صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
RRS ee arr ‏واژه استاندارد در زبان انگلسسی میانه (انگلیسی‎ ‏متداول ۱۵۰۰-۱۱۰۰) به معنی پرچم و علم و کتل‎ ‏بود و این معنی هنوز هم در زبان انگلیسی باقی‎ است و از دو بخش 2 به معنی لیستادن و پسوند له برای ترکیب اسم تشکیل می شود. دار ترا ور معادل کلمه استاندارد در زبان فرانسه0() هرا ودر زبان آلمانی عم( 0) می باشد.

صفحه 3:
استاندارد مدرکی است در برگیرنده قواعد. راهنمایی ها یا وبژگیها برای فعالیت (فعالیتی خاص )یا نتایج آنها به منظور استفاده عمومی و مکرر که از طربق همرایی و با نظارت مراجع رسمی تهیه و بوسیله سازمان شناخته شده ای تصویب شده باشد و هدف از آن دستیابی به میزان مطلوبی از نظم دریک زمینه خاص است ( استاندارد بابد مبتنی بر نتایج استوار علوم . فنون تجربیات و در راه ارتقاء منافع مطلوب جامعه باشد ).

صفحه 4:
سطوح مختلف استاندارد استاندار دهای کار خانه ای . استانداردهای ملی سار دهای مسطلته ای . استانداردهای بین المللی

صفحه 5:
‎eB Lee NB Scr)‏ 6600م عملیات زیر را در برمی گیرد کنترل مدیریت روش های اجرایی ‏ماشین آلات طراحی ‎

صفحه 6:
استانداردهای ملی 16181 O10 "4 "00۳01 @®POORG ‏قال‎

صفحه 7:
استانداردهاى منطقه اى استانداردهاى اتحاديه ارويا ‎OCD‏

صفحه 8:
استانداردهای ‎on‏ المللى موم )6 موم وهآ ‎(Por Gtocdardizatica‏ جوا تون امه مسق ) أدكسادو مهاه ۷ وم ۱09

صفحه 9:
ام ea Bree Gg

صفحه 10:
سعه در 4180 لولبم حا 067 ات 6006 ساد 0:00 Develop ing countrie

صفحه 11:
ساختار کمیته های فنی < ۳۵ 180

صفحه 12:
سه نوع عضویت ber bodies) ber bodies ced eas Gl) geez (ope to ol wee! — (O) ‏وی‎ (opes to ‏له‎ wew (Lb) ‏وچ‎ ‎(Usious types — oped ty wweewewbers oP 460)

صفحه 13:
هو 40۱ 180/۴6۵ ) ‏طاطللم) ال‎ 0 (GperRicaica IGO/NE ( Veckdcd GpevPicaica) -O 1GO/ PR ( Vevksicd Report) 2 1CGONO® (Ictercitoad ‏بو(‎ ‎(@geewed عه طیع 1860

صفحه 14:
کمیته های سیاستگزار کمیته سیاستگزار. بریای مصرف کننده 00600۵0 00() ۵ حطلارن) ‎Polo‏

صفحه 15:
COPOLOO Potcy Cowwiter va Oocnnrer Dhrough ts Cowwites va Ovusnver Policy, (SO verdertases to study how poo vers co beoePit Prow stonderdzativa = prowl posers’ tapul io he developed oP standards, boty - ‘caticoally cord ‏شم‎ ‎oa stoadards work -‏ سوه ‎the exchange of‏ عدت جمدم ‏اما موی ‎DP‏ ‎choceel coosvidaed views Prow ‏ان امه وه تس موه‎ sand oo proposds Por ceus works to oreus oP toterest

صفحه 16:
کمیته های سیاستگزار کمیته سیاستگزار برای ارزیابی انتطباق 000 Cokoy Covwenites va CodPorcriiy Ossesowedt

صفحه 17:
کمیته های سیاستگزار کمیته سیاستگزار. برای کشورهای در حال توسعه 06000

صفحه 18:
0000 رام اه مرول من حون ۱۱۱ cowsnitter kos Pour woo vbjevtives ‏ب رام و‎ the ceeds ced requirewedis oP develpicg — pouoiies i the Fields oF stondardzatizg cod related uniivites (ie. - cooPor weeps edt tadudiay uareditaicg, quali cad weircioyy) ‏ای‎ ‏اوه‎ ۳ developioy cousides, os cevessary, to ‏و وت‎ weeds ond requireweuis A evien estublished these verds ond requireweuts, t7 rer 3 ‏مه متسر جداا اوه وا ام‎ fa ‏رس‎ theo ‎the IGO Price (Phaa Por devel‏ اه مامت سا ای و ‎ ‎ ‎72/۳۶ ‎Do provide a Fora Por the discussivg oF oll uspevis oP- stordocdizatizg cod netted onivities, ood Por the eechooce vf ‎

صفحه 19:
فرایند تدوین استاندارد بین المللی NP- New Proposal -1 WD- Working Draft -2 CD- Committee Draft -3 DIS- Draft International -4 Standard FDIS- Final Draft International -5 Standard IS- International Standard -6

صفحه 20:
005۵ دم مهم ۱9 A normative document representing the consensus within a .working group

صفحه 21:
اك A TC/SC may decide that a particular work item should result in publication of a PAS. Normally this decision should be agreed at the outset, i.e. New Work 0 Item NP) The ۷ ۰ 1 text is deve! [ Gre ١ a WO! . At end of stage the text submitted for approval either by correspondence or at a meeting for publication as a PAS. Acceptance of the document AU approval by a simple majority of the P-members of the TC/SC under which the WG -operates

صفحه 22:
موف ام را 0 A normative document representing the technical consensus within an ISO committee

صفحه 23:
اك A TC/SC may decide that a particular work item should result in publication of a technical specification. Normally this decision should be agreed at the outset, i.e. ‏تم سین ی‎ with approval of the NP. ‘The text is. asa 1 Acceptance of the document requires approval by two-thirds of the P-members. If the acceptance criterion is satisfied, the document shall be sent to the Central Secretariat for -publication as an ISO/TS

صفحه 24:
009 Vevckucd report An informative document containing information of a different kind from that normally published in a .normative document

صفحه 25:
اك Okeu ‏موه تا ۲ لته و‎ ١ support oP ac approved work tec or work tiexs, teva devide, by stople wapriy vote P the P- wewbers, 7 request tof the tePorcuica be publshed ta the Porcy oP a techaicd report. The

صفحه 26:
(10@) Oa 100 & 0a IGO ‏مس‎

صفحه 27:
resdtay tothe 108. Oerket pers ocd vise stthehohters dreviy portcipde tc TD©® oad do oot koe ww trough a wotvad delequics. Oa 10® cas be produced ‏بط وت كم‎ ABO ee ror means (meets ‏ا‎ wwouks) to address u ropidy ewerging worket weed pr public policy resuirewedt Tre 160 bred coo que intercon ‏ای طسو‎ ‏وا راو‎ pour orysaizaiod's work 1O@s vec be wed os precursors to ‏هه‎ ‏علطلمت.‎

صفحه 28:
GO Guide uides provide yuidaace tr teckuicd! powvltees Por the preparaicd oP standard, ‏جوج وصثات‎ brood Pieke or

صفحه 29:
اك Guides are prepared by Po! Development Committees ( such as CASCO or COPOLCO), or by committees or groups established by the ISO Technical Management Board (TMB) and operating under the TMB (e.g. REMCO). A number of Guides are jointly developed between ISO and IEC and then published .as ISO/IEC Guides

صفحه 30:
‎cd‏ الك ‎9۳9 ‏بون مس حصا جا تحاران مسا | وه‎ the Gute, the dP te deeewented to dl GO weber bodes Por a Poumnodhs paqury wie wu O16. © deo Guide ts approved F uot wore toa WP of the votes vest by he IGO weber bodes are ‏.عرش‎ he pee DP IGO/IEO udder, the wreptowe ortterts her to abe «wet to bots ‏تام‎ trdepecdecihy: ‎OP the woveptaue orterts we wet, the Gurde & publshed wikout beteg subject to co addiicod upprovd uve us wt POI ‎

صفحه 31:
ISO in figures national standards bodies , comprising member bodies correspondent members subscriber members Members

صفحه 32:
technical 3089 bodies,comprising technical committees eod rreennical 0 ecnnica subcommittees Committee 5-0 structure working groups and 2۵9 ad hoc study groups ‏و‎

صفحه 33:
member bodies provide the administrative and technical services for the secretariats of technical committees (TC) and subcommittees(SC) These services involve a full- time staff equivalent of persons full-time staff from countries coordinate the worldwide activities of ISO

صفحه 34:
Financing deo 99 % 99 % million CHF per year is the estimated cost for the operation of TC/SC secretariats financed by member bodies holding TC and SC secretariats million CHF represents the operational cost of the ISO Central Secretariat financed through membership fees through sales of publications and other income from services

صفحه 35:
تشدع تررم ماع باع نك ایا انا ‎Standards‏ ‎Total at‏ 31 December 9999 0 International Standards and standards-type documents These standards represent a total output of pages in English and French terminology is also often) provided in other (languages

صفحه 36:
International in 2008 Standards and deer standards-type documents published This output represents a total of SPE? pages for 2007 7

صفحه 37:
Work in progress at 60 December 2007 work items appear on the programs of work of the technical committees The breakdown is as follows new work items at preparatory stage committee drafts draft International Standards (DIS) and final draft International Standards (FDIS)

صفحه 38:
new work items registered 159 in 2008 committee drafts registered 600 draft International Standards and final draft International ۳0 Standards registered

صفحه 39:
سس ی PRODUCTION BY TECHNICAL SECTOR سنا ۱5 Standards ( Generalities, infrastructures and sciences Health, saletyand environment Engineering technologies ] information technology and telecommurications ‘Transport and distribution of goods Agriculture and food technology Materials tectnologies Construction Specialtechnologies ‘Naw: between | aruay’and $i Deconber 204 Anew ditt canbe Total: at 31 Docomter 2004 registred tath DS ana FO tte sae year

صفحه 40:

صفحه 41:
Generalities, infrastructures and scienc / Generalities / Terminology / Standardization - Documentation (01) Sociology / Services / Company organization - and management / Administration / Transport (9) Mathematics / Natural sciences (07)-

صفحه 42:
Engineering Technologies -9 Metrology and measurement / Physical- phenomena (17) Testing (19) - Mechanical systems and components for- general use (21) Fluid systems and components for general - use (23) Manufacturing engineering (25) - Energy and heat transfer engineering (27) - Electrical engineering (29) - Precision mechanics / Jewellery (39) -

صفحه 43:
Electronics, information - 6© technology and telecommunications Electronics (31) - Telecommunications / Audio and video - engineering (33) Information technology/ Office machines - (98) Image technology (37) -

صفحه 44:
Transport and distribution - of goods Road vehicle engineering (43)- Railway engineering (45)- Shipbuilding and marine structures (47) Aircraft and space vehicles engineering (49 Materials handling equipment (53)- Packaging and distribution of goods (55)

صفحه 45:
Agriculture and food -9 technology Agriculture (65)- Food technology (67)-

صفحه 46:
Materials technologies - 7 Textile and leather technology (59)- Clothing industry (61) Chemical- technology (71) Mining and minerals (73) - Petroleum and related technologies (7 Metallurgy (77) - Wood technology (79)- Glass and ceramics industries (81)- Rubber and plastics industries (83)- Paper technology (85)- Paint and colour industries (87) -

صفحه 47:
Construction —© Construction materials and - building (91) — Civil engineering (93)-

صفحه 48:
Special technologies -9 Military engineering (95)- Domestic and commercial- / equipment / Entertainment Sports (97)

صفحه 49:
Proportion by sector (by percent) of total output va tie fmf st imate eran ‏مسج‎ a ‎pa‏ تک ‎ae ‎iste ‏ا‎ 153 ims ۲ ۲ ۲ ‏مو ا ا ‎taney sopsirg (2) Sapauamr mate ee 13‏ ۳[ ۱ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎| a ۳ ‎ ‏سل ‎emg t-te ae‏ ی سس ی سس 7 مالا هر اس ا اک ‎ ‏اسم ‎ ‎are! ‎eee ‎owe ges norckrs caraspond 010 Fes. ۲۲۲۲۲۳۳۳۲۲ ND em ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 50:

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