صفحه 1:
Elderly abuse and neglect
دکتر احمد باقری مقدم
متخصص يزشكى ورزشى
سرپرست پژوهشی پزشکی قانونی
صفحه 2:
© روند رو به تزايد جمعيت سالمندان
0 پدیده جدید
صفحه 3:
Projected growth in the global population aged 60 years
and older, 1995-2025
1200 #ا 1995 805
72 1000
= 800
#2 600
= 400
& 20
Male Female Total
صفحه 4:
© سال 1375 جمعيت سالمندان 3977000 معادل 6/6 درصد
© سال 1385 جمعيت سالمندان 5119000 معادل 7/3 درصد
صفحه 5:
What is elder abuse?
000 py mn ees One pan een| Pn FY Ce PUT Orne Cov) Peta.
در تعريف ديكر فعل .يا ترك فعل آسيب رسان به سالمند را 9
©EFlderly abuse was defined as an act or
۱0۱۸۱۱۱۰۱۵۸۱0۱ 017
threatened harm to the health or
welfare of an elderly person.
صفحه 6:
Incidence of elderly abuse
© Abuse in institutional settings is
difficult to measure, yet is thought to
exceed that in community settings.
° Inthe USA,10% of nursing staff in
institutional settings admitted
committing physica: and 40%
psychologica| abuse against residents .
صفحه 7:
ل ا ل و(
of adults, including ال ۱
abuse, neglect, and exploitation, affects
more than 1.8 million older Americans”
(Pavlik, Hyman, Festa, Bitondo, andDyer, 2001, p. 45)
Oself-neglect accounts for one-third to
one-half of all abuse cases (Gray-Vickrey, 2000,
2004; Levine, 2003; Paris, 2003)
ROOT =) | ae -\s | (10 Mowe) pee Et ane ana Eee ey SI vied
که تشخیص آن نیز بسیار مشکل است
صفحه 8:
۱ ا nS Ce led
ey Sway eens reel ren Pre eal reeel ore Te ا
صفحه 9:
Distribution of Abuse
© تقريبا بين زنان و مردان مساوى است ولى برخى تحقيقات
Se TNS) a) oe) ۱
Pye lee eS) eee owe Wee Se Pern Tye] ed
محل هاى مختلف متفاوت است١( خانه يا بيمارستان و شهر
هاى مختلف)
صفحه 10:
Perpetrators of Abuse
آزار يسازها جه كسان هستند؟
© elder abuse can be perpetrated by
nearly anyone including:
© paid or volunteer caregivers
© medical and long-term care
° family members
© strangers such as a person who
befriends an elderly person for the
purpose of exploiting them
صفحه 11:
Who is Committing the
ape nase
تست كا
هه 880128
صابتطلامعه 5
6ع ص
صفحه 12:
پسر و همسر (عروس)
ساير بستگان
صفحه 13:
factor related to the abused
۱2۱۱۱2۱۱۱۱۵۱۱۵۱۸ ۵۰۱۰6 15
illness or dementia
° Social isolation
©The elder’s role, at an earlier time,
as an abusive parent or spouse
°A history of domestic violence((site4,2+ in
the home
صفحه 14:
factors related to the
۳ Ue to cope with stress (lack of
© Depression, which is common among
© Lack of support from other potential
© The caregiver's perception that
taking care of the elder is
burdensome and without
psychological reward
© Substance abuse
صفحه 15:
Greatest Risk Factors for
Causing Abuse
° being male ° change in
family roles 160 وستعط ه
history of from being ه
mental illness cared for to
© recent decline being the
in mental health care provider
S abusing alcohol o prior history
° primary of violence
صفحه 16:
Types of elder abuse
Abuse by others
dete] |
5 ل ا نانك
پبلیش CAbduction
صفحه 17:
Physical abuse
Physical abuse means | __
at least one act of
physical عابت كان |
against the elderly ۱
صفحه 18:
۲ ۷۱ ۷ ۱۱۱-۰ 8 ۱۱۱
Unreasonable © ۵6۷ ه
beatings physical restraints
© Hitting © Maltreatment of
© Slapping medical conditions
° Cutting © Sexual assault
© Burning ° Prolonged
Crayne deprivation of food
ان 0
صفحه 19:
Sings of physical abuse
© bruises
6 Broken bones, sprains, or dislocations
© Report of drug overdose or apparent
failure to take medication regularly
6 Broken eyeglasses or frames
© Signs of being restrained, such as
rope marks on wrists
© Caregiver’s refusal to allow you to see
the elder alone
صفحه 20:
صفحه 21:
° A bruise, or contusion, occurs when
۱۰۱۱۱۰۱۱۱ 15]011ل د5ع15017 5011 155115 0
an extent sufficient to result in
disruption and leakage of blood
© Escape of blood from blood vessels
produces discoloration
صفحه 22:
۲۱ ae bd ee Re ct
ها TRO en ad
7 سج © :وصحاه
صفحه 23:
صفحه 24:
صفحه 25:
Table 4. Older Adults with Bruising: Comparison of Lo-
cation Between Abused and Not Abused
Physical Abuse —_— No Abuse*
Region = 48 (%) n=68 (%) PNalue™
Head and neck 10 (20.8) 3 (4.4) -006
Anterior torso 4 (8.3) 5 (7.3) 85
Posterior torso 7 (14.6) 2 (2.9) 02
Lateral right arm 12 (25.0) 5 (7.3) -008
Right arm, not lateral 13 (27.1) 25 (36.8) 27
Left arm lz 25 (36.8) 10
Right leg T (14.6) 5 (7.3) 21
Left leg 8 (16.7) 9 (13.2) -61
* Participants in an earlier study of accidental bruising in the geriatric pop-
ulation.* Only participants with bruises were included.
* Calculated using ewo-way contingency table analysis Pearson chi-s
tistics comparing older adults who had at least one bruise on the stated region.
صفحه 26:
Table 3. Participants According to the Size of Their
Largest Bruise
Physical Abuse No Abuse*
Bruise Size (cm) (n= 48) (n = 68)
Small (0.1-1.0) 0 (0.0) 24 (35.3)
Medium (1.1-4.9) 21 (43.7) 39 (57.3)
Large (5.0-25.0) ۲. | 5 (7.3)
Pearson chi-square, P<.001.
* Participants in an earlier study of accidental bruising in the geriatric pop-
3 1 1 :
ulation.” Only participants with bruises were included.
صفحه 27:
۱۳ کر Oise
صفحه 28:
مدنا لا
© An injury that possesses features or
configuration with objects or
surfaces that produced it
صفحه 29:
° Physically abused older
adults had significantly
larger bruises than those in
comparison group who were
not abused and more knew
the cause of their bruises
صفحه 30:
Patterned Injury
etic Rm Rm Slay
or ankles
buckles, straps, cords, hangers,
hairbrushes, combs, cigarettes
and cigarette lighters
knuckle prints and footprints
0 Ase
° More on burns...
- Grip marks around arms or
: Imprints from belts, belt
- Handprints, fingerprints,
صفحه 31:
© Broken bones
© Includes severing of the bone or
compression of intact bone
صفحه 32:
© The tearing away of a
structure or part; often seen as
a partial avulsion
صفحه 33:
اا ا ل لت
outermost layer of the skin
is removed by a compressive
or sliding force
صفحه 34:
© Blunt force injuries resulting from
tearing, ripping, crushing,
9 2221,
bending and shearing soft tissue.
© Lacerations are usually found over
a bony surface and are ragged or
irregular in appearance
صفحه 35:
° Incision, known as a cut, is a
wound made by a sharp instrument
or object, such as a scalpel, knife,
razor or paper coming against the
صفحه 36:
Stab Wound
© Result whenever a sufficiently sharp
and narrow object is forced upward
° Unlike a cut, depth exceeds width in
stab wounds
صفحه 37:
Mechanical Restraints
© Means of controlling behavior,
Cr) ات( ۱۱۵۱۱۱۱۱۱ (۱۱۱۱۱۱9
ie Colbie)
° Only acceptable reason for temporarily
restraining someone is to prevent
significant harm
صفحه 38:
Sexual abuse is unwanted
sexual contact with an elder
including touching, sexual assault,
and rape or sodomy
صفحه 39:
Sexual Abuse
© Sexual abuse is ‘
unwanted sexual
© touching , Fondling
تسرد ری
© sexual assault(rape or
© Verbal or suggestive
© Unnecessary help
with dressing/hygiene
صفحه 40:
Signs of sexual abuse
© Signs Bruises around breasts or
© Unexplained venereal disease or
genital infections
6 Unexplained vaginal or anal bleeding
6 Torn, stained, or bloody underclothing
صفحه 41:
designated caregiver to
meet the needs of an
elderly person, and
withholding of physical,
material, or emotional
necessities of physical
and mental health,
و ات لتنا
صفحه 42:
©This includes failure to assist in personal
hygiene or the provision of clothing for an
elder, failure to provide medical care for
the physical and mental health needs of an
elder, and failure to protect an elder from
health and safety hazards.
صفحه 43:
oP coe: سا
Pood, water, sheler -
a AST ای ۱
Oe cied ا Sos PAs eat a RCC oa
مس م۱
صفحه 44:
صفحه 45:
Passive Neglect
© ناتوانى غير عمدى به انجام
00 eRe Semer ceo
صفحه 46:
Active Neglect
1 nes
ا 0
صفحه 47:
۷ ) wiuites oP daly ivicg oe ,لته
thrededduy persocd edly cod sof ey!
ی و۳
صفحه 48:
Signs of neglect
© Malnutrition, dehydration
© Lack of personal care
© Inadequate heating
© Unclean clothes or bedding
© Lack of needed medications, eye
glasses, hearing aids, or dentures
© Contractures, decubitus ulcers,
wasting and muscle atrophy
صفحه 49:
ل تش ا مت هن ها اد
° Psychological abuse is more
difficult to define and
© Usually defined as an act
carried out with the intention
of causing emotional pain or
۱ abuse often
accompanies physical abuse.
Emotional abusers can use
verbal and non verbal to
inflict elder damage.
صفحه 50:
Psychological Abuse
° Humiliation i.
لمنزوا 1501211012 6
۹ Hea)
۱ eV
© Removal of
decision making
Aa rer Lie
۷61100 تسوهیرک اهی فریاد
صفحه 51:
elder abuse
٩ تهدید و ارعاب از طریق فریاد
تون سید
۵ © © 0
Nonverbal psychological elder abuse :
© ناديده كرفتن
ل |
٩ جلوگیری از ملاقاتی
صفحه 52:
Signs Of psychological
© Anxiety (mild to severe) .
© Depression, hopelessness,
helplessness, thoughts of suicide
© Confusion, disorientation
۵ لرزشدستو بدن) 0طناط1۲6
© lack of eye contact
© Agitation
صفحه 53:
لل ال ان
In addition to an actual complaint by older person ©
of being deserted,
© signs of possible abandonment include:
° Avulnerable older adult with cognitive and physical
impairments is left at a hospital emergency
department without caregiver contact information
° Avulnerable older adult with cognitive impairments
is put on a bus with a one-way ticket to another town
or state
° Avulnerable older adult with cognitive impairments
is left at a public building
صفحه 54:
Financial or material abuse
9 از دست دادن غير قابل توضيح درآمد. دارايى ها.
اموال. کمبود غذا. از دست رفته پرداخت وام ها
۳ er rend Cet Senge od
توسط فرد مورد اعتماد
© Forms of financial abuse :-
© سوء استفاده هاى شخصى جك. كارت هاى اعتبارى.
و با حساب های سالمندان
صفحه 55:
Domestic abuse
© Refer to forms of
maltreatment by
someone who has a
special relationship
۱۸۱۱ METS
family member or
Institutional elder abuse
Refers to abuse that occur in
residential institutions such
as nursing facilities usually
by someone who is paid
caregiver, such as nursing
facility staff member.
Residents at the greatest
or neglect includes resident
with dementia, resident
who seldom have visitors
صفحه 56:
صفحه 57:
Detection and
Treatment Barriers
OM Cel KeroinCiyeWey me) Ce (cy as V el oe (en
because denial is an integral feature of
abuse, victims may feel too ashamed to
disclose maltreatment or believe they
are to blame for or deserve the abuse
© dependence on an abuser can make a
victim reluctant to report for fear of
how he/she will survives without the
perpetrators help
صفحه 58:
Barriers (continued)
Res a pre ere een iso noen ieee Bes
[Fee reer Carpe Cee Come Rene] PRON IC TS)
ادراکی و با به دلیل زندانی و محدود شدن قادر به گزارش
صفحه 59:
Barriers (continued)
٩ گذر زمان و بروز اختلالات شناختی گزارش آزار را دشوار
° physical injuries may be masked by
clothing or by isolating the victim
صفحه 60:
Barriers (continued)
0 ese Cao ips] tt we ee PERT ROSE eT ae
۱ كزارش
صفحه 61:
Preventing elder abuse and
Preventing elder abuse means
doing three things:
© Listening to elderly and their
© Intervening when you suspect elder
© Educating others about how to
recognize and report elder abuse
صفحه 62:
Reporting elder abuse
If you are an
elder who is being
abused, neglected,
or exploited, tell at
least one person.
Tell your doctor, a
friend, or a family
member whom you
صفحه 63:
Protective Measures
© Stay sociable and active
° Stay involved with neighbors, friends, church
or musque or community activities
° Get regular medical and dental care
° Open and post your own mail
° Increase social network as you age
° Have friends visit you at home
° Have a “best friend” with whom you can
confide in
° Keep in touch with old friends if you move
صفحه 64:
Instructions to a concerned
friend or family member
Watch for warning signs that might indicate elder
abuse. If you suspect abuse, report it.
Take a look at the elder’s medications. Does the
amount in the vial matched with the date of the
Watch for possible financial abuse. Ask the elder if
he may scan bank accounts and credit card
statements for unauthorized transactions.
Call and visit as often as you can. Help the elder
consider you a trusted confidante.
Offer to stay with the elder so the caregiver can have
a break — on a regular basis, if you can.
صفحه 65:
101177 عطخ 6غ 1025 ۱۱۱
© Make sure your financial and legal affairs are in
order. If they aren’t, enlist professional help to get
them in order, with the assistance of a trusted
friend or relative if necessary.
© Keep in touch with family and friends and avoid
becoming isolated, which increases your
vulnerability to elder abuse.
© If you are unhappy with the care you're receiving,
whether it’s in your own home or in a care facility,
speak up. Tell someone you trust and ask that
person to report the abuse or neglect.
صفحه 66:
صفحه 67:
Forms of Abuse
صفحه 68:
Forms of Abuse continuea)
مادی: دزدیدن پول یا اموال»
قرارداد هاى اجبارى» سوء
استفاده از اموال سالمند
اتجاوز به حقوق فردى:
پیشگیری از هر گونه حق
انسانی مثل آزادی؛ حریم
[۹ en kcreng
صفحه 69:
Forms of Abuse continuea)
صفحه 70:
صفحه 71:
Physical - multiple fractures or bruises at various stages of
healing, burns, patterned injuries, patchy hair loss, frequent
visits to ER, delay in seeking medical treatment for injuries
cosy سای انا
صفحه 72:
Indications of Abuse
Were eer Freie renown is ree) ل
ل 0
Violation of Rights - isolation, failure to attend religious
vices or community events as one did previously
Medical - no improvement in condition for which one was
prescribed medication, blood tests indicate greater or lower
than expected levels of medications, sleepiness, groggy
صفحه 73:
Indications of Abuse
صفحه 74:
صفحه 75:
اللا ۳
۱ ۷۱۱۹۱ ۱۱ CeCe)
Domestic Violence
Kay Hurd, RN, MSN
صفحه 76:
Who Is Being Abused
° 44 million persons age 60+.
© 36 million people with disabilities.
364,512 cases of people living at home were
reported with 43% confirmed.
In the last 10 years abuse of elder persons has
increases 150+%.
BCE TIM meyer rite عبط۸ ۴۱0 »تاعمصو1
almost 90% of the abusers were family
صفحه 77:
Who Are The Abusers
More than 2/3rds of the
2ه كتتععتتطة ETON E A
members of the victims and
are typically serving in the
care-giving role.
صفحه 78:
Risk Factors
© Domestic Violence grown old.
° A partnership in which one member of the
couple has traditionally exerted power and
control over the other through emotional abuse,
physical violence and threats, isolation and
other tactics.
صفحه 79:
Risk Factors - Continued
© Personal problems of the abusers.
© Adult children who are still dependant upon
parent for financial assistance, housing or other
means of support.
bam Cooke ا
* Substance Abuse.
صفحه 80:
Risk Factors - Continued
© Caregiver stress.
° Cycle of violence is learned behavior
transmitted from one generation to the
° Personal characteristics of the elder.
۶ Dementia.
۰ Disruptive behavior.
° Problematic personality traits.
° Significant needs of assistance.
صفحه 81:
to Older Americans Act
First appeared in 1987
Provided Definitions
صفحه 82:
Domestic Elder Abuse
© Domestic Abuse Grown Old.
° Maltreatment of an older person by someone
who has a special relationship with the elder.
(e.g. spouse, sibling, child, friend, caregiver).
© Spouses make up a large % of elder abusers.
Partnerships in which one member of a couple
has traditionally tried to exert power and
control over the other.
صفحه 83:
Institutional Elder
NMA mea ena Cary
facilities for older persons. (e.g.
nursing homes, foster homes, group
homes, board and care facilities.
9 ما كدهك2عم 212 عوبطم 276 1۱۵021 ۲
contractual obligation to provide elder
victims with care and protection. (e.g.
staff, professionals, paid caregivers).
صفحه 84:
Self-neglect - Self-abuse
° Self Neglect is behavior of an elderly
person that threatens his/her own
© *Self-neglect EXCLUDES a situation in which a
mentally competent person who understands
the consequences of his/her decisions, makes a
conscious and voluntary decision to engage in
acts that threaten his/her safety as a matter of
personal choice.
صفحه 85:
Signs of Self-Neglect
© Dehydration, malnutrition
° Untreated medical conditions
© Lack of necessary medical aids
© Hazardous or unsafe living conditions
© Unsanitary or unclean living quarters
© 2201/01 ع1126مم تم مس1 6
Homelessness ©
صفحه 86:
Physical Abuse
© Physical force that may result in bodily
11 كسان UN ا الل
© Striking with or without an object.
صفحه 87:
Signs of Physical Abuse
° Bruises, black eyes, welts, lacerations.
۱۳ ل Ae T EOLA V a ee
© Open wounds, cuts, punctures,
untreated injuries in various stages of
۱ a-te Mme i Ce ia CMe nicely tine (ete
صفحه 88:
Signs of Physical Abuse
-« 0
© Laboratory findings of medication
© An elder’s report of being hit, slapped
kicked or mistreated.
© An elder’s sudden change in behavior.
© The caregiver’s refusal to allow visitors
10 ثمع10ء سه عع5 02.
صفحه 89:
Sexual Abuse
© Sexual abuse is non consensual sexual
لسكا تجسه 1ه أعماصمه B IAM 4
© It includes unwanted touching
© Sexual assault or battery such as rape,
sodomy, coerced nudity and sexually
explicit photographing.
صفحه 90:
Signs of Sexual Abuse
© Bruises around breasts or genital area.
© Unexplained venereal disease or
genital infections.
© Unexplained vaginal or anal bleeding.
° Torn, stained, or bloody underclothing.
© An elder’s report of being sexually
assaulted or raped.
صفحه 91:
Emotional or
Psychological Abuse
© The infliction of anguish, pain, or distress
through verbal or nonverbal acts.
° Includes, verbal assaults, insults, threats,
intimidation, humiliation, harassment
© Treating the older person like an infant
° Isolating an elderly person from his/her
.ك1 أتتاعة تملسوع؟ مده كلسعتط رجلتسه]
© Giving an older person the “silent
treatment” or enforced social isolation.
صفحه 92:
5101225 01
° Emotionally upset or agitated
© Extremely withdrawn
° Non-communicative or non-
© Unusual behavior usually attributed
to “dementia” (e.g. sucking, biting,
صفحه 93:
5 عستتطلتدظ عده لدكعتك؟ع2 عطل' ROB ATT TUM DN 221
of a person’s obligations or duties to an
© Failure of a person who has fiduciary
.1061ء سه 10 1010م 0غ 115ل تطتكسام مودعم
° Failure to provide an elderly person
,وصنطاماه ردعاج ۲۵0۵0 رعهتانوعم666ظ طازس
shelter, personal hygiene, medicine,
comfort, personal safety.
صفحه 94:
© The desertion of an elderly person by
an individual who has assumed the
responsibility for providing care to the
elder, or by the person who has
physical custody of the elder.
صفحه 95:
Financial or Material
101©15» 21 01 115 122210617 عده لهوعة111 عط[]' 6
funds, property, or assets.
° Cashing an elder’s checks without
authorization or permission.
Bae yas ptilemre vim) CC ate (es tt Lali aoe
° Misusing or stealing an elder’s money or
° Coercing or deceiving an elder into signing
any document, (contracts or wills).
رت 01 اتطاعصه12101ان 014 م15 تاعمه: 7مس[ »
صفحه 96:
Signs Of Financial or
Material Exploitation.
© Sudden changes in bank account or
banking practice.
° Inclusion of additional names on a
bank signature card.
© Unauthorized banking, remaking of
wills, advanced directives, or other
tert eee
صفحه 97:
Is Elder Abuse a Crime?
© Physical, sexual, and financial/material
abuses are considered crimes.
° Certain emotional abuse and neglect
are subject to criminal prosecution.
صفحه 98:
Where to Find Help
© Adult Protection Services.
° Somerset County Adult Protective
Board of Social Services.
Somerville, 08876.
ات eR MAMA MMVII BTN Ae Roma) a Klee
Provide victims with treatment and protective
Local Police, sheriff's offices and prosecuting
] دور و ی tom
Long distance caregivers can call a nationwide toll-
free number. (1-800-677-1116).
صفحه 99:
Health education to prevent
elder abuse
Instructions to a caregiver:-
If the caregiver overwhelmed
Le the demands of caring for an
elder, instruct (he /she ) to do the
© Request help, from friends, relatives, or
local respite care agencies, so you can
take a break, if only for a couple of hours.
© Find an adult day care program.
© Stay healthy and get medical care for
yourself when necessary.
© Adopt stress reduction practices.
© Seek counseling for depression, which
can lead to elder abuse.
© Find a support group for caregivers of the
© If caregiver is having a problems with
drug or alcohol abuse, get help.
صفحه 100:
۱ Measures
© Keep your possession organized
© Tell someone you trust where your important
paperwork and bank account information is
° Have checks direct deposited into your account
© Use an answering machine to screen phone
* Don’t leave cash or valuables visible
» Notify the police if you will be away from home
for an extended time period
صفحه 101:
۱ Measures
© Consult with an attorney
° Make arrangement for the future such as
۱۹ 015 210117
* Get legal advise before making/signing
agreements regarding your care or
©» Be aware of your financial situation
صفحه 102:
۱ Measures
© Know where to ask for help
° Find out about community resources before you
need them such as rape and abuse hotlines,
senior centers, and adult protective services
۱۵۰۱۱۵۱۱۰۱۱۱۱ ات ac)
°crisis centers
© private counselors
©local police