صفحه 1:
صفحه 2:
؟اين ویروس نخستین بار در سال ۱۹۷۶ میلادی
خته شد.
*در سال ۱۹۷۶ ابولا حدود ۳۰۰ نفر را مبتلا كرد و با
er ve ا ل ا لل 0
شدند و در سال ١990 از اين ويروس 8١ درصد
ep tiv. ا
#در سال ٠١١1 نيز با انتشار مجدد اين ويروس كه
1 ا 0
سيرالئون و ليبريا كسترش يافته است.
صفحه 3:
صفحه 4:
200 miles
200 km
100 miles
100 km
Origin of outbreak
Ebola deaths
= Closed borders Monrovia
m 1-10
8 51-0
لا 101-0
301-1000 National health ministries and WHO.
صفحه 5:
ia Gatien Wir Health ی
‘inated pain cog ella ay yy, yeas aes, Nae
و Afr ام موم نت مس اه مش یط
‘heme tte oo aoe 1 20 i od
صفحه 6:
When Ebola hit Nigeria in July and August, residents at his hospital
bought used personal protective suits on the black market for as much as
50 000 Nigerian Naira ($338) in case they were asked to see a patient
suspected of having the virus; the suits are only supposed to be used
once. And in Freetown, Sierra Leone, medical residents are mouming the
صفحه 7:
But cases of Ebola in the global North pale compared to West Africa,
where more than 8000 persons have contracted the disease and over
3850 have died of it, according to the
صفحه 8:
® Ebola hemorrhagic fever
*؟ یکی از رودخانههای جمهوری دموکراتیک
صفحه 9:
Clinical presentation and course of illness
+ Usually abrupt onset 3-12 days after exposure
+ Nonspecific initial signs and symptoms: fever and malaise followed by anorexia,
headache, myalgia, arthralgia, sore throat, chest or retrosternal pain, con-
junctival infection, lumbosacral pain, maculopapular rash
+ Gastrointestinal signs and symptoms follow in first few days: nausea, vomiting,
epigastric and abdominal pain, diarrhea
« Early-stage EVD may be confused with other infectious diseases (e.g., malaria,
typhoid fever, septicemia including meningococcemia, and pneumonia)
+ Hemorrhage seen in about 50% of patients, mostly in later stages, usually lead-
ing to death within days
+ Patients with fatal disease tend to have more severe clinical signs early and to die
from complications (e.g., multiorgan failure, septic shock) between days
6 and 16
+ Nonfatal cases may improve around day 6-11
صفحه 10:
علا ثم
Roy tlie es ROL elses Tooke
sa 0
م نك
POU [es
gee Sti ل ا 0
صفحه 11:
۹0 FDR)
ا ا ل ا
. 5-9 روز بيمار رو از يا در مى اورد.
صفحه 12:
Initial evaluation
+ Clinical criteria: fever >38.6°C (>101.5°F) with addtional symptoms listed above
+ Epidemiologic risk factors:
+ Contact within previous 3 weeks with blood or other body fluids of patient
with known or suspected EVD
+ Residence in or travel to area with active EVD transmission
+ Participation in funeral and burial rituals in cisease-endemic areas
«Direct handling of bas, rodents, or primates from disease-endemic areas
+ Use personal protective equipment to examine persons with suspected infection
+ [solate patients immediately to prevent transmission
صفحه 13:
5 Liberia
Sierra Leone
= Guinea
No. of Cases
Numbers of Confirmed and Probable Ebola Cases Reported Weekly from Guinea,
Sierra Leone, and Liberia from December 23, 2013, to August 11, 2014.
Data are from the WHO.
صفحه 14:
ا ل
e RCS Ita ae RC Tore ae 1 215
*انتقال بیماری از طریق هوا هنوز در
محیط طبیعی به ثبت نرسیده 555
*بازماندگان مذکر تقریباً تا دو ماه اين
بیماری را از طریق مایع منی انتقال
0 pra.)
صفحه 15:
۱ testing of blood samples sould be performed at highest biosafety
زا ۲۵
«hina ew days ar ymptos bes atigecatureenyme inked im
nosorbert assay ELISA) IM ELISA polymerase haeaction asa
+ Laerncourse filles or ale recove virus isolation, lM andl atibody
صفحه 16:
پادتنها و ۱۸ ویروس و يا خود آن
صفحه 17:
+ There are no approved, specfc treatments or vaccines
+ Provide supportive cae for complications, such as hypovolemia electrolyte ab-
nionmalties, refractory shock, hypoxemia, hemorrhage, septic shock, mult
organ flue, and disseminated intravascular coagulation
+ Recommended care: volume repletion, maintenance of blood pressure (with vaso
pressosif needed), maintenance of oxygenation, pain contro, nutritional
suppor, treatment of secondary bacterial infetons and preexisting conditions
+ Implement infection prevention and control measures; consider al bodily lids
and clinical specimens potentialy infectious
صفحه 18:
چرا اپیدمی ابولا در آفریقا به اين بزرگی
صفحه 19:
صفحه 20:
Ebola viruses represent a class of filoviruses that causes severe hemorrhagic fever with high mortality,
Recognized fist in 1976 in the Democratic Republic of Congo, outbreaks continue to occur in equatorial Africa
A safe and efective Ebola virus vaccine is needed because ofits continued emergence and is potential fr use
for biodefense, We report the safety and immunogenicity of an Ebola virus vaccine in its first phase J human
stud A threesplasmid DNA vaccine encoding the envelope glycoproteins (GP) from the Zaire and Sudan/Gulu
species as well as the nucleoprotein was evaluated in a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded, dose
escalation study, Healthy adults, ages 18 to 44 years, were randonized to receive three injections of vaccine at
2 mg (a = 5), 4 mg (n = 8), o 8 mg (n = 8) or placebo (n = 6), Immunogenicity was assessed by enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA), immunoprecipitation-Western blotting, intracellular cytokine staining (ICS),
and enzyme-linked immunospot assay, The vaccine was wellfolerated, with no significant adverse events or
coagulation abnormalities, Specific antibody responses to at east one of the three antigens encoded by the vaccine
as assessed by ELISA and CD4* Tell GP-spectc responses as asseed by ICS were detected in 20/20 vaccines,
CD8* Tell GP-specfic responses were detected by ICS assay in 620 vacines, This Bbola viru DNA vaccine vas
safe and immunogenic in humans, Further assessment of the DNA platform alone and in combination with
repliction-defective adenoviral vector vaccines, in concert with challenge and immune data from nonhuman
primates, will facilitate evaluation and potential licensure ofan Ebola virus vacine under the Animal Rule,
صفحه 21:
Ww the Ebola epidemic in West Africa continu- the monovalent form is based on
ing to grow, the World Health Organization the Zaire strain of Ebola virus,
a which is the cause of the current
(WHO) convened an urgent meeting on September 29
West African epidemic, and the
and 30 to assess the efforts under way to evaluate and _ bivalent form includes the Sudan
strain of the virus as well (see
produce safe and effective Ebola GP HSW S06H Both vaceine!Gaa® Fig. 1). The mionovalent form will
vaccines as soon as possible’ didates have demonstrated 100% be eValuated in a nonrandomized,
‘The 70 scientists, public health efficacy in studies in nonhuman opendabel study involving 60
officals, and representatives from primates,** but how that will adult volunteers who will receive
industry and regulatory bodies translate to human subjects re- the vaccine at three different
who gathered in Geneva discussed mains unknown. The phase 1 doses (1x10! vp, 2.5x10% vp, and
two vaccine candidates at length trials of both vaccines use dose- 5x10 vp), The bivalent form will
— cAd3-EBOV (cAd3), from response designs structured to be evaluated in a nonrandom-
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and the determine the level of humoral ized, open-label study involving
US. National Institute of Allergy and cellular immunity that can be 20 adult volunteers who will re-
and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), induced. The minimum antibody —eeive the vaccine at two different
and rVSVAG-EBOV-GP (®VSV), titer needed to confer protection doses (2x10:°PU and 2x10PU).
from NewLink Genetics and the in humans is unknown, Because Both studies will assess safety,
Public Health Agency of Canada. of the small numbers of partici- side effects, and immunogenicity,
Several other vaccine candidates pants in these trials, they will pro- including antibody responses as
are at earlier, preclinical stages vide data only on common adverse measured by enzymetinked im-
in the development pipeline. events. munosorbent assay (ELISA) and
Phase 1 studies of cAd3 have The cAd3 vaccine is being test- neutralization assays and T-cell
begun in the United States and the ed in both bivalent (ClinicafTrials immune responses as measured
United Kingdom, and researchers gov number, NCT02231866) and by intracellular cytokine staining.
plan to begin enrollment for trials monovalent (NCT02240875) forms; Investigators anticipate that pre-
صفحه 22:
‘A. Recombinant VSV vaccine
وح سس اس تس ۷ اراس ]الا بر او
Deletion of fasogenic VSV.G protein with substitution
of Ebolavirs Zare-stran Kikwit enelope protein
B_NIAID/GSK cAd3 Ebola vaccine
1 replaced with
مقع GP gene inserts
Es deleted
Figure 1. Structures of Ebola Vaccine Candidates AVSV (Panel A) and cAd3 (Panel 8(.
صفحه 23:
ا 0
IPSC Dr St SECS etre ROU S ENn Cee Trial
ا ا ا ا كن
هستند ناشناخته است, تنها جند راه ابتدايى براى بيشكيرى از
S| eT ا ا 0
jury ا ل 00
1 ا PeaeCs nel
WO لا ل ل e re
otal ا ا ا ا ا
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ا aul
See eee met ras | ا SCS
صفحه 24:
۳ renee
صفحه 25:
*حفظ وضعيت طبيعى بدن
Pa nes
*#مصرف داروهای ل ۱0
ا 1
*کنترل درد
pwr) ۹ بیوتیک و دارو al jl oolaiw!*
BOC p Cr nN eas
sagil slacigat yo”
صفحه 26:
1) Effective Post-Exposure Treatment of Ebola
2) A DNA Vaccine for Ebola Virus Is Safe and
Immunogenic in a Phase | Clinical Trial
Ebola Vaccine — An Urgent International Priority
4) Ebola virus disease)
te MOAT te etecege ا
Estimating the Future Number of Cases in the Ebola
Epidemic — Liberia and Sierra Leone, 2014-2015
6) Understanding the dynamics of Ebola epidemics
7) C-Type Lectins DC-SIGN and L-SIGN Mediate Cellular
Entry by Ebola Virus in cis and in trans
Endosomal Proteolysis of the Ebola Virus Glycoprote
in Is Necessary for Infection