صفحه 1:
Oe maces ۱60 ceineisye! OSA eT ‏عنوراهه)‎

صفحه 2:
‎chapter will covered‏ (( ۱ اله ‎0 4 hew te produce severd pverd represrotitivas of the toptevel ‏یس ام تسیا‎ ۳۹9 Oteus ۹ ‏موس‎ ‏لت‎ ‎ee ed NA Sena CURR aaa © cast Overdl Oiew ra es ee ee ON eee ‏ا ل‎ ‏ل ةا‎ ‎ee eat eae ere eee See eee ee eco te‏ 0ك میاه 0 سم 6 ‎

صفحه 3:
‎Orr ra Oi asic‏ اله ‎DI, erent cede ene See ee eet eee ‏فیس ‎SO ed teeter‏ ‎RON ee aed‏ ‎an Saree een‏ ‎een ent ene em eet toa‏ 0 ا 0 0 ‎Ove‏ ‎RU‏ ۱ ‎ead ‎۱ Re ee Sena ‎Cee eee eee ere ee ee eee eee or ‏ا‎ ‎6 ‏میاه 0 سم‎ ‎

صفحه 4:
‎aaa‏ م 0 اله ‎8 ‏هو یی سس‎ ۱ Tana eee epee rey are ‏ا‎ ae Orne ‏دمتعيس‎ ‎ie rt aed wd eee hee eter Renee ote rede toa] ۲ ‏ما ما‎ ‏سصصا اه بوه ‎nee Pe tered es eaten coe‏ مم10 "ا ۳ ‎oa ‎(eae eee ee Oe eet tee ee ee TOO ‎Ce eee eee ne re eee ee ec ee ec 6 ‏میاه 0 سم‎ ‎

صفحه 5:
ا ا ا 49000 اله اللا مك ‎BAT ad RS an ad‏ ۱۳ ‎a) Be ec cas Car om UM ca ans cae Bde ce‏ ‎ote A a eS oe Oa‏ ۱۳۹ سس رش ‎eRe acne oma Caon ad‏ ا )155 ‎OOD view woe't work just os well‏ Cee eee ea eee eee ee ee eee ee ec oe ‏ا‎ ‏تیه‎ 0

صفحه 6:
© 1 0202© اله يي اا يي ييا 0 تا مر مر یا ی رتست ۹ ص ‎eae ent et eee cece ve eee‏ 1۱ ‎NE Ee ee a ee cod‏ ا ‎se em‏ ای اس همست ما مور Cee eee eae ee eee er ec eee cor a] ‏تیه‎ areas

صفحه 7:

صفحه 8:
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صفحه 9:
0 eR eee ncn ne ee oa ee NE eee eae ee ‏ل‎ Tae eo on i a a oe ead 2000 ee Te rr cred wed ea eee ‏ا‎ nome beer occ en hee ccna eee ener ۲7 ۱ ‏وه‎ eo en ee oe Nah ee a BRR a oR © ‏و یه‎ wioeized Ce eee eae eee ee eee ee coe ‏ا‎ ‏تیه‎ areas

صفحه 10:
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صفحه 11:
Context Viewpoint Purpose Model the set of actors with which the syst * interfaces berween the system and these entities. When Applicable Throughout project lifecycle. Primarily prepared during the first stages of design and analysis, but is updated as information about external interfaces changes. Stakeholders Software Architecture Team, Software Systems Engineering Team, Subsystem Désign Leads, Developers, Testers, Systems Engineers, Marketing, oF others who are interested in or negotiate external interfaces. Scalability ‘The system should always be located in the middle of the view. The external actors should be surrounding the system. If the number of actors becomes too large, they may need to be grouped into higher- level actors. Multiple Context Views should only be used as a last resort. Should be consistent with other static views that show external Views interfaces. For example, the subsystem interface, component, __ process, or deployment views. Cee eee eae eee ee eee eee or a] 6 ‏میاه 0 سم‎

صفحه 12:

صفحه 13:
ا ل 00 اله Ree Ren eae ‏ل ا ا‎ ome Nol ANA RN CAS CCL SCR ESCA 0 Dhree viewpotdis used Por dowata odpsis ‏اا‎ Overcl Oiewpvict © @uabsis Pooused Oiewpoiat GN eral er OL Una} Cee eee eee eee ee eee eee oe ‏ا‎ ‏تیه‎ 0

صفحه 14:
‎yen eer eatd Mec aneie se‏ ال 4 اله ‎Analysis ‎Focused View ‎Analysis ‎Overall ‎View ‎ ‎Ce eee ea eee ere ee ee ee ee ee ee 6 ‏میاه 0 سم‎ ‎

صفحه 15:
"٩۳ ‏مس‌سیه‎ 155 day aad aacd tac Be ca oe aca at et Ae EAD RN ces cic aR ‏يي‎ ‎SET ea aaa Reed oe Re cee a ۳ SRR a Ree oe Ree eR cl cad 0 aaa ‏ل ا‎ © Ose codes putteras or predePiaed views Por sicviar ‏4و وت‎ Ce ‏ا‎ ‎preter, areas

صفحه 16:
a "1 Ox ee (aegis Onan ‘Analysis Interaction Viewpoint lustrate a set of classes, attributes, methods, and associations for a specific path through a use case. Prepared during analysis, along with use case development. Generally not maintained. Software Architecture Team, Software Systems Engineering Team, Subsystem Design Leads, Developers, Testers. ‘The Analysis Interaction Views will be used to produce a focused view for that use case. ۰ Should be consistent with the initial focused views, but will most likely not be maintained as the focused views evolve. Cee eee eee ne rea ee ee eee ee coe ‏ا‎ ‏ل رسیم ما0‎

صفحه 17:
1 sl 1 | | ۱ 9 و [Tate Collec Customer Contact Data Type: Analysis Interaction View Date 2002-Now-1 Ri

صفحه 18:
| atone Analysis Focused Viewpoint Purpose Ilustrate a set of actors, classes, attributes, methods, and associations for a specific use case, set of use cases, or subse Analysis Overall View. When Applicable Primarily prepared during analysis, along with use case Jevelopment. Generally not maintained, unless a product family is being developed. Stakeholders Software Architecture Team, Software Systems Engineering Team, Subsystem Design Leads, Developers Testers. Scalability The focused views will be used to produce an overall view that can be used to drive the software architecture definition Relation to Other Should be consistent with the initial overall views, bur will most Views likely not be maintained as the overall views evolve [0 ‏ا‎ ‏عا‎ a ni tents

صفحه 19:
۳ <Entity> Customer | 1 Location Into Interface ‏رم‎ address ty ereate_customer()] 1 state 2dd_location( ) 1 creates مها وود 77650166 500165615323 ‘Type: Analysis Focused View Date: 2002-Nov-1 Responsible: Garland ! Anthony [0 ‏ا‎ ees ‎a ni tents‏ عا ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 20:
سر اسر حول | Analysis Overall Viewpoint Purpose Ilustrate the set of key actors, classes, artribures, methods, and associations for a system. This viewpoint should not contain implementation details. When Applicable Primarily prepared during analysis, along with use case development. Generally not maintained, unless a product family is being developed. Stakeholders Software Architecture Team, Sofrware Systems Engincéring Team, Subsystem Design Leads, Developers; Testers. The overall view is seldom small enough to fit onto a single sheet of paper. Subsets of the classes, actors, and associated information’ can be extracted to produce focused views that convey a key concept or set of concepts Relation to Other Should be consistent with the initial Analysis Focused and Analysis Views Interaction Views, but generally evolves to contain additional information.

صفحه 21:

صفحه 22:
a DE ale oie ACs ae Ol en ae cae as od ۱ GoPivare Prokievture”. Ce eee eae eae ere ee eee ec ee eee ce ‏سوم‎ areas 8

صفحه 23:
امسر مر اله ee ee eae eae ore er eee eee ee ee eco ‏ا‎ ‏ل رسیم ما0‎ S

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