to peeote a proPie oP pou
9 ماو va Pro BRP
® ERE Posed va totercal dota
۶ CRO Powses va vustower deta,
® @ovc or boc: Great usebul icPorevatiod Os.
evasion oP privacy
صفحه 30:
| Getting Closer to Customers
© Guovesshdl seliag over the Totercet eutais work wore
thoc just setiiog uz a Deb site ord tobi orders
۲ ٩۱ امه orcpeizioy the eure مه ده هط the Iotercet
© Dke 6-Ousicess wodel: redePicioy mustower vole
O "Ogedewerd"
3 Persvodzaivd oP sence
۲ @oeess to 0 wide rong oP powpetiive prices ued sellers Por
صفحه 31:
| Getting Closer to Customers
© Dhe Votercet is oot ody used to sell to rustowers oolice.
tis usu used to provide services tv Dowpinies
9 Gowetves itis coo be diPPicul to مایت تنج is wore valuable
— the product or the service
© Dke correct Poows is vo stapiey io loser pootact Wits
3 عصنادحا جمجداا كوتلمحمو ص صله(])
۲ ول بر ودونفك عصوحدصاصج بوامصصوط ,ناد صر
persoudized products wed service
صفحه 32:
| Working Across: Business-to-
® Gtreuvivingy processes tho cross powpoay bourrdaries is
the cext big wocagewed جو وصامكات
3 Crow streavtotey totercal provesses to chocyay provesses I
wesk wits other
© منطو waves busicess takes worm Porc رخ و
2 Dorktery wits "oo-supplers"
9 Oorkey wis pustowers ia close wutudly depeudeat nebaticashiy
2 Quidioy @ virtual euterprise, ta Pact, vor thot wight evolve eto oe
صفحه 33:
| Coordinating with Co-
. Cousuppliers: Pirws thot hove the sawe vustowers
انحا Puck viher
= (ep ia متسه with cosuppliers
9 Oevkucisws to share iePorewetiod quiohty od easily
8 Revowwered steps Por وستامس م09
9 Gtreucvicicg iotercad process
9 Colaboraicg va ce ivi processes
۶ Chevicate duplicate uctuites, Porous va custower ureds...
صفحه 34:
| Case Example: General Mills and
Land O’Lakes
® Geved taxgest OG Pood powpunies supply bout PO%
oP superworket shel? space Por dry yoods
9 Ose vw trucks etc.
= Ov supply (6% oP rePrigersied
9 Ove truck Por severd supervorkets
9 bess ePPicied, dels Pic. = vahoppy chects
® Lood O'boke cowbiced their deliveries vo Beueral Dil
9 Dow, they ore looking foto foteqratiog their order tabiey ord
billy processes
صفحه 35:
| Establishing Close and Tight
Relationships (1)
® Oorkiay uress vowpuuies is the wost مه لح(
وت و و use vE ID ged Totercet
9 4Aavieg netaiveships wit various payers in poe's
busitess وروت
© Quchks, adverts ageuries, suppliers, distributors, retulers,
BveU اسلاج 07ت
© Guck reticeships oPted have useoeepooptery +مقدو صخأو عجكاكنا
صفحه 36:
| Establishing Close and Tight
Relationships (2)
۲ © bevel OP spstews inteqroive betwerd powpoies
9 Loose: provide a hoo uovess to ictercdl وا
© Qu shes provesses reworu detent
9 Close! tuo ponies exchoage inPorewaiivd too Pond wooder
= Processes ore dete, bul sowe tosks ore hooded راد
۲ تن woe ponies shore ot leust vor busiuess process
© مايه ين محل المع سه رسيي ان ييح ان علبلا
صفحه 37:
| Establishing Close and Tight
Relationships (3)
Or Tg Rk لته
as rad ۳ م۳
ع ع 5 Diht Pew
Gus 6 +e +e ۳7
Loose Ou 7 2 *
۶ | امه کارت موی detail
*** افرص ممح اميد كلابب وه مرلو cord
جمدم ج دادم إكوأصكوو
صفحه 38:
| Becoming a Customer-Centric
Value Chain
® 089 vpowwpo's ude chon poosists oP:
9 Opsireccy supply chor
9 Oowestreud dewoed choc
® Deetiicod woke-to-stock: build products | orecte
services ocd theo "pusk" thew to pustowers
9 Guppy-Pusk workd
® Dhe ristog of the reverse — 0 deword-pull workd
9 © wstower's order triquers the oreoiod oP o pustoized
product or service the vustower hos dePiced
صفحه 39:
| Case Example: Dell
® Dke Porewost expe oP the deword-pull bustcess wodel
Cvstowers vod igure their POs va Del's Oebsite
9 Owe wa order is ivittcted, Dell's suppliers con see the ordericg
iePorwativa cod production schedule vo Del's extrrcet
۵ ۳ نمی ای و موی وتو
© Oel's extrocet is bevowwicgy 0 privete warket place
9 Cxstowers' orders ure distributed ty suppliers (or even supphers oF
© Odke cha reporeuy, beter Poremast
۶ 0 deword-pull Piecacid value choir
صفحه 40:
| Pros and Cons of Demand-
"= Pros
9 @rtier satsPy the custower's dversiPied ceeds
9 Octue-choic traasporeory
= 00,000 wewmy chips Ov. 90,000 ordered’ due ty shortage
۲ Cow
9 deProstructures
9 Crashes coo be wore devastaticry
® Cevowiny custower veutric is ont easy, espevicty Por
suppy-pusk powpudies
® Dke hee DP ORO
صفحه 41:
| Getting Back-End Systems in
© Oorktoy aoress vPted ceeds foteqrote existiog back-eud systews
2 Qrrouiey, Pouce, sues, worhetony, phromicny...
سا موق تا
۶ وم خر« ون
«۰ سس
۵ ره" یی systews
2 Oodbasr Ooannewed Sysiews (DPOG)
2 ERE سره
2) Extracet
© Coot exten the cowpoop's back-eud systews tv rerudicerr
busiuess provesses extercdl to the cowpody
صفحه 42:
@ introduction
© Strategic Use of IT in
cnerarg ete
صفحه 43:
| Classifying Network
Producers Cocused distribuprs: rere
(© THE WAL, STREET JOURNAL »% 8 8] Xo sae 0 1
۳ "AIRLINES fe amazoncom Google
Oreote cod pacha products, (Baubles buyers aed gelers to ooccent,
لت ات شمه لب رس troceart busts
Ovwrevers Bull oc te ‘hotercwet
۵ مسا کج اه همع Porte
Cisco Systems ۲ تعد يدوع ۱ FS
8 هه قتع 6
۰ sale: “force. com.
ORACLE | IEEE | sles ی
Oredte ced package tevlarkyy- ] techaolyy buyers Coble coxeuvers ord
breed procucts, services, ord وا ووسیو ما مها انسیا نا اه امن
یاس ها مشود servers مه امن
Qvwkeses Proudey te kProetrctue
صفحه 44:
| Focused Distributors
© @rovide products on services related to وود و
روط or wurket viche.
© OP Percatate Pooused distbutor busicess wodels
۵ اون oP tueciory
9 Getrag colic
9° rive بل امه نویه
۲ Oistabutioa oP physical products und services
صفحه 45:
| eRetailers
© ey. Owued.rw
۲ عومجوق) cool oP vectory
9 Get ccceyptiuble prive to the powers
تا Gell physicd products valve
. Dre priwery reveour wodel is bused va
proodunl/ service sues
صفحه 46:
| eMarkets
© ey. Clobd Weathoore Cxckooge, whick leks buyers ocd
selers dlowiey thesy to pow;wpore od purchase products
9D ke revecue wodel todudes 0 ooerrissica oad trocadicn Pee or
puck sake
ماظن" chicbase oad order هه با رلتیه من موز«
3 ان اوه مت ولو( physicd vector
Dke physical dstibutica ced brgistios costs are lower tha that oP تا
0 Gpstesn integrative service way briny wore risk ard ost
صفحه 47:
| eAggregators
. ۳. aseb, Wwhick provides icPor<vative ot
products or servives Por sce by others ia the
9 @rouie سوام votubys ond powporsous oP Peutures
red privicrey
9 Dkey thea poss the custower through te the supplier to
۲77۳ the sate
9 Reveoue wodel: rePend Pee ood advertisicny
صفحه 48:
| Informediaries
طسو موه ey. ©
۲ © speci class oP eB ygracguiors that usites sellers und buyers
واه و
© Revedur wodel
۲ COCO 1ePorwedaries wil charge جلمسصمعصت د موه ن
subsoripion Pee
9 @SC iPorwedudes vPeu provide Porsratiod Pree to
pustowers ved woke woop based va عم مهو رتض وله
© 41oPorveduies Ped seek to quickly evolve Prow
siwply ما بطم
صفحه 49:
| Exchanges
* ey. POW, 00060600050 , PreeOurhets
9 Ow or wo wt tke pool oP وود
2 Ow or wo wt cowplete the Prod procsuniivg vole
© (ep dPPerecatattag Peotune
2 Cre ts wt set) ceypttated uf the te oP عامج
® Qevece wodel varies
صفحه 50:
| Portals
= G.y. BOL, ‘’aboo!, Boone
2 Detwork wodel witk rogest history
® Coty Iotercet portas: kelp poosvers to ues
pated va DOD
9 Ooceent to the اجه
9 @rowse the web
9 Orrevtory ond seurck services
صفحه 51:
| Producers
© @roduers use the Votercet to design, produce ond
ناو products und services
9 OacuPacturers
= Cay Pord, PRO
9 Gernice providers
© Gq. Gwerica Brprees, Onpow, 0
9 Educaors
© Cay. Warved Ousitess School, OoBra-1il, Katee
۲" سل
وه سوه وق Olea
۲ له موه ces services
= Cy OCI