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Africa’s Size + - 041,6 00 ©6© هه 66 6 0 + ود و و # Secondlargest continent > 77,700,000sq.mi. eM ee ee Ty Cae ‏ا يي نا‎

صفحه 4:

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‎ag‏ وا ی ‎Nile flowin utlin continental United tates (right) shows the length of ‎length ‎

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اد ل

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HydroelectricPower Major Dams of Africa | 0-0 i

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BUN ere Ma nn

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TheSahara Desert

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ee na eh ea LAI

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NR an RRC G Cat mth ‏اف‎

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African Trade Winds Linking Wind, Precipitation, and Vegetation |

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0 Home of our Hurricanes

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0 3 Africa

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The African Savannah: samillionsq.mi.

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African Rain Forest # Annual rainfall ofupto77ft. + #Rapiddecomposition (very humid). ‏نا‎ ata # Ea Ly MA ag RL en a

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RST a or

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Natural Resources

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جهت مطالعه ادامه متن، فایل را دریافت نمایید.
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