بیماری‌هاپزشکی و سلامت

اصول پایه poliovirus و بیماری فلج اطفال

تعداد اسلایدهای پاورپوینت: 14 اسلاید این پاورپوینت به طور خلاصه به ویژگی های بیماری فلج اطفال و ویروس مربوط به آن، poliovirus، نحوه بیماری زایی و درمان های مربوطه می پردازد

علی شریفی

صفحه 1:
Poliovirus Author: Ali Sharifi

صفحه 2:
Page tort IMMUNIZATION RECORD Comprobane de immunizacion

صفحه 3:
Major campaign by WHO in 1988 350,000 cases in 1988 to less than 2,000 cases in 2016 Americas in 1944 last case in Peru, 1991 western pacific region in 2000 Europe in 2002 No case of WPV 2 since 1994 in USA Eradication of WPV 3 in 1998 globally India in march 2014 Only three countries ; Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria

صفحه 4:
Disease outbreak news 24 May 2019 On 9 May 2019, the Global Polio Laboratory Network (GPLN) notified WHO of the detection of wild poliovirus type 1 (WPV1) from an environmental sewage sample collected on 20 April 2019 in Konarak district, Sistan-Baluchistan province, Islamic Republic of Iran. The virus was detected in an environmental sample only, and to date, no associated cases of paralysis have been detected. The subsequent scheduled sewage sample collected from the same site on 4 May 2019 (2 weeks after the positive sample) tested negative for poliovirus.

صفحه 5:
Introduction 3 types => WPV 1, WPV 2, WPV 3 Paralysis associated with WPV 1 Host range = Homo Sapian and some primates Incubation period = 7-14 days, rarely to 35 Transition = chiefly oral-focal Primary multiplication = intestine & oropharynx Antibody appears before paralysis Seldom found in blood Treatment is supportive (hot packs, hospitalization, sedatives) No antiviral drug

صفحه 6:
Neural lesion 1- Spinal cord (anterior horn cells) 2- Cerebellum 3- midbrain 4- thalamus & Hypothalamus 5- medulla (vestibular nuclei) 6- Pallidum Cranial nerve blockage = 9t, 10, 12th

صفحه 7:
Courses of disease 1) Inapperent 2) Abortive 3) Non-paralytic 4) Paralytic 5) Polio syndrome

صفحه 8:
Abortive Febrile illness malaise, vomiting, sore throat, constipation coryza, pharyngeal exudate is rare Temperature sometimes exceeds 39.5

صفحه 9:
Non-paralytic * Previous symptoms + stiffness of posterior muscles (lower limb, back) * Fleeting paralysis bladder (overflow) * Bethanechol 10mg (oral) / 5mg (subcutaneous) * Examinations for diagnosis;

صفحه 10:
Kernig's sign 0 Brudzinski’s neck sign ADAM.

صفحه 11:
Paralytic & polio syndrome Previous symptoms + weakness of back or cranial muscles Flaccid paralysis / respiratory & cardiac arrhythmia Bowel atony Distribution of paralysis is spotty Caution!!! Guillain-Barre syndrome Polio syndrome; recrudescence of muscle paralysis decades after infection Physiologic and aging changes

صفحه 12:
Patterns Pure spinal ; increased RR frequent-pause speaking paradoxical abdominal movement Pure bulbar; inability to swallow nasal regurgitation of saliva “rope sign” deviation of tongue and uvula paralysis of vocal cord Bulbo-spinal ; both symptoms

صفحه 13:
vaccines IPV (Salk) derived from monkey kidney (IGG and IG OPV (Sabin) => IGG, IGM, IGA (in intestine) Types of 2 & 3 mutate No effect with other type of Enterovirus in alimenta| WHO will cease OPV production after accomplishing the campaign وج 2

صفحه 14:
Have a nice day

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