صفحه 1:
Oder und Outer Polutiod

صفحه 2:
]0 Outer ConPicts " Outer shortages ic the Diddle Cust * Oile River ® dordod Busia " Digs an Cuphrates Rivers

صفحه 3:
Three Qupr Qver Owes

صفحه 4:
" Oe we usicy woioble Preskiwater vasustacrabhy ۰ ‏تور‎ ‎9 ‎۱ hie Por this imeplacedble waturd resvurve. ® Ove of every six people de ot hove subPicied ‏وه‎ ‏و‎ eo woter, cod this sitvaiod wil okoost certady vet .52 1دالللا

صفحه 5:
" ‏روا‎ ts water sv icpportat? ۶ Carh wo wotery world — “P0% ® Preshwoter wuitcbitiy — O0.OCP% ® Pood) woonged ‏موی‎ حاصو عوصاصم ماك " ۶ Onter ‏شام‎

صفحه 6:
وس موموس و

صفحه 7:
وی و یر ۰ * Outer table " Oxturd recharge

صفحه 8:
" Geter net? * Dutervhed (drake) besic * Retable ruwPP — 1/9 oP tort = RuchP ue * Ovwestir - 6 © Dypiathure — PO% ° dedustridl we — CO%

صفحه 9:
0 Outed Grates ® Oceved dstributica ۶ ‏نون‎ ‎۶ ‏سوق‎ 0۰ " Destera O.G. " Grourdwoter wikdrawd — GO%

صفحه 10:
مات 0 بيجا ی ماو ‎rector‏ 00 109091

صفحه 11:
Outer Wot Spots tr Oestera Gtates HII Highly likely conflict potential HEINE Substantial conflict potential IE Moderate contict potential ME Unmet rural water needs

صفحه 12:
" ‏وصون)‎ oP water svurviiy * Ory oleate ۰ Pov wy pevple = (oP 0 peuple — w requ uess to cleo Wwoter © Over ove bilica hove oo usvess to ioproved drichicy Ute © @ovorday to the 0.0. chideed'’s upeuy OOICER, polluted Later cred hack oP basic sccitativo chic the kes oP over 4.9 wilica chided every peur, wosty Pow uxter-borur diseases.

صفحه 13:
g Rea van do this. ۱ ‏ها‎ ‎۲۶۲ poputics wihout wvere to dP toy wuter ty it Okie (CO%)

صفحه 14:
eed aha tO Cnc

صفحه 15:
Wow Ou Oe Ieorecse Outer Gupples? ® Crovedwoter used to supply cities aod prow Pood is ‏جا لا‎ wed by previpitaicd. " ‏بو(‎ dave, ‏جاص ررد ارو 000 رجز‎ 2 troasfer water to arid neyious kas iaoreused water supphes ١١ those anes, but hes disrupted eoosystews

صفحه 16:
۱ Gupphes? ® Oe ooo cower sadly poe water to Preshiwoter, but te ‏كاوها جا اود‎ cod the resuliog soly brice oust be ۳2 ۲۰

صفحه 17:
" )( ‏هزرل مج عدصلا‎ ® Oxnos und reservvirs ® Droosportioy surPace woter * Oesdticcticn ۶ Oder cowservativa ® Otter use oP catucd kydrologio ‏عاصروه‎

صفحه 18:
ا ااا ‎bs a‏ Groundwater "| ۰ ۲۴ | Overdrafts: = High Moderate Minor or none

صفحه 19:
Major Well contaminated irrigation with saltwater 0 Fresh groundwater aquifer 0 NE Interface ‘Saltwater intrusion Normal interface emo Lanes

صفحه 20:
‎oP bag Ouaws ued Reservoirs‏ اك ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 21:
تم هه يب ‎CdlPoraa Oder‏ CALIFORNIA, ‘Shastalake ۵ UTAH Sac Oroville Dan River Reservoir Feather, North Bay — Aqueduct est Sacramenio San Francisco ¢ South Bay — Aqueduct is Dam ~ 2 California Aqueduct ~ Seen ‘ARIZONA conte nai Colorado River santa Barbara ‘Aqueduct Central Arizona Los Angeles’ Protect Tutson MEXICO

صفحه 22:
متو) ای بر و موم ور ‎borge-svdle‏ ®

صفحه 23:
* Oied-blowa sat * Odter potatos 2 Chwatic chores * Restoraiva ePPorts

صفحه 24:
Ghrichktay rad Gea

صفحه 25:
١ Reverse vswosis * 16,000 place ia IOS vowctries

صفحه 26:
Quer Problews wih Oesdicatiod Wink vost Oru oP ‏مه نوی‎ barge quectiy oP brice wustes Ccensumables 3 Maintenance and Parts Th Typical Costs for a Reverse-Osmosis Desalination Plant Membrane Replacement 0 Laber Electrical Eneray 4096 ature eoowwirs

صفحه 27:
Oshkheloa Ploat supplies IS% oP Israels Wousehokds ‏لو ور‎ Largest post ic 9

صفحه 28:
۱ Oe Ose Outer Dore Gustacabpy? ® Oe cod use wuter wore ‏لوسر وله را لوصح‎ uote, roistay uwvaler prices, stowicry popukaion yout, ued protentagy aqubers, Porests, ood other eoosystews tot store ood refuse water.

صفحه 29:
موه من و عناصمو) ۶ ی ‎veporuivn, bobs‏ © * Outer prives, yvennved subsides, waste

صفحه 30:
تاه مرن جمصوص | " رام مشاه ‎eoprove‏ 9 ۶ ‏متا و وا سو)‎ und busicesses

صفحه 31:
Center pivot efficiency 0% th ow pressure ١ 0 spun) Drip rigaton ‎Wate usualy pumped from‏ رس ‎Gravity flow reign ad spe rom ‏بو مومسم‎ and #086 th trae ves | ‏ی‎ oes rosie boom wth spe Water sual comes rom an indica plant oot. ‎ousst sytem 3 near vr ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 32:
SOLUTIONS عاكه ل[ معدلل دمتاموتسآ عم Line canals bringing water to irrigation ditches irrigate at night to reduce evaporation Monitor soil moisture to add water only when necessary Grow several crops on each plot of land (polyculture) Encourage organic farming ‘Avoid growing water-thirsty crops in dry areas Irrigate with treated urban waste water Import water-intensive crops and meat

صفحه 33:
SOLUTIONS een aera ee 1 Redesign manufacturing proceses to useless water fs Recjce waar in ius sm Lanccape yar with plants that equi tle water اموا وات ‎Use‏ عاد و ‎meters‏ ها ما ‎Rae water pices ‎Use wateress composing tlets ‎Require water conservation in watershor ites‏ و ‎1 Use water-sving toes, showerheads and frontloading clothes washers 1 Collet and reuse household water to rigate lawns and nonedible plants ‎1 Pui and reuse water for houses, apartments, and offike buldngs| ‎

صفحه 34:
SOLUTIONS Sustainable Water Use tm Waste less water and subsiaize water conservation ‎Do not deplete aquifers‏ سا ‎m Preserve water quality ‎Protect forests, wetlands, mountain glaciers, watersheds, and other natural systems that Store and release water ‎Get agreements among regions ‘and countries sharing surface ‘water resources ‎Raise water prices ‎ ‎= Siow population growth ‎

صفحه 35:
۱ ‏ام‎ Ov? WHAT CAN YOU DO? ۱ Neri 1 Use watersoving tole, showerheads, and faucet aerators. 1 Shower instead of taking bath, and take short showers * Repair water leaks 1 Turn off sink faucets while brushing teth, shaving, or washing "= Wath only full loads of clothes or use the lowest possible water-level setting ‘or smaller loads 1 Use recycle (gray) water for watering lawns and houseplants and for washing cars. "= Wash a car ftom a bucket of soapy water, and use the hose for rnsing ony 1 Ifyou use a commercial carwash, try to find one that recycles its water. 1 Replace your lawn with native plants that nee lite if any watering, '© Water lawns and yards inthe early morning or evening, 1 Use dip inigaton and mulch for gardens and flowerbeds

صفحه 36:
Wow Ou Oe Reduce the Oh Peake neat Pe ® Oe ooo iepprove Pood ooutrol by protectiay wore ‏و1 بملشط‎ aneus subject to Prequec Ploodiery.

صفحه 37:
With ‏موب ملس‎ ® @rovide coturd Pood ocd erosive cvotrot * Ouictaia high water quatiy ® Recharge yourndioter

صفحه 38:
* Pertle svis 9 Orwby nvers Por use ond revreiod ۴ (Photoeds ‏له نموت و‎ Pareviccy

صفحه 39:
0 ‏وی للم‎ ۶ ‏لا حیرشت مورا‎ 2 CPaitay dows ced water diversion ® Woniccar (Cotrica ond the Buh Coast © Rewoud oP ‏لمات نومه‎

صفحه 40:
د و له جروتاجع 8) ‎al‏ ۱

صفحه 41:
۶ Oruse ‏موجه‎ ® Loved vo crustal Ploodptaict ® Ooderae Ploods wuiataict Perle svil ۶ Jocreuse Prequeapy oF barge Floods ® Oevelppwent io the Wicodayoa Povthils ® Ocrsteuniiva oP avast wetlands

صفحه 42:
Oxygen released by vegetation ‘Tee plantation oe Evapotranspiration decreases vapotrenepration destdbilize Svapotranspirati ‏فد‎ vergraing acelerats sil 101117 erosion by water and wind erosion from heavy rain and wind Winds remove fragile topsol Agricultural مه ام ۰ ۳ wis flooded and Gullies and landslides # Heavy rain erodes topsoil Tree roots stabilize sol Vegetation releases water Sit fram erosion fils vers and reservoirs Rapid runoit slowly and reduces flaoding causes flooding Forested Hillside After Deforestation

صفحه 43:
SOLUTIONS Rouen eee Control Strengthen and deepen streams (channelization) Build levees or floodwalls along streams Build dams Prevention Preserve forests on ‘watersheds Preserve and restore ‘wetlands in floodplains ‘Tax development on : floodplains Use floodplains primarily for recharging aquifers, sustainable agriculture and forestry

صفحه 44:
1 aa aed )0( 1 عووسلادم رووده خأد جسجماوومجهاا ججووجاد مد جدمروصر8) 9 ‎we de ot overt thew.‏ ®) Prevectay water potuticn usualy works better cod moss fess toc irpicg to cleo it up.

صفحه 45:
YAO AA eK STL Area ae ad (7) ®) Reducicy water potuica requires prevedioy it, workicy ‏برحل جد ب ملمحصا وز جصدامنو كاده‎ putty resource use ood uate, reduviay poverty, ood stwiey popukaion youth.

صفحه 46:
eng ‏میم‎ " Outer ‏شا‎ " Pot sources * Oisckarye ot spevilic loaves ° Gusier to ideuiPy, wooo, recut 7 QOvuport sources ۰ ‏اس‎ oP chewiods ond ‏على‎ ‎* @crivuture * Control is dPRicdt ond expensive

صفحه 47:
Human and animal wastes Sewage, animal feedlts, food processing facies, pulp mills Sewage, animal wastes, inorganic fertilizers Industry, farms, households Industry, households, surface runoff Land erosion Electric power and industrial plants ال ا ل امنا Examples Bacteria, viruses, parasites Biodegradable animal wastes and plant debris Nitrates (NO;~) and phosphates (PO?) il, gasoline, plastics, pesticides, leaning solvents Acids, salts, metal compounds Sail, silt Heat ۱0۱۵۰ righ Oye cm mr, Nica ca id Me ali grind Table 11-1 تحار ‎Infectious agents cause diseases‏ ‘Oxygen-demanding wastes deplete dissolved oxygen needed by aquatic species Plant nutrients cause excessive growth of algae and other species ‘Organic chemicals add toxins to aquatic systems Inorganic chemicals add toxins to aquatic systems Sediments disrupt photosynthesis, food webs, other processes ‘Thermal pollution makes some species vulnerable to disease

صفحه 48:
sp water organisms jean water 18 ‏ا وود‎ Nowa) cle } emp.92i (ero, 92 ‏تيمم ی‎ ches) ‏ی‎ Tmaviy stonetb? at pe 0۳۸ | ash fish Normal anisms

صفحه 49:
* Oiuiod less ePPenive thoa wi sireans ۰ ‏مرن‎ ‎* bow Plow ® Lokes oe wore vulceroble thao streans " Gurophicaivg — ooturd ugicg process * Okpirophic

صفحه 50:

صفحه 51:
9 Glow Pow, dition, dispersiva

صفحه 52:
" ‏لكوأعحوصات امسو عونا جاجد جدمتةبمور|‎ © Orqreaduble wustes — ‏ال مرن‎ * Glow deqraduble wastes — DOT © Oowdeqraduble wustes — bead, ursecic, Phuoride

صفحه 53:
و موس ‎tomy‏

صفحه 54:
Cee (ao Ti cm ® Globd sod — wt work ‏میج‎ * Qocitoriey is Very expeusive ۶ ‏لو(‎ Buel tock feohkoge * OTOE ” Orseuic ® @rotevtog ycurdwoter — preveciva is best!

صفحه 55:
roxy Dp ‏جم‎ SOLUTIONS Prevention Cleanup Pump to surace, clesn, and return to aquifer (very expensive) Find substitutes for toxic chemicals Keep toxic chemicals out of the environment Instll montoring wets reer lees and underground tanks = Inject microorganisms to dan up contamination tes expensive but stil equi leak detectors on cost) Underground tanks fan hazardous waste dsposal in ands and injection wells Store harmful quid in Pump nanoparticles of aboveground tanks with leak inorganic compounds 0 fetection and colecion remove pollutants (stil systems being developed)

صفحه 56:
« ‏وه وونل‎ - highly productive evospstews ۱ FO% vf population * Dwice tha population by COCO © Ob OO% worter poluiion vrigitates va herd * Opep vvew woters ۰ Gowe copuniy to dhute, disperse, degrade pobutcts * Ovews dusppiay pouovErsies * Osstvitive vapaniiy?

صفحه 57:
ee ‘ian spa ‏مس‎ | mans betes Som ‏ی مب‎ ‏کت | | مایم و‎ ‏ریت6 سس‎ ok ‏اس‎ ‎ene‏ نت ‎ ‎ ‏مقس ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 58:
Gotewe Poms: Oxyeed Depletion ta the Oortera CON ae Oecd Missouri River iia Messing River: 59 1 LOUISIANA. ۳ ‏و‎ ‎202/۳ ‏م‎ ‎3۹ ‎Gulf of Mexico: ‘J Gulf of Mexico

صفحه 59:
‎Or an‏ ان ‎" Onde ocd rePiced petiole ‎ ‎® Dooker uvideds — Crxva Ouklez ‏صصص امقفص لص لحم ‎Orbos‏ ® ‎

صفحه 60:
دوجاو ررود2 82 مجن 0 جن جو ]اجن ‎Oy AG‏ ۱4 " )0(ناهقاج ‏جججاءوجمسلعوا جتممصرسص‎ © Kil var ° Destroys coturcd iosuatica ced buopoay * Wey vil ۰ Gioks ocd ‏من مسا انا‎ * Cord reePs die

صفحه 61:
OO AU ad " Cured wethods recover w wore thon IG % ® Preveciiog is wost ePPevive wetkod * Coctrol ‏“صصص‎ ‎° Opuble koul ‏هه‎

صفحه 62:
SOLUTIONS اسلامم 3 Prevention ‏اس‎ ‎Reduce input of toxic Impreve ois cleanup polutants capabilites Separate sewage and tom ines Use nanoparticles on evage ado pile ‘Sexo the ‏ان‎ or sewage Gall underdevelopment) fan during of wastes ated senage ysis n fan ocean dumping of sludge and hazardous ‘edged material a Require secondary weatment of cont senage Regulate coastal evelopment, ot tin, and ol sipping Use wetlands, slar-squatic, Regul double hus for ‘rather method to test, ‎sewage‏ اه ‎

صفحه 63:
" Oosty aricturd waste 9 Ose veyetaive to reduce svi erosiva | Reduce Pertizer use

صفحه 64:
* Ose plot buPPer ‏وود‎ around Piekts ood coiczal Peedits " (eep Peeditts wou Prow slopes, surPace water ord Flood zoues ۶ ‏موس‎ pest wacrayeweut

صفحه 65:
Laws Por Reduce Porat Gource Pvhution " Cleo Outer Ort 9 Onter 9 ‏اع 3) قاس‎ = Oischarye tondiag pooiroversies

صفحه 66:
* Qurd ocd suburbod uew — septic tock ® Orboo aeus — wustewuter treated phot * @rivey treakwed — physicd process ° Geooekey treakvedt — bivloyicd provess ® CRKoricvaiiod — bleuckieg cod disicPevtiod

صفحه 67:
وا ‎disinfection tank‏ Toriver, lake, or ocean Disposed of in landfill or ocean or applied 1 cropland, pasture, or rangeland Secondary Settling tank ‘Aeration tank Settling tanks Primary Gait chamber Bar screen Raw sewage rom sewers

صفحه 68:
® Gpstews thot exclide hozardous waste " Ovokozadous wuste substitutes كوممجاع رو أصاما كجتاوم وج ۱0 ۴

صفحه 69:
er RO che rack aa Ars heard te 0.6. a4 1 5 9 Oud vews - ©0009 survey ۰ FS% vf bakes ood PO% oF strecnvs tov poluted Por PBiskieey ocr ‏واكواك‎ ‎© Ru P ‏ومشلامم‎ PoP ID rivers ۰ isk cought io VP oP waterways vosdPe to et

صفحه 70:
® Yes — euwirvaedtists " Ov — Parwers und developers ® Grote ced fool oPPivias werat wore discretion

صفحه 71:
عصاصسب بجكاوضيك ممحاءى خام ۱ 9 ‏عون لجم‌مورو()‎ develppicgy counties

صفحه 72:
" 60 t 7,SOO toes the post oP tap ‏سسب‎ ‎۶ @bou WE is ordicary tap ‏ویب‎ " ‏حول‎ PO% oF bottled water pootaricratied

صفحه 73:
ag SOLUTIONS ل كا 1m Prevent groundwater contamination = Reduce nonpoint runott im Reuse treated wastewater for irigation ‏سر‎ Find substitutes for toxic pollutants Work with nature to treat sewage m Practice four R's of resource use (efuse, reduce, recycle, reuse) m Reduce air pollution m Reduce poverty ‎Slow population growth‏ ها ‎

صفحه 74:
WHAT CAN YOU DO? اش اهتنا ‎Fertiize garden and yard plants with manure or compost instead‏ و ‎of commercial inorganic fertilizer.‏ ‎Minimize your use of pesticides, especially near bodies of water ‎Grow or buy organic foods. ‎Compost your food wastes. ‎Do not use water fresheners in toilets ‎= Do not flush unwanted medicines down the toilet, ‎Do not pour pesticides, paints, solvents, ol, antifreeze, or other products containing harmful chemicals down the drain or onto ‎the ground. ‎

29,000 تومان