صفحه 1:
»۱۲ عصردب) oF
صفحه 2:
لحعجصمح() عا با Vopios
® Guchotoy the Gatos ud bosses Prox
Governed Polivies--Orusuver od
Producer Gurplus
® Dke GPRRiciewy ve uo Cowpetiive Market
# Oi Proves
9 Oke S
صفحه 3:
لحعجصمح() عا با Vopios
" Grice Supports un Production Quotes
" سیب Quotes urd DarPPs
© Dke Ieopart oP a Dax or Gubsidy
9 Oke SD
صفحه 4:
Guduatay the Gatos ond bosses Prow
Coveravedt Prictes--Oowuver und Producer Gurphs
# Review
© Cocsunver surplus ts the total beoePit or value thot
مهو receive bepood what they pay Por the
© Producer surplus is the total beoePit or reves
that producers reveive bepood whet it ost 17
۱ pooduve u ypod.
8 Oke
صفحه 5:
صفحه 6:
Gudhratay he Guts ond bosses Prow
Governed لو یحو کیان Producer Gurphs
م خا ونح جمس سر the ول و "ل
qovennvedd policy we co weosure the qos
# DePare GPP ets
© Goies ond losses voused by wovernnvedt
faterveciivd to the warket.
9 Oke Oo
صفحه 7:
صفحه 8:
Chern to Consurver od
@rocducer Gurphs Prow Price انز
© Observetiog:
و Vhe tot loss is equ ty wed D+ OC.
© Phe total chore io دوس >
(®-@®) + (-B-C)=-8-C
© The deadweiht loss is the toePPiniewsp oP the
Prive cous or the loss oP the producer surplus
9 Oke O
صفحه 9:
هوجو to وجمان
انز @rocducer Gurphs Prow Price
® Observation
© Comsuvers con Pxperieuce 0 oet loss tt
9 Oke SO
صفحه 10:
صفحه 11:
rice Ovurols und
Oxturd Gus Shortness
۲" عم كل Prive vowels peeuted a shortage oF
كي نون
© Okt wus the deadweight lass?
9 Olde 0
صفحه 12:
rice Ovurols und
Oxturd Gus Shortness
QOxta Por (ORS
«۰ :ریق 06 - 46 + 6 6, + 0.66
۰ بسا ات بت ها تایه مین )۱۰۴(
و 5۵ + 6 - و لسن ۰
رض امح Orca ©
50 ree oh reel eo ni or eho
price oF vil ia $/b.
9 Oke IC
صفحه 13:
لجه اون rice
جصد ۳ ۶۶) ایو(
۰۲7 COTS:
=P, =$0hb
® Ggulbrine Cr = $Shok ud Q = CO
Price veting set ot $0 "ا
coo be seed yrcophicdhy: موجن وب "ا
Oke 09 وه
صفحه 14:
(Shoe?) © و
1119 دا لجح نا دفي
طحم سحاد © ام
و ل وم wal he bor
{ packers & eect
0 6 طسب سار 0
6,00] - اس سب سس مب ۳ 7
@ ۱/ ۱
اد ممه كمه وموم
0 8 @ 19 1990 66 BO Aw (TH)
وه ۵»
صفحه 15:
rice Ovurols und
یه( Bus Shortness
® Qeasuntay the Isppact oP Price Controls
© 1 ما woo
۰1 0 20, مسا ۲ 20
#10 = S@, +9.°S(0)]
© ۵ - )06 (سب مسا )30/بسج( = $C bho
(سب .۲ 3) * (0/9) - ۵ ه x ($O.POla#) = $O.F مسلط
© O= (WS) x (Gb cock) x (G@iecch) = $0) boa
صفحه 16:
rice Ovurols und
Onturd Gus Ghorieces
a Ovusuricry the cppact ve Prive Coutrols
* Okooge fo poasuer surhus
٠ د @-@=(10 - 0.0F = $17.0 bition
* Ckoage ia producer surplus
٠ ن - ق- د - 10-0 = -$19.0 bios
صفحه 17:
rice Ovurols und
Onturd Gus Ghorieces
a Ovusurtey the Ieopact oP Prive Cvctrols
© (9°7S dows, deadweight bos
= -D-O=-O. - 0-۹0. ما
*1a SOOO dolars, the deadweight loss is
ع0 عبت 9
صفحه 18:
a Cowpertive Darket
® Okeu ول cowpetiive workets سس
foePPiciedt اه وا resvurces or azarket
0) ECnxtercatiies
* Costs or beuePits that do ont show up us pot
oP the warket price (ey. potutiost)
9 ۵۷» 0
صفحه 19:
a Cowpertive Darket
® Okeu ول cowpetiive workets سس
foePPiciedt اه وا resvurces or azarket
©) back oP IcPorcratica
preveds DOCKETS وا تارب
صفحه 20:
a Cowpertive Darket
© Govercvedt ittervecivg io these warkets co
© Governed ttervediod without اوه وه
9 ۵ 60
صفحه 21:
OePore boss Okeu Price
ds Welt Orlow Oorket+-Oleurtay Levet
صفحه 22:
Dhrt work te decker
bee be PQ, = Qo?
OePore boss Okeu Price
Is Welt Obove Darket+-Okeortay bevel
Oho price ع
Pree ات لور
bwer tras Pg ody Qe
Abe took, Mer
صفحه 23:
Dee Oarket Por Wud عرص
2 Dhke (OOF Oatiood Ored Mroasploctation
Ort probibits the sole oP ores Por
كصالداحه ]| مت .
" odoin the Iepact oP the Pot
* Suppl: 6۵۴ 29,000 + 0۵
oF دص 520,000, © - 00
® Dewan: GQ? =190,000 -O.cP
وه ی 9
صفحه 24:
The Oorket Por Kideeps, sod GPPevi
DP te 908 مرن Treasphrataicd Oot
ارو( ره 4666 ۱۳ | ,
مود سم ما صلی | 097
صفحه 25:
حرصل) وا و۳ ت0۷( The
Phe oot benits the quectiy supplied (docativas) t7 "ا
1" Loss to supplier surplus:
۰ 6 + ن <
)© ,0000()52 00 ,©0000( + )0/2()62,00000(
۱ )890,)00000( ۶2 90/۰
9 Oke OS
صفحه 26:
Dee Oarket Por Wud عرص
® (Gan to recipies:
۰ ۵-0 <
(C,000)($20,000) - (VE\(F,000)
($20,000) = $4COkw.
® Oeuduright loss:
©» قن + 7
500006 منت 5060 - مطلله = $00 wiv
ی 9
صفحه 27:
Dee Oarket Por Wud عرص
® Other IeePPiviexsy Cost
0) ) وصلادصوص ا is wt wevessuriy to those
.عدص اج ول ها اور مار
©) Price wo toreuse to $FO, OOO, the
equilbriucy prive, wits kospitas
9 Oke OP
صفحه 28:
Dee Oarket Por Wud عرص
" peeved it Pavor oP probibittacy the sole bP
9 Oke CO
ى ول یاه ماه مهوت )0
و للم ادص
صفحه 29:
Dee Oarket Por Wud عرص
" peeved it Pavor oP probibittacy the sole bP
9( تساه وا تاه( arora to the
ubiliy to pay
*Wolkdicg price below equilbriuc vil وج
* Ones versus anficid substitutes
9 Obte SS
صفحه 30:
Orica Prices
® Qeriodicdly wovernwed policy seeks to rose
® Oe wil westicuie this by ookieg ot وعم و
۱ ced the wwivievus Woe.
9 ۵» 0
صفحه 31:
rive Ori
صفحه 32:
The منم( Ouge
صفحه 33:
لب( صزو)
مصصطه: لت عاا 19129-01900 رنی() 8
تم لصي ححات . 8). (ل) دوا
1" )]( دز جعوححات عدزدب صا كمضا وصتادانبج رج the
® Gowe drives werged اه اون وه oP
busiuess us روت virdices eutered the indusiry.
9 ی 9
صفحه 34:
بو <
ملس و ۳
cond ۵ب من سر
۵ سر
GPPect oP @irice Recqukatica
by the Oil Berousutics Board
صفحه 35:
Orde روص( Duta
49۶9 4990 4999 990 9
oP cwrters 999 8 ای(
و06 ووجه )%( brn Par سس
Pusseuger-wie rote
©0988 600. ©60.(صولاط 0996 ممصم )
9 1
Red vost trex (IOGO=100) 400099400 ۰ ۳/۰9
9 اه »وله بوسو PorPetostioreers OPOOOO
صفحه 36:
Orde روص( Duta
© Oidue tedustry dota show:
0) Loorenod odustvedt us the cube
DP pomiers iworeused und prives
۱ ©) Aigher trod Pactors iodicaticey wone
9 ی SO
صفحه 37:
”] رطس لح Duta
علطم dota
سای پوت دی
صفحه 38:
rice Gupports acd
@roduoiiod Quotes
® Duck جنرت اه polio ts bused ooo
systew عم اه
ubvve the equilbriuc او ها مر ای اه
to ها کر ای مان جع ا"
جصلادد ۱ ۱
9 Ore SO
صفحه 39:
۱ a prie P,
+ be wrerword baw
qty Q,. The chou tr
0 a power suphe = 49 - 0,
\ ead te choage ta producer
ساد جح ار « © © + ©
صفحه 40:
صفحه 41:
rive Gupports
® Qvuestiod
041s there 0 wore BP Pines Wop to عمجم
Parwer’s iwowe by 0 +P + D?
9 9 0
صفحه 42:
rice Gupports acd
@roduoiiod Quotes
# Produntivd Quotas
© De qovercsvedt coo dsv couse the price bP a
youd to rise by reduciay supply.
لب 9
صفحه 43:
rice Gupports acd
@roduoiiod Quotes
® kot ts the icppuot oP:
0) Cortroticey Pury iv همه با
9 Obde PS
صفحه 44:
Guppy QResirivives
6 سس رای ۵+ o
صفحه 45:
Guppy QResirivives
o *P, w wxtckcod wake
هه لت
ممم »بو - © + 0+ ©
صفحه 46:
Obde FO
Guppy Qestrictiow
= APG=@0-C+O+ Ore
choc to وا ا
power ocd producer
جه sure te the suxve
wits price Supports.
+ - د 5
00 - 0 --
صفحه 47:
Guppy QResirivives
تسین ۲
© Wow could the
vost ud still subsidize the
© Ohick is wore costly:
ع دی 9
صفحه 48:
Gupporiicy tke Price oP Okeut
60 9
Guppy: 0۵ < 1900060 + 9800۵ ©
0 - 29,990 و60 من و
pice ood quactiy was $9.PO0 ued نان( و
wiliva bushels 8,990
9 Ore FO
صفحه 49:
Gupporiicy tke Price oP Okeut
0 ۷
0 اه اه رن اسر ) و
COOP + @, 29,60 م6 - و ,6 ۰
و9 ديو ٠
6 + 8590 - 9,060 2 96800 + 4,000
wis bushels ۵9-00 (۵09(۵) ع رو
9 Obde FO
صفحه 50:
The Okeut Oorket ia 01
هوجو ۰06 و
9 كفب *@OC prodwer
صفحه 51:
Gupporiicy tke Price oP Okeut
© Nhe chomp kr opesuver surphs = (~B )
6 < )6 0 - 5.0()6,86( - 6
۵ < )0/6( 6۵46 ۵()6,۵90-
2,598) - 99 مسب
۰ و(
9 Oke 0
صفحه 52:
Gupporiicy tke Price oP Okeut
© Costiv the مسر
$9.°O x ICC willica bushels = $FGC wilica
© Tord post = $OCHF + PSC = $4,079 witioa
© Dora دوي )© + )© + OC 299596 مات
© Governved usv pod OO veuts/bushel =
$009 wilica
9 Obte SO
صفحه 53:
Gupporiicy tke Price oP Okeut
5 1: 9, export dewuerd Pell ced the
wurket deoriey pve oF wheat Pell م
$4.60 /buskel.
9 Obte SO
صفحه 54:
Gupporiicy tke Price oP Okeut
«۰ 1995 راب6 Q, =1,000 + CROP
= (9009 Orw«d: Q, = CSOO - 0
٠» مسطلب ©26, 6 لع 50.60 - © - ون hehe’
55.60 - رن ۰
تس لحم وه أصطاصجا/(0 50.0 مددودو دل »
جوم من لیا 9,89 ام
ی 9
صفحه 55:
Gupporiicy tke Price oP Okeut
"۷ 9
© Govercevedt Purchase:
6۵ - 6660 - 166 + Q,
۰0, - 49 + ه660
۰ سوه ما -- 99.00 عم price
Q, = ASS + 6689.0 ۵
Obte SS
صفحه 56:
The Okeut Oorket ia (OCG
صفحه 57:
Gupporiicy tke Price oP Okeut
:دجاس <ا) مر و
Covered ost = $9.00 x POO = ©
$d, POC critics
vet subsidy = OO x O,PCS = 00*
مسب 90,860
Dota cost > 59 .© مططلاط
9 Ore SP
صفحه 58:
Gupporiicy tke Price oP Okeut
® Qvuestiod
© Okatis the chooge fo poser ood producer
9 Ore SO
صفحه 59:
Gupporiicy tke Price oP Okeut
" 0998© @reedow to Pan
© Qeduves price supports un quotes لاحن CODD
wheo they yo buck ity ePP ect ucder the (O99
9 Obte SO
صفحه 60:
Gupporiicy tke Price oP Okeut
#990 Okeut Market
۰ 9
۰ رن 299006 - 69
كل 1906 + CORP
۰ باه رون of 0 bushel or $41.9 مرا
9 ۵» 0
صفحه 61:
‘koport Quotes und TarPPs
® Qa counties use ieport quotes ued fadPPs
to keep the dowestic price oP « procuot above
word bevels
9 Oke Od
صفحه 62:
or Quota ۲۵۷۲ سیب
Iknports عص ۱ ۳
صفحه 63:
Whe teoreuse ta price va be
wwheved by a quota pr oto PP,
۶ Ores Ow aan he yan
dbwesty produers.
" Ve bss peers ts @
+ )© +0 + 0,
صفحه 64:
۱ ۳۱ 6 wed te
spuennvedt yaks O, sv te vet
cbweste produ bss & B+ OC.
۲ ۳ اسب و ts wed teteud,
ای مت متا سا
مج بط خابو یتیس ویر aloe, ee
wood the vet dowestic ع دوم © +
0+ ©. رمه
صفحه 65:
میت ۲
© Ook te O.G. be beter PP Prie|
vr worse oPP wi مسج و
لس( oP a tar PP? (e.3.
lopocese twport reviriciows
ta the (OCOz) @e
صفحه 66:
Tre Guar Quota
OD ke world prive oP sar kes bed us iw
uw & veus per powd, while io the 2.CG. the
price kus bee CO-OS veuts per pournl.
ی 9
صفحه 67:
Tre Guar Quota
BD he Ieoport oP a Restricted Darket
© 0۵ . عمجم انا 19.9 = مصاص لمم
* O.6. wmeeeopiivd = CC. عمجم متنطا
© O.G. price = OS verts/pourcd
© Dodd price = (1 vects/poued
عه ل 9
صفحه 68:
Tre Guar Quota
© Phe Ieoport oP o Restricted Market
۰ 0.0. 6,2 6
۰0.0. 6,2۰
٠ 0.65. ع 0 امود ۵9+ 0۵۵
۰۱0 و0 مس < 92.6 - 090
ع و له ۵9 - م۰ 8.9 biioa powers
9 Oke OO
صفحه 69:
Gurr Quoin in 57
١ 1 )
Phe vont oP he poker
سب سح
+۵0۶0 سى 56 ©.
صفحه 70:
Guar Quon it 57
صفحه 71:
۳ 1۳7۵۷ oP a Pax or Gubsidy
© Phe burded oP a tox (or the bewePit oP ه
© Oe wil pousider u spect ic tox whick ts a tx
DPE a vertaia upouet oP woop per voit sot.
9 ۷» 0
صفحه 72:
Oe he ree (tekken
the tox) pred by bere.
Ov be prow wolore rece,
wi oP te tox. The burdew
OP the hax by pit evel.
صفحه 73:
۳ 6 وه DP موب[
the اه نامه ع9 Pour cocdiiogs thot wost ©
fox is int place?!
0) م6 sold ced P, wost be va the
decvod hte: GQ? = QP,
©) نومه sold cord Py west be va the
suppl bee: GP = GO(Pa,
9 Oe TS
صفحه 74:
۳ 6 وه DP موب[
© Pour cocdiiogs thot wost اه نامه ع9 the
fox is int place?!
مو - 6و ره
© Ge Po = tox
ی 9
صفحه 75:
®urded vt Geller
®urdes oo Ower
‘keopot oP a Tux Depends
vu Chosticites oP Guppy and Deward
صفحه 76:
۳ 1۳7۵۷ oP a Pax or Gubsidy
® osscthouk Proctioa
۰ 2/۶, &)
ادا dewoed is perPeviy یرومم رخ و
ocd ol ) ع مش جرمجواسسعمم لا ر(ظ <ر6)
9 Ore TO
صفحه 77:
The GPPRevt oP a Tux or Gubsidy
BO subseh own be onzed it wok the وج
Wy UF كا د
84 coo be teected us u veymtive fox.
seller's prive exceeds the bwver’s price. با "ا
9 ۶
صفحه 78:
صفحه 79:
© ith o subsidy (5), the seticgy price حارط
below the subsidized price (P., sv that:
و - ءه
9 Oke TS
صفحه 80:
Vhe bevel it oP the subsidy depedds upoo ا"
ها یت :4P the rato is sell, wost oP the bevePit ©
-4P the ratio is haryp, the producer beuetits wost. 0
9 Ore OO
صفحه 81:
مایت 7۰ ٩۲۵۷ ظ)
® Oewswicg ان پا سا GO Ora Cusvice
9 ی 0-5-6
6 29080 -SOP
© Bok app = OF
من + 60 - 0و
© Q®=G? a $d aed COO biog yalves per pear
9 9۷» 0
صفحه 82:
مایت 7۰ ٩۲۵۷ ظ)
2 Oik a SO vet tax
٠ و 0 + 290 ,9006 - 2-190 رن <
۰ 190 -900)6,+ 00( 2 9060 + 0,
٠ هم دري
٠ص يم +ده د
دی 9
صفحه 83:
مایت 7۰ ٩۲۵۷ ظ)
2 Oik a SO vet tax
۰۱ 0-160 -60()0.55( - 95 سره
© GPals by 10%
9 Ore OS
صفحه 84:
Tux ام( 62 90 وه هم سب
9 0
و0 بسا
Phe حصب لجيه
Prow te tex د .60)6©(
or $PP.9 bio. The byer
اجه مج سا ی قدصت 06 سوم
te لو paw GO vr.
Producer بسا
rect (blow
© 5090-00 dco
Oe OF وه
صفحه 85:
Tux ام( 62 90 وه هم سب
وى 0
rect (blow
© 5090-00 dco
9 Ore OS
صفحه 86:
۲ ) ارب wodels oP supply ocd devo poo be
sed ty codae o wide vodety oP yoverniedt
4a cok coe, cower und producer
surplus ure used to evolve the yoies urd
۱ losses to cows لو producers.
9 Ore OO
صفحه 87:
® میا( qovernnved مور ٩ و و subsidy,
ه صا جلوصا برأوسجوصل Governnvedt terveuiod ®
deadweight lass.
9 Oke OF
صفحه 88:
رو د و مرا مرن () ظ
و و جرورببات wourket is uot
9 Okt 66
صفحه 89:
Gud oP Ckupter 9
The )© واو هه oF
Covwpetiive Ourkets