صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
ZOONOSIS ۱ ‏مر‎ VE A EN be trocscnited to hucvoas us a result oP SS aR tN a Ba تم لصا

صفحه 3:
Brucella are Ideal Biological Warfare Agents ا الل ان لتنا ‎They can be easily aerosolized‏ * * They are stable in production, storage, & delivery ¢ They are sensitive to sunlight ‏خالل ا ا ا ا ا اانا‎ ¢ There are no human vaccines against brucellosis ¢ There is high economic loss to animal ‏تدای ور‎

صفحه 4:
۲- عامل با عوامل اتیو لوژیک ee aN oS rr od

صفحه 5:
Etiologic agents ۷11 Virulen | Infective ۳۹۵ 51010۰ ‏ع‎ Dose — melitensi 61 ‏دب‎ + 1-10 3 8 Swine ۲ 56, 1,000 - ‏ال ا‎ st ۹ ‏ا‎ 0 B. 2018 Cattle ++ 100,000 B. canis |Dogs 3 1260

صفحه 6:
Resistance of brucella For 10 minutes For 15 minutes In a few hours For several days (till the milk turns sour) For 3 months For 57 days For 1 week For 6 weeks For 10 weeks For 100 davs Heating at 60°C Phenol 1% Direct sunlight ۱/۱ Milk ةا ‎g‏ ااا 11 11111112113 ‎Dust‏ Damp soil Animal feces

صفحه 7:
Isolated species in Iran Biotypes 1,2,3,4,5,6,8 A!) 12 12 Not found Species Br. Abortus 33am Melitensis 11. ‏15ناك‎ ‎Br. Canis

صفحه 8:
Pathogenesis §& Skin abrasion, conjunctivae, inhalation or ingestion ل ا ا ل ال لكا ‎monocytes (resistant to‏ ‎killing)‏ Localize regional lymph nodes Infect phagocytic cells in the RE system and form granulomas

صفحه 9:
1 دوره نهفنگي °5-60 days (1-2 month)

صفحه 10:
اه . هد و۶ ‎ce‏ جتیلشلنی 1 * Occurs worldwide ° Endemic areas - Africa, Asia ¢ True incidence not known 0

صفحه 11:
Seasonal distribution in Iran Min 42 34 17 ۹9 34 52 34 14 Ref. 36 28 35 25 12 Ref. 41 41 22 15 12 10. ۷ 49 Seas on ‏الك‎ ‎9 ‎(۲ ‎۱۱۹0 ‎Autu ‎1۳010 ‎Wint Pe

صفحه 12:
Effect of Gender °Men aged 15-45 years are affected twice as often as women of the same 29.۰ °*Male predominance seem to be a factor in some cases ‎atte‏ ال ا ا ان ‎woman to be exposed to the‏ ‎heaviest concentration of organisms‏

صفحه 13:
۱ 01 ۳01 °In Iran both sexes are nearly always equally contacted with contaminated animals and dairy products * There is not a significant predominance of male to female brucellosis in Iran

صفحه 14:
Sex distribution in Iran

صفحه 15:
Pas UO fw ‏ليس.‎ 8a) C0) less than adults The odd low incidence in children is unexplained ٠ 11 ‏عتتاعهن أقطا عط توهمد‎ 22101177 15 less often deficient than in adult ° Occupational exposure is much more important

صفحه 16:
توزیم ستي 56000 بیمار ابراني در سال 1370 ییماران ۶ Ss hg . 7 a ۳ ‏و‎ ۳ ‏يکي ی کر‎ و ‎iF‏ يکي سن سال

صفحه 17:
Occupational hazards ¢Farmers *Shepherds, goatherds ‏نك‎ ‎¢ Abattoir workers *Laboratory workers *Butchers

صفحه 18:
۲ ۳۳ ۲

صفحه 19:
6- لیر عوامل مساعد کننده * عوامل ف رهنكى و عقيدتى * زمينه هائى نظي ضعف ايمنى » ابتلاء به بيماريهاى سر كويك ايمنى ؛ مصرف داروهاى مضعف سيستم ايمنى * استرس هاى مختلف * فق وبى خانمانى

صفحه 20:
‎Pa ER Spree) Ce esr] ere geen‏ بيماري ‏ایس ۱۳ ‏5 ار ‎۱:1 RS PS Rep ee See ‏در انسان ؟‎ - ‏- در حيوانات ؟

صفحه 21:
Brucellosis in animals Transmitted by contact with infected tissue or milk (oral, aerosol or abrasion) ل اكت اك ا ا ل ۱ ‎organs (breast, uterus,‏ ‎epididymis, ect.)‏ & Abortions, mastitis and sterility

صفحه 22:
Transmission of brucellosis ¢Farmers / Ranchers °Veterinarians (food animal practice) * Brucellosis eradication personnel ‏ا ل ا ب كا الك‎ ل ان *Laboratory personnel

صفحه 23:
ار و ۳ ۷ ‎ellosis. | ne‏ 25 که ‎Disease ‎¢ Is not occupation related * Often no history of animal contact ‎¢ May occur outside brucellosis enzootic areas ‎* Often occurs in outbreaks ¢ May involve women & children ‎* May involve travelers to brucellosis enzootic areas 2

صفحه 24:
Reservoirs Natural Human Species Host Pathogen ¢ Brucella abortus Cattle * ¢ Brucella suis Swine * ¢ Brucella melitensis Goats/Sheep ¢ Brucella ovis Sheep ¢ Brucella canis Dogs * ۰ 1711007] 60 Desert wood ۹۹

صفحه 25:
Occurrence in Wildlife

صفحه 26:
Reservoir ‎Tac hy IK)‏ ل لان ‎* Host specificity is not exclusive ‎° Horse is occasionally infected ‎* Serum from camels have proved positive ‎¢ Have been isolated from foxes, buffaloes, elk, moose, deer, polecats ‎° Rabbits have been infected ‎* Infection of hares have proved

صفحه 27:
Reservoir ¢ Flies, mosquitoes, ticks and other insects can be infected with all species ¢ Ticks have transmitted to guinea PCCM ey my annie) * Dogs and cats are fairly resistant ل لل ةن

صفحه 28:
Infection of Cattle ¢ In many parts of the world, cattle are heavily infected ¢ Br. Abortus is most commonly involved ¢ They may readily infect with Br. Melitensis and Br. suis

صفحه 29:
Infection of Cattle ° Br. Melitensis do not cause serious symptoms in cattle 01 قمعل 860 20ع]1 تتممط كتتاعسمطك .تد8 ‎٠‏ ‏12 2ه كتناع؟ عطةا ¢ The aborted fetus, the placenta and the discharge from vagina ‏لالت كفت‎

صفحه 30:
Infection of Cattle ¢ Brucella tend to lodge in mammary gland and supramammary lymph nodes ¢ They may shed in the milk for years BWM ger vevcst mK Mem nA ‏ل الا‎ testicles, epididymis and seminal vesicles * Organisms may be present in the semen ‏كله‎ Mae TCM EIN ¢ Transmission by artificial insemination ¢ In cattle is a serious economic and public health problem

صفحه 31:
Infection of Goats *Is always due to Br. Melitensis ° Abortion is not a prominent symptoms *Reduced fertility in the herd Br. Melitensis is passed in enormous numbers in the milk for 6-7 month

صفحه 32:
Infection of Sheep *Is always due to Br. AV CVE a Rey ety iy *Is occasionally due to Br. Abortus or Br. Suis عيضا تتا لاقت ادك ‎meat and wool production‏

صفحه 33:
Infection of Swine *Br. Suis is the most common ‏طا و11اععتخاط‎ 11 le یر ‎abortus and melitensis‏ *The semen may be teeming with brucella and the boar may disseminate infection throughout the herd

صفحه 34:
Transmission between animals ٠ 21111 ٠١ ‏أجع1/‎ ‎¢Trans placentally * Sexually (& artificial insemination) * Respiratory * Urine

صفحه 35:
1001© 1 eo s 911 1 ۱۱۱۱ ‏نت‎ yey ۱۱۱۱۲۰۱ ۱۱ *Mucous membranes * Conjunctive * 5 ‏لمنتترء‎ ‎٠ 21000 2 ° Organ transplant

صفحه 36:
مايه بنير ‎nde 3 1‏ 2 جد كردن چربی | ‎sty ule‏ سطح ظروف حاوى ‏شیر خام + شکر گلاب و .. ‏گاو گوسفند وبز ‎ ‏بدون حرارت ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 37:
لاه ۹86 ۶ ظ 1۴ بعر 18-۱ ۱ ‎ren eas‏ نظيس بنير و خامه روستايى. ‏ها ‎۱ bors. bye here ree el Or ‏۵ ) تماس مستقیم با نسوج حیوانی آلوده نظیس مثانه حیوانات ذیح شده. ‎۱ ‎1 ee ‏۸ )از طبریق پاها و دست‌های ترک خورده کودکان روستایی. ‏لامعا اال دخیل دانسته اند.

صفحه 38:
۱ ا الاك ‎hazards to health”‏ ¢ Primary Prevention: © Prevention of disease in “well” individuals *Secondary Prevention: © Identification and intervention in early stages of disease = Tertiary Prevention: = Prevention of further deterioration, reduction in complications

صفحه 39:
کنترل بروسلوز 1 س مبارزه با منابع و مخازن 2 س قطع زنحیره انتقال 3 س حفظ افراد سالم

صفحه 40:
۱ Ded eee ‏؟؟‎ DCP eee Be) ie ‏منابع محيطى ؟؟‎ *

صفحه 41:
۱ ,۳۳۹ زن ه انتقا " تماس‌های مستقیم و غیر مستقیم *آب غذاو ۰۰۰ * يوستء. مخاط هواء جفت ‎٠ ٠ ٠‏

صفحه 42:
۱ ۲ ۱۲۱۶ * مصونسازى اكتيو ؟ * مصونسازى ياسيو ؟ * کموپروفیلاکسی ؟

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