تعداد اسلایدهای پاورپوینت: ۸۴ اسلاید


صفحه 1:
In The Name of God Medical Terminology

صفحه 2:
Objectives After studying this chapter, you will be able to: * Define the four word parts used to build medical terms. * Define common medical combining forms. * Define common medical prefixes. * Define common medical suffixes. * Describe how word parts are put together to form words.

صفحه 3:
Reason of medical terminology Medical terms are too much and Learning one by one is really hard They are increasing by developing new technologies and knowledge So You can use an easy way for its learning And even Make new words

صفحه 4:

صفحه 5:
Forming Medical Terms erm

صفحه 6:
Forming Medical Terms Medical terms are formed from two or more word parts. 4 1 * Word parts * Word parts ‏بت سس‎ of attached to attached to contains the the beginning the end ofa basic meanin of a word that word that est aning. modifies the modifies the meaning. meaning. * The word root and a combining vowel that enable two parts to be connected.

صفحه 7:
۹ ۳ O Neur + o + logy suffix These words called combining forms/words vowel A vowel inserted when: A root/suffix started with a consonant Combining forms do not use if The ending (suffix) begins with a vowel Neur Opis vowel / (eonson ant root

صفحه 8:
Note 1. Words ending in X: X change to g orc ‏7م‎ consona 2. Add a suffix beginning with rh to a root: R is doubled.....rrh Hem/o + rhage ‏...ا‎ hemorrhage

صفحه 9:
Silent letters and unusual Pronounciation r 2 Ch K Chemical Pertaining to elements Dys Dis Dysfunction Difficult or abnormal function Eu U Euphoria Exaggerated feeling of well-being Gn N Gnathic Pertaining to the jaw Ph F Phantom Illusion or imaginary image Pn N Pneumonia Inflammation of lungs Ps 5 Pseudonym False name Pt T Ptosis Dropping Rh R Rhinoplasty Plastic repair of nose xX 2 xiphoid Cartilage attached to 9 sternum

صفحه 10:

صفحه 11:
۰ Attaches to the end of the word and carries the underlying meaning of the word. * Suffixes can also be combining forms. 11

صفحه 12:
Suffixes mean condition of Suffix Ex definition -ism Racism Discrimination based on race -sis Thrombosis Having a blood clot vy atony Lack of muscle tone -ia Dementia Loss of intellectual function Suffix for medical specialist Suffix Meaning Ex Definition -ian Specialistina Physician _ Practitioner of medicine field -iatrics Medical Pediatrics Treatment of children specialty -iatry Medical Psychiatry Treatment of mental disorders specialty -ics Medical Orthopedic Treatment of skeleton and specialty 5 joints -ist Specialist ina Podiatrist Who treats foot

صفحه 13:
“resembling” Definition Pertaining to heart Pertaining to voice Pertaining to nucleus Pertaining to saliva Like mucus Pertaining to anatomy Pertaining to electricity Pertaining to male, masculine Pertaining to lymphatic system Pertaining to circulation Pertaining to skin 13 Cardiac Vocal Nuclear Salivary Muciform Anatomic Electrical Virile Lymphoid Circulatory Cutaneous -form -ic -ical (ic+al) -ile -oid -ory -ous

صفحه 14:
Poteet et nt Word ending Plural ending Singular ex Plural ex a Ae Vertebra Vertebrae En Ina Lumen Lumina Ex,ix,yx Ices Matrix Matrics Is Es Diagnosis Diagnoses Ma Mata Stigma Stigmata Nx Nges Phalanx Phalanges On A Ganglion Ganglia Um A Serum Sera Us 1 thrombus thrombi 14

صفحه 15:
[i= * Prefixes are attached to the beginning of words. * Modifies the meaning of the word or word root. * Indicates size, quantity, position of, and location. 15

صفحه 16:
prefix meaning ex definition Prim/i_ First Primary First Mon/o One monocular Having one eyepiece or affecting ‘one eye Uni One Unite Form into one part Hemi Half,one Hemispher One-half of a round structure side 8 ‎Half, semiperme Partially permeable‏ الست ‎partial able‏ ‎bi Two, twice Binary Made up of two parts ‎Di Two, twice Diatomic Having two atoms ‎Dipl/o Double Diplococci Round bacteria ‎Tri Three Tricuspid Having three points or cusps ‎Quadr/ Four Quadruplet One of four babies born together ‎i ‎Tetra Four Tetralogy _A group of four ‎Multi Many Multicellula Consisting of many cells ‎ ‎

صفحه 17:
definition Bluish discoloration of skin Red blood cell Cancer of white blood cell The dark pigment Yellow growth on skin 17 Prefix Meanin Ex Cyanosis Erythrocy te Leukemia Melanin Xanthoma Cyan/o Blue Erythro Red Leuko White Melano Black, dark Xantho Yellow

صفحه 18:

صفحه 19:
| prefix Meaning Ex Definition A,an Not, without, absence, Anhydrous Lacking water Jack of Anti Against Antiseptic Agent used to prevent infection Contr Against, opposite, Contraindicat Not advisable a opposed ed De Down, without, Decalcify Remove calcium removal, loss Dis Absence, removal, Dissect To separate tissue separation prefix Meaning Ex Definition Ab Away from Abduct To move away from midline Ad Toward, near Adduct To move toward midline Dia Through Diarrhea Frequent discharge of fluid fecal matter Per Through Percutaneous Through the skin Trans Through transected Cut across

صفحه 20:
۱ Prefix Meaning Ex definition Hyper Over, excess, Hyperthermi High body temperature increased a Hypo Under, below, Hyposecretio Underproduction of a decreased 2 substance Oligo Few, scanty Oliguria Abnormally low urine Pan All Pancytopenia Decrease of all blood cells super Above, excess supernumera Excess number Prefixes for time or position Prefix Meaning Ex definition Ante _ Before Antenatal Before birth Pre Before, in front of Premature Before proper time Pro Before, in front of Prodrome Symptom that precedes a disease post After, behind postnasal Behind the nose

صفحه 21:
Ex definition Dextrogastri Displacement of stomach a Sinistroman Left-handed ual Ectopic Out of normal position Excise To cut out Endoderm Inner layer of a developing embryo Mesencepha Middle portion of brain jon Synapse Junction between two nerves teletherapy Radiation therapy delivered at a distance from body 21 Out, outside Away from, outside In, within Middle Together End, far, ata distance cen ae Prefix Dextro Sinistro Ec, ecto Exo Endo Meso Syn, sym Tele, telo

صفحه 22:
Ose een heen Prefix Meaning Ex definition Equi Equal, same Equilibrium _ A state of balance Eu True, good, easy Euthanasia__Easy or painless death Hetero Other, different, | Heterogeneo Not uniform unequal us Homo, Same, unchanging Homograft Tissue transplanted to homeo another of the same spices Iso Equal, same Isocellular — Composed of similar cells macro Abnormally large Macroscopic Large enough to be seen without a microscope Mega, Abnormally large Megacolon _ Enlargement of colon megalo Micro Samll Microcyte Very small cell Neo New Neonate A newborn Normo Normal Normovolem Normal blood volume ia Ortho Straight, correct, Orthodentics Branch of dentistry upright concerned with correction of teeth Poikilo Varied irreqular Poikilotherm Having variable hodv

صفحه 23:
Root The main body of a word 23

صفحه 24:
qn Cells 12 Tissues & Organs

صفحه 25:
OTB eee med Root Meaning Ex Definition Morpho Form polymorphous Having many forms Cyto, cyte Cell Cystologist One who studies cells Nucleo Nucleus Nuclear Pertaining to nucleus Histo, histio _ Tissue Histocomatabil Tissue similarity ity that permits transplantation Fibro Fiber Fibrosis Abnormal formation of fibrous tissue Reticulo Network Reticulum A network Adeno gland Adenoma Tumor of a gland Myxo Mucus Myxadenitis Inflamation of a mucus-secreting gland Muco. Mucus, mucus Mucorrhea Increased flow

صفحه 26:
نامع 0۲ 11 root meaning ex definition Blasto Immature cell Histioblast A tissue-forming cell Gen Origin, formation Karyogene Formation of nucleus sis Phago Eat, ingest Autophagy Self destruction of a cell’s organelles Phil Attract, absorb Basophilic Attracting basic stain Plas Formation, Hyperplas Overdevelopment of development ja tissue or organ Trop Affect, act on Chronotro Affecting rate or timing pic troph Feeding, growth atrophy Tissue wasting 26

صفحه 27:
Suffixes and roots for body chemistry Suffi |-ase Enzyme Lipase Enzyme that x digest fat | -ose Sugar Lactose Milk sugar Root | Hydro Water, fluid Hydration Addition of water Gluco Glucose Glucogenesis Production of glucose Glyco Sugar, Normoglycemia Normal blood glucose sugar level Sacchar Sugar Polysaccharide Compound 0 containing many simple sugars Amylo Starch Amyloid Resembling starch Lipo Lipid Lipophilic Attracting or absorbing lipids Adipo Fat Adiposuria Presence of fat in urine | Steato Fatty Steatorrhea Discharge of ا

صفحه 28:
0 » Body Structure 9 ۳

صفحه 29:
Anterior (ventral) At front of body Posterior (dorsal) At the back Medial Toward the midline Lateral Toward the sides Proximal Nearer to the point of attachment or reference point Distal Farther Superior Above, in a high position Inferior Below, in a lower position Cranial Toward the head Caudal Toward the lower end of the spine Superficial Closer to the surface of body (external) Deep (internal) Closer to the center of body 29

صفحه 30:
B, Anterior abdominopelvic regions; 1.8, Abdominal Regi view showing abdominopelvic 22 "i 4 De = 7 ۱ ۳ مک = = 1 ۹

صفحه 31:
‘Base of skull ام 07[

صفحه 32:
لصح لهعغط عط 04 كدره) ‎Roots for‏ root meaning ex Definition Cephalo Head Megacephal Abnormal largeness of y head Cervico Neck Cervicofacia Pertaining to neck and 1 face Thoraco Chest Thoracotom Incision into chest y Abdomino Abdomen Intraabdomi Within the abdomen nal Celio Abdomen Celiocentesi Surgical puncture of 5 abdomen Laparo Abdominal Laparoscop Instrument for viewing wall 8 the peritoneal cavity Lumbo Lower back Thoracolum Pertaining to lumbar bar region Periton, peritoneom peritoneal Pertaining to

صفحه 33:
1۳ و را ‎root meaning ex definition‏ ‎Acro Extermity, Acrocyano Bluish discoloration of‏ ‎end sis extremities‏ ‎Brachio Arm Antebrachi Forearm‏ ‎um‏ Dactylo Finger, toe Polydactyly Having more than normal number of fingers or toes Pedo Foot Pedomete Instrument that measures footsteps podo foot podiatric Pertaining to study and treatment of the foot 33

صفحه 34:
Peele Oe ‏ل ل‎ prefix meaning ex Definition Circum Around circumoral Around the mouth Peri Around Periorbital Around the orbit Intra In, whitin Intravascul Within a vessel ar Epi On, over Epithelial Referring to epithelium Extra Outside Extrathorac Outside the thorax ic Infra Below Infrascapul Below the scapula ar Sub Below, under Sublingual Under the tongue Inter Between Intercostal Between the ribs Juxta Near, beside Juxtapositio A location near or beside another n structure Para Near, beside Parasagital Near or beside a sagittal plane Retro Behind Retrouterin Behind the uterus e supra above suprapatell Above the patella ar

صفحه 35:

صفحه 36:
acute Sudden, sever, having a short course Benign Not recurrent or malignant, tumor that does not spread Carcinoma A malignant neoplasm composed of epithelial cells Chronic Of long duration, progressing slowly Cyst An abnormal filled sac or pouch, a normal bladder or sac(gallbladder) Edema Accumulation of fluid in tissue, swelling Etiology ‘The cause of a disease Gram stain A laboratory staining procedures divides bacteria in 2 groups Hernia Protrusion of an organ through an abnormal opening Immunity All our defense against infectious disease Inflammatio A localized response to tissue injury characterized by pain, 2 redness, swelling Lesion A distinct area of damaged tissue, an injury or wound Malignant — Growing worse, harmful, tending to cause death, an invasive tumor Metastasis Spread from one part of the body to another Microorgan An organism too small to be seen without the aid of a

صفحه 37:
erms Necrosis Death of tissue Neoplasia An abnormal and uncontrolled growth of tissue Neoplasm A tumor or abnormal growth which may be benign or malignant Parasite An organism that grows on or in another organism Pathogen An organism capable of causing disease Phagocytosis The ingestion of organisms Prolapse A dropping or downward displacement of an organ or part, ptosis Pus A product of inflammation consisting of fluid and WBC Sarcoma A malignant neoplasm arising from connective tissue Sepsis The presence of harmful microorganisms or their toxins in the blood Toxin A poison Trauma A physical or psychologic wound or injury 37

صفحه 38:
Root meaning Ex definition Algo,algio, Pain Algesia Condition of having pain algesio Carcino Cancer, carcinoma Carcinoid Resembling carcinoma Cysto Filled sac, bladder, Cystic Pertaining to or having cyst cyst Lith Calculus, stone Lithiasis Stone formation Onco Tumor Oncogeni Causing tumor 5 Patho Disease Pathogen Organism that produces disease Pyo Pus Pyocyst Cyst filled with pus Pyro, pyreto Fever, fire Pyrexia Fever Sclero Hard. Sclerosis Hardening of tissue Toxo, toxico poison endotoxin Toxin within bacteria cells 38

صفحه 39:
رت دا prefix meaning ex Definition Brad Slow Bradypnea Slow breathing ¥ Dys Abnormal, painful, Dysplasia Abnormal development of difficult tissue Mal Bad, poor Malabsorptio Poor absorption n Pach Thick Pachycephal Abnormal thickness of y y skull Tachy Rapid Tachycardia Rapid HR xero. dry xeroderma Dryness of skin 39

صفحه 40:
عمدءكثل 102 دععتلكن5 Cele Hernia Gastrocele Hernia of stomach Clasis, Breaking Karyoclasis, Breaking of a nuclus clasia Itis Inflammation Cystitis Inflammation of bladder Megaly Enlargement Hepatomegal Enlargement of liver y Odynia Pain Urodynia Pain on urination Oma Tumor Lipoma Tumor of fat cells Pathy Disease Nephropathy Disease of kidney Rhage, Profuse flow Hemorrhage Profuse flow of blood rhagia Rhea Flow, discharge Pyorrhea Discharge of pus Rhexis Rupture Amniorrhexis Rupture of amniotic sac Schisis Fissure, splitting Retionschisis Splitting the retina Dilation Expansion Vasodilation Widening of blood vessel Ectasia Dilation Gastrectasia Dilation of stomach Edema Swelling Cephaledema Swelling of head Lysis Dissolving, Dialysis seperation of substances

صفحه 41:
عمدءكثل 102 دععتلكن5 Necrosis Death of tissue osteonecrosi Death of bone s Ptosis Dropping, blepharopeto Dropping of eyelid prolapse sis Sclerosi Hardening Phlebosclero Hardening of vein 5 sis Spasm Sudden Arteriospas Spasm of artery contraction m Stasis Suppression, Hemostasis Stoppage of blood stoppage Stenosis narrowing bronchosten Narrowing of bronchus osis malacia softening craniomalaci Softening of skull a 41

صفحه 42:

صفحه 43:
Key terms for diagnosis and treatment Biopsy Removal of a small amount of tissue for microscopic examination Cautery Destruction of tissue by a damaging agent such as electric current Chemotherap Use of chemicals to treat disease y Endoscope An instrument for examining the inside of an organ or cavity Excision Removal by cutting Incision The act of cutting Grading A method for evaluating a tumor Immunothera Treatment that involves stimulation or py suppression of immune system Ophthalmosco Instrument for examining the eye pe Otnernno Tnetmimant far avamininn tho oar

صفحه 44:
Key terms for diagnosis and treatment Prognosis Prediction of a disease’s course and outcome Radiograph Use of x-ray to make a visual record y Remission Lessing of disease symptoms Sign Objective evidence of disease Symptom And evidence of disease; sometimes limits to subjective evidences Staging The process for classifying malignant tumors for diagnosis, treatment, prognosis Stethoscop An instrument for listening to sounds e Surgery A method for treating disease or injury by manual operations Suture To unites the parts by stitching them

صفحه 45:
ots for phy Definition ex meani root ng Requiring air aerobic Air, aero gas Instrument used for measuring barometer pressu baro pressure re Instrument to apply extreme cold cryoprobe cold cryo Decomposition of a substance by electrolysi electri electr means of electric current 5 city 0 Working together synergic work ergo Response to light photoreac light photo tion Study and use of radiation radiology X-ray radio Record obtained by use of ultrasound sonogram sound sono

صفحه 46:
Suffixes for diagnosis Definition ex meaning suffix Instrument used to record many Polygraph Instrument Graph physiologic responses for simultaneously; lie detector recording data Recording data by use of ultrasound Echograph Act of Graphy y recording Record of heart’s electrical activity Electrocard Arecordof Gram iogram data Instrument for measuring the Calorimete Instrument Meter calorie of food r for measuring Measurement of hearing Audiometry Measureme Metry nt of Instrument for measuring bronchi Bronchosco Instrument Scope pe for examining Examination of abdominal cavity celioscopy Examinatio scopy nof

صفحه 47:
Supplementary terms Enlargement of the end of fingers and toes clubbing Acute abdominal pain associated by smooth Colic muscle spasm Bluish discoloration of skin Cyanosis Profuse sweating diaphores is Pertaining to night Nocturna 1 Paleness, lack of color Pallor A lasting effect of a disease Sequela Temporary loss of consciousness, fainting Syncope An abnormal sound Bruit Pertaining to fever Febrile A group of sign and symptom Syndrom e

صفحه 48:
Supplementary terms A thin tube that can passed into body Catheter Flushing of a tube, cavity or area with fluid Irrigation The washing out of a cavity Lavage Puncture of a cavity for removal of fluid paracent esis Prevention Prophyla xis Device for allowing matter to escape from a wound Drain or cavity A tie or bandage Ligature Partial excision of a structure Resection 48

صفحه 49:
0 Anaphylaxis An extreme allergic reaction Antagonist A substance that interferes with or oppose the action of a drug Contraindica A factor that makes the use of a drug undesirable or tion dangerous Side effect Undesirable effect of treatment Tolerance Loss of effectiveness due to chronic use withdrawal Abrupt cessation or reduction of a drug 49

صفحه 50:

صفحه 51:
root cardio atrio ventricu lo valvo angio vaso artero arteriol 9 Aorto Veno, veni eS ww ee ‏أ اث ل‎ 01| ۱ Cardiovascular system م سي ‎ee‏ —— meaning heart atrium Cavity, ventricle valve vessel Vessel, duct artery arteriol aorta vein ex cardiomyopath 7 atriotomy supraventricul ar Valvulotome angiography vasospasm endarterial arteriolar aortoptosis venous oe Definition Any disease of heart muscles Incision of atrium Above ventricle Instrument for incising a valve X-ray imaging of vessels Sudden contraction of a vessel Within artery Pertaining to an arteriol Downward displacement of aorta Pertaining to a vein

صفحه 52:
definition ex meaning root Resembling lymph or lymphatic | Lymphoid Lymph Lympho tissue Inflammation of a lymph node Lymphadeniti Lymph Lymphade 5 node no X-ray image of lymphatic vessel Lymphangiog Lymph Lymphangi ram vessel ° Pain in spleen Splenalgia Spleen Spleno Absence of thymus Athymia Thymus Thymo Pertaining to a tonsil tonsillar tonsil tonsilo 52

صفحه 53:
ACE AMI ARB AS ASCV ASD AT AV BBB CH_ Angiotensin converting D enzyme CH Automatic external E defibrillator CK-MB | Atrial fibrillation CPR Acute myocardial infarction CRP Aortic regurgitation CVA Angiotensin receptor blocker CV_ Aortic stenosis D CVP Arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease DO Atrial septal defect E DVT Atrial tachycardia EC Atrioventricular G HD Bundle branch block 3 25 تخیر ‎Coronary heart disease‏ Congestive heart failure Creatine kinase MB Cardiopulmonary resuscitation C-reactive protein Cerebrovascular accident Cardiovascular disease Central venous pressure Dyspnea on exertion Deep vein thrombosis Electrocardiogram High density lipoprotein

صفحه 54:
LV LVH MI MR MS NSR PAC PAP PCI PSVT Left ventricle Left ventricle hypertrophy Myocardial infarction Mitral regurgitation Mitral stenosis Mitral valve prolapse Mitral valve replacement Normal sinus rate Pulse Premature atrial contraction Pulmonary artery pressure Percutaneous artery intervention PTC A PVC PVD 51 52 SA SK SVT TEE Tn VF 25 تخیر Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty Premature ventricular contraction Peripheral vascular disease First heart sound Second heart sound Sinoatrial Streptokinase Supraventriclur tachycardia Transesophagial echocardiography Troponin Ventricular fibrillation

صفحه 55:
Blood and immunity رت هت نایز Increase in blood cells Polycythemi Condition of — -emia,- a blood hemia Deficiency of cells Cytopenia Decrease in _-penia Production of blood cells Hemopeiesi Formation -poiesis 5 Originating in bone marrow — Myelogenou Bone marrow Myelo 5 Any disorder of blood Hemopathy Blood Hemo, hemato Dissolving a blood clot Thrombolyti Blood clot Thrombo c Production of immunity immunizatio immunity Immuno n 5

صفحه 56:
ات تور Fresh frozen plasma ۳۲ Antibody Ab Hemoglobin Hb, Antigen Ag Hgb Hematocrite Hct,Ht Acquired immunodeficiency AIDS syndrome Human HIV Acute lymphoblastic leukemia ALL immunodeficiency virus Immunoglobin Ig Acute myeloblastic leukemia = AML Idiopathic ITP Bleeding time BT thrombocytopenic purpura Prothrombin time PY Complete blood count CBC Partial thromboplastin PTT 2 Chronic lymphoblastic CLL time leukemia Red blood cell RBC Chronic myeloblastic leukemia CML Systemic lupus SLE Disseminated intravascular DIC erythmatose coagulation White blood cell WBC Erythrocyte sedimentation ESR rate

صفحه 57:
Respiratory system ‎Sev 005‏ ا ‎Shortness of breath dyspnea breathing -pnea Decrease amount of oxygen hypoxia Level of -oxia oxygen Decrease amount of CO2 hypocapnia Level of CO2_—--capnia Loss of voice aphonia voice -phonia Within nose intranasal Nose Naso Plastic repair of nose rhinoplasty ‏ععمد‎ Rhino Pertaining to diaphragm phrenic diaphragm Phreno Partial exicion of the phrenic phrenicectom Phrenicnerve Phrenic nerve y 0 Fusion of pleura pleurodesis pleura Pleuro Outside the lungs Extrapulmona Lung Pulmo ry Presence of air in thorax Pneumothora Airgas, Pneum ‎x respiration °

صفحه 58:
08 تمس Atrial blood gas ABG Acute respiratory distress syndrome AgD Acute respiratory failure ARF Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (tuberculosis vaccine) BCG Breath sounds BS Cystic fibrosis CF Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COP Continuous positive airway pressure CPAP Chest X-ray CXR Positive end expiratory pressure aE Peak inspiratory pressure PIP Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea PND Purified protein derivative PPD Respiratory distress syndrome RDS Sudden infant death syndrome SIDS

صفحه 59:
8 Dento, denti Odonto Gingivo Glosso Linguo Gnatho Labio Oro Stoma, stomato Palato SS Cheek Tooth Tooth Gum Buccal edentulous periodontic 5 gingivecto my glossoplegi a orolingual prognatho us Jabium circumoral xerostomia palatine Ss Pertaining to cheek Without teeth Specialty for treatment of tissues around teeth Excision of gum Paralysis of tongue Pertaining to mouth and tongue Having a projecting jaw Lip or lip-like structure Around the mouth Dryness of mouth Pertaining to palate aS 0

صفحه 60:
Pyloro Entro Duodeno jejeno ileo Ceco Colo, colono Sigmoido Recto Procto Ano Hepato Bil Chole, cholo Gio Pyloroplasty Pylorus Dysentry _Intestine Duodenosto Duodenu my m jejunectomy Jejunum ileitis Teom cecoptosis Cecum coloclysis Colon sigmoidosco Sigmoid pe rectocele Rectum proctopexy Rectum perianal Anus hepatocyte Liver Biliarey Bile cholestasis _ Bile, gall cholangioma Bile duct Te eeieny ‏تدع‎ ‎Plastic repair of pylorus Infectious disease of intestine Surgical creation of an opening into duedonom Excision of jejunum Inflammation of ileum Downward displacement of cecum Irrigation of colon Endoscope for examining sigmoid Hernia of rectum Surgical fixation of rectum Around the anus Liver cell Pertaining to bile Stoppage of bile flow Cancer of bile ducts

صفحه 61:
Reno Nephro Glomerul ° Pyleo Calio, calico Uro Urino Uretero Cysto Vesico urethro Kidney Kidney Glomerulus Renal pelvis Calyx Urine, urinary tract Urine Ureter Bladder Bladder urethra Roots for Above kidney Suprarenal No inflammatory kidney Nephrosis disease Near glomerulus Juxtaglomeru Jar Dilatation of renal pelvis Pylectasis Pertaining to renal calyx Caliceal Sepsis of urinary tract Urosepsis Urination during the night Nocturia Narrowing of uereter Ureterosteno sis Hernia of bladder Cystocele Within bladder Intravesical Instrument for incising urethrotome urethra

صفحه 62:
۱ Factor promotes nerve neurotrophin nerve neuro growth Pertaing to neuroglia glial neuroglia glio Tumor of ganglion ganglioma Ganglion ganglio Hernia of meninges meningocele mininges meningo Hemorrhage to spinal cord hematomyeli Spinal cord myelo a Any disease of spinal nerve radiculopath Spinal nerve radiculo root y root Absence of brain anencephaly Brain Encephal ° Below the cerebrum infracerebral Cerebrum Cerebro Pertaining to spinal cord corticospinal Cerebral cortex Cortico cortex Above cerebellum Sunracerebell Cerebellum Cerebello jar Originating in the mind psychogenic Mind Psycho

صفحه 63:
Osteo Myelo Chondro Arthro Synovi Cranio Spondylo Vertebro Rachio Costo 63 Bone Bone marrow Cartilage Joint Synovial fluid, joint Skull Vertebra Vertebra Spine rib osteopenia myeloid chondroblast arthrosis asynovia Craniometry spondylolysis paravertebra 1 rachischisis costochondra وت BGT ‏اا‎ i ۲ Deficiency of bone tissue Pertaining to bone marrow A cartilage forming cell Condition affecting a joint Lack of synovial fluid Measurement of cranium Destruction of a vertebra Near the vertebrae Fissure of spine Pertaining to ribs and its cartilage

صفحه 64:
Word Roots and Combining Forms Combining Forms Meaning blasto immature cells carcin(o) = ————_________+ cancer 00۲080۲ ‏سس‎ cartilage cry(o) ‏یس‎ cold crypt(o) hf hidden er blue cyan(o)

صفحه 65:
Word Roots and Combining Forms Meaning cell right thirst back red sensation, perception ,. Combining Forms > لسلسم cyt(o) dextr(o) dips(o) dors(o) erythr(o) esthesio

صفحه 66:
Word Roots and Combining Forms galact(o) milk gluco glucose gero ‏جه الك‎ oldage glyco ‏ادم‎ 5 gyn(o) ‏سس‎ women home(o) ‏سس‎ 506 ‎movement 6‏ طليسب ب ا ‎kin(o)‏

صفحه 67:
and Word Roots Combining Forms motion milk white stone smaller; less sleep; numbness death; dying ° SS ۰۹۰۹۰۹۰۹۰۹۰۰۰, kinesi(o) lact(o) leuk(o) lith(o) mio narco necro

صفحه 68:
Word Roots and Combining Forms Combining Forms Meaning noct(i) night oncho tumor path(o) ———___—> disease 61860 — CABLING phon(o) ‏سس‎ 000: 6 ۵56 (0 ) 0 ( ‏سس‎ false pyo —_—_—— us 68

صفحه 69:
Word Roots and Combining Forms pyro ‏يسم و كم بوسر‎ os me ‏ب‎ 8 > fever salping(o) sss '™rmrms > tube schiz(o) meee > split; division scler(o) Sie eee > — hardening scolio me > crooked; bent somato meee ee eee > body spiro se ms me ‏و تس‎ > breath; breathe

صفحه 70:
Word Roots and Combining Forms tel(o) distant; end; complete tono tension; pressure tropho 7200 nutrition xanth(o) ——___ = yellow 60 Stranger Xer(o) ‏شلش‎ dry 70

صفحه 71:
Prefixes Prefix Meaning without a ab away from QD) §=HOtH, around ana ip, toward ane -—— before ‏تارج‎ against aut(0) ———>. self 71

صفحه 72:
Prefixes brachy short brady ¢—_____» slow contra e——__—e against dys oe )3 abnormal; difficult hemi ‏هس‎ ۱۳ hyper 0۳03۱ hypo ‏سس‎ below normal 2

صفحه 73:
Prefixes Meaning between equal; same bad; inadequate after small few; little; scanty around; about; near ,, Prefix inter iso ‏پوس او‎ ۲۱6/۵ ‏هس‎ ‎۲۱۱6۲/۵( ‏سس‎ ‏هس ()وااه‎ ۰ عم

صفحه 74:
Prefixes Prefix Meaning pro before; forward re again; backward retro. —————>_ behind; backward semi. ——————>_ half supra ——_—» above; over tachy ———————>_ fast un — << not ۳

صفحه 75:
Suffixes Meaning toward pain weakness immature; forming destroying; killing breaking secreting 75 ...سس ...سس مه و مه Suffix -ad -algia -asthenia -blast -cidal -clast -crine

صفحه 76:
Suffixes ‘Suffix ‘Meaning. -crit separate -cyte __ ell -cytosis ‏علسلل‎ condition of cells -derma pee SKIN -dynia 0 ‏____حا025ع-‎ = expanding; dilating -ectomy ————————» __ removal of 76

صفحه 77:
Suffixes Meaning vomiting blood sensation protein a recording recording instrument process of recording, __ [۳ _" —_—_—— pee ‏جم‎ ‎—_—_—— Suffix -emesis -emia -esthesia -globin -gram -graph -graphy

صفحه 78:
Suffixes Suffix Meaning “ic pertaining to -ism condition; disease -itis —_——_—_ inflammation -kinesia ‏هس‎ 1 -logist —$———+_ one who practices -lysis ‏لل مو‎ 465 7 0 هسسسس۰ ۳313015

صفحه 79:
Suffixes obsession enlargement ‏ووتاطمرعوع: :ع1 هسب‎ —— _ vision ‏اس‎ ‏سس‎ bearing ‎i‏ سس ‎disease 5‏ ‎-mania ‎-megaly ‎-oid ‎-opia ‎-ostomy ‎-para ‎-pathy

صفحه 80:
80 Suffixes deficiency digestion fixation eating; devouring fear sound of the mind -penia -pepsia -pexy _ _ > -phage ———> -phobia ———______» _ ‏ج‎ -phonia یت 0۲6[3-

صفحه 81:
protection surgical repair paralysis breath falling down; drooping heavy discharge surgical suturing 81 -phylaxis -plasty -plegia -pnea -ptosis -rrhagia -rrhaphy

صفحه 82:
rupture contraction stopping; constant narrowing cutting operation nutrition turning 82 -rrhexis -spasm -stasis -stenosis -tomy -trophy -tropia

صفحه 83:
Apply Your Knowledge * Absence of blood * Bluish color of hands and feet * Equal vision in both eyes. * Fast heart. * Breakdown of sugar.

صفحه 84:
Apply Your Knowledge Tam * Lack of white blood cells. * Softening of bone. * Inflammation of a vein. * Nerve pain. ۳ و 8 * Science of skin and its diseases.

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