تعداد اسلایدهای پاورپوینت: 38 اسلاید قالب یا تم پاورپوینت زیر بنای طراحی پاورپوینت است که از اهمیت بسیاری برخوردار است. هرچند نرم افزار پاورپوینت دارای قابلیت ها و حتی تم های بسیاری است، اما با توجه به کاربرد بسیار وسیع پاورپوینت که امروزه تقریبا در تمامی حوزه ها مورد استفاده قرار می گیرد، به شخصی سازی و همچنین طراحی مناسب تم براساس نیازهای شما نیاز است

محسن عابدینی

صفحه 1:
Presentatio GO

صفحه 2:
Instructions for use EDIT IN GOOGLE SLIDES EDIT IN POWERPOINT® Click on the button under the presentation Click on the button under the presentation preview that says "Use as Google Slides preview that says "Download as PowerPoint template". You will get a .pptx file that you can edit in PowerPoint. Theme". You will get a copy of this document on your Google Drive and will be able to edit, Remember to download and install the add or delete slides. fonts used in this presentation (you'll find the links to the font files needed in the You hays £9 be sored in toiyour: Presentation design slide) Google account. ‘More info on how to use this template at slidescarnival.com/help-use-presentation-template This template is ree to use under Creative Commons Attribution license, You can keep the Credits side or ‘mention SlidesCarnival and other resources used in a slide footer

صفحه 3:
Hello! $ lam Jayden Smith lam here because | love to give presentations. You can find me at @username

صفحه 4:
Transition Headline Let's start with the first set of slides

صفحه 5:
۳ Quotations are commonly printed as a means of inspiration and to invoke philosophical thoughts from the reader

صفحه 6:
WD This is a slide title © Here you have a list of items © And some text © But remember not to overload your slides with content Your audience will listen to you or read the content, but won't do both.

صفحه 7:
Big ‏ا"‎ gon cept your 0 audience over a key concept using icons or 22 31005 5نا ااا

صفحه 8:
WD You can also split your content White Black Is the color of milk and Is the color of ebony and fresh snow, the color of outer space. It has produced by the been the symbolic color combination of all the of elegance, solemnity colors of the visible and authority. spectrum.

صفحه 9:
BD in two or three columns Yellow Blue Red Is the color of gold, Is the colour of the Is the color of butter and ripe clear sky and the blood, and because lemons. In the deep sea. It is of this it has spectrum of visible located between historically been light, yellow is violet and green on associated with found between the optical sacrifice, danger green and orange. ۰ and courage.

صفحه 10:
10 A complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image, namely making it possible to absorb large amounts of data quickly.

صفحه 11:

صفحه 12:
Use diagrams to explain your ideas Lorem josum ‘Lorem Ipsum Lorem tasum ‘Lorem Ipsum

صفحه 13:
And tables to compare data A 8 © Yellow 10 20 7 Blue 30 15 10 Orange 5 24 16

صفحه 14:

صفحه 15:
99, 2 4 That’s a big number, aren’t you proud?

صفحه 16:
89,526,124$ That's a lot of money 185,244 users And a lot of users 100% Total success!

صفحه 17:
Vestibulum congue tempus Lorem ipsum dole it amet fengectetursapcing wt et ده نموه مها مدای Vestibulum congue tempus Laver ipsum dort amet formal aig ev fac acu get our 17 Our process is easy Vestibulum congue tempus عه انه ‎Laem ipsum dle‏ ‎ed‏ وه تس 0 سيت

صفحه 18:
Let’s review some concepts Red Is the color of blood, and because of this it has historically been associated with sacrifice, danger and courage, Red Is the color of blood, and because of this it has historically been associated with sacrifice, danger and courage, 18 Blue Is the colour of the clear sky and the deep sea. It is located between violet and green on the optical spectrum. Blue Is the colour of the clear sky and the deep sea. It is located between violet and {green on the optical spectrum, Yellow Is the color of gold, butter and ripe lemons. In the spectrum of visible light, yellow is found between green and orange. Yellow Is the color of gold, butter and ripe lemons. in the spectrum of visible light, yellow is found between green and orange.

صفحه 19:
You can insert graphs from Excel or Google Sheets

صفحه 20:
20 Mobile project Show and explain your web, app or software projects using these gadget templates.

صفحه 21:
21 Tablet project Show and explain your web, app or software projects using these gadget templates.

صفحه 22:
22 Desktop project Show and explain your web, app or software projects using these gadget ‏ععادام۱6۳‎

صفحه 23:
Thank m SI... You can find me at: © @username ® user@mail.me 23

صفحه 24:
24 2۰ Credits Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free: ® Presentation template by SlidesCarnival ® Photographs by Unsplash

صفحه 25:
25 jograph Presentation design This presentation uses the following typographies: ® Titles: Red Hat Display © Body copy: Red Hat Text Download for free at: www. redhat.com/en/about/brand/standards/t ۹۹ ‘You don’t need to keep this slide in your presentation, Its only here to serve you as a design guide if you need to create new slides oF download the fonts to edit the presentation in PowerPoint ®

صفحه 26:
Extra Resources For Business Plans, Marketing Plans, Project Proposals, Lessons, etc

صفحه 27:
Timeline ue isthe colour of flack is the color of Yellow e the color of Blue the colour of theclear sty and. Redisthe colour of ebony.and of outer gold, butter and ripe Whites the color of the clear sty and thedespsea danger and.courage. Space Femons mile and fresh snow the deep sea 0008 سس » ۱ isthe colour of Blackis the color af Yellow the gold, butter andripe miksnd fresh snow theclear sty and danger and courage sbony and of outer color of gold. ‘emane the deep sea) space butter and ripe femnone 27

صفحه 28:

صفحه 29:
a 9 = 2 6 5 2 i I Fe ee ae

صفحه 30:
30 WEAKNESSES Yellow is the color of gold, butter and ripe lemons White is the color of milk and fresh snow THREATS SWOT Analysis STRENGTHS Blue is the colour of the clear sky and the deep sea Black is the color of ebony and of outer space OPPORTUNITIES

صفحه 31:
عدیمه ۱۸۵۵۵۱ ععهو و8 ered are 2 0 مه

صفحه 32:

صفحه 33:
33 BP team Presentation © © 3 2 Imani Jackson Marcos Galan Ixchel Valdia Nils Arud

صفحه 34:
or 34 مس هیر تا

صفحه 35:
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صفحه 36:
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صفحه 38:
You can also use any emoji as an icon! ‘And of course it resizes without losing quality. ]]1]11 ۱۱۱۲۱] ] ۱۰۵ ۵ 00» او

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