تعداد اسلایدهای پاورپوینت: 33 اسلاید An airfoil is the 2D cross-section shape of the wing, which creates sufficient lift with minimal drag


صفحه 1:
0 6۷۲9| ‏ام ممرلسو()‎ | </> 7 ‏وج مه‎ 02 [ o” vo O Lift QwWeight = LAs wonh proved by he © Thrust © Drag ‏امكف مه كلابب وجري‎ prose عججاد ماود

صفحه 2:
Airfoil Geometry , @u wPol is the CO orvss~ ‏و سوه مور‎ te wie, whick predes SUPPivied IPt wis <tc ‏ابص‎ thickness mean camber line leading edge va trailing edge \ chord line chord c

صفحه 3:
‎Gottingen 387 1919‏ 2ج یی ‎Rieeiot 1900 Clark ¥ 1922‏ ~~ ‎RAF.6 1912 M6 1926‏ ‎RAF. 34 1926‏ 5 15 8۸۴۶ —— ‎USA 27 1919 NACA. 2412 1933‏ 6-7 ‎NACA. 23012 1935‏ 1912 :رسي ‎Gottingen 396 1919 NACA 23021 1935

صفحه 4:
Wistoricd BrP ois NACA. 661-212 1940 NACA. 747A315 1944 The historical evolution of airfoil sections, 1908-1944. The last two shapes (N.A.C.A. 66; -212 and N.A.C.A. 747A315) are low-drag sections designed to have laminar flow over 60 to 70 percent of chord on both the upper and the lower surface. Note that the laminar flow sections are thickest near the center of their chords.

صفحه 5:

صفحه 6:
Net Nonmal Force n= = fF P)dk 0 ae ar ae 0 a Okorduter Ovtouve, x, 07 Gufave Peveue, P, Oey w

صفحه 7:
‎G, =‏ :(0۵20) وم شمه :و ‏مد ارم « ‎Costive Op weues the pressure ts higher trad the Pree-sireaw (akovspheriv) pressure, wed eyaive Op wea surtivn relive 7 ‏موم(‎ pressure. The warxkvu, whick oocurs of the staqeaica pota, t& divs ۰

صفحه 8:
0 ‏ولو‎ Leper Inviscid Flow Uniform Flow ‎Boundary‏ جح ‎Layer‏ مت ‎ ‎»city profile creates skin friction (shear) drag on surfé ‎Edge of boundary layer ‎| ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎1۲1 ٩ ‎ ‎

صفحه 9:
Pht Phate Ghia Prictoa Dray OvePPictect i ‏و وج ید يه ا اب‎ 1 ال 2 = 1 i 1 ‏لك‎ ‎ye 3 4 6 7 tebe eles $56 Gye 6 283 $56 Boy ‏کا‎ os و2 0.074 455 ”ا و۲ ۲ سس ‎hebuew bounkeykyer = ——— oro, =‏ ‎(Re > 900,000): (log Re)" Re”‏

صفحه 10:
۳۰۷) ۰۳ مشاسظ | i predes fess shia Prictoa - WRIGHT FLYER CLARK-Y NACA 2415 NACA 23015 : = 924 مه 3 ~ NACA 66-415 & P.51 ROOT NASA GAW2 (Copyright 2004 John Dreese)

صفحه 11:
®vuddary bwer ‏دصفد 27) زرط‎ Shoulda ‏ب لاه‎ maximum speed outside | sf thetioundary layer} Note: Flow outside boundary layer isinviscid flow -— Torbulent houndary layer ‏ل‎ {stagnation point Bressure = Total pressure, (Stalled ow) ‏أ‎ Okeu Mow ‏ماه مت‎ there & bv pressure troy.

صفحه 12:

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صفحه 15:
]9 2 ‏وت‎ oP Pressure ۱/۱ ‏با ها و و ی مت هط مت مر‎ Order oP Pressure (v.p.), sbout whick the wowed ts zerv. 9 متم 8 Angle of >“ + Attack Relative Wind Center of Pressure

صفحه 16:
0200008 Cros und Test Duta @-Orgt Gertes ‏ب940‎ Geries 9 Gers

صفحه 17:
OpevrOrcut Otod Puccet Anii-turbulence 99 Test section Diffuser Contraction section

صفحه 18:
Oted Tura Tests ‎behind wodel srceee IP, draq ued picking wowed devi,‏ سل و۳ ‎adhe he wodel's we oP utah.‏ این لطام یرم و ‎

صفحه 19:
ای :() شون لصوو 0 Balance platform ۲ 5:1 contraction ۱ Test section Heat Turning vanes exchanger 3000 KP motor

صفحه 20:
Otey Geviod Orde له بح را بسح ‎Qodel Por‏ ات بر ‎weasurtay surPace‏ ۳ ا:() مت

صفحه 21:
000 9 0 ut Re = 9,460,000 There ts ‏موی ه‎ LAE t-Dray rato (L/D). Locuica oP Order oF ۱9 ‏یل‎ Varies talks 0 Drag coet ce Drag Coef eu afer tumetwaitettect |~t 45 60 ‏مق‎ ‎Par canted chord ۳ A. 00987 2۸3: ‏وممم9‎ ‎Sees F430) Vet /sec} CBF ‏لاه دافا عمق‎ 208 Doteid 8-3) Where testeasi MAL Test ibs 554 6 8 18 20 24 eB 32 ‏ماه و‎ (degrees) Opn per cant af chaed irae forwori! end of cho J} 2 8 eA aw A SS + Rotor of att to chro, Li)

صفحه 22:
0000:9309 Outs ot Qe = 5,00 بح اجه سبط زرا ‎herewes sharply beyood‏ ‎te otal (ux. O) port,‏ due ty boundary fer pepardion. drag coet CaO ‘barag coorca ] teste LMAL. fost Wi 720 |_ apf ‏من‎ ‎Airfod: MAGA, 23/2 AM:3. 126,000 | Size. 6x30" Veiffifees): 822 Pres ielndatm) 209 Dole: 122-37 Heorcected tor tunnel wall etect 2 كا 5 5 8 5 5م 5 ‎ey‏ ‎ele‏ ‏40 208 03 مر 1 2۸ 8 5, 48 4 of ‏لا‎ ‎zy fe 9 ‏لا گت‎ 2 28 کت هر مسق Angle of ottock, ct idagrees) Ratio of litt to orag.L/D

صفحه 23:

صفحه 24:
مها ۱۱۱۱۱۱ Thin 1 دين ددمي ميديو ES

صفحه 25:
Qerodbennic Orcter Once te vp. vores wit G, te wore devicbl iy we a Pred Berane Oder (s..) the pot oP catia oP her IPt ond drag. “Phe pickioy wowed bo hi port oon be cdakted, cd ‏موی لوح‎ ic. Por wet ook, fe wir. border of around quarter chord (x=o/®). Relative Wind

صفحه 26:
ا ا "60 مه ey ey i 1 59393۸33 4 Typical Non-Cambered Airfoil Lift Curve & Drag Polar NACA 0006

صفحه 27:
Typical Cambered Airfoil NACA 2412 Lift Curve & Drag Polar

صفحه 28:
Airfoil Aerodynamic Characteristics at Re = 6 million 0606 9 2 9 ar 3۳060 009 0.009 0.0/0 .0006© - ado 00606 0000© 0 9 09 "04 oO 0009 O.°/D.OOTS = 2560 Dero-Li Bante oF ‏(يجف) حاسمت‎ Grell Bere of Ptork (dev) ‏با مه‎ Oveh Pret LA Ouve Glope (Udeu.) ‏مت(‎ Ove tect (bePore ord) Orica” Dro Oveh Fire Dux. LPHe-Drog Ratio (L/D)

صفحه 29:

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صفحه 32:
یحو م و مسا هت متس لین NACA Aerofoil Sections NACA Aerofol Sections ~ Fiee Distibutin petted ~ 19982005 Aeromech L'Syd edu Al! et: NASA TM 4721 NACA 5 0۵ Section NACA 23012 Number af Points 121 نیمه هقرو ‎Section Number‏ eg: B8(1}213 8 Chordniee Loading Tet] seve fn

صفحه 33:
ام لهج نج سدس || :جف ! ف ‎Orde‏ حول 66:۴۷ تیان ‎UY‏ وا زار Section: NACA 23012 Open Aerofoil Section Data File (CADocuments and SettingsicwulMy DocumentsiME403INACA 23012 dat Current Section File: Angle a (deg) 5.0 Reynolds No. 30 5 0897 cL (0.026 cM (149) , 07368 a ‎Cp‏ 192 سب ‎(min) ‎1 we ‎Bit ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

19,000 تومان