صفحه 1:
روش ها و فون طراحى شهرى؟ +
موضوع شهر هوشمند 2۳7
صفحه 2:
11. Smart cities, social networks
and the Internet of Things
Andrew Hudson-Smith
Data, its collection and analysis is central to our under- Bees
standing of place and space. The city is becoming a series
of sensors, providing streams of information relating to
its occupants’ movements and use of space. These data
streams, largely via the rise in the Internet of Things and
social networks, are changing the way we view the city. At
the heart of this is the local scale fabric of the city, building
the backbone ofa citys data infrastructure andjoining up the es
data feeds via location. From its core functions, through to
insights on the emotional level about how we perceive space,
data is opening up new research directions for understanding
the city and new tools for its analysis - the smart city.
صفحه 3:
گوردون مور در مقاله خود 6۲30۳01۳9 را بيش بينى كرد
رایانه های متصل کنترل خودکار برای اتومبیل و تجبیزات
ارتباطی در بافت شييرى
باتی ۲۰۵۰۱۱۹۹۷ همه چیز را پیش بینی کرد که در اطراف ما نوعی
اكامبيوتر وجود دازة
بيش بينى باتى: به اصطلاح شير قابل محاسبه بود
مكان ها و فضا ها به موبایل متصل می شوند.
ارتباطاتی که توانایی ادرس دهی در شیرهای هوشمند حمل و
نقل ,تاسیسات و ساختمان های هوشمند بالغ بر ۶۷میلیارد دلا تا سال
In 1965, Gordon Moore predicted in his paper ‘Cramming
more components onto integrated circuits’ that integrated
circuits would eventually lead to such wonders as home
computers — or at least terminals connected to central
computers, automatic controls for automobiles and personal
communications equipment. These circuits are increasingly
weaving themselves into the city and the fabric of urban.
form. Batty (1997) predicted by the year 2050 everything
around us would be some form of computer, computerised
highways are in prospect and smart buildings are almost
upon us. Arguably the prediction by Batty, defined under the
term ‘Computable City’ is already nearing fruition, Places
and spaces are increasingly becoming connected with mobile
communications valued at an addressable market value in
smart cities, transport, utilities and intelligent buildings
amounting to $67.bn by 2020 (GSMA 2012)
صفحه 4:
شهر هوشمند مترادف با عملکرد حون یک شهر
برنامه های yal همراه به عنوان یک وسیله راهبردی
تعریف مکان و فضا که اجازه می دهد نمایی از فرد
تا جمع کلان از نحوه عملکرد یک شهر هوشمند از
شهروندان هوشمند و طراحی هوشمند که به
موجب آن
محیط جریان میابد و با دیتاها سازگار می شود.
در آين قصل
© بررسی دي
شبكه شهر
طراعى و اس
متحول کردن شکل اینده
In this context the term Smart City has become
synonymous with how well a city is performing in the
current climate of mobile applications (apps), data streams
and social networks, As Caragliu (2009) states, it has been
introduced as a strategic device to encompass modern urban,
production factors in a common framework and to highlight
the growing importance of Information and Communication
‘Technologies (ICTs), social and environmental capital in
profiling the competitiveness of cities. Yet it is wider than
this, at its heart is the definition of place and space, allowing
a view from the micro individual up to the macro collective
of how city operates. The smart city is one ofa smart citizen
and smart design whereby the environment senses, streams
and adapts to the data. In this chapter I explore the digital
network of the city, how social networks are shaping urban
design and how connecting everything via an ‘Internet
of Things’ has the potential to transform not only our
understanding of the city bur also its future shape and form,
صفحه 5:
Every day wecreate 2.5 quintillion bytes of data ~somuch that
90 per cent of the data in the world today has been created
in the last two years alone. This data comes from everywhere:
sensors used to gather climate information, posts to social
media sites, digital pictures and videos, purchase transaction
records, and cell phone GPS signals to name but a few (IBM
2013). This data can, compared to traditional data sources, be
defined as ‘big. Cities and urban environments are the main
sources for big data, every minute 100,000 tweets are sent
slobally, Google receives 2,000,000 search requests and users
share 684,478 pieces of contenton Facebook (Mashable 2012)
An increasing amount of this data stream is geolocated: from
Check-ins via Foursquare through to tweets and searches
‘via Google Now, the data cities and individuals emit can be
collected and viewed to make the data city visible. This not
‘res Londo tarp Ns 203)
اطلاعات بزرک
تنیا در دو سال کذشته دیتاهایی جمع ؟آوری شدند:
حسکرها برای اطلاعات آب و هوا شبکه های اجتماعی
سایت های رسانهایتصاویر و فیلم های دیجیتال
اي سل y ids our understanding of how usban systems opera SNe ee ee
در سراسر جیان ۲ میلیون در خواست جستجو کاربر در توکل ee ee ee
nat opens up the possibility ofa real-time view ofthe city at ۳
تقریبا ۶۸۶ هزار پست در فیس بو" .)2035 large (Hudson-Smith
دیتاها از طریق 011۲5018۲6] وارد میشوند.
از طریق 00۷۷ 900961جستجو
ويه أفرلد مت ۲ 08 =
.تنبا به درک ما از نحوه عملکرد سیستم های شیری کمک می کند.
امکان نمای لحظه ای شیر هم به ما نشون می دهد. ا 3
صفحه 6:
در سال ۲۰۰۶ ایجاد شده
حاوی پیوند هایی به سایر محتوای مبتنی بر وب
شامل نام کاربری موقعیت مکانی انواع تکنیک های
و ابزار هاى ie شبکه اجتماعی
Almost all the main social network providers allow access
to data feeds via an Application Interface (API), allowing data
to be collected or mined; these APIs are key to the current
ability to make sense of these growing streams of data
One of the most popular current social networks is Twitter,
created in 2006 the network now has 500 million registered
‘users with over 340 million tweets made daily (Twitter 2012).
‘Twitter allows users to send a message up to 140 characters in
length which can contain links to other web based content,
user name and a user's location. At The Bartlett Centre for
‘Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA) we have developed a
‘variety of techniquesand toolkits to mine and track: this social
network data. Part of this research is an emerging ‘Bigdata
Toolkit’ (http://bigdatatoolkit org) thatallows the systematic
mining of tweets and other social media feeds within a set
radius of a location, This allows us to map, not only the
density of tweets, but also to collect the text for sentiment
section of a map charting Twitter activity in London in which
Soho represents the peak of activity with various transport
hubs and urban centres identifiable.
صفحه 7:
جمع آوری داده های بزرک
برنامه ها اغلب محدودیدت دارند
بسیاری از شبکه های اجتماعی اجازه خروجی گرفتن نمی دهند.
توئیتر استریم ۴۱توسط توئیتر ارائه شده اجازه
® دسترسی به یک درصد برخی پارامترهارو میده
اجرا توسط چند سرور درصد ت
رو افزايش می دهد
که به عنوان حوزه تویتر میتونیم مشاهده و استفاده کنیم
Collecting Big Data
Application Interfaces are often limited - many social
network services do not allow you to simply collect all
the output. The “Twitter Streaming API, for example, is a
capability provided by Twitter that allows anyone to retrieve
at most a1 per cent sample of all the data by providing some
parameters (Morstatter et al. 2013). Running multiple cloud-
based servers can increase the percentage of tweets collected
and, depending on the number of servers operated, millions
of tweets can be collected in a short period of time. These
can be viewed asa sample of the Twitter sphere and thus used
for analysis of the city. Systems such as the big data toolkit
are opening up the ability to collect social media, via doud-
based servers, to professionals in the built environment
های جمع آوری شده
صفحه 8:
از یک نوشته و مکان
شامل نام کاربری زمان و سایر موارد
شکل ۱۱:۳ جزئیات زبان را نشان می دهد.
اين شير بيش از سه ميليون تويت داره | | شيل در مقاله خيابان به عنوان سكو؛
پایه خاکستریتویبت های انکلیسی نمى توانيم ببينيم خيابان در يك تكان غوطه ور
ula كفعقمات اكز تشاطوسن اخراج ۱
فرانسوی:قرمز نلوزیونی که به داخل منتقل می شوند.
ohn نوع جدیدی از داده ها الكوهاى دقیق رفتار
خیابان ها در حال 5
The collection of social media is more than just text
and location; it also includes username, time and any
pictorial or media link. By linking the collected data to text
analysis systems it is possible to determine the language of
a tweet, allowing the demographics of an area to be quickly
determined. Figure 112,
the city extracted from over three million tweets usi
for example, details the language of
foundation of the map is formed
from the majority of English tweets. Other n,
‘Translatorsofiware, The gre’
ionalities in
Spanish (white)
French (ced), Turkish (blue) and Arabic (green) and other
order of the most to least prolific include
As Hill (2008) notes in his article on “The street as 2
we can't see how the street is immersed in a twitching,
pulsing cloud of data. This is over and above the well:
established electromagnetic radiation, crackles of static
radio waves conveying radio and television broadcasts in
digital and analogue forms, police voice traffic. This is a
new kind of data, collective and individual, aggregated and
discrete, open and closed, constantly logging impossibly
detailed patterns of behaviour. The behaviour of the street.
صفحه 9:
_Atthe current time crowd-sourced datais dominant when
compared to infrastructure style feeds. Transport data still,
Jnmany cites lose off owned by private companies and not
pt of any data stre ore feed. A similar position exists on
‘nesgyusage gmeral utilities and wider citylogstice ystems,
Pubic data, by contr, is increasingly being opened up bur
private companies are for either logistical or commercial
reasons slowerte openup fees and share data, However the
public, manly ia mobile technology ar taggingand sharing
data reach an extene that participatory sensing llows con
sourced datasets to replace the traditional view of city based
information sources, Putz (1003), for example, noted in the
paper ‘interactive information services using world wide
‘web hypestent’ that although most World Wide Web servers,
‘oday perform primarily as hypertext le servers, there is an.
Increasing trend towards more dynamic information services
‘where custom documents are assembled and delivered to
‘user on request, The Intemet has of course transformed
Since the 1000s into a largely dynamic system with a myriad
of feeds and data, The current smart city can axguably be
‘compared fo the Internet in 1995 it is starting to form into
‘a dynamic infomation service but most current aspects are
standalone units, not connected to the network or linked.
{many meaningfil way. Location ie one potential key to this
linkage, once linked to a location this data can be merged
wth anyother data fee or ste,
‘The smog of digital data we are emitting is growing, so with
text analysis and data increasingly being tagged with our
location, we are rapidly moving towards the point where we
can obtain a real rime view of the city. This might encompass
collecting not only the more traditional data sets such as
transport, air pollution and building energy use but also
personal data, giving us @ real-time census of the population
ina city. Such tagging raises numerous ethical considerations
but with suitable safeguards in place for data sharing it opens
upa new view on who, where and how people are using the
While the discussion of smart cities
urban spaces of the cit
and smart places often focuses on the wider concepts of place
and space, it is the citizen, or as Correia and Wiinstel (202)
define them, the Smart People (social and human capital),
در مقالة. مات اطلاعات تعاملی با استفاده از سراسر جبان.
سرور ها امروژه به عنوان هایپر تکست عمل می
| با این وجود روند رو به رشد پویاتر است
that are key to the concept of smart citi
صفحه 10:
مشاهده دیتاهای سطح شهر
فروشگاه yal Las به عنوان یک سرور ابرمتن شیری اولیه
درحال توسعه به عوان بخشی از شیرهوشمند در سراسر اروپا
شناخته شده
یک 025۳003۲0 ۷ توسط 56المر کز ملی تحقبقات
شامل:آلودکی هوا تقاضای انرژی جربان رودخانه و تعدادی اتوبوس در حال خدمت.
لندن تا حد زیادی جامع ترین نسخه هست که هر دو ثانیه بروز
این دیوار به عنوان آی پد برای دفتر سباست شهردار لندن
‘TALISMAN ie node of the National Cente for Research
Methods (NCRM) and is funded thiough the Economic
and Social Reseaich Council (ESRC) as part of a sccategy to
improve the standard of research methods across the UK
social eclnce comtinity The sPad sll develope the concept
of viewing live data buts aimed specifically t policy makers,
“The Mayorof London fs able to gain an overview of the citys
wwollasbeingable to tap’ a screen forthelast 24 hours of data,
پروژه معروف به TALISMAN
از مركز ملى تحقيقات و از طریق اقتصادی تامبن
سراسر بریتانا جامعه علوم اجتماعی توسعه و
سیاست کذاران را هدف
شهردار لندن دید کلی از شیر
دیتا این نمایش برای ۲۶
پروژه ای به عنوان 617۷
Viewing City-Wide Data
[At the foreftont of city based data providers isthe Greater
London Authority (GLA) and The London Data Store,
perhaps viewed as an eatly city hypertext server. With on:
going development as part of 2 Furepean-wide Smart Cities
project known as iCity, the Date Store has stimulated over
70 mobile applications linking co the soo datasets and a
combination of the 27 real-time live traffic and transport
data feeds (GLA 2013). Through these feeds we have created
4 CityDashboand (Figure 313) (http:|/wwwecieylashboard
‘org) funded by JISC and the National Centee for Researeh
Methods, The dashboard collates and simplifies over مد
live feeds fiom air pollution through ro energy demand,
river flow, the FISE and the number of buses in service.
‘The dashboard extends to other cities in the UK, including
Birmingham, Brighton, Cavdif, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds
and Manchester andl in many ways provides a glimpse of the
availability of fed fom city o city
(OF these, London is by far the most comprehensive
version with data updated every to seconds Such data hae
the porentialro impact policy and the management of a cty
an a version of the dashbootd has been converted into an
Pad display wall for the Mayor of London's Policy Office.
signed around 12 ‘Pads, each with ice own data display,
both live and historic, che dashboard sean easly example of
calling and visualising data feeds to provide a view of how
city is currently performing for policy makers, in this case
the Mayor of London. Figure n.4ilustates the iPad Wall,
created as past of a GeoSpatial Data Analysis and Simmlation
project inom as TALISMAN,
صفحه 11:
‘As Batty and Hudson-Smith (2013) argue, cities are becoming
their own sensors at their most elemental level, as their
physical fabric is being automated موجه that enable us to
‘monitor their performance and use, These streams of data
arguably require a nev skillset and new insight into the
operation and role of urban design. This is of paiticular note
for stteet furniture and the sanall scale urban fabric that is
forming the backbone of the connected city via the Internet
of Things (loT). A term attributed to the Auto-ID research
group at MIT in 1999, the Internet of Things denotes the
Idea that in furure every object will have an online presence
(de Jode et al, 201), Taformation from usage races and
proximity through co ambient cemperacure can be collected
using censors linked to loT, combined with location and time
attributes it moves from the hyper local view of the sensor
tduough to the macio scale of an urban system. 1oT is still,
in its infancy with systems ranging from Xively (https://
sively.com/) and an aray of numerical dara through to Tales
of Things (hrrp://Wrwwalesafthings.com) and its narrative
based take on abjects. Iris however estimated that over six
billion objects will be connected to the Internet by 2015,
(Anita Bunk 2013). OF these objects a central number will
be objects relating to streetscape from singular components
through to local areas with data viewable according to any
‘number of ataibutes; the most important being ‘time:
صفحه 12:
Tales of Things
Tales of Things was developed as a means of tracking the
history of any abject oer time via Near Feld Communications
(NEC) orsimple barcode (QRCode) technologies: Funded by
the Digital Economy Research Councils UK it ean be viewed
عد a mix of the Antiques Roadshow eBay and Facebook
‘here items are able to communicate cheir past and allow
current history to be recorded. Such tagging andl scanning
‘opens up the ability to track the fill life eyele of an object:
‘fiom production through to ownership, resale an ultimately
ممعم م The project has parmered with Oxfam to explore كت
the concept of tagging second hand objects which provides
a glimpse af» furune whereby every tem is connected, via ite
ownership and location, providing a new layer to the city’s
infiaetractuse, د layer that includes history. In adkltion to "بان sls am igs
tagging objects for Oxfam the system has also been used in
the concept af ‘pop up shope' with a focus om exploring the
تاریخچه هر شی در طول زمان از طریق ارتباطات فن آوری های )۱۱۴
fiture of retail. The link to the tntemet of Things expans =
the boundaries of the normally bounded unit into the توسط اقتصاد دیجیتال انگلستان
surrounding space. I changes the way we think of space in
terms of both configuration and time. One example of this is سر گذشت چرخه زند کی کامل یک شی
بون ارو مذ اهاز representing a scan ofa tag placed
ona wall in London's Camden Town. The wall, next to che از تولید تا مالکیت و موقعیت های مکانی
Roundhouse event vente in Camden, was ance host to one
ی nig Jee ent nue Raney
ss minted over by Cavnden Cornel scamming at, placed om os د برجكه در :
= thal bya lta alder بنكسى -خدمتكار اتاق عم وه نموه ری مس
1 a ‘wall circa 2007. This ability to scan a tagged item in the city یک نمای پانورما روی دیواز
allows anyone wit a mobile phone to pan around the actual
location and view an historic capture of the space.
صفحه 13:
وس عو مسسيبك- ببسيس |
تعدادی از اقلام در لندن از جمله درختان
See se ee sae
با همکاری یک شر کت حمل و نقل نروژی
ابايكشيلى براق اتويوس ها
توسط شر کت /اادر اروبا و برزيل
“ales of Things conten being wed bythe GLA tog
سي of tems acon London. ining tees, nese
ttt ne acest مسا اس ریسفت
Iaeen developed ing the Tales of Things APL tbls on
‘workin clluboration with Norwegian سج compen,
Kelumbas the public eanport company for Rogan
ou: Norway: Tales of Things has ben using Kolumbus
sea exiting OR coder to alle pacenger مها
fer ene another When a pasenger vss one of Rolie
snore than gcoo bur tops they find = OR clench wher
scanned with 2 Tales of Things app on 2 Sexsphone wll
‘ot ony link them te timetsbl information, ft alo alone
‘hem to leave a message on the bus sup. Each op coals
unique code 0 the timetable infrmation and tales are
the pecifi.Themagh Ts of Tings. pases ca ere
messages about experiences they hive had i the aes
anealotes about places they are going. leeve a message for
2 ened ane or maybe lear x teamie for fiend, Each
ofthe bu stop alto able fo tunet when message il,
‘llowingsticet furniture to communicate is rape to the
vier won
۳ هسه ی
service, but without the soil er isto foes. The largest
of thew i Connecthings (tpn connethngs coe)
company providing NFC mobile services to mor ces
in Enmope and in Beri Thaneands of NEC rag have been
ployed around cee aimed. at devering content on
teanaport vents shopping an tourim, The company alo
promdes imegrted offers sich a tonite and shopping
pasts implementing NFC-eabledrihating and couponing
مسد Sillastatesthe Cannectingeratem with
RCo and NFC aps providing information on transport
links in Seacbour
صفحه 14:
Applications such ae Tales of Things rely on cowlsourcing,
corcitizen science. Ae Haklay (2010) states
using citizen science can take a form in which volunteers
put their efforts co a purely scien endeavour, such as
‘mapping galaxies, oF a diferent form that might be termed
‘community science in which scientific measurements ond
analysis are caried out by members of acl communities 50
they con develop an evidence bose and set action plans to
deal with problems in her are
With the almost ubiquitons mobile phone ownership in
turban areas ‘the crow! i becoming both a provider and
tee of datas Mary ernrd-soureed applications are stil in
protompe stages but sith the ability to ask a crowd to share
ther location as they move aos a city they haw core
Spar ke lohan ue Gol ع ون
Piguet Ag pee of تا اس سم اس
data during the Lod Mayors Show in London in 200. The
agoregted dara of al parcpating visors is used vo create a
realtime overview of the crowd densiy at an event location
‘Organisers subsequentivusethesptemsoutputo densify
potential hot spots bene they tur into hazids Situations
‘an thus be defused by sending vistors location-based advice
cicheris pas noifcation or SMS tee (SIS 253),
صفحه 15:
Applicationssuchas Mappiness ae, of course subjective
Our levels of happiness depend on a wie range of factors
rather chan simply our environment, The process of asking
د question of how we feel in turn introduces bias to the
ansver: The nest step is the use of crow sourced devices
that monitor our emotions in the city allowing us peshaps
finally to understand the nature of design in the creation
‘of place and space. n the science fiction novel Do Androide
Dream of Electric Sheep? (Dick 1968), and the subsequent
28 film. Blade Runner, a machine is usd to test whether
an individual is human or an artificial repicant. Known as
the Voight Kampif t measures body functions such as
respiration, Slush seoponse’ heat rate, and eye rsorement
in respanse to emotionally provocative questions (Sammon
1966: 79-80). Outside of science fiction these emetions can
bbe caprued and recorded using bran imaging technologies
such as electroencephalography (EEG). Once confined to
مها رده اجه مها ایو موب
25a low-cost peipheral that attaches toa laptop computer
sncouraging ite wee in many reseasch contest outside of
the clinic (Mavtos et al 201). At CASA we are working on 2
-ariety of projects using consumer level EEG headsets, such
sstheesamplellusnaredinFiguien 8. Thus PhDresearchby
Panos Mavtot is explering how vatiou types of urban space
snake us feel By monitoring participants with the Emeciv
[Newroheadset, emotions can be tracked as the users walk
‘dyough the ciey: Consceutively another emerging project
~ Creating and Exploring Digital Empathy ~ is developing
techniques to enable the communication of empathetic
feelings va the digital nerwouk. This represents a promising
ates for fuute research,
Measuring Emotions
‘olunteer location shang i sarin nate لله د
location to your social network traffic: i allows anew
كل ملسي data miners and data ecient to collect
aud map location, expanding the view of how we not ony
se space and place but via additonal information, how we
peteene apace The measurement of happiness, emotions
aed welhbeng in pace is ax emerging Bld bat one that is
‘tal to trben design. Ore exemple تس ای سا
it the London School of Economics “Mapines’ (hp
simapinessong ul) MappinessaniPhone application
that asks users at candor points during the day the extent
to which they ae feeling happr The application associates
‘cach rexponte with ey spatial al exvrenmentalincaters
‘sng the GPS location data Asthe authors (MacKerron and
Moorato aes) tte they calcalte dhe habitat ype at each
reported point cation into nine broad habitat categories
tweed in the UK National Ecmjstem, Using deta for
‘Weather Underground which cllates daca from So weather
scrote acto the UN, they lnk cach repenne with weather
onuiions reported by the station nearest the response
ect مس عن ered hs pape جع
They alo calulte wheter st was dalgh tthe response
ما eine and lation. Fully. the application allows the
ter #0 econ 4 sample of rou and i ake a pice of
‘hei Ioaton. The aplication has ove thee mon مت
sed san comple of eeracting اسقط يه عه ممم
tang mobile devises The mapping of emotions opens up
our aby to explore ner seul feel abo os bale
صفحه 16:
ظیور شبکه های اجتماعی با حر کت های ما ارتباط برقرار مى کنند
به سمت چیزی که می توان آن را به عنوان یک شخصیت دیجیتال تعریف کرد
ما در حال برقراری ارتباط و بخش داده های دیجیتال هستیم
در حال ایجاد یک دامنه د:
ال جدید.
زمینه تحقیقات محیطی ساخته شده درک عمیق تر از شیر
ایجاد یک شهر هوشمند از طریق شبکه های اجتماعی شیروندان هوشمند و
اینترنت اشیا
‘The see of socal networks communicates our moves
امه مسج can be defined a «digital paconhond. We
sae inaeasnay communicating and steaming distal data
سل che, Citing nth cate bess eg
inconporate ino the cps inatrctue and the ali
collec big dats. te ae cresting ane digital domain in the
Feld of bk ات مه مج dois sone of
deeper undersnding of the cry Cesting + amast city
socal netwotk, smart citizens andthe Intee of Thing
Forresearchetsnusban design, thishilden yet sry veal
worl rnpacts increasingly decisively om how the spaces and
(arc of the cyan created and managed, and, ratherthana
ساف حل سي ie روت تحص val thatthe
inteesed anal responsble for the physical a socal fabric
ofthe ci: become equally intetestl in thishidlenfbsicas
tll The roe side by side, a do the rceach roblemet
نله موه لد to which they Increasingly verse, This
{etch sue of fsture research and innovation, 28 sone
ofthe projet ad products ify discussed in this chapter
‘Aim fora tescarch in the wild approach, acrually
‘going onsite and ung out new research ideas and
“reat the cieyas2 ving ab,
eget eee eet خسنا
es yee ee
Peele toe الست تسم سر لال
لد shott clipe for YouTube,
Explote crowl-funding opens such as KiekStarter
a all innovative projects,